108 research outputs found
The use of the clarinets and bass clarinets in combination with other instruments to potray the libretto of Puccini's opera Tosca
The main aim of the study was to examine and discover the use of the clarinets and bass clarinet, in combination with other instruments, to portray the libretto in Puccini's opera Tosca. • scrutiny of the literature about Puccini's life and works, • an analysis of the score with emphasis on the clarinets', bass clarinet's and singers' parts and specific attention to the demands of the libretto, and • listening to a number of recordings of the opera A variety of different aspects are organized in the following chapters: Chapter 1 consists of general information about the study. Chapter 2 offers a short biography, while Chapter 3 provides a discussion about the libretto. In Chapter 4 the author deals with tonguing and articulation. Chapter 5 examines melodic aspects and Chapter 6 consists of views on dynamic aspects. In Chapter 7 a discussion about rhythmic aspects takes place, and in Chapter 8 the author explores the combination of the clarinets and bass clarinet with other instruments. Finally, Chapter 9 is a summary of the conclusions drawn in this study. • Puccini's predilection for continuous mixing of instrumental colours sometimes makes it difficult to separate the clarinet for analytical purposes. Nevertheless, the importance of the use of the clarinets or bass clarinet can clearly be detected. • Puccini employs all creative and technical capabilities of the clarinet and bass clarinet in creating and changing the atmosphere, depicting human emotions and emphasizing dramatic moments. • Carefully chosen and applied articulation, trills, tremolos and repeated notes in the clarinet and bass clarinet parts are Puccini's gestures in the expression of love, anger and fear. However, articulation in the clarinet and bass clarinet parts mainly matches the other instrumental lines in the orchestra. • Because the clarinet and bass clarinet blend well with any instrument and with the human voice, Puccini uses them in solo parts, in unison with the singer, or as an accompaniment to the singer's line. • As a consequence of Puccini's need to consciously pay minute attention to the details of the libretto, the structure, shape and length of the clarinet phrases constantly change. • Exploring the dynamic's capabilities of the clarinets and bass clarinet presents the wide palette of colours and nuances which these instruments can produce. Puccini uses a large number of dynamic markings in the clarinet and bass clarinet parts. They range between ppp and fff. The piano dynamic level is mainly used to suggest fear and suspicion or to portray lyrical moments in the libretto, while the forte level is a tool to create drama and express human anger, pain, or the struggle between good and bad. • Puccini puts very strong emphasis on rhythm as a device for illuminating the details of the libretto, stage actions, human feelings, and different atmospheres in the opera Tosca. The different rhythmical patterns and changes of metre affect all instruments. Sometimes the clarinet line has the same rhythmical figures as the rest of the woodwind, but very often the clarinet plays a different rhythm from the rest of the orchestra or the singer's melody.Dissertation (M Mus (Performing Art))--University of Pretoria, 2007.Musicunrestricte
Educación sexual integral y perspectiva de género en la formación docente: una conjunción indispensable para una pedagogía crítica y feminista
This work dialogues between the theorical and methodological debates that comes across de implementation of the Integral Sex Education (ESI) and the gender perspective and in the teacher formation in the Primary Education. The research addressed as a case study the teaching experience of the curricular space called Seminar on Sexuality and Gender that was developed, from 2011 to 2018, at the Institute of Continued Teacher Education (IFDC) of San Carlos de Bariloche. The space challenged trainers and students to deconstruct binary, sexist, patriarchal and heteronormative matrix and stereotypes that condition and still inhabit educational institutions. It is a responsibility of teachers to train in ESI from a gender perspective and it is a duty of the State to guarantee its full implementation because it is urgent that the rights of children and young people are fullfilled in that regard. In the present, revisiting our assumptions to teach sexuality with an integral approach privileging the gender perspective is a path that we are traveling with ups ups and downs. In this sense, the teacher training experience presented in the article constitutes a significant step in the journey for critical pedagogy and feminist narrative.Este trabajo dialoga con los debates teóricos y metodológicos que atraviesa la implementación de la Educación Sexual Integral (ESI) y la perspectiva de género en la formación docente inicial de Educación Primaria. En la investigación se abordó como caso de estudio la experiencia docente del espacio curricular denominado Seminario de Sexualidad y género que se desarrolló, entre los años 2011 a 2018, en el Instituto de Formación Docente Continua (IFDC) de San Carlos de Bariloche. Este espacio desafió a formadores y estudiantes a deconstruir las matrices y estereotipos binarios, sexistas, patriarcales y heteronormativos que condicionan y habitan todavía las instituciones educativas. Es una responsabilidad de docentes formar en ESI desde la perspectiva de género y un deber del Estado garantizar su implementación, de esta manera se cumplen los derechos de niños, niñas y jóvenes. En el presente, revisitar y resignificar nuestros supuestos para enseñar sexualidad con un enfoque integral privilegiando la perspectiva de género, configura un camino que estamos recorriendo con altibajos. En ese sentido la experiencia de formación docente que se expone en el artículo constituye un paso significativo en el recorrido para la pedagogía crítica y la narrativa feminista
Modelling of the Indonesian throughflow on glacial-interglacial time-scales
A high resolution ocean model with seasonal forcing is used to simulate mean climatic circulation through Indonesian Gateways. Regional dynamics are analysed for present-day and Last Glacial Maximum conditions. The focus of the study is on the impact of changes in Indonesian Gateways configuration due to the glacial lowering of the sea level on ocean circulation and distribution of marine organisms
Determining the best approach to commercial fusion power
This study sets out to determine which fusion power generator design is most suitable for centralised power production to be used commercially in communities comprising of domestic, corporate and industrial entities. We find there are currently only three main contenders in this field, those being the tokamak, the stellarator and the indirect-drive. Of these it is found that indirect-drive is too inefficient in comparison, though this is against theoretical numbers as the other systems are still under construction. We still are able to conclude that the stellarator is most likely to become the commercial power source
“Why would I want to go out?”: Age-related Vision Loss and Social Participation
Social participation, a key determinant of healthy aging, is often negatively impacted by age-related vision loss (ARVL). This grounded theory study aimed to understand social participation as a process negotiated in everyday life by older adults with ARVL. Interviews, audio diaries, and life-space maps were used to collect data with 21 older adults in two Ontario cities. Inductive data analysis resulted in a transactional model of the process of negotiating social participation in context. This model depicts how environmental features and resources, skills and abilities, and risks and vulnerabilities transacted with values and priorities to affect if and how social participation occurred within the context of daily life. The findings point to several ways that research and services addressing the social participation of older adults with ARVL need to expand, particularly in relation to environmental features and resources, risk, and the prioritization of independence
Facing the challenge? Creative tourism in Croatia
In the last decade, creativity has become a buzz word in developmental context, from creative industries, creative classes, creative economy, creative cities, creative business, creative governance to creative tourism. Creative industries have often been used in the context of creative cities’ development creating their image internationally especially through tourism. In order to attract visitors, a new type of tourism has been developed: creative tourism. The article questions its definition as it also questions the need of cities to be re-branded through creative tourism. Two Croatian case studies are featured as to re-think the position of creative tourism in local development: the city of Dubrovnik which relies on heritage as it main resource and the city of Zagreb which still needs to define its main tourism resource but has a lot of potential in cultural/creative industries. The article argues that creativity does not always mean introducing new types of trendy developments in the destination but rather knowing how to develop new development models which suit the local context
Developing Effective Measures for Reduction of the Urban Heat Island based on Urban Climate Model Simulations and Stakeholder Cooperation
The climate change projections for the Austrian cities indicate that the observed warming trend, including frequent occurrences of extreme heat events, is expected to continue in the coming decades. Due to the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect, caused by modification of energy balance in the built-up environment, the cities are warmer than their rural surroundings and therefore more exposed to negative impacts of climate change. During prolonged heat wave events, the excess in heat combined with reduced night-time cooling, decreased ventilation and possible air pollution can cause severe health impacts on the urban population. Developing measures for reduction of the UHI effect is important in the context of sustainable urban development and climate sensitive urban planning. Number of counteracting measures such as increase in vegetation, green open spaces, green roofs, unsealing of paved surfaces, decreasing absorption of solar radiation by increasing the reflectiveness of buildings and paved surfaces, are considered in the scope of climate change adaptation strategies. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of these measures, as well as their applicability in the existing urban structure, especially in the densely-built environments is not well known. Moreover, the expected cooling effects need to be quantified and the possible application should be communicated and appropriately planned with the relevant stakeholders in order to anticipate a large-scale implementation.
This study investigates the effective methods for application of climate adaptation measures to reduce the UHI effect in a densely built-up environment on an example of the residential and business district of Jakomini in the city of Graz/Styria. The current local climate conditions are simulated with the urban climate model MUKLIMO_3 of the German Weather Service (DWD) using meteorological, geomorphological and land use data from the city of Graz. The simulations with altered land use characteristics corresponding to application of different UHI counteracting measures are calculated and compared to the reference simulation. The gradual increase in green areas, existing potential for green roofs implementation, modification in reflectivity of roofs and façades as well as unsealing of paved surfaces is considered. The resulting difference in heat load is evaluated as the potential cooling effect for the area of the Jakomini district and its surroundings. Based on the model results, a set of measures with optimal climatic impact is identified in close cooperation with the city’s planning department and in accordance with already existing concepts, plans and projects. This information is communicated with the relevant stakeholder groups both from private and public sectors to get their commitment to definitely undertake measures in the test-district. Considering the respective interests and role of action of different stakeholder groups a set of target measures is selected for further technical, financial and administrative planning of implementation.
The study is supported by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and the Climate and Energy Fund (KLIEN) within the Smart Cities project “JACKY_cool_check” (Project Nr. 855554)
Arte, gênero e educação sexual integral na formação de professores. : Da Govia às tintas que narram corporeidades
Comprehensive Sexual Education (CSE) marked an indisputable turn in the ways of conceiving sexuality, and the place of the State and families in the education of children, the youths and adolescents in Argentina. The different educational levels have been questioned since the enactment of this regulation and teachereducation is no exception. In an uneven way, in the Institutos Superiores de Formación Docente (ISFD) CSE was incorporated in specific spaces, while in national universities and in university teaching staff its inclusion has become moreelusive. National regulations (Law 26.150/2006) do not include universities due to the academic autonomy they hold. However, the exemption from the obligation does not disqualify them from being incorporated into the program of study.Above all, taking into account that the graduates of university teaching staff have the responsibility of the exercise of teaching in areas of competence of the CSE.
In this sense, in this article we present the meeting and disagreement points in the forms of inclusion of CSE in teacher education in the careers of Art, Letters and Sociology in public (national) university institutions located in the Ciudad Autónoma of Buenos Aires. In the three investigations that gave place to this results, a fundamentally qualitative methodology was utilized, which recovers the traditions of educational ethnography and grounded theory for the construction, analysis and processing of data.En este artículo se presentan las experiencias pedagógicas en la formación docente inicial, donde se enhebran el arte y la educación sexual integral (ESI), en y desde la perspectiva de género. Este trabajo narra los sentidos y significados detres seminarios denominados: Ni una menos, Vivas nos queremos (2018), Gener(and)o Grabados (2019) y Gráfica en Clave de ESI (2022), desarrollados en el Instituto de Formación Docente Continua, de la ciudad de San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro. En esos espacios se pusieron en juego representaciones, prácticas y discursos, en suma, la reflexión continua acerca de los cuerpos, implicando nuestros propios cuerpos, mediante la xilografía, uno de los lenguajes de las artes gráficas. Este escrito presenta la narración en tres actos, que invitan al diálogo entre los saberes, sentires y decires de estudiantes y docentes en un espacio disruptivo que interpela la formación docente. En ese sentido, se entrecruzan los discursos y reflexiones de las intervenciones estéticas con las categorías de artivismo, educación sexual integral y cuerpos desde la pedagogía crítica feminista, con una mirada que privilegia las cuestiones de género e interseccionales, en un territorio educativo situado.
Este artigo apresenta as experiências pedagógicas na formação inicial de professores, onde se entrelaçam a arte e a educação sexual integral (ESI) a partir da perspectiva de gênero. Este trabalho narra os sentidos e significados de trêsseminários denominados: Ni una menos, Vivas nos Queremos (2018), Gener(and)o Grabados (2019) e Gráfica en Clave de ESI (2022), desenvolvidos no Instituto de Formação Continuada de Professores da cidade de San Carlos de Bariloche, Rio Negro. Nesses espaços foram colocados em jogo representações, práticas e discursos. Enfim, uma reflexão contínua sobre os corpos envolvendo os nossos próprios corpos através da xilogravura, uma das linguagens das artes gráficas. Este escrito apresenta a narrativa em três atos que convidam ao diálogo entre saberes, sentimentos e dizeres de alunos e professores em um espaço disruptivo quedesafia a formação docente.
Nesse sentido, entrecruzam-se os discursos e reflexões das intervenções estéticas com as categorias do artivismo, da educação sexual integral e corpos a partir da pedagogia crítica feminista, com um olhar que privilegia as questões de gênero e interseccionais, em um território educativo situado
Quantifying the Potential of Photonic Cooling to Improve Urban Microclimate
The observed warming trend in regional climate is expected to continue in the future, aggravating urban heat
load as extreme temperatures are amplified in cities due to the urban heat island (UHI) effect. Beside causing
negative health effects and reducing human comfort, this development results in an increase in urban air
conditioning (AC) usage, again negatively influencing the outdoor urban microclimate due to AC waste heat
emission. As cities are continiously growing (the population of e.g. Vienna increased more than 10% over
the past 10 years), more and more people are affected by this additional anthropogenic heating of the urban
canyon. The Viennese trend away from individual motorized traffic such as cars and towards the use of
public transport, walking and cycling further leaves increased numbers of inhabitants directly exposed to
excessive heat loads, highlighting the need for innovative solutions to counteract this problem. The
exploratory project ‘Photonic Cooling’, funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency through the
‘City of the Future’ program, aims at evaluating the potential of practical and cost-effective photonic cooling
techniques for the cooling of buildings. The use of the photonic cooling technology instead of conventional
AC systems minimizes anthropogenic heat emissions resulting from building cooling, hence minimizing the
UHI development due to AC heat release and improving the quality of life of the urban population as a
This paper focusses on the quantification of the potential of photonic cooling to improve the urban
microclimate using Vienna as a case study. To estimate the future development of the UHI, the resulting
changes in cooling demand and its effect on urban temperatures, a modelling approach is used. Simulations
with the MUKLIMO_3 urban climate model are performed for the city of Vienna to determine changes in
urban temperature for the 2021-2050 period relative to the 1971-2000 period. These results are then used as
input for an empirical model to determine future cooling demand in terms of AC electricity use in buildings.
Based on existing studies for other cities a relation between AC heat release and city temperature increase is
established. Combining this with the modelled future cooling demand quantifies the influence from
conventional AC systems on the urban microclimate, illustrating the benefit of using passive photonic
cooling techniques to cover cooling demands instead
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