3 research outputs found


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    This paper aims to investigate the factors that affect the students’ willingness to communicate in English in the classroom. This study employs a qualitative method, particularly the case study with the use of observation, questionnaire, and interview to collect the data. It can be concluded that there are mainly five factors that influence students’ willingness to communicate namely teachers, topic discussions, classroom environment, peers, and types of activities


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    This paper aims to investigate the factors that affect the students’ willingness to communicate in English in the classroom. This study employs a qualitative method, particularly the case study with the use of observation, questionnaire, and interview to collect the data. It can be concluded that there are mainly five factors that influence students’ willingness to communicate namely teachers, topic discussions, classroom environment, peers, and types of activities

    Enhancing Tenth-Grade Students’ Skill in Writing Narrative Texts by Implementing Process Writing through Storybird Web 2.0

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    ABSTRAK Learning English requires all the skills commonly used in learning a language, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. However, many believe that writing is one of the most difficult skills to master for learners. A preliminary study done in SMAN 7 Malang revealed that the students of grade X in Language Program had problems in writing, specifically in narrative texts. Their writing results were still problematic related to language features such as tenses and linking words, the use of adjectives, word forms, the way they composed some paragraphs, and mechanics such as capitalization and punctuation.To overcome the problems, a classroom action research (CAR) was conducted. The classroom action research study involves a cyclical process to make sure that the strategy implemented succeeds in solving the problem. The researcher decided to use a process writing strategy and Storybird web 2.0 as the medium. The steps done in CAR could be summarized as planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The instruments used in this research covered interview guides, writing task, observation checklist, field notes, and questionnaires. The data then was analyzed by comparing the result of the students’ writing achievement with the criteria of success. A scoring rubric was used as the guidance to assess the students’ writing. Since this study successfully achieved the criteria of success within one cycle, there was no need to make a revised plan and do other cycles.The implementation of the study resulted in the improvement on the students’ writing achievement. Compared to the preliminary study, the students’ writing score was better and higher, proven by the average score of the students writing which reached 85.14 points on the final score. 89% of the total number of the students in the class achieved the score above the minimum passing grade. Moreover, the students enjoyed and actively participated during the study. All of those data showed an improvement and thus met the criteria of success defined earlier. Upon implementing the process writing strategy, the core activities might be described as follows: (1) planning the story; (2) writing the draft of the story; (3) responding to others’ work; (4) revising the story; and (5) editing the students’ own work. To conclude, the implementation of process writing strategy through Storybird web 2.0 was considered successful to solve the students’ problems in writing narrative texts. It is suggested for the English teachers who have similar problems to apply the process writing strategy with integration of Computer/Mobile-Assissted Language Learning (CALL/MALL). For further researchers who are interested in conducting a similar study, he or she might vary the media combined with similar strategy