313 research outputs found

    Drogadicción Intravenosa Y Riesgo De Infección Por Vih En Madrid 1990*

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    ResumenComo parte de un estudio multicéntrico propuesto por la OMS para determinar la prevalencia de infección por el Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH) entre los usuarios de drogas por vía parenteral (UDVP) de Madrid, identificar características sociales y de uso de drogas asociadas a la seropositividad e identificar los factores asociados a conductas de bajo riesgo, tales como no compartir jeringuillas y usar preservativo, se entrevistaron 472 UDVP, 240 reclutados en la calle y 232 en centros de tratamiento para drogodependientes. Para comparar proporciones se utilizó el test de X2 y para estimar las odds ratios de cada factor de riesgo, se ajustó un modelo de regresión logística.La prevalencia de infección por el VIH entre los UDVP estudiados en Madrid fue del 50% (53% entre los reclutados en la calle y 38% entre los reclutados en centros de tratamiento para drogodependientes). El 45% de los entrevistados seguían compartiendo jeringuillas. De los 315 individuos con algún contacto sexual en los últimos seis meses, sólo el 22% usaba preservativo, siempre o casi siempre, en sus relaciones.A la vista de los resultados, se deduce que habría que ampliar las intervenciones tendentes a incidir en el cambio hacia hábitos saludables, presentando alternativas tales como servicios de intercambio de jeringuillas y de mantenimiento con metadona, e introducir de un modo claro y contundente el consejo pre y post prueba del VIH, en todas aquellas agencias en contacto con esta población.SummaryAs part of a multicenter WHO study on HIV infection among drug injectors, 472 intravenous drug users (IDUs) were interviewed, 240 recruited in the streets and 232 at drug treatment centers. The objectives of the study were to assess the prevalence of HIV infection among IDUs of Madrid, to identify factors associated with risk reduction behaviors, such as the use of sterile syringes and condoms. Chi-square and logistic regression were used to test for differences and to estimate odds ratios.Prevalence of HIV infection among IDUs in Madrid was 50% (53% among those recruited in the street and 38% among those recruited at treatment centers). Forty five per cent of those interviewed were still sharing syringes. Out of the 315 sexually active subjects, only 22% reported using condoms always or almost always.These results suggest that a range of interventions should be implemented to promote change towards healthier behaviors, including syringe-exchange programs, methadone maintenance treatments and pre and post-test counseling in those agencies which care for this population

    Analysis of the stress state of a halved and tabled traditional timber scarf joint with the Finite Element Method

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the stress distribution in the carpentry joint of halved and tabled scarf joint with the finite element method (FEM) and its comparison with the values obtained using the theory of Strength of Materials. The stress concentration areas where analyzed and the influence of mesh refinement was studied on the results in order to determine the mesh size that provides the stress values more consistent with the theory. In areas where stress concentration is lower, different mesh sizes show similar stress values. In areas where stress concentration occurs, the same values increase considerably with the refinement of the mesh. The results show a central symmetry of the isobar lines distribution where the centre of symmetry corresponds to the geometric centre of the joint. Comparison of normal stress levels obtained by the FEM and the classical theory shows small differences, except at points of stress concentration

    Risk Factors for Dementia in a Senegalese Elderly Population Aged 65 Years and Over

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    Background: With the aging of the population, dementia is increasing worldwide. The objective of this study was to identify risk factors for dementia in an elderly population utilizing a primary health care service in Dakar, Senegal. Methods: Through a cross-sectional study conducted from March 2004 to December 31, 2005, 507 elderly patients aged ≥65 years who came to the Social and Medical Center of IPRES, Dakar, Senegal, were first screened with the screening interview questionnaire ‘Aging in Senegal’. Those who were cognitively impaired underwent a clinical examination to detect dementia. Univariate, bivariate, and multivariate logistic regression analyses were done. Results: The whole population had a mean age of 72.4 years (±5.2) and was mostly male, married, and non-educated. Hypertension, arthritis, and gastrointestinal diseases were the main health conditions reported in the past medical history. Smoking was important while alcohol consumption was rare. Social network was high. Forty-five patients (8.87%) had dementia. In the multivariate model, only advanced age, education, epilepsy, and family history of dementia were independently associated with dementia. Conclusion: The risk factors identified are also found in developed countries confirming their role in dementia. It is important to take dementia into consideration in Senegal and to sensitize the community for prevention

    Longevity and relationships with children: the importance of the parental role

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Social networks predict longevity across societies but specific mechanisms are largely unknown. The aim of this work was to examine the role of children in the longevity of elderly men and women in a cohort of community dwelling elderly people in Spain.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The data were taken from the "Aging in Leganes" cohort study with 15 years of follow-up. The baseline population was an age- and sex-stratified random sample of community dwelling people over 65 living in Leganés (Madrid) in 1993. Poor relationship with at least one child, emotional support and the perceived roles elders play in the lives of their children, extended family, spouse and friends were assessed at baseline. Cox proportional hazards models were fit to investigate the effects of social roles variables on longevity, adjusting for a wide range of socioeconomic, behavioural and health covariates.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the fully adjusted model, having a poor relationship with at least one child increased mortality by 30%. Elderly persons who felt their role in their children's lives was important (HR = 0.70; 95% CI 0.54; 0.91) had a lower mortality risk than those who felt they played a small role. Feeling loved and listened to by one's children did not have an effect on survival. Maintaining an important role in the extended family was also significantly associated with survival.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this Mediterranean population, maintaining an important role in the lives of one's children is associated with survival. Functions of social networks related to meaning of life and different forms of social support may have important effects on mortality, and these functions may vary across cultures according to family norms and values.</p

    The impact on plant communities of an invasive alien herb, Oenothera drummondii, varies along the beach-coastal dune gradient

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    One of the major threats to the diversity of coastal dunes is the expansion of invasive species, such as Oenothera drummondii subsp. drummondii (Onagraceae). In southwestern Spain, we studied the impact of this American invasive on community structure and composition along a beach-dune gradient (beach, foredune, and inland dunes). Differences in density, biomass, and the cover of O. drummondii, the cover of perennial and annuals/biennials species, and Shannon diversity index H’ and dominance λ were compared between invaded and uninvaded sectors. We observed that the intensity and impact of the invasion by O. drummondii varies along the beach-dune gradient. The abundance of the invasive plant increased inland and in consequence, its impact on species richness and composition was highest in inland dunes. Here, plant cover of O. drummondii represented 57.9% of total plant cover; species richness was reduced (with 3.3 fewer species per 2 × 2m plot), diversity H’ was lower while dominance λ was higher. At a broader scale, species richness in the invaded sector was 25% larger than in the uninvaded sector, because of the presence of ruderal species. Species composition also was modified after the invasion. The abundance of a keystone native species was largely reduced (Ammophila arenaria), and some natives became locally extinct (Otanthus maritimus, Eryngium maritimum, Medicago marina and Elymus farctus). We conclude that the high environmental severity of the beach and foredunes results in a reduced invasion and impact of O. drummondii, whereas the milder conditions of inland dunes promote its expansion. The shift in community structure and composition can have an increasing domino effect and thus monitoring, and mitigation actions are necessary. When doing so, the environmental heterogeneity of the beach-dune gradient should be considered, given its relevance in the invasion process.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CGL2015-65058-RConsejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) 779

    Multiple seed dispersal modes of an invasive plant species on coastal dunes

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    Beach evening-primrose (Oenothera drummondii subsp. drummondii) is a perennial herb native to the coastal dunes of the Gulf of Mexico and southeastern USA. During the last century, the species was unintentionally introduced into coastal dune systems around the world. The purpose of this study was to explore the means of dispersal of this invasive in the newly established populations on the coastal dunes of Spain and to determine if they contribute significantly to the invasion process. After reconstructing the history of its spread in Spain from available records, we tested whether dispersion by marine currents can be a mechanism of colonization at regional scale, and whether the presence of native vertebrate participate in the expansion process at local scale. Through laboratory experiments, we demonstrated that the seeds of O. drummondii can be dispersed by seawater, since 0.63% present both buoyancy in seawater and subsequent germination after being washed with fresh water. This capacity for dispersal by marine currents could explain both the expansion of the species along the southwestern coast of Spain and the maintenance of its populations following disturbances such as storms. We also demonstrated that Iberian Hares and European Rabbits can disperse the seeds by endozoochory; seeds recovered from faecal pellets of these species were capable of germination (73 and 63%, respectively). Oenothera drummondii has become an invader only in coastal dunes where these dispersers are present, and with no control actions to regulate their populations. In conclusion, O. drummondii is an alien species with varying dispersal methods, polychory. This helps maintain already established populations and disperses seeds at a regional level, depending on the incidence of storms and the presence or absence of rabbits and hares for efficient local seed dispersion. Thus, management actions that restrict marine and animal dispersal likely have the benefit of limiting the invasive potential of O. drummondii.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) 7799Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CGL2015-65058-

    Recovery of Beach-Foredune Vegetation after Disturbance by Storms

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    Beaches and foredunes are characterized by being exposed to harsh environmental restrictions mainly due to salt spray, burial by sand and occasional storms. In response to this, plant species from these habitats have adaptations that allow them not only to survive in these environments, but also to recover after the impact of disturbances such as severe storms. In this study, we had the opportunity to study vegetation recovery on the coast of Huelva, Spain, after the impact of a strong winter storm in 2017 which severely affected the vegetation growing on the beach and foredune. Species composition and abundance of vegetation was compared before (2013) and after (2018) the storm hit the coast in 2017. The results show that the effects of the storm were still evident a year later. Native species, mainly perennials, were able to recover almost completely to predisturbance levels. In contrast, the invasive species, Oenothera drummondii, which was abundant before the storm, disappeared from the beach and its presence in the foredune was greatly reduced. Given the forecasts of sea level rise and the increased frequency and intensity of storms, it is necessary to sustain and reinforce the natural coastal sectors where native plant communities maintain the resilience of coastal ecosystems when impacted to these disturbances.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) 7799Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CGL2015-65058-

    Facteurs de risque de démence dans une population de personnes âgées sénégalaises

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    Description La démence est devenue un problème de santé publique. Dans le but d’une prévention, il est important de connaitre son épidémiologie au Sénégal. L’objectif de cette étude était d’identifier les facteurs de risque de démence dans une population de personnes âgées sénégalaises. MéthodesUne étude transversale a été réalisée du 01 Mars 2004 au 31 Décembre 2005 auprès d’une population de 872 personnes âgées de 55ans et plus utilisant le Centre Médicosocial et Universitaire de l’Institut de Prévoyance Retraite du Sénégal pour des soins. Par une étude en deux phases, des données sociodémographiques, sur le mode de vie, le réseau social, les antécédents ont été collectées à l’aide d’un questionnaire structuré complété par un examen clinique et une évaluation neuropsychologique. Le diagnostic de démence reposait sur des critères DSM IV-R