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    Komuniciranje je v informacijski dobi za uspeh podjetja izrednega pomena. Predstavniki vseh javnosti pričakujemo odkrito, pošteno in sprotno obveščanje o poslovanju določenega podjetja, ki vpliva na naše delo, premoženje, kakovost in uresničevanje naših potreb. Podjetja lahko s svojimi ciljnimi kupci, zaposlenimi in poslovnimi partnerji komunicirajo na različne načine. Dandanes prevladuje spletno komuniciranje, saj je dostopno povsod in ob vsakem času. E-komuniciranje se je tudi v Sloveniji začelo vse bolj uveljavljati, saj se komunikatorji vedno bolj zavedajo, da se novih medijev in komunikacijskih kanalov ne morejo več izogibati. V diplomski nalogi se bomo osredotočili na spletno komuniciranje v podjetju Merkur, d. d., kjer skušajo z odprtim komuniciranjem zadovoljiti potrebe po informacijah vseh javnosti, ki imajo stik z njihovim podjetjem. Posebno pozornost posvečajo kupcem, finančni javnosti z lastniki ter medijem in njihovim zaposlenim. Namen oz. cilj diplomske naloge je raziskati njihovo spletno komuniciranje, podrobno raziskati, kako v podjetju Merkur komunicirajo prek spleta, kdo je zadolžen za izvajanje in vsebino spletnega komuniciranja, katera orodja uporabljajo, kakšna je njihova statistika, ugotoviti želimo, ali je spletno komuniciranje v podjetju Merkur že temelj uspešnega poslovanja podjetja. Raziskali bomo spletno oglaševanje, kakšni so načini za obračunavanja stroškov spletnega oglaševanja in kako poteka oglaševanje prek spletnih iskalnikov. Vire za teoretični del smo črpala iz domače in tuje literature. V praktičnem delu bomo ugotavljali, kako poteka spletno komuniciranje v podjetju Merkur, katere so njihove interesne skupine, kakšni so bili začetki spletnega komuniciranja. Skozi diplomsko nalogo smo ugotovili, da v podjetju Merkur največ komunicirajo prek spleta, da spletne strani podjetje najbolje predstavijo. Njihove interesne skupine, s katerimi komunicirajo, so posredni kupci, poslovni partnerji, obiskovalci, končni kupci, ponudniki storitev, iskalci sponzorstev, iskalci zaposlitev, študenti in druga strokovna javnost. Ugotovili smo tudi, da v podjetju Merkur uporabljajo posebna orodja spletnega komuniciranja, in sicer promocije, prek katerih še dodatno povečujejo komuniciranje prek spleta. Raziskali smo, kdo jim ureja vsebine na spletu in vodi statistiko. Za ta področja imajo zaposlene svoje delavce v marketingu, včasih pa si pomagajo tudi z zunanjimi izvajalci, kot so lektorji, prevajalci. Ugotovili smo, da imajo izdelan zelo dober program, prek katerega komunicirajo s poslovnimi partnerji. Program je enostaven in prilagodljiv za vsakega poslovnega partnerja, ki si želi takšnega komuniciranja. Ugotovili smo tudi, da vsebine na spletu podjetja Merkur nimajo določenega roka, koliko časa mora biti vsebina na spletuko uredniki in skrbniki ugotovijo, da je zastarela in da je ogled teh vsebin upadel, enostavno odstranijo vsebino in jo nadgradijo z novostjo. Življenjski cikel vsebine na spletu ni določen, ampak je odvisen od narave vsebinenekatere trajajo dalj časa, druge pa malo manj.A good communication in all the companies is very important for success of the business. Representatives of all publics expect openly and honesty notifying about business in a certain company, which influence to their work, property, quality and satisfy their needs. The company can communicate with their target buyers, employees and business partners on several of manners. The most popular communication in a several companies is web communication, because web communication in present everywhere and all the time. Web communication is also very popular in Slovenia , a lot of Slovenian companies started to realize that web communication is a future communication and that it is inevitably. In diploma we will focus on web communication in a company. In company Merkur with open communication wants to satisfy needs for information of all publics which have contact with them. A big attention devote to buyers, financial publics with owners, medias and their employees. Aim or goal of diploma is to explore their web communication, to explore how and on which way the company Merkur communicate over the web, who is responsible for contents on web, which tools use for web communication, what kind of statistic they have, we want to explore if in company Merkur web communication is already basis for successful operation of the company. We want to present who is important for good and useful contents on web. I also want to explore safety on the internet and look how the company advertises their products, what kind are the costs for the advertising on internet. We have also focus on different ways of charging web advertising. We explore how is with advertising on web searchers. We realize that the company use web communication and advertising throw web in a majority. The practical part the reader is presented web communication in company Merkur. We want to explore the different ways of web communication, which are theirs interest groups, what kind are their beginnings of web communication, which tools are using for web communication. Through diploma we will show that company use web communication in majority, that web site present their company. Theirs interest groups are indirect buyers, business partners, final buyers, bidders of occupations, seekers of occupations, students and others. We explore, that in company Merkur use special tools for web communications that tools are promotions. With promotions company increase web communication. We explore, that people who are employee in marketing in company Merkur are responsible for content on web and statistic, but sometimes they need help from outside, such as proofreaders and translators. In company Merkur they have a special program for communication with business partners. Program is very simple and adjustable for business partners. We explore, that the content on web in company Merkur don’t have certain time period how much time the content must be on web. When editors and caretakers see, that content is old and its reputation decrease than editor remove content and upgrades with new content. We realize, that life cycle for content is not chosen, but is dependent from nature of content

    Post-anaesthesia pulmonary complications after use of muscle relaxants (POPULAR): a multicentre, prospective observational study

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    Background Results from retrospective studies suggest that use of neuromuscular blocking agents during general anaesthesia might be linked to postoperative pulmonary complications. We therefore aimed to assess whether the use of neuromuscular blocking agents is associated with postoperative pulmonary complications. Methods We did a multicentre, prospective observational cohort study. Patients were recruited from 211 hospitals in 28 European countries. We included patients (aged ≥18 years) who received general anaesthesia for any in-hospital procedure except cardiac surgery. Patient characteristics, surgical and anaesthetic details, and chart review at discharge were prospectively collected over 2 weeks. Additionally, each patient underwent postoperative physical examination within 3 days of surgery to check for adverse pulmonary events. The study outcome was the incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications from the end of surgery up to postoperative day 28. Logistic regression analyses were adjusted for surgical factors and patients’ preoperative physical status, providing adjusted odds ratios (ORadj) and adjusted absolute risk reduction (ARRadj). This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01865513. Findings Between June 16, 2014, and April 29, 2015, data from 22803 patients were collected. The use of neuromuscular blocking agents was associated with an increased incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications in patients who had undergone general anaesthesia (1658 [7·6%] of 21694); ORadj 1·86, 95% CI 1·53–2·26; ARRadj –4·4%, 95% CI –5·5 to –3·2). Only 2·3% of high-risk surgical patients and those with adverse respiratory profiles were anaesthetised without neuromuscular blocking agents. The use of neuromuscular monitoring (ORadj 1·31, 95% CI 1·15–1·49; ARRadj –2·6%, 95% CI –3·9 to –1·4) and the administration of reversal agents (1·23, 1·07–1·41; –1·9%, –3·2 to –0·7) were not associated with a decreased risk of postoperative pulmonary complications. Neither the choice of sugammadex instead of neostigmine for reversal (ORadj 1·03, 95% CI 0·85–1·25; ARRadj –0·3%, 95% CI –2·4 to 1·5) nor extubation at a train-of-four ratio of 0·9 or more (1·03, 0·82–1·31; –0·4%, –3·5 to 2·2) was associated with better pulmonary outcomes. Interpretation We showed that the use of neuromuscular blocking drugs in general anaesthesia is associated with an increased risk of postoperative pulmonary complications. Anaesthetists must balance the potential benefits of neuromuscular blockade against the increased risk of postoperative pulmonary complications

    Post-anaesthesia pulmonary complications after use of muscle relaxants (POPULAR): a multicentre, prospective observational study

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