11 research outputs found

    Chern-Simons Gravity in Four Dimensions

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    Five dimensional Chern-Simons theory with (anti-)de Sitter SO(1,5) or SO(2,4) gauge invariance presents an alternative to General Relativity with cosmological constant. We consider the zero-modes of its Kaluza-Klein compactification to four dimensions. Solutions with vanishing torsion are obtained in the cases of a spherically symmetric 3-space and of a homogeneous and isotropic 3-space, which reproduce the Schwarzshild-de Sitter and Λ\LambdaCDM cosmological solutions of General Relativity. We also check that vanishing torsion is a stable feature of the solutions.Comment: 25 pages, Late

    Behaviour of Charged Spinning Massless Particles

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    We revisit the classical theory of a relativistic massless charged point particle with spin and interacting with an external electromagnetic field. In particular, we give a proper definition of its kinetic energy and its total energy, the latter being conserved when the external field is stationary. We also write the conservation laws for the linear and angular momenta. Finally, we find that the particle's velocity may differ from cc as a result of the spin---electromagnetic field interaction, without jeopardizing Lorentz invariance.Comment: PDFtex file, 20 pages, 3 figures Revised version published in Symmetry (Basel

    A Topological-like Model for Gravity in 4D Space-time

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    In this paper we consider a model for gravity in 4-dimensional space-time originally proposed by Chamseddine, which may be derived by dimensional reduction and truncation from a 5-dimensional Chern-Simons theory. Its topological origin makes it an interesting candidate for an easier quantization, e.g., in the Loop Quantization framework. The present paper is dedicated to a classical analysis of the model's properties. Cosmological solutions as well as wave solutions are found and compared with the corresponding solutions of Einstein's General Relativity with cosmological constant.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures, PDFLatex. Typos corrected. Subsection 2.2.1 is new and subsection 2.2.3 (old subsection 2.2.2) has been improve

    Thermodynamics of phantom black holes in Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton theory

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    A thermodynamic analysis of the black hole solutions coming from the Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton theory (EMD) in 4D is done. By consider the canonical and grand-canonical ensemble, we apply standard method as well as a recent method known as Geometrothermodynamics (GTD). We are particularly interested in the characteristics of the so called phantom black hole solutions. We will analyze the thermodynamics of these solutions, the points of phase transition and their extremal limit. Also the thermodynamic stability is analyzed. We obtain a mismatch of the between the results of the GTD method when compared with the ones obtained by the specific heat, revealing a weakness of the method, as well as possible limitations of its applicability to very pathological thermodynamic systems. We also found that normal and phantom solutions are locally and globally unstable, unless for certain values of the coupled constant of the EMD action. We also shown that the anti-Reissner-Nordstrom solution does not posses extremal limit nor phase transition points, contrary to the Reissner-Nordstrom case.Comment: 23 pages, version accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Complete loop quantization of a dimension 1+2 Lorentzian gravity theory

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    De Sitter Chern-Simons gravity in D = 1 + 2 spacetime is known to possess an extension with a Barbero-Immirzi like parameter. We find a partial gauge fixing which leaves a compact residual gauge group, namely SU(2). The compacticity of the residual gauge group opens the way to the usual LQG quantization techniques. We recall the exemple of the LQG quantization of SU(2) CS theory with cylindrical space topology, which thus provides a complete LQG of a Lorentzian gravity model in 3-dimensional space-time.Comment: Loops11 - Madrid - 2011 (4 pages, Latex

    Quantization of Lorentzian 3d Gravity by Partial Gauge Fixing

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    D = 2+1 gravity with a cosmological constant has been shown by Bonzom and Livine to present a Barbero-Immirzi like ambiguity depending on a parameter. We make use of this fact to show that, for positive cosmological constant, the Lorentzian theory can be partially gauge fixed and reduced to an SU(2) Chern-Simons theory. We then review the already known quantization of the latter in the framework of Loop Quantization for the case of space being topogically a cylinder. We finally construct, in the same setting, a quantum observable which, although non-trivial at the quantum level, corresponds to a null classical quantity.Comment: Notation defect fixed on pages 5 (bottom) and 6 (around Eqs. 3.1)-- 19 pages, Late

    Loop quantization of a model for D = 1 + 2 (anti)de sitter gravity coupled to topological matter

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    We present a complete quantization of Lorentzian D = 1 + 2 gravity with cosmological constant, coupled to a set of topological matter fields. The approach of loop quantum gravity is used thanks to a partial gauge fixing leaving a residual gauge invariance under a compact semi-simple gauge group, namely Spin(4) = SU(2) × SU(2). A pair of quantum observables is con- structed, which are non-trivial despite being gauge-equivalent to zero at the classical level. A semi-classical approximation based on appropriately defined coherent states shows non-vanishing expectation values for them, thus not reproducing their classical behaviour

    Quantum charged spinning massless particles in 2 + 1 dimensions

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    Motivated by the conduction properties of graphene discovered and studied in the last decades, we consider the quantum dynamics of a massless, charged, spin 1/2 relativistic particle in three dimensional space-time, in the presence of an electrostatic field in various configurations such as step or barrier potentials and generalizations of them. The field is taken as parallel to the y coordinate axis and vanishing outside of a band parallel to the x axis. The classical theory is reviewed, together with its canonical quantization leading to the Dirac equation for a 2-component spinor. Stationary solutions are numerically found for each of the field configurations considered, from which we calculate the mean quantum trajectories of the particle and compare them with the corresponding classical trajectories, the latter showing a classical version of the Klein phenomenon. Transmission and reflection probabilities are also calculated, confirming the Klein phenomenon