10 research outputs found

    Penatalaksanaan Tiga Kasus Miasis Hidung

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    Latar belakang: Miasis atau belatungan hidung adalah infestasi larva lalat Diptera pada rongga hidung. Penyakit ini lebih sering dijumpai di negara-negara tropis, terutama pada masyarakat golongan sosio-ekonomi rendah. Di antara lalat penyebab miasis di dunia, lalat Chrysomya bezziana mempunyai nilai medis yang penting karena larvanya bersifat parasit obligat. Pengobatan miasis pada manusia dapat dilakukan secara lokal, sistemik maupun operatif. Tujuan: Mempresentasikan serial kasus miasis hidung di Rumah Sakit Mohammad Hoesin Palembang. Kasus: Tiga kasus miasis hidung pada perempuan berusia 56 tahun dan 9 tahun serta laki- laki berusia 42 tahun. Kesimpulan: Dilaporkan tiga kasus miasis hidung yang dilakukan penatalaksanaan berupa ektraksi larva dengan klem aligator, irigasi rongga hidung dengan H2O2 3% dilanjutkan dengan NaCl 0,9% dan betadine, ekstraksi eksplorasi dalam anastesi umum serta dengan pemberian antibiotik spektrum luas dan analgetik

    Penatalaksanaan Enam Kasus Aspirasi Benda Asing Tajam di Saluran Trakheobronkial

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    Latar Belakang: Aspirasi benda asing ialah masuknya benda yang berasal dari luar tubuh atau dari dalam tubuh yang dalam keadaan normal tidak ada ke saluran pernafasan. Aspirasi benda tajam di saluran trakheobronkial merupakan permasalahan yang cukup sering terjadi dan meningkat beberapa tahun terakhir seiring dengan peningkatan penggunaan  jarum   pentul, terutama pada wanita muda dan remaja perempuan. Aspirasi benda asing tajam  berpotensi menimbulkan komplikasi serius, seperti distress pernapasan akut, atelektasis, perdarahan, robekan dan infeksi paru, bahkan kematian. Diagnosis aspirasi benda asing tajam dapat ditegakkan melalui anamnesis berupa riwayat tersedak benda asing tajam dan didukung dengan pemeriksaan radiologi berupa gambaran radiopak dari benda asing tajam. Tujuan: Mempresentasikan serial kasus aspirasi benda asing tajam di saluran trakeobronkial. Kasus: Lima kasus aspirasi benda asing tajam jarum pentul dan satu kasus prolong aspirasi benda tajam paku payung plastik di saluran trakeobronkial,           Kesimpulan: Dilaporkan lima kasus aspirasi benda asing tajam jarum pentul dan satu kasus prolong aspirasi benda tajam paku payung plastik di saluran trakeobronkial, yang berhasil ditatalaksana dengan bronkoskopi kak

    Prevalensi Rinosinusitis Kronik di RSUP Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang

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    Rinosinusitis kronik merupakan penyakit yang ditandai dengan peradangan pada mukosa hidung dan sinus paranasal dengan durasi minimal 12 minggu. Diagnosis rinosinusitis kronik dapat ditegakkan dari adanya dua atau lebih keluhan. Berdasarkan anatomi sinus paranasal, rinosinusitis dikelompokkan menjadi rinosinusitis maksila, rinosinustis etmoid, rinosinusitis frontal dan rinosinusitis sfenoid. Faktor-faktor yang dapat menjadi penyebab meliputi faktor penjamu baik sistemik maupun lokal dan faktor lingkungan. Komplikasi yang dapat terjadi yaitu kelainan orbita dan intrakranial, osteomielitis dan kelainan paru. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui prevalensi rinosinusitis kronik di RSUP Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional deskriptif. Data didapatkan melalui semua rekam medis pasien yang didiagnosis rinosinusitis kronik pada periode 01 Januari 2015 sampai dengan 31 Desember 2015 di RSUP Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi diambil sebagai sampel penelitian. Dari 140 pasien rinosinusitis, didapatkan 73 pasien rinosinusitis kronik, paling banyak (58,9%) pada laki-laki dan pada kelompok usia 46 – 52 (19,2%). Riwayat penyakit keluarga rinitis alergi paling banyak ditemukan (26%). Jenis rinosinusitis terbanyak adalah rinosinusitis maksila (28,8%). Gejala mayor paling sering dikeluhkan (69,9%) adalah hidung tersumbat dan gejala minor paling sering dikeluhkan (87,7%) adalah sakit kepala. Komplikasi yang sering terjadi adalah kelainan orbita (9,6%).Rinosinusitis kronik banyak ditemukan di bagian T.H.T.K.L RSUP Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang. Kasus pada laki-laki lebih banyak dibanding pada perempuan dan banyak ditemukan pada usia 46-52 tahun.Gejala mayor yang sering dikeluhkan adalah hidung tersumbat dan gejala minor yang sering dikeluhkan ada sakit kepala

    Penatalaksanaan Tiga Kasus Miasis Hidung

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    Latar belakang: Miasis atau belatungan hidung adalah infestasi larva lalat Diptera pada rongga hidung. Penyakit ini lebih sering dijumpai di negara-negara tropis, terutama pada masyarakat golongan sosio-ekonomi rendah. Di antara lalat penyebab miasis di dunia, lalat Chrysomya bezziana mempunyai nilai medis yang penting karena larvanya bersifat parasit obligat. Pengobatan miasis pada manusia dapat dilakukan secara lokal, sistemik maupun operatif. Tujuan: Mempresentasikan serial kasus miasis hidung di Rumah Sakit Mohammad Hoesin Palembang. Kasus: Tiga kasus miasis hidung pada perempuan berusia 56 tahun dan 9 tahun serta laki- laki berusia 42 tahun. Kesimpulan: Dilaporkan tiga kasus miasis hidung yang dilakukan penatalaksanaan berupa ektraksi larva dengan klem aligator, irigasi rongga hidung dengan H2O2 3% dilanjutkan dengan NaCl 0,9% dan betadine, ekstraksi eksplorasi dalam anastesi umum serta dengan pemberian antibiotik spektrum luas dan analgetik

    A Case of Whistle as Foreign Body in Trachea

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    Background. Most of foreign body aspiration cases are found in children under the age of fifteen. Pediatric patients often presents with non-food foreign body aspiration, such as toys. The most common clinical manifestation are history of choking following foreign object insertion into the mouth (85%), paroxysmal cough (59%), wheezing (57%) and airway obstruction (5%). Case presentation. Main principle of airway foreign body extraction is to do it immediately in the most optimal condition with slightest possible trauma. Rigid bronchoscopy is a suitable choice for tracheal foreign body extraction. We reported a case of seven years old male with tracheal foreign body presented with history of whistle ingestion five hours prior to admission. This patient was discharged from hospital after third days of rigid bronchoscopy procedure. Conclusion. History of foreign body aspiration in children should be suspected as a tracheobronchial foreign body. Rigid bronchoscopy is preferred to extract foreign bodies present in the trachea. The prognosis for tracheobronchial foreign body aspiration is good if the foreign body is treated early and without complications

    Factors Related to the Incidence of Dysphagia in Patients Using Tracheal Cannula at Dr. Mohammad Hoesin General Hospital Palembang

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    Background: The need for tracheostomy increases during the coronavirus diseases 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. However, some studies suggest that tracheostomy causes dysphagia which can lead to other health problems such as pneumonia, choking, weight loss, malnutrition, and dehydration with serious side effects. This study aims to determine the factors associated with the incidence of dysphagia in patients using a tracheal cannula. Methods: This study is an observational study using a cross-sectional design. Data collection was carried out using medical record data on 58 patients who used a tracheal cannula recorded in the medical record data for the FEES examination at Dr. Mohammad Hoesin General Hospital Palembang from January 2019 to September 2021. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, chi-square, and multiple logistic regression. Results: Of 58 patients who used a tracheal cannula, it was found that 75.9% had dysphagia. The results of the comparison test showed that the factors associated with the incidence of dysphagia were gender (p=0.001), nutritional status (p=0.013), incision location (p=0.043), and primary disease (p=0.021). Factors that were not associated with the incidence of dysphagia were age (p=0.933), tracheostomy indication (p=0.741), and the type of tracheal cannula (p=1,000). Patients are male, with low and high tracheal cannula incision locations, and have a primary neurological disease. The probability or chance of dysphagia is 79.8%. Conclusion: Tracheostomy can cause dysphagia which is influenced by gender, location of tracheal cannula incision, and primary disease

    Fiberoptic Endoscopic Examination of Swallowing (FEES) Evaluation in Post Stroke Patients

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    Introduction. Complications caused by post-stroke dysphagia increase the morbidity and mortality of patients. Although it has a significant effect on the functional abilities and worsening of the patient's prognosis, post-stroke dysphagia is still under-noticed and often undiagnosed. The importance of knowing the incidence of post-stroke dysphagia, not only to determine its relationship to the pathology of the disease but also to determine treatment plans or follow-up interventions. This study aims to determine the incidence of FEES findings in post-stroke dysphagia both hemorrhagic and non-hemorrhagic stroke. Methods. Forty post-stroke patients in the Inpatient and Outpatient Installation of the THTKL Section and the Neurology Section of Dr. Hospital. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang conducted a FEES examination to see leakage, residue, penetration, and aspiration after being given six different types of food boluses ranging from filter porridge, rice porridge, oatmeal, water, milk, and biscuits. The results of the assessment are recorded and analyzed descriptively. Results. From 40 research subjects found 25 people experiencing dysphagia, where subjects with non-hemorrhagic stroke types were 21 people (52.5%), while hemorrhagic stroke types were four people (10%). The occurrence of leakage of filter porridge was 5 findings, leakage of rice porridge was eight findings, oatmeal leakage, water, and milk were seven findings each, and biscuit leakage was two findings. The incidence of filtered pulp residues was 12 findings, rice porridge residues were 14 findings, oatmeal residues were 15 findings, water and milk residues were five findings each, and biscuit residues were eight findings. The incidence of penetration of filter porridge, rice porridge, and biscuits was one finding each, oatmeal penetration was not found, while water and milk penetration were six events each. The aspirations of filter porridge, rice porridge, oatmeal, and biscuits were not found, while water and milk aspirations were seven findings. Conclusion. The incidence of dysphagia in post-stroke patients both hemorrhagic and non-hemorrhagic in the Inpatient and Outpatient Installation of the THTKL Section and the Neurology Section of the Mohammad Hoesin Hospital Palembang Palembang is quite high at 62.5%. The occurrence of food residues is the most FEES findings. While aspirations are the fewest findings

    Characteristics Of Patient With Foreign Body Ingestion In Palembang

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    Introduction. Foreign body ingestion is a common diagnosis that presents in emergency departments—coins as the oesophagal foreign body most commonly found in infants and children. Coins retained in the oesophagus require intervention to prevent complications. This study aimed to determine oesophagal coin foreign body patient's characteristic at Mohammad Hoesin General Hospital Palembang. Method. This study design was retrospective descriptive. Samples were all patient diagnosed with oesophagal coin foreign bodies which underwent Extraction with esophagoscopy guidance that was performed at Mohammad Hoesin General Hospital Palembang during January 2013 – August 2017. Result. Forty-three patients had diagnosed with oesophageal coin foreign bodies consist of 22 males and 21 females. The most frequent age was 4fouryears old. The most presenting symptoms are Globus sensation on the throat (79%) and odynophagia (51,1%). Radiologist confirmation was done in every patient with foreign coin bodies in oesophagus. All patients underwent oesophagoscopy. 65,1% of cases of foreign coin bodies were found in the second constriction of throat. Duration of stay in hospital was the range from 1- 4 days, with the most frequent, was two days. There was no complication found in all patients. Conclusion. Oesophagal coin foreign body is most commonly ingested in children. The most presenting symptom is globus sensation on the throat. There is no complication found in this study