27 research outputs found

    Vegetation research and mapping in Slovenia

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    Predstavljen je časovni razvoj raziskovanja in predvsem kartiranja vegetacije Slovenije v razdobju od konca dvajsetih do devetdesetih let dvajsetega stoletja. Izjemno veliko vegetacijskih raziskav in kartiranja je bilo opravljenih v petdesetih do osemdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja zlasti na področju gozdne vegetacije.The temporal development of research and above all mapping of vegetation in Slovenia in the period from the end of the 1920s to the 1990s is presented. Most of the vegetation research and mapping was carried out between the 1950s and 1980s, especially in the sphere of forest vegetation


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    The applicability of total station Topcon GPT 7003i in topographic detail surveying

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    The applicability of total stations in topographic detail surveying is growing with development of new technologies. This thesis presents different solutions and innovations provided by the GPT-7003i total station and the Topcon software. The applicability of these solutions and innovations must be expertly evaluated. For the expert evaluation, a detail surveying for geodetic plan was carried out. The thesis also describes the types, elements and contents of geodetic plan as well as geodetic plan mapping. The practical example was realised to evaluate the solutions and innovations, and highlights the advantages and weaknesses of the total station Topcon GPT 7003i

    Ideational solutions of faecal wastewater drainage and treatment in villages Jezero, Lukovek and Dolenja Dobrava in Trebnje municipality

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    Graduation thesis discusses faecal wastewater drainage and treatment in villages Jezero, Lukovek and Dolenja Dobrava in municipality Trebnje. In case of a high population density the most suitable is the construction of a public sewerage system with a common small treatment plant (further STP). Outside of agglomeration area, individual STPs or private common systems are used. At the beginning of the graduation thesis the legislation regarding the STPs is presented. Further on, a sewerage system with the corresponding objects is described. Wastewater can be treated in STP in various ways with the usage of procedures described in the thesis. STPs based on mechanic and biological treatment and STPs with fixed-film or attached growth systems and activated sludge are also described. At the end of the thesis a cost comparison of three possible solutions is presented; one common STP, each village with its own STP or individual STPs. As it is shown, the individual systems are the cheapest, except in the agglomeration areas where sewerage systems with STPs are mandatory

    Genetic differentiation of the indigenous Norway Spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) populations in Slovenia investigated by means of isoenzyme gene markers

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    Raziskava obravnava genetsko diferenciacijo 22 populacij smreke (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) z njenih naravnih rastišč v Sloveniji in 4 na Hrvaškem z analizo izoencimskih genskih označevalcev. Razlike med populacijami smo ocenili z genetskimi razdaljami po Gregoriusu (1974) za 15 polimorfnih genskih lokusov. Vrednosti genetskih razdalj se gibljejo med 0,021 in 0,073 (v Sloveniji do 0,063). Izoencimska genetska diferenciranost smreke je razmeroma majhna. Rezultati hierarhične klasifikacije nakazujejo geografsko odvisno združevanjepopulacij v dve skupini: alpsko skupino s Trnovskim gozdom in osrednje dinarsko skupino. Skupini se na območju Snežnika tudi prekrivata.Genetic differentiation of 22 indigenous Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) populations from Slovenia and 4 from Croatia has been investigated by means of isoenzyme gene markers. The degree of differentiation among populations has been measured with genetic distances proposed by Gregorius (1974) for 15 polymorphic gene loci. Multilocus estimates of genetic distancesrange between 0.021 and 0.073 (in Slovenia up to 0.063). Norway spruce populations did not show a strong genetic differentiation by isozymes. The results of hierarchical classification indicated a geographically dependent pooling of populations into two distinct groups: Alpine group including Trnovski gozd and Central Dinaric group, with the two groups overlapping in the Snežnik area

    Forest and Wood: Slovenian Forest for Slovenia

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