118 research outputs found

    The Thought of Kh Imam Zarkasyi on Multicultural Education at Modern Islamic Boarding School Gontor Ponorogo

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    KH. Imam Zarkasyi is one of the founders of Islamic Boarding School “Darussalam” Gontor (PMDG) and at once became a national figure. Author describes multicultural education in the perspective KH Imam Zarkasyi, then take measurements on the practice of multicultural education in PMDG. This study suggests, since KH. Imam Zarkasyi PMDG founded in 1926 have established an atmosphere of multicultural education are covered by the system of formal curriculum and daily life activities. Under the existing system, Pondok Modern Gontor potential to develop multicultural education insightful and worthy of being an example of successful implementation of multicultural education in Indonesia. It can be seen from classroom practice, exchange dormitory, five principal of boarding, interaction between the consulate, and the synthesis of education applied in Pondok Modern Gontor for many years

    Konversi Energi Angin Menjadi Energi Listrik dalam Skala Laboratorium

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    The convertion of wind energy into electrical energy in laboratory is experimentally conducted, to the source of the wind came from the fan, which then flowed into a tunnel. The generator used is bicycle dynamo with voltage output of 12 Volt. The wind speed against the tunnel lenght increases when the length are 0,90 m, 0,75 m, and 0,60 m, and decrease on 0,45 m and 0,30 m. The decrease of wind speed occur because of fan vibration, unregularity of tunnel surface area and turbulence. The wind speed is observed to be the largest on the length of 0,60 m with the wind speed at the level of the third button of fan its average speed of 4,16 m/s with generator power, torque and efficiency are 9,47× 10−3 Watt, 2,63× 10−1 Nm and 0,30% respectively. The current and voltage output produced by generator is AC current and voltage and resulte 72,85 mA dan 0,13 Volt, therefore to convert they into DC current and voltage output, effective current and voltage equation is applied which get 0,05 Ampere and 0,09 Volt

    Implication of Career Development and Demograpic Factors on Quality of Work Life

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    The objective of this research is to study the implication of career development and demographic factors on quality of work life. The research was done cross sectional, by conducting 429 subjects who work in public service. Data was collected from a set of questionnaires which consists of scale of quality of work life, scale of career development and bio data. The result of Pearson correlation analysis indicated positive and significant correlation between career development and quality of work life. The correlation indicated that the positive perception of career development, the higher of quality of work life. Also, the Point Biserial correlation indicated demographic factors such as; sex, age, education, length of service and marital status showed positive and significant with quality of work life. These findings contribute to an understanding of ways by top management in attempts to attain a quality of work life between the needs of the employees and the needs of the organization

    Relationship Pattern of Fishermen and Employers in Kepenghuluan Panipahan Laut, Pasir Limau Kapas District Rokan Hilir Regency, Riau Province

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    This research was conducted at November 2016 in Kepenghuluan Panipahan Laut district Pasir Limau Kapas, Rokan Hilir regency, Riau province. The purpose of this research is to know the relationship pattern between fisherman and the employer and to know the benefit of this relation. The method that used in this research is qualitative phenomenological method. The informants of this research are twelve fishermen and three employers. So, total of the informants are fifteen people.According to the result of the research, relationship pattern between the fishermen and the employers in Kepenghuluan Panipahan Laut has some elements, which are work relationship element pattern that happened because of there are activities between fishermen and employers, social relationship element that happened by social interacting in economic relationship and economic relationship element that happened by economic activity and personal relationship element that happened from that social interaction. The benefits to the fishermen are fishing equipment are helped, fishermen daily needs, this relationship give a guarantee (sense of security) to the fishermen in provision of capital and marketing. While, the benefits to the employers are stock of the fish won't stop so that employers economic will stable and employers can monopolize the price of the fish

    Deskripsi Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi Keluarga Petani Repong Damar di Pekon Pahmungan Tahun 2016

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    This research aim to description social economy condition of repong damar Farmer Families in PahmunganVillage Pesisir Tengah Subdistrict of Pesisir Barat Regency in 2016 year. With the point of study on the age of the head of the family, the number of children, education, the area of land owned, income, and the level of fulfillment of family basic needs.This research used descriptive method. Taken sample as much as 20% (46 KK) farmer. Data collection of observation techniques, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. Data analysis description in percentage form. The results showed that: (1) (95.65%) were productive age, (2) (78.27%) were categorized into big families > 3, (3) (54.35%) finished their education only in Senior High School level. (4) The total land area belonging to repong damar famers was 54.40 ha, (5) The total income of repongdamar farmers were Rp.,-/ year, (6) The average level of minimum needs fulfillment much as 161.24% of the level of poverty line almost poor.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kondisi sosial ekonomi keluarga petani repong damar di Pekon Pahmungan Kecamatan Pesisir Tengah Kabupaten Pesisir Barat Tahun 2016, dengan titik kajian umur kepala keluarga, jumlah anak, pendidikan, luas lahan yang dimiliki, pendapatan, dan tingkat pemenuhan kebutuhan pokok keluarga. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif, sampel penelitian sebanyak 20% (46 KK) petani. Pengumpulan data teknik observasi, wawancara, kuesioner, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data deskripsi dalam bentuk persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (1) (95,65 %) umur produktif. (2) (78,27%) memiliki keluarga besar ? 3. (3) (54,35%) petani repong damar berpendidikan di tingkat SMA. (4) Total Luas lahan yang dimiliki petani 54,40 ha, (5) Total pendapatan petani repong damar Rp.,-/tahun (6). Rata-rata tingkat pemenuhan kebutuhan pokok minumum terpenuhi sebanyak 161,24% dari tingkat garis kemiskinannya hampir miskin

    A methodology for biomedical ontology reuse

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    The abundance of biomedical ontologies is beneficial to the development of biomedical related systems. However, existing biomedical ontologies such as the National Cancer Institute Thesaurus (NCIT), Foundational Model of Anatomy (FMA) and Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine-Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT) are often too large to be implemented in a particular system and cause unnecessary high usage of memory and slow down the system’s processing time. Developing a new ontology from scratch just for the use of a particular system is deemed as inefficient since it requires additional time and causes redundancy. Thus, a potentially better method is by reusing existing ontologies. However, currently there are no specific methods or tools for reusing ontologies. This paper aims to provide readers with a step by step method in reusing ontologies together with the tools that can be used to ease the process

    Analisis Strategi Bersaing Pada Ramayana Department Store Panam Square Di Kota Pekanbaru

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    This research held in Ramayana Department Store Panam Square in Pekanbaru City. Pekanbaru is a city that has a high consumption patterns, especially in fashion. This can be seen with the establishment of many department stores in Pekanbaru. One of them is Ramayana Department Store Pekanbaru. The purpose of this research is to know strategy Ramayana Department Store Panam Square Pekanbaru and know the effort Ramayana Department Store Panam Square Pekanbaru in improving competitive advantage. Variables used are internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) of the company and external factors (opportunities and threats) of the company. The population in this research is visitors Ramayana Department Store and Ramayana Department Store Manager. This research is a qualitative reasearch using qualitative descriptive method using collection techniques such as questionnaires, observations, documentations and interviews. This research used SWOT analysis. The results showed that the Ramayana Department Store Panam Square Pekanbaru has SO highest scores so that strategies can be used are as follows; expand market share, product development, product diversification and cooperation with various parties. Based on the Cartesius diagram, Ramayana Department Store Panam Square Pekanbaru is the position of Growth. The strategy used is the strategy of vertical integration