38 research outputs found

    Dziedzictwo „ufortyfikowanej knajpy”. Działalność wybranych hoteli i lokali gastronomicznych Torunia w latach 1920–1939

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    Hotele i lokale gastronomiczne były ważną częścią życia codziennego mieszkańców II Rzeczypospolitej. Zakłady gastronomiczne stanowiły niekiedy miejsca spotkań. Toruń będący w okresie międzywojennym ważnym ośrodkiem administracyjnym i kulturalnym północnej części państwa, w momencie przyłączenia do Polski posiadał bazę hotelową i restauracyjną. W eleganckich kawiarniach, modnych cukierniach, zadymionych i szemranych knajpach zacieśniano więzy międzyludzkie. Torunianie chętnie korzystali z oferty licznych lokali, jedząc, pijąc, słuchając koncertów, będąc niekiedy świadkami skandali obyczajowych i przestępstw. Artykuł ma na celu ukazanie działalności wybranych hoteli i lokali gastronomicznych międzywojennego Torunia zarówno z tej jasnej, jak i ciemnej strony. Na materiał źródłowy składają się m.in. prasa regionalna („Dzień Pomorski”, „Słowo Pomorskie”) i archiwalia (Akta miasta Torunia 1920–1939)

    Fate of Salmonella spp. in the Fresh Soft Raw Milk Cheese during Storage at Different Temperatures

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    The aim of this study was to determine the survival kinetics of Salmonella spp. in unripened, fresh raw milk cheese during storage at 5, 15 and 25 °C. Microbiological (coliforms and E. coli, S. thermophilus, Lactococcus sp., total microbial count and Enterobacteriaceae) and physicochemical (pH and aw) characteristics were also determined. Two primary models were used to estimate the kinetic parameters of Salmonella spp., namely Weibull and Baranyi and Roberts (no lag) models. Additionally, goodness-of-fit of the primary models was assessed by calculating the R-Square and mean square error. Salmonella spp. growth in the unripened raw milk cheese was inhibited during storage, but nevertheless bacteria survived at 5 °C for 33 days (2.5 log cfu/g) and 15 °C for 18 days (1.8 log cfu/g). A decrease in the number of Salmonella spp. populations from an initial concentration 6.6 log cfu/g to below a detection limit was observed at 25 °C after 7 days of storage of contaminated cheese samples. It was concluded that the storage temperature significantly influenced the inactivation rate of Salmonella spp. in fresh raw milk cheese and proceeded faster at 25 °C compared to remaining storage temperatures

    Valorization of Dairy By-Products: Efficiency of Energy Production from Biogas Obtained in Anaerobic Digestion of Ultrafiltration Permeates

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    This study aimed at evaluating the methane potential of two ultrafiltration (UFP) and two diafiltration (DFP) permeates generated during milk protein concentration. The permeates were characterized by a different chemical oxygen demand (COD) ranging from 7610 mg O2/L to 57,020 mg O2/L. The CH4 production efficiency was recorded for 20 days and ranged from 149 to 181 NL/kg CODadded. Moreover, the possibilities of the use of UFP/DFP to produce electricity and heat with a combined heat and power (CHP) unit was analyzed to underline the impact of the implementation of anaerobic digestion on the electric and thermal energy requirements of a dairy plant. It was concluded that the application of anaerobic digestion to UFP and DFP treatments generates the energy required to cover all the large-scale dairy plant energy demands and produce extra income. The amount of permeates generated annually in the analyzed dairy plant will enable the production of approx. 22,699 MWh of electricity and 85,516 GJ of heat. This would require a biogas plant with a 3 MW yield. Additionally, the lactose production from UFP/DFP was considered as an alternative or parallel solution for its management. The study confirmed that the biogas and lactose production from UFP/DFP enables plant owners to adjust a plant’s management towards one of these two solutions

    Foaming properties of reduced-fat whey protein concentrates

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    Białka serwatkowe mają znaczenie praktyczne ze względu na ich właściwości odżywcze oraz funkcjonalne. Obecność tłuszczu wpływa jednak negatywnie na ich smak oraz właściwości pianotwórcze. Celem pracy było określenie wpływu zawartości tłuszczu na właściwości pianotwórcze koncentratów białek serwatkowych. Porównano pod względem właściwości pianotwórczych koncentraty białek serwatkowych o deklarowanej zawartości białek: 35 % (WPC 35) i 80 % (WPC 80), zawierające tłuszcz i odtłuszczone za pomocą chitozanu. Ponadto dokonano porównania ich z właściwościami pianotwórczymi albuminy białka jaja kurzego. Roztwory WPC po zastosowaniu chitozanu, czyli WPC 35 chitozan i WPC 80 chitozan, wykazywały wyższą wydajność pienienia (odpowiednio: 721,7 % i 776,7 %) niż WPC 35 i WPC 80 (odpowiednio: 338,3 i 588,3 %) oraz EWP i EWP-W (555,0 i 536,7 %). Roztwory WPC 35 chitozan i WPC 80 chitozan wykazywały wyższe wartości spęcznienia pian (odpowiednio: 750,8 i 636,8 %) niż WPC 35 i WPC 80 (odpowiednio: 520,9 % i 568,0 %), również w porównaniu z naturalną albuminą białka jaja kurzego (EWP) i wysokopienistą albuminą białka jaja kurzego (EWP-W) (odpowiednio: 572,6 i 595,7 %). Stabilność pian otrzymanych z roztworów WPC 35 chitozan i WPC 80 chitozan była większa (odpowiednio: 93,6 i 98,1 %) w porównaniu z WPC 35 (32,5 %) i WPC 80 (87,1 %) i porównywalna z EWP (97,63 %) oraz z EWP-W (100,0 %). Zastosowanie chitozanu przyczyniło się do znacznego zmniejszenie mętności WPC.Whey proteins have practical significance on grounds of their nutritive and functional values. However, the presence of fat negatively affects their flavour and foaming properties. The objective of the research was to determine the effect of fat content on foaming properties of whey protein concentrates. Whey protein concentrates, those with fat and those with fat reduced by chitosan, were compared as regards their foaming properties; all of them had a declared protein content of 35 % (WPC 35) and of 80 % (WPC 80). Furthermore, the foaming properties of whey proteins were compared with those of albumin in egg white (EWP). Upon the application of chitosan, the whey protein solutions, i.e. WPC 35 chitosan and WPC 80 chitosan, showed a higher foaming yield level (respectively: 721.7 % and 776.7 %) than that of WPC 35 and WPC 80 (respectively: 338.3 % and 588.3 %) and of EWP and EWP-W (respectively: 555.0 % and 536.7 %). The solutions of WPC 35 chitosan and WPC 80 chitosan showed higher values of foam overrun (750.8 % and 636.8 %, respectively) than the solutions of WPC 35 and WPC 80 (520.93 %, 568.0 %) and than the natural albumin in egg white (EWP) and the albumin of high foaming activity in egg white (EWPW) (572.6 % and 595.7 %, respectively). The stability of foams produced from WPC 35 chitosan and WPC 80 chitosan solutions was higher (93.6 % and 98.1 %, respectively) compared to the foam stability produced from WPC 35 solution (32.5 %) and from WPC 80 solution (87.1 %); it was comparable with the foam stability from EWP (97.6 %) and EWP-W (100.0 %). The application of chitosan contributed to a significant decrease in turbidity of WPC

    Valorization of Dairy By-Products: Efficiency of Energy Production from Biogas Obtained in Anaerobic Digestion of Ultrafiltration Permeates

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    This study aimed at evaluating the methane potential of two ultrafiltration (UFP) and two diafiltration (DFP) permeates generated during milk protein concentration. The permeates were characterized by a different chemical oxygen demand (COD) ranging from 7610 mg O2/L to 57,020 mg O2/L. The CH4 production efficiency was recorded for 20 days and ranged from 149 to 181 NL/kg CODadded. Moreover, the possibilities of the use of UFP/DFP to produce electricity and heat with a combined heat and power (CHP) unit was analyzed to underline the impact of the implementation of anaerobic digestion on the electric and thermal energy requirements of a dairy plant. It was concluded that the application of anaerobic digestion to UFP and DFP treatments generates the energy required to cover all the large-scale dairy plant energy demands and produce extra income. The amount of permeates generated annually in the analyzed dairy plant will enable the production of approx. 22,699 MWh of electricity and 85,516 GJ of heat. This would require a biogas plant with a 3 MW yield. Additionally, the lactose production from UFP/DFP was considered as an alternative or parallel solution for its management. The study confirmed that the biogas and lactose production from UFP/DFP enables plant owners to adjust a plant’s management towards one of these two solutions