442 research outputs found

    Risks of user-development application in small business

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    This paper discusses the risks of developing computerised business applications by end-users particularly in the small business environment. As today’s end-users are becoming more and more sophisticated, coupled with the proliferation of Information Technology (IT) that has brought the computerisation of business activities within reach of many small firms, understanding the benefits and risks of user-developed applications would contribute towards the small firm’s effectiveness in IT adoption. This is particularly relevant in today’s managing business where businesses, including the small firms, in a volatile environment will have to compete not only locally but also globally,and IT is seen to be an enabler that can help small firms to increase their competitiveness. Relevant literature on the benefits and risks of user-developed applications were sought and summarised in this paper. Findings were also based on a case study investigation of small firms with no formal IT function where observations were made on the end-user developers who were given the responsibility to develop the firm’s computerised applications. Whilst the benefits have been enormously highlighted and at times overshadowed the risks, due attention is given to examining the risks so as to provide a more balanced report and a precautionary measure for end-user developers. Risks were categorised according to organisational and individual risks following the application development stages of planning, analysis, design and implementation


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    Student Management is the management and arrangement of students in schools or madrasah starting from the analysis of student needs, placement to graduation and alumni of these students. The focus of this research includes, planning of students, organizing students, coaching and developing students at MAS Ulumuddin. The results of the study showed that planning in the stage of analyzing the needs of new students at MAS Ulumuddin was very good with the mapping of needs and facilities for learning places and dormitories owned by MAS Ulumuddin, study rooms that already had complete learning facilities and infrastructure. The organization of students at MAS Ulumuddin is carried out by grouping based on their respective gender, age, talent, interests and abilities, grouping students in various criteria and benchmarks determined by MAS Ulumuddin, including the type of male calamine will be assigned Separate placement by female gender, as well as classifying abilities based on the results of grades and rankings after the selection process to be placed in certain classrooms. Coaching and development of students at MAS Ulumuddin is carried out through strategies and approaches that include: a) Integrating values and ethics in santri subjects at school, b) Internalizing positive values instilled by all school members, c) Habituation and training, d) Giving examples and examples, e) Creating an atmosphere of character in schools, f) Cultivating. g) law enforcement of student and student courts to those who violate


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the capacity of Biology Education Study Program lecturers in implementing learning management. Research data collection was carried out using survey methods and interviews with students, lecturers and academics at both the Faculty and Institute levels. Sources of data in this study consisted of two, namely: 1). The main data source (primary) is data contained in the Biology Education Study Program, Tarbiyah Faculty, and the Academic Bureau of UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. 2). Sources of supporting data were obtained from interviews with students and lecturers of the Biology Education Study Program regarding the implementation of learning management at the Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training at UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. Students who were interviewed were taken from representatives of each unit, namely; 5 (five) people for each unit consisting of 2 men and 3 women (5 x 10 units = 50 people) plus a Biology Education Study Program Lecturer who is actively teaching. Data analysis was carried out in two ways, namely quantitative and qualitative analysis. Data processing is done by 1). Quantitative analysis; conducted to see the condition of the capacity of the Biology Education Study Program lecturers in the implementation of learning management with percentage analysis. 2). Descriptive analysis; carried out to provide an accurate and systematic description of the capacity of lecturers in the implementation of learning management in the Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training at UIN AR- Raniry. The results showed that the ability of the lecturers of the Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training at UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh in the implementation of learning management was classified as good, this was indicated by the average score of the lecturer's ability, which was 3.48 (classified as good)


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    Penggunaan absensi secara manual dengan pemanfaatan dokumen absen (paper based) pada universitas mengalami beberapa masalah, antara lain hilangnya dokumen absen, terjadinya human error saat rekapitulasi, dan membutuhkan waktu lebih banyak saat pendataan. Disamping itu, penggunaan absen manual sangat kurang efektif untuk era modern yang telah banyak menggunakan data digital.Penelitian ini menawarkan sebuah solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, yaitu dengan menggunakan sistem informasi pelaporan kehadiran perkuliahan berbasis data Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). Sistem informasi tersebut diimplementasikan menggunakan data yang dikirim dari card tag RFID melalui piranti menggunakan jaringan WiFi sebagai sarana tranfer data. Data yang diterima akan terekam dan disimpan pada database aplikasi e-absen. Aplikasi e-absen yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini memiliki database log absen peserta dan fungsi pengelolaan data seperti create, read, update dan delete (CRUD). Pengembangannya dilakukan dengan menggunakan aplikasi XAMPP (Apache, MySQL,PHP dan Perl). Pengujian dilakukan dengan metode whitebox testing dan blackbox testing. Penerapan aplikasi ini dapat menghasilkan data kehadiran dari peserta perkuliahan secara harian, persemester, dan grafik dengan cepat pada saat rekapitulasi. Data kehadiran dapat diakses melaui website, sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan untuk pemantauan dan penilaian kinerja oleh Tim Pengendali Mutu Akademik (TPMA).Kata kunci : Absensi, web, XAMPP, card tag,auto RFI

    An exploratory study of enterprise architecture practices in Malaysia

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    This study was an exploratory investigation of the practice of the enterprise architecture (EA) in private and public enterprises in Malaysia. The Zachman Framework was used to evaluate the practice of EA in these enterprises. Ten enterprises from public and private sector participated in the study. Multiple sources including interviews, documents and survey were used as the data sources of the study. The findings presented in this paper were exploratory in our attempt to gain an insight of the EA practices in Malaysia. The paper would give the general outlook of the current practices of EA in Malaysian enterprises

    IT-Business strategic alignment in influencing sustainable competitive advantage in Jordan: Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) approach

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    In many review articles or studies, the researchers have encouraged further exploration on the causal links between Information Technology (IT) investments and a firm’s sustainable competitive advantage.The outcomes of empirical studies have been inconclusive, which is to a certain extent due to the omission of IT-business strategic alignment.Indeed, strategic alignment has emerged as one of the most important issues facing business and IT executives all over the world. This paper reports on the empirical investigation of the success factors, which consist of leadership, structure and process, service quality, and values and beliefs, which are representative of the culture gap between IT strategy and business strategy.A questionnaire survey among 200 IT managers was carried out and 172 data sets were collected.This represented a 86% response rate. After a rigorous data screening process including outliers, normality, reliability and validity, 172 data sets were ready for structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was performed to examine the composite reliability, convergent validity and goodness of fit of the individual constructs and measurement models. The revised structural model demonstrates the relationships between all the four exogenous variables and IT-business strategic alignment, and all the four exogenous variables and sustainable competitive advantage. In addition, regarding the revised model there are two mediating effects of strategic alignment in the relationship between leadership, structure and process, service quality, values and beliefs, and sustainable competitive advantage


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    PRAKTEK PERNIKAHAN DI BAWAH UMUR Di Kenagarian Bawan Kecamatan Ampek Nagari Kabupaten Agam Sumatera Barat

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    The title of this research is The Practice of Underage Marriage in Kenagarian Bawan, Ampek Nagari District, Agam Regency, West Sumatera. The background of this research problem is based on Article 7 paragraph 1 of Law No. 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage which states that "marriage is only permitted if the male party has reached the age of 19 years and the female has reached the age of 16 years, while in Nagari Bawas, Ampek Nagari Sub-district, Agam Regency, many people ignore this provision. The purpose of this study was to see the form of implementation and the factors causing the practice of underage marriage in Kenagarian Bawan, as well as the actions taken by religious leaders, traditional leaders and KUA officials. This type of research is empirical legal research or legal sociology. That is an approach by looking at a legal reality in society. The sociology of law approach is an approach used to look at legal aspects in social interactions in society. Data taken from interviews with the Head of the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) and parties involved in the practice of underage marriage. The results showed that the practice of underage marriage in Kenagarian Bawan was only carried out in front of the local Tuanku, not in front of the Marriage Registrar, in the sense that this marriage was an illegal/unofficial marriage according to the Positive Law of Indonesia. There are three contributing factors, namely: pregnancy factors, educational factors and economic factors. Actions taken by religious leaders, traditional leaders and KUA officials are in the form of socialization and counseling to the community


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    Organizational development (organizational development) in schools is strongly influenced by school support, therefore school business for organizational development can be carried out through school communities, such as school principals, teachers, staff, and community environment, by implementing organizational development strategies. The purpose of this study is to describe the strategy and inhibiting factors for organizational development (organizational development) MTsN 2 Lhokseumawe City. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Data collection using observation techniques, interviews (interviews) and documentation. Data analysis is descriptive qualitative through data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the study were found that schools played an important role in the development of organizations, especially school principals, teachers and school communities in supporting every organization's activities and cooperating with outside parties in developing and implementing organizational development strategies through efforts to plan organizational development strategies, formulation of organizational development strategies, organizing organizational development strategy, decision making and evaluation for the development of school organizations. The inhibiting factor in the development of school organizations is that there are some aspects that have not been fully proven by the objectives, Among other things, there is still a lack of discipline in working and related to the process of planning a school work program strategy, there are still obstacles faced, namely the lack of coordination and not yet optimal in the community environment and the lack of students' understanding of the importance of the organization and the time to participate in organizational activities


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    The exponential growth of data, which occurs every day, can wreak havoc on records management. The more data, the more important the data collection process. It is very important to have reliable records management so that the records management process can run well. Information technology is one solution that can be used. Archive management using information technology is a method that allows archives to be easily organized according to their purpose and search. Information technology-based archive applications are very useful in terms of archive administration and the process of sharing archives with other units. The purpose of this study is to see how effective the use of information technology is in managing archives at the Ministry of Religion Office of Lhokseumawe City. Qualitative descriptive technique was used in this study, with data collection through interviews or conversations, as well as literature study. The results of this study indicate that the use of information systems in archive management, as well as the use of technology in archive management at the Office of the Ministry of Religion of Lhokseumawe City, is very useful and effective. Network constraints and the lack of human resources at the Office of the Ministry of Religion of Lhokseumawe City are one of the obstacles to its management.
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