47 research outputs found

    Distribusi Dan Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja Pada USAhatani Karet (Hevea Brassillensis) Di Desa Bentok Darat Kecamatan Bati-bati Kabupaten Tanah Laut Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan

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    The reaserch was conducted in Bentok Darat village,Bati-Bati district,for sampling the farmers were taken by purpose namely that seck klon pb 260 as much as 16 farmers. Outpouring of labor in the family bigger role that 77,13 % out family that much 22,87 %.The index value in labour productivity of Rp 93.482,58 higher than the wage rate of Rp 40.000,.while for the value of land productivity of 5,8 ton/ha

    Pengaruh Ukuran Perusahaan, Profitabilitas dan Ukuran Dewan Komisaris terhadap Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    This study aims to examine and analyses about the effect of company size, profitability and size of board of commissioner on the corporate social responsibility disclosure. The type of data used are secondary data, the data used are the annual report to manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) period 2006-2008. This study aims to examine and analyses about the effect, variables simultaneously test or the test individual effect of company size, profitability and size of board of commissioner on the corporate social responsibility disclosure.This research indicates that (1) company size, profitability and size of board of commissioner have a significant influence on the corporate social responsibility disclosure. (2) Company size have a significant influence on the corporate social responsibility disclosure.(3) Profitability have not a significant influence on the corporate social responsibility disclosure.(4)size of board of commissioner have a significant influence on the corporate social responsibility disclosure

    The Effect of Using Cubing Technique Toward Writing Skill of Analytical Exposition Text of the Second Years Students at Mts Fathul Anwar Suka Maju

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    The purpose of the research was to find out the effect of cubing technique in students\u27writing skill of analytical exposition text. The findings showed that there is significant effectbetween teaching analyrical exposition text with using cubing technique. It can be seen of thevalue of t0(thitung) = 7,183 is bigger than tt(ttable) with significance 5%= 2,00 by using cubingtechnique.

    Fenol, Flavonoid, Dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Pada Ekstrak Kulit Batang Pulai (Alstonia Scholaris R.br)

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    Pulai (Alstonia scholaris R.Br), family Apocynaceae adalah salah satu tumbuhan hutan yang berfungsi sebagai obat tradisional untuk mengobati demam, malaria, batuk berdahak, diare, kencing manis, penurun kolesterol, cacingan, rematik akut, borok, dan hipertensi. Salah satu penyebab penyakit jantung, aterosklerosis, dan kanker adalah stres oksidatif. Stres ini dapat disembuhkan atau dikurangi dengan menggunakan antioksidan. Flavonoid merupakan senyawa fenol dan termasuk salah satu metabolit sekunder pada tumbuhan yang berfungsi sebagai antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan total fenol, total flavonoid, dan aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak kulit batang pulai. Penentuan kuantitatif total fenol dengan metode folin-ciocalteu dinyatakan sebagai gallic acid equivalent (GAE) per gram ekstrak, kadar flavonoid total dengan metode AlCl3 dinyatakan sebagai Quercetin equivalen (QE), dan aktivitas antioksidan in vitro dengan DPPH (2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) yang dinyatakan dalam istilah IC50 (inhibition concentration). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstraksi tiga ulangan dalam maserasi dengan etanol 96% menghasilkan 4,19% filtrat. Kandungan fenol total adalah 51,50 mg GAE/g ekstrak, sedangkan kandungan flavonoid total adalah 0,35 mg QE/g ekstrak. Nilai IC50 yang diperoleh dari hasil pengujian antioksidan ekstrak kulit batang adalah 211,54 μg/mL

    Preliminary Research: Identification of Microorganism in the Waiting Room on Public Transportation Facilities, DKI Jakarta

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    Public transportation is one of the places that have the potential to become a place of disease transmission, the discovery of bacteria in the facility is a public health problem is quite urgent. A preliminary test was conducted to find out the bacteria in waiting room at public transportation facilities in DKI Jakarta area. The research was conducted in cross sectional. Population are public facilities at the bus terminal of Kampung Rambutan, Pinang ranti, Manggarai, Grogol, Kalideres and Tanjung priuk. The sample is wipe the surface of iron fence, bench, handrail and counters as many as 24 samples. Conducted isolation on specific media and morphological, physiological and biochemical identification. We found 70 isolates with 5 species of bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus saphrophyticus 27.4%, Bacillus subtilis 25.7%, Staphylococcus epidermidis 17.14% and MRSA (Methicillin Resisten Staphylococcus Aureus) 2.8%. Locations with the most bacteria types are iron grip and chair. Tanjung priuk is place the most bacteria type and found MRSA. Method and frequency of cleaning of transportation means become one factor to eliminate number and type of microorganism. Until now there are no regulations that bind to the hygiene and sanitation of transportation in particular

    The Impact of Sleep Deprivation on the Level of Sleepiness, Fatigue, and Stress on Experiment Using Driving Simulator

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    Sleep prior to driving has been discussed widely in fatigue driving research focusing on how it affected driver on duty. This study is intended to compare the impact of prior normal sleep hour and sleep reduction during long-duration driving to subjective sleepiness, fatigue and stress level. To aim this objective, within-subject 2 x 2experiments was conducted (4 experiments condition). Sleep hour variable consists of ± 4 hours (var11) and ± 8 hours sleep (var12) before driving, and long duration driving consist of non-stop 5 hours driving (var21) ended with 60 minutes rest, and 2.5 hour driving x 2 sessions (var22) with 30 minutes break between session and ended with 30 minutes rest. Driving task conducted in laboratory started at ± 7 am to ± 1 pm using a simulator that set to highway and city route randomly. Thirteen participants were involved in these four experiments, each of them conducted in a different day in random fashion. Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS/scale 1–9) and Visual Analogue Scale (0–10) were applied to rated subjective sleepiness and fatigue level, and saliva amylase was used to measure the participants’ stress level that was collected using Cocoro meter nipro. The result showed that sleepiness and fatigue level under sleep reduction condition was relatively higher compared to the normal sleep condition, while saliva amylase test result slightly increases after experiments, but cannot becategorized into stress condition yet. The conclusion is a duration and sleep hours before driving factors were induced fatigue, sleepiness and stress to driver, but lack of sleep has a higher impact compare to driving duration. Further research with another profession may give different results. Keywords: driving simulator, fatigue from driving, Karolinska Sleepiness Scale, sleep deprivation, stress leve

    Uji Klinik Fase II Ramuan Jamu Sebagai Pelindung Fungsi Hati

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    The human liver is susceptible to interference due to its complex function. The development ofhepatoprotective from jamu formula is still needed as to produce more effective, cheaper andsafer hepatoprotective. The result of previous study showed that the hepatoprotective from jamuformula was safe and efficacious. This phase 2 trial was conducted to evaluate the efficacy andsafety of hepatoprotective from jamu formula which consists of Curcuma longa rhizomes, Curcumaxanthorrhiza rhizomes, and Taraxacum officinale leaves. The design was open label randomizedclinical trial with silimarin as a comparison for 42 days intervention. Two hundreds of humansubjects participated in this study. The trial held in 2015 and involved 50 physician members ofSaintifikasi Jamu Network at several regencies in Indonesia. The parameters for assessing efficacywere SGPT, SGOT and as for safety were routine blood, urea, and creatinine. Clinical symptoms andpossible side effects were also observed. The results showed that the jamu formula can reduce theaverage value of SGPT and SGOT equal to silimarin. Jamu formula can relieve clinical symptomsarising from liver function disruption, and it is safe, it does not alter kidney function, hemoglobin,leukocyte count and platelet count in its use for 42 days