5 research outputs found

    An update about beneficial effects of medicinal plants in aquaculture: A review

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    Aquaculture is an essential and growing component of agricultural and global ecosystems worldwide. Aquaculture provides more than 25% of the total aquatic food consumption by humans. The development of the aquaculture industry should be followed in successive industrial years, and therefore it is necessary to pay attention to the management and type of farming system that is compatible with the environment. The use of antibiotics for disease control has been criticised for their negative effects, including the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, the suppression of the immune system and the environment, and the accumulation of residue in aquatic tissues. The use of these products reduces the need for treatments, enhances the effect of vaccines, and, in turn, improves production indicators. Medicinal plants have increasingly been used in recent years as a disease control strategy in aquaculture, boosting the immune system of aquatic animals and helping to develop strong resistance to a wide range of pathogens. Therefore, this review aims to provide an overview of the recent evidence on the beneficial use of medicinal plants to promote growth and strengthen the immune system in farmed aquatic animals

    Assessing the effects of neonicotinoid insecticide on the bivalve mollusc Mytilus galloprovincialis

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    In the present work, the marine invertebrate Mytilus galloprovincialis was used as model organism to evaluate the toxic effects of the neonicotinoid Calypso 480 SC (CAL) following 20 days of exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of 7.77 mg L1 (0.1% 96 h-LC50) and 77.70 mg L1 (1% 96 h-LC50), and a recovery period of 10 days in uncontaminated seawater. Results revealed that exposure to both concentrations of CAL increased significantly mortality rate in the cells of haemolymph and digestive gland, while digestive gland cells were no longer able to regulate cell volume. Exposure significantly reduced haemolymph parameters (Cl, Na+), affected the enzymatic activities of superoxide dismutase of digestive gland and catalase of gill, and caused also histopathological alterations in digestive gland and gills. Main histological damages detected in mussels were lipofuscin accumulation, focal points of necrosis, mucous overproduction and infiltrative inflammations. Interestingly, alterations persisted after the recovery period in CALfree water, especially for haemocyte parameters (K+, Na+, Ca2+, lactate dehydrogenase, glucose). A slight recovery of histological conditions was detected. These findings suggested that sub-chronic exposure to the neonicotinoid insecticide caused significant alterations in both cell and tissue parameters of M. galloprovincialis. Considering the ecologically and commercially important role of mussels in coastal waters, a potential risk posed by neonicotinoids to this essential aquatic resource can be highlighted

    Acute effects of neonicotinoid insecticides on Mytilus galloprovincialis: A case study with the active compound thiacloprid and the commercial formulation calypso 480 SC

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    Pesticides can enter aquatic environments potentially affecting non-target organisms. Unfortunately, the effects of such substances are still poorly understood. This study investigated the effects of the active neonicotinoid substance thiacloprid (TH) and the commercial product Calypso 480 SC (CA) (active compound 40.4% TH) on Mytilus galloprovincialis after short-term exposure to sublethal concentrations. Mussels were tested for seven days to 0, 1, 5 and 10 mg L 121 TH and 0, 10, 50 and 100 mg L 121 CA. For this purpose, several parameters, such as cell viability of haemocytes and digestive cells, biochemical haemolymph features, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) enzymatic activity of gills and digestive gland, as well as histology of such tissues were analysed. The sublethal concentrations of both substances lead to abatement or completely stopping the byssal fibres creation. Biochemical analysis of haemolymph showed significant changes (P < 0.01) in electrolytes ions (Cl 12, K+, Na+, Ca2+, S-phosphor), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) enzyme activity and glucose concentration following exposure to both substances. The TH-exposed mussels showed significant imbalance (P < 0.05) in CAT activity in digestive gland and gills. CA caused significant decrease (P < 0.05) in SOD activity in gills and in CAT activity in both tissues. Results of histological analyses showed severe damage in both digestive gland and gills in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. This study provides useful information about the acute toxicity of a neonicotinoid compound and a commercial insecticide on mussels. Nevertheless, considering that neonicotinoids are still widely used and that mussels are very important species for marine environment and human consumption, further researches are needed to better comprehend the potential risk posed by such compounds to aquatic non-target species

    Engineered nanoselenium supplemented fish diet: toxicity comparison with ionic selenium and stability against particle dissolution, aggregation and release

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    Transformation of nutrients to their nano-form, such as selenium (Se) engineered nanonutrients (Se-ENNs), is expected to enhance the absorption of the nutrients into fish and increase the efficiency of the feed. However, dissolution, aggregation, and release of ENNs from the feed matrix may decrease the efficiency of the Se-ENNs. In this study, we provided fish feed supplemented with Se-ENNs which do not aggregate or dissolve and the particles are also not released from the feed matrix. As a proof of principle, we compared the toxicity of a diet containing Se-ENNs of two different sizes (60 nm and 120 nm) with diets containing ionic Se. The adverse effects were measured by monitoring the survival rate, acetylcholinesterase (AChE) levels and swimming behavior of zebrafish over 21 days of feeding with either the Se-ENNs or ionic Se supplemented fish diets. The number size distribution of the 60 nm Se-ENNs in the diet was similar to that in MilliQ water, while the size distribution of the 120 nm Se-ENNs in the diet was slightly wider. Ion and particle release from Se-ENNs containing diets in the exposure media was not observed, indicating the stability of the particles in the feed matrices. To determine toxicity, zebrafish (Danio rerio) were nourished using a control diet (without Se and Se-ENNs), Se (sodium selenite) containing diets (with 2.4 or 240 mg Se per kg feed) and Se-ENNs containing diets (with 2.4 or 240 mg Se-ENNs of 60 or 120 nm per kg feed) for 21 days. Both sizes of Se-ENNs were taken up in the fish, however only the 120 nm Se-ENNs were detected in the brains of fish. Zebrafish fed with Se-ENNs supplemented diets (60 and 120 nm) showed normal swimming behavior compared to the control. No significant alteration was determined in the AChE activity of the fish fed with the Se-ENNs supplemented diet. In contrast, feeding the zebrafish with a diet containing 240 mg kg−1 Se led to lethal effects. These observations clearly depict the potential benefits of using Se-ENNs as nutrients in fish feed.Environmental Biolog