541 research outputs found

    A collaborative framework for android malware detection using DNS & dynamic analysis

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    Nowadays, with the predominance of smart devices such as smartphones, mobile malware attacks have increasingly proliferated. There is an urgent need of detecting potential malicious behaviors so as to hinder them. Furthermore, Android malware is one of the major security issues and fast growing threats facing the Internet in the mobile arena. At the same time, DNS (Domain Name System) is widely misused by miscreants in order to provide Internet connection within malicious networks. Here, we propose an infrastructure for monitoring the Android applications in a platform-independent manner, introducing hooks in order to trace restricted API calls used at runtime of the application. These traces are collected at a central server were the application behavior filtering, string matching, and visualization takes place. From these traces we can extract malicious URLs and correlate them with DNS service network traffic, enabling us to find presence of malware running at the network level

    El papel de enfermería en el cuidado de la mujer diagnosticada de diabetes mellitus gestacional

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    Introducción: la diabetes gestacional es un tipo de diabetes que se desarrolla durante el embarazo, siendo una de las complicaciones metabólicas más frecuentes de la gestación, que conlleva riesgo de morbi-mortalidad materna y fetal, pudiendo reducirse o evitarse a través de un adecuado control y tratamiento. Objetivo: analizar los cuidados de enfermería a la mujer diagnosticada de diabetes mellitus gestacional. Metodología: revisión narrativa a través de una búsqueda bibliográfica en Pubmed, Dialnet, TripDatabase, Biblioteca Virtual en Salud España (BVS), Proquest y Scopus, según la estructura PIO, con los siguientes términos: “Diabetes Gestacional”, “Mujeres Embarazadas”, “Diabetes”, “Atención de Enfermería”, “Diabetes, Gestational” y “Nursing Care”. Los artículos seleccionados se clasificaron por nivel de evidencia. Resultados: en la búsqueda se obtuvieron 314 artículos, tras aplicar criterios de inclusión, la adecuación a la pregunta PIO, así como un análisis detallado de los textos completos, se redujeron a 12 artículos, junto con dos artículos adicionales. En los 14 estudios se desarrollan las intervenciones necesarias para controlar adecuadamente esta condición temporal, las cuales se han clasificado en: prenatales (dieta, ejercicio físico, control de peso, monitorización de glucosa y medicación), intraparto y postparto. Conclusiones: se han identificado 17 intervenciones de enfermería durante el periodo prenatal, intraparto y postparto. Las intervenciones principales son: educar sobre hábitos dietéticos; individualizar el plan alimenticio; asesorar sobre ejercicio físico; controlar el aumento de peso; adiestrar a la gestante en la correcta toma de glucemia capilar y asesorar sobre el uso de la insulina. Durante el parto, controlar la glucemia y administrar insulina si fuera necesario. En cuanto al periodo postparto, la enfermera tiene el papel de orientar sobre el riesgo aumentado de desarrollar diabetes mellitus; recomendar hábitos alimenticios saludables; ayudar a la mujer en el control de peso; aconsejar sobre actividad física y ofrecer consultas telefónicas de enfermería

    Different approaches for the detection of SSH anomalous connections

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    The Secure Shell Protocol (SSH) is a well-known standard protocol, mainly used for remotely accessing shell accounts on Unix-like operating systems to perform administrative tasks. As a result, the SSH service has been an appealing target for attackers, aiming to guess root passwords performing dictionary attacks or to directly exploit the service itself. To identify such situations, this article addresses the detection of SSH anomalous connections from an intrusion detection perspective. The main idea is to compare several strategies and approaches for a better detection of SSH-based attacks. To test the classification performance of different classifiers and combinations of them, SSH data coming from a real-world honeynet are gathered and analysed. For comparison purposes and to draw conclusions about data collection, both packet-based and flow data are analysed. A wide range of classifiers and ensembles are applied to these data, as well as different validation schemes for better analysis of the obtained results. The high-rate classification results lead to positive conclusions about the identification of malicious SSH connections

    Optimising Maintenance: What are the expectations for Cyber Physical Systems

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    The need for maintenance is based on the wear of components of machinery. If this need can be defined reliably beforehand so that no unpredicted failures take place then the maintenance actions can be carried out economically with minimum disturbance to production. There are two basic challenges in solving the above. First understanding the development of wear and failures, and second managing the measurement and diagnosis of such parameters that can reveal the development of wear. In principle the development of wear and failures can be predicted through monitoring time, load or wear as such. Monitoring time is not very efficient, as there are only limited numbers of components that suffer from aging which as such is result of chemical wear i.e. changes in the material. In most cases the loading of components influences their wear. In principle the loading can be stable or varying in nature. Of these two cases the varying load case is much more challenging than the stable one. The monitoring of wear can be done either directly e.g. optical methods or indirectly e.g. vibration. Monitoring actual wear is naturally the most reliable approach, but it often means that additional investments are needed. The paper discusses the above issues and what are the requirements that follow from these for optimising maintenance based of the use of Cyber Physical Systems

    Ovidioren "Heroides. Libri VII-XII" testuaren euskarazko itzulpena eta oharrak

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    info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessGradu Amaierako Lan honen helburua Ovidio autorearen Heroides obraren zati bat euskaratzea da. Heroides fikziozko eskutitz bilduma bat da; hain zuzen ere, mitologia eta literatura klasikoko pertsonaiek haien maiteei idatzitako eskutitzen bilduma. Honako lan honek, zehazki, VII-XII eskutitzak landuko ditu. Itzulpena egitean buruan izan dudan hartzailearen profila literaturazale kultuarena da, latinik ez dakiena; betiere jatorrizko testua ahalik eta gehien errespetatuz, itzulpena hizkuntza ulergarria erabiliz egiten saiatu naiz. Aipatutako irakurle potentzial horrek ez du zertan mitologia klasikoari buruzko jakintza handirik izan behar; hori ikusita, eta testua ahalik eta hoberen ulertzeko, oin-oharrak gehitu ditut hainbat zatitan, erromatar kultura eta mitologiari buruzko nozio minimo batzuk emanez. Oin ohar horiek txertatzeko erabili dudan irizpidea ondorengoa izan da: ni ere mitologian eta literatura klasikoan aditua ez naizenez gero, kontsultatu behar izan dudan kontzeptu ororen azalpen txikia egin dut. Ovidioren testua, noski, latinez idatzita dago. Nik ez dakit latinik, eskolan urte bakarra eman bainuen; horregatik, ezinezkoa izango zen niretzat itzulpena jatorrizko testutik egitea. Zubi-hizkuntzak erabili behar izan ditut; hain zuzen ere, gaztelaniazko bat eta ingelesezko bat. Batez ere gaztelaniazkoa izan dut oinarri, latinezkotik oso gertu baitzegoen. Bertsio horretan, edukia latinetik gertu mantentzeari eman diote lehentasuna, formaren edertasunaren gainetik. Ingelesezkoan, berriz, itzultzaileak era libreagoan itzuli du. Gainera, itzulpena 1914. urtekoa da; beraz, nahiko librea izateaz gain, ez zen ulertzeko bereziki erraza. Hala ere, beti izan dut aurrean latinezko bertsioa, eta zalantzaren bat sortu zaidanean, saiatu naiz, hiztegia baliatuz, esaldien esanahia latinezko bertsiotik ateratzen. Heroides testu poetiko bat da, eta neurtitzetan dago idatzita. Lana hasterakoan hartu behar izan nuen erabakia neurtitz horiek mantendu edo ez mantentzearena izan zen. Tutorearen gomendioak jarraituz, nik prosaz itzultzea erabaki nuen, aurrerago azalduko ditudan arrazoien ondorioz. Paragrafoak zatitzeko, gaztelaniazko prosazko bertsioak zekarren egitura berbera mantendu dut. Lanaren egiturari dagokionez, hainbat zatitan banatu daiteke. Hasteko, Ovidiori buruzko oinarrizko informazioa txertatu dut. Bere bizitzari buruz aurki daitekeen informazioaren laburpena, batetik; bere obrari buruzko oinarrizko datuak, bestetik; 2 itzulpena hobeto ulertzeko, ezinbestekoa baita autorea eta bere obra ezagutzea, gainetik bada ere. Ondoren, itzulpen prozesuari buruzko iruzkina egin dut; bertan, itzultzen hasi aurretik egindako testuaren azterketari buruz aritzen naiz; itzulpen prozesuan zehar sortutako arazoak eta horiei emandako konponbideak azaltzen dira. Hurrengo zatia itzulpena bera da, lanaren zati luze eta garrantzitsuena. Bukatzeko, erabilitako iturrien bibliografia txertatu dut

    The Way Cyber Physical Systems Will Revolutionise Maintenance

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    The way maintenance is carried out is altering rapidly. The introduction of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) and cloud technologies are providing new technological possibilities that change dramatically the way it is possible to follow production machinery and the necessity to carry out maintenance. In the near future, the number of machines that can be followed from remoteness will explode. At the same time, it will be conceivable to carry out local diagnosis and prognosis that support the adaptation of Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) i.e. financial optimisation can drive the decision whether a machine needs maintenance or not. Further to this, the cloud technology allows to accumulate relevant data from numerous sources that can be used for further improvement of the maintenance practices. The paper goes through the new technologies that have been mentioned above and how they can be benefitted from in practise

    Distributional semantics and machine learning for statistical machine translation

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    [EU]Lan honetan semantika distribuzionalaren eta ikasketa automatikoaren erabilera aztertzen dugu itzulpen automatiko estatistikoa hobetzeko. Bide horretan, erregresio logistikoan oinarritutako ikasketa automatikoko eredu bat proposatzen dugu hitz-segiden itzulpen- probabilitatea modu dinamikoan modelatzeko. Proposatutako eredua itzulpen automatiko estatistikoko ohiko itzulpen-probabilitateen orokortze bat dela frogatzen dugu, eta testuinguruko nahiz semantika distribuzionaleko informazioa barneratzeko baliatu ezaugarri lexiko, hitz-cluster eta hitzen errepresentazio bektorialen bidez. Horretaz gain, semantika distribuzionaleko ezagutza itzulpen automatiko estatistikoan txertatzeko beste hurbilpen bat lantzen dugu: hitzen errepresentazio bektorial elebidunak erabiltzea hitz-segiden itzulpenen antzekotasuna modelatzeko. Gure esperimentuek proposatutako ereduen baliagarritasuna erakusten dute, emaitza itxaropentsuak eskuratuz oinarrizko sistema sendo baten gainean. Era berean, gure lanak ekarpen garrantzitsuak egiten ditu errepresentazio bektorialen mapaketa elebidunei eta hitzen errepresentazio bektorialetan oinarritutako hitz-segiden antzekotasun neurriei dagokienean, itzulpen automatikoaz haratago balio propio bat dutenak semantika distribuzionalaren arloan.[EN]In this work, we explore the use of distributional semantics and machine learning to improve statistical machine translation. For that purpose, we propose the use of a logistic regression based machine learning model for dynamic phrase translation probability mod- eling. We prove that the proposed model can be seen as a generalization of the standard translation probabilities used in statistical machine translation, and use it to incorporate context and distributional semantic information through lexical, word cluster and word embedding features. Apart from that, we explore the use of word embeddings for phrase translation probability scoring as an alternative approach to incorporate distributional semantic knowledge into statistical machine translation. Our experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed models, achieving promising results over a strong baseline. At the same time, our work makes important contributions in relation to bilingual word embedding mappings and word embedding based phrase similarity measures, which go be- yond machine translation and have an intrinsic value in the field of distributional semantics

    Detection and Visualization of Android Malware Behavior

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    Malware analysts still need to manually inspect malware samples that are considered suspicious by heuristic rules. They dissect software pieces and look for malware evidence in the code. The increasing number of malicious applications targeting Android devices raises the demand for analyzing them to find where the malcode is triggered when user interacts with them. In this paper a framework to monitor and visualize Android applications’ anomalous function calls is described. Our approach includes platformindependent application instrumentation, introducing hooks in order to trace restricted API functions used at runtime of the application. These function calls are collected at a central server where the application behavior filtering and a visualization take place. This can help Android malware analysts in visually inspecting what the application under study does, easily identifying such malicious functions