368 research outputs found

    Effects of parity and type of kidding on the quantitative and qualitative milk characteristics of "Rossa Mediterranea" goats

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    AbstractThe "Rossa Mediterranea " goat, also called "Derivata di Siria " has become much more widespread in Sicily over the last ten years. It is a goat characterised by its robustness and ability ..

    Morphological traits of the "Pantesco" donkey

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    The Pantelleria donkey is mentioned in prestigious zootechnical texts and treatises of the late 19th and early 20th century Authors such as Chiari, Mascheroni, Dechambre and others. In ancient times, when the Arab colonial extension in the Mediterranean reached its peak, a number of donkeys was transferred to the isle of Pantelleria southwest from Sicily. They served as draft animals and means of locomotion. In this environment scarcely suitable for the breeding of farm animals, considering the geo-morphological conditions of the island one of the most precious and valued donkey races of the Mediterranean basin has its origins: the Pantelleria donkey. Unfortunately, during World War II, Pantelleria was transferred in one of the most important theatres of war in the Mediterranean and the few remaining subjects of the race, once highly esteemed and frequently exported, were almost extirpated. Since then, various efforts have been made to recover the "Pantesco" donkey, but only in 1989 the Regional Forest Administration launched a project to reconstitute this particular population. Owing to comprehensive and accurate research, three males and six females with a percentage of 80 to 90% of "Pantesco" blood could be recovered. The aim of this recovery plan was to prevent the loss of a genotype of great historical and biological value in Sicily no less than in other European and Asian regions. Currently the "Pantesco" donkey population finally registered at the general index of equine races and populations consists of 51 subjects. The objective of our study was to determine the morphological type of this donkey population in order to provide useful data for its ethnic identification. The most significant morphometric traits of the thirty "Pantesco" donkeys examined (15 brood-mares, 13 stallions and 2 colts; those born after 2004 -15 subjects were excluded from measurements ) were measured in an erect position, using Lydtin's stick, calliper and flexible meter, and the most significant morphometric indices were calculated in order to provide for a reliable identification of the morphological type. The data obtained mean values ± sd (withers height:123.35±4.28cm; rump height: 129.43±4.43cm; chest height: 51.88±3.38cm; chest breadth: 28.61±6.66cm; body length: 124.82±8.86cm; lateral conformation body index :99.12±4.71; longitudinal thoracic section index: 41.65±2.42; body proportion index: 84.58±3.79; thorax height index: 42.05±2.07; pelvic index: 27.82±4.16; head length index: 42,28±1.53 and dactylo-thoracic index: 11.28±0.85 ), suggest that the "Pantesco" population can be assigned to the dolichomorphic type

    effects of different nutritional levels on nero siciliano pig performance

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    It is well-known that the productive performance and the carcass and meat characteristics are influenced by genetic factors so as by different environmental conditionings. Among these, the feeding should be considered particularly for the quantitative (nutritional level) and qualitative aspects (different components of the ration) so as for the modality of administration, because of the important correlation between genotype and nutritive requirements

    Phenotypic and genetic analysis of udder health using SCC in Valle del Belice dairy sheep

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    Intramammary infections (IMI) are a complex of inflammatory diseases which are defined as an inflammation of the mammary gland resulting from the introduction and multiplication of pathogenic micro-organisms

    Levels of serum osteocalcin and some electrolytes in foal during the first six months of life (Brief Report)

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    Abstract. Bone is a dynamic tissue characterized by continuous bone formation and bone resorption. The transformation of the primordial part of the long bones (the cartilaginous matrix during the embryonal period) into the definitive bone (lamellar bone tissue) is completed after puberty. Osteocalcin, also called the vitamin k-dependent protein of bone and synthesized predominantly by osteoblasts and in lower way by odontoblasts, is incorporated into the extracellular matrix of bone (LEPAGE et al. 2001) and it may function as a useful indicator of the equine bone growth rate which decreases considerably with age. In particular, osteocalcin or bone Gla-protein is a small abundant non-collagenous calcium binding protein, indigenous to the organic matrix of bone dentin and possibly other mineralized tissue, which circulates in the blood (LEPAGE et al. 1991). It is accepted as a marker of osteoblast activity (RISTELI and RISTELI 1993) and plays a not yet defined role in the regulation of bone turnover (BOSKEY et al. 1998)

    Serum proteins profile in Comisana lambs during the first month of life

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    Abstract. The aim of the present study was to measure the serum total proteins and the serum protein fractions (albumin, α1-, α2-, β-, and γ- globulins) of ten newborn lambs (Comisana breed) during the first 30 days of life in order to obtain useful information for neonatal care. From each animal, blood samples were collected via jugular venipuncture at the same hour (9.00) every 3 days for 30 days starting from birth (day 0). The concentrations of serum total proteins and albumin, α1-, α2-, β-, γ- globulins, and Albumin/Globulins (A/G) ratio were determined using an automated electrophoresis system. One-way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by Bonferroni's test, was used to determine significant differences between mean values of the studied parameters from the 1st to the 30th day of the experimental period. Data analysis of variance showed a statistical effect of days of life on total proteins, albumin, α1-globulins, β-globulins, γ-globulins and ratio A/G during the first 30 days of life (P<0.0001), while no statistical significant effect of days of life was observed on α2-globulins during the experimental period (P=0.27). The obtained results indicated that passive transfer status, determined from serum immunoglobulin concentration 24 hours after birth, is a significant source of variation in preweaning growth performance in dairy lambs. These finding make a contribution to the knowledge of physiological adaptation in lambs during the first 30 days of life and give useful information for the diagnosis and treatment of neonatal diseases

    Which Model is Best? Robustness Properties to Justify Model Choice Among Unidimensional IRT Models under Item Parameter Drift

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    This article extends recent research on item parameter drift by investigating the robustness properties of basic unidimensional IRT models. Specifically, the article explores whether it is possible to advocate the consistent choice of one model over another based on its robustness properties under drift. On the one hand, it is shown that the biases that are introduced due to drift are minor for most practically relevant circumstances across all models. On the other hand, it is shown that the mathematical structure of the biases is theoretically complex so that globally superior performance of one model over another is observed only under restrictive side conditions

    Survey of milk protein polymorphism in the "Bovina Rossa Siciliana"

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    The “Rossa Siciliana” is an autochthonous small Sicilian dairy cattle population, accounting for 5-7,000 individuals.This breed is characterized by high ability to live on poor pasture lands, moderate milk production, and traditionally linked to cheese production. Aim of this work was to investigate milk protein polymorphisms in this population. A total of 62 individual milk samples were collected from 19 extensive farms spread in the “Parco dei Nebrodi” area (Messina). All samples were analyzed by isoelectrofocusing (IEF) with pH range 2.5-6. High variability was found at the CSN1S1, CSN2, CSN3, LGB and LALBA loci, while the CSN1S2 locus was monomorphic for the A allele. The allele frequencies and the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were estimated using the GENEPOP software, further the casein haplotype frequencies and the occurrence of the linkage disequilibrium were computed with the EH software, taking into account the association among loci. Joint analysis at all loci showed that the population is not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (Chi-square=19.0, pvalue=0.0407), probably due to genetic drift. Of the three alleles detected at CSN1S1 locus, CSN1S1*B and CSN1S1*C had high frequencies (0.734 and 0.258 respectively), as reported for most breeds. The CSN1S1*D allele was detected with a low frequency (0.008). High frequencies were found for CSN2*A2 (0.573) and CSN3*B (0.637). High frequencies were observed for LALBA*B (0.903) and LGB*B (0.815). Strong linkage disequilibrium was detected for the polymorphic casein loci CSN1S1-CSN2-CSN3. For the casein haplotype only the hypothesis of association among loci was considered. Out of the 27 expected, only four haplotypes had a frequency higher than 0.10. The most frequent haplotype was BA2B (0.236), followed by CA2B (0.214), BA1A (0.168), BA1B (0.131), and BA2A (0.094). The high frequency of BA2B haplotype and the possible relation with production traits are under investigation