1,353 research outputs found

    Spin degrees of freedom and flattening of the spectra of single-particle excitations in strongly correlated Fermi systems

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    The impact of long-range spin-spin correlations on the structure of a flat portion in single-particle spectra ξ(p)\xi(p), which emerges beyond the point, where the Landau state loses its stability, is studied. We supplement the well-known Nozieres model of a Fermi system with limited scalar long-range forces by a similar long-range spin-dependent term and calculate the spectra versus its strength gg. It is found that Nozieres results hold as long as g>0g>0. However, with gg changing its sign, the spontaneous magnetization is shown to arise at any nonzero gg. The increase of the strength g|g| is demonstrated to result in shrinkage of the domain in momentum space, occupied by the flat portion of ξ(p)\xi(p), and, eventually, in its vanishing.Comment: 7 pages, 15 figure

    Challenging Magnetic Field Dependence of the Residual Resistivity of the Heavy-Fermion Metal CeCoIn5

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    An explanation of paradoxical behavior of the residual resistivity rho_0 of the heavy-fermion metal CeCoIn5 in magnetic fields and under pressure is developed. The source of this behavior is identified as a flattening of the single-particle spectrum, which exerts profound effects on the specific heat, thermal expansion coefficient, and magnetic susceptibility in the normal state, the specific heat jump at the point of superconducting phase transition, and other properties of strongly correlated electron systems in solids. It is shown that application of a magnetic field or pressure to a system possessing a flat band leads to a strong suppression of rho_0. Analysis of its measured thermodynamic and transport properties yields direct evidence for the presence of a flat band in CeCoIn5.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, references added, minor corrections mad

    Damping effects and the metal-insulator transition in the two-dimensional electron gas

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    The damping of single-particle degrees of freedom in strongly correlated two-dimensional Fermi systems is analyzed. Suppression of the scattering amplitude due to the damping effects is shown to play a key role in preserving the validity of the Landau-Migdal quasiparticle picture in a region of a phase transition, associated with the divergence of the quasiparticle effective mass. The results of the analysis are applied to elucidate the behavior of the conductivity σ(T)\sigma(T) of the two-dimensional dilute electron gas in the density region where it undergoes a metal-insulator transition.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. Improved and slightly extended version: new paragraph about Hall effect + new Fig.

    Mechanisms driving alteration of the Landau state in the vicinity of a second-order phase transition

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    The rearrangement of the Fermi surface of a homogeneous Fermi system upon approach to a second-order phase transition is studied at zero temperature. The analysis begins with an investigation of solutions of the equation ϵ(p)=μ\epsilon(p)=\mu, a condition that ordinarily has the Fermi momentum pFp_F as a single root. The emergence of a bifurcation point in this equation is found to trigger a qualitative alteration of the Landau state, well before the collapse of the collective degree of freedom that is responsible for the second-order transition. The competition between mechanisms that drive rearrangement of the Landau quasiparticle distribution is explored, taking into account the feedback of the rearrangement on the spectrum of critical fluctuations. It is demonstrated that the transformation of the Landau state to a new ground state may be viewed as a first-order phase transition.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Magnetic and spectral properties of multi-sublattice oxides SrY2O4:Er3+ and SrEr2O4

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    SrEr2O4 is a geometrically frustrated magnet which demonstrates rather unusual properties at low temperatures including a coexistence of long- and short-range magnetic order, characterized by two different propagation vectors. In the present work, the effects of crystal fields (CF) in this compound containing four magnetically inequivalent erbium sublattices are investigated experimentally and theoretically. We combine the measurements of the CF levels of the Er3+ ions made on a powder sample of SrEr2O4 using neutron spectroscopy with site-selective optical and electron paramagnetic resonance measurements performed on single crystal samples of the lightly Er-doped nonmagnetic analogue, SrY2O4. Two sets of CF parameters corresponding to the Er3+ ions at the crystallographically inequivalent lattice sites are derived which fit all the available experimental data well, including the magnetization and dc susceptibility data for both lightly doped and concentrated samples.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Two Scenarios of the Quantum Critical Point

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    Two different scenarios of the quantum critical point (QCP), a zero-temperature instability of the Landau state, related to the divergence of the effective mass, are investigated. Flaws of the standard scenario of the QCP, where this divergence is attributed to the occurrence of some second-order phase transition, are demonstrated. Salient features of a different {\it topological} scenario of the QCP, associated with the emergence of bifurcation points in equation ϵ(p)=μ\epsilon(p)=\mu that ordinarily determines the Fermi momentum, are analyzed. The topological scenario of the QCP is applied to three-dimensional (3D) Fermi liquids with an attractive current-current interaction.Comment: 6 pages, added new discussion and 2 figure

    Hall coefficient in heavy fermion metals

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    Experimental studies of the antiferromagnetic (AF) heavy fermion metal YbRh2Si2\rm YbRh_2Si_2 in a magnetic field BB indicate the presence of a jump in the Hall coefficient at a magnetic-field tuned quantum state in the zero temperature limit. This quantum state occurs at BBc0B\geq B_{c0} and induces the jump even though the change of the magnetic field at B=Bc0B=B_{c0} is infinitesimal. We investigate this by using the model of heavy electron liquid with the fermion condensate. Within this model the jump takes place when the magnetic field reaches the critical value Bc0B_{c0} at which the ordering temperature TN(B=Bc0)T_N(B=B_{c0}) of the AF transition vanishes. We show that at BBc0B\to B_{c0}, this second order AF phase transition becomes the first order one, making the corresponding quantum and thermal critical fluctuations vanish at the jump. At T0T\to0 and B=Bc0B=B_{c0}, the Gr\"uneisen ratio as a function of temperature TT diverges. We demonstrate that both the divergence and the jump are determined by the specific low temperature behavior of the entropy S(T)S0+aT+bTS(T)\propto S_0+a\sqrt{T}+bT with S0S_0, aa and bb are temperature independent constants.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Theoretical Aspects of Science with Radioactive Nuclear Beams

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    Physics of radioactive nuclear beams is one of the main frontiers of nuclear science today. Experimentally, thanks to technological developments, we are on the verge of invading the territory of extreme N/Z ratios in an unprecedented way. Theoretically, nuclear exotica represent a formidable challenge for the nuclear many-body theories and their power to predict nuclear properties in nuclear terra incognita. It is important to remember that the lesson learned by going to the limits of the nuclear binding is also important for normal nuclei from the neighborhood of the beta stability valley. And, of course, radioactive nuclei are crucial astrophysically; they pave the highway along which the nuclear material is transported up in the proton and neutron numbers during the complicated synthesis process in stars.Comment: 26 ReVTeX pages, 11 Postscript figures, uses epsf.sty, to be published in: Theme Issue on Science with Beams of Radioactive Nuclei, Philosophical Transactions, ed. by W. Gelletl

    Generation of coherent terahertz pulses in Ruby at room temperature

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    We have shown that a coherently driven solid state medium can potentially produce strong controllable short pulses of THz radiation. The high efficiency of the technique is based on excitation of maximal THz coherence by applying resonant optical pulses to the medium. The excited coherence in the medium is connected to macroscopic polarization coupled to THz radiation. We have performed detailed simulations by solving the coupled density matrix and Maxwell equations. By using a simple VV-type energy scheme for ruby, we have demonstrated that the energy of generated THz pulses ranges from hundreds of pico-Joules to nano-Joules at room temperature and micro-Joules at liquid helium temperature, with pulse durations from picoseconds to tens of nanoseconds. We have also suggested a coherent ruby source that lases on two optical wavelengths and simultaneously generates THz radiation. We discussed also possibilities of extension of the technique to different solid-state materials

    Spontaneous breaking of four-fold rotational symmetry in two-dimensional electronic systems explained as a continuous topological transition

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    The Fermi liquid approach is applied to the problem of spontaneous violation of the four-fold rotational point-group symmetry (C4C_4) in strongly correlated two-dimensional electronic systems on a square lattice. The symmetry breaking is traced to the existence of a topological phase transition. This continuous transition is triggered when the Fermi line, driven by the quasiparticle interactions, reaches the van Hove saddle points, where the group velocity vanishes and the density of states becomes singular. An unconventional Fermi liquid emerges beyond the implicated quantum critical point.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure