147 research outputs found

    Memposisikan Abdul Karim Jamak sebagai Ulama Asia Tenggara dari Kerinci, Jambi, Indonesia

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    Abdul Karim Jamak almost straight into a discussion of the religious phenomenon in Kerinci, Sumatra and even in Southeast Asia. His activities are mostly done in Kerinci, as a place that is quite difficult to reach once, to be controversial with many additional stories about him. This study wants to explore the biography of Abdul Karim Jamak and his role in Islamic missionary activity, and to describe some of the results of the research before about this an Islamic ulama of the Kerinci. The results of this study itself show that controversial stories about Jamaah Islamiyah led by Abdul Karim is not an Islamic deviant splinter group. In fact, Abdul Karim plays an important role in islamization and could be positioned as one of the scholars of the archipelago, and even Southeast Asia ulama from Kerinci, Indonesia

    Madrasah Sebagai Tipologi Lembaga Pendidikan Islam (Kajian Tentang Berbagai Model Madrasah Unggulan)

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    “Madrasah” is parth of Islamic boarding school to answer various of polemic in the society, especially in Islamic education development, thus Islamic boarding school able to fuse between subject of religion science and common science. Start from that time, Islamic boarding school establish “madrasah” education under its overshide. “Madrasah” as institute of Islamic education has blossomed out in a time, as emergence of “madrasah”diniyah, “madrasah” of SKB 3 ministers and “madrasah pesantren”. From that\u27s models, the great one in development is superior “madrasah”. So, unsuprised if there are many schools integrate with Islamic boarding school, that\u27s mean in this concerning school which based on Islamic boarding school able to give satisfactions for stakeholder. Moreover, there are many zest from society to educate their child in madrasah wich based on Islamic boarding school. This can be observed based on social changes. As theory from Etzioni, theory of active society that perceived by continuing changes, but still individu who become member of the society

    Upaya Greenpeace Menyelamatkan Arktik dari Kepentingan Pengeboran Minyak dan Gas Rusia

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    This study aims to find out about the Greenpeace efforts in save the arctic from interestd oil and gas drilling Russia. Type of this research is descriptive analysis. The decades of the environment is a new issue and the most hotly discussed issues in the International world. Global warming and climate change has threatened the world for causing extreme changes in weather to natural disasters. Earth's polar axis and has an important function for the earth. Behind the threats, the Arctic have a source of potential oil and gas reserves of the world. Russia became a very ambitious country on this potential, to issue a policy to get this potential by drilling for oil and gas in the Arctic through the International oil and gas company's Russia. Greenpeace is one of the largest NGO in the world and a vision for the environment, issued a petition rejection of oil drilling in the Arctic or the north pole undertaken by the Russian oil company because impact of global warming and climate change.The writer try to describe and explain about Greenpeace efforts to save the arctic region from the Russian oil and gas drilling and its impact on the environment in the Arctic ecosystem good nor bad in the world. Sources that will be presented in this study is a secondary source. The conclusion of this research effort conducted by Greenpeace to save the Arctic from oil and gas drilling Russian, useful to stop them and make the arctic region to be protects

    Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Tandur untuk Meningkatkan Self-efficacy Siswa pada Materi Suhu dan Kalor Kelas X SMA Negeri 14 Pekanbaru

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    This research aims to determine the increase of student's self-efficacy in class X SMAN 14 Pekanbaru by applying the TANDUR strategies on subject Temperature and Heat. The research was conducted in SMAN 14 Pekanbaru precisely in February 2016 to June 2016. The form of the research is one group pretest-posttest design. The research instruments used include: (1) questionnaires of self-efficacy, and (2) observation sheet self-efficacy. Data analysis is conducted by using Gain self-efficacy through questionnaires given to the students of class X3 before and after the implementation of TANDUR strategies. The observation is conducted by observing the students on every meeting. The results of this research: (1) After the implementation of the TANDUR strategies, self-efficacy of students has increased based on questionnaire score obtained gain value 0,30; (2) based on the observation values increased from 55,68% to 74,05% in the medium category. The result of this research indicate that the results of questionnaires and observations can be concluded that the implementation of TANDUR strategies that have been applied to the class X3 SMAN 14 Pekanbaru can be improve the self-efficacy of the students in the learning of physics

    Pengembangan Desa Wisata Tanaman Obat Dalam Rangka Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pedesaan

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    : The purpose of this is to support the activities IBW Local Government Pacitan District in terms of democratic economic development prioritizing agro-industrial sector of medicinal plants. Therefore, IBW team Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University and National Institute of Technology in Malang proposed program IBW Tourism Village in the district of Medicinal Plants Nawangan, Pacitan. The final target of the program is the tourist village of medicinal plants by the development of integrated and sustainable agricultural systems are based on self-reliance and environmentally sound. Implementation of the program's first year IBW tourist village in the district of medicinal plants Nawangan Pacitan district is focused on the activities of "on-farm" and pewacanaan tourist village. That is, the focus of the program is directed to engineering cultivation of medicinal plants in the location-based organic farm aims to introduce fundamentally organic cultivation of medicinal plants. The conclusion of the implementation IBW tourist village of medicinal plants in the district Nawangan Pacitan, namely: (1) People in the location IBW tourist village of medicinal plants in the district Nawangan Pacitan, namely the village of Ferns New and Ngromo that are the focus of empowerment this program begin applying cultivation drug organically and conducting business in a simple processing of medicinal plants; (2) The medicinal plant processing business simply needs to be developed with the appropriate technology tools are planned for the next stage. Keywords: tourist village, medicinal plants, kec Nawangan, the production of processed products

    Frozen Semen Quality of Simmental Cattle in Various Commercial Diluents

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    This study determines the effect of different commercial diluents on the quality of frozen Simmental semen. The extraction of fresh semen from 3 Simmental bulls using an artificial vaginal method was performed twice a week. Fresh semen with motility of >70% was further processed to frozen using a one-step dilution method, and the commercial diluents used were Andromed®, Optixcell®, and Steridyl®. The diluted semen was packed into mini-straws, equilibrated, frozen, and stored for further testing. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) analysis with a 5% confidence level. The results showed that commercial diluents significantly affected motility, viability, intact plasma membrane, abnormalities, and recovery rate of frozen semen (P<0.05). Commercial diluents with different sources of lecithin reported different results on the quality of frozen semen. Steridyl® has a more optimal ability to maintain the quality of frozen semen of Simmental cattle, followed by Optixcell® and Andromed®

    Tinjauan Terhadap Sistem Multi Partai Dalam Sistem Pemerintahan Presidensial Di Indonesia Pada Era Reformasi

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    Amendment Act of 1945 that occurred in the era of reform based on a commitment to reinforce the Presidential system. In contrast, multi-party system in combination with the current presidential system of government is to encourage parties to form a coalition that actually weakens the presidential system itself. The Coalition is one of the institutions of parliamentary systems which negatively berekses governance. Practices in Indonesian coalition formed before the general election of President and Vice President dominated political dealings regarding the division of public office without the formulation of a common platform. In fact, the coalition was formed not ensure that parties who are members of the coalition that has a representative in the legislature will always support government programs. Therefore, this study aimed to understand the application of multi-party system in the Presidential system of government in Indonesia in the reform era at once formulate implications for the executive and legislative relations and the implementation of the ideal. This type of research can be can be classified into types of normative juridical research, because it makes the literature as the main focus. Source of data used, the primary legal materials, secondary law, and tertiary legal materials. Data collection techniques in this study using the method of literature study.The results showed that the application of multi-party system in the Presidential system of government actually weaken the presidential system and have implications for the executive and legislative relations. Three things that the implications are; First, the number of political parties interests that conflict with government policy. Second, the absence of permanent coalition arrangement. Third, the weak position of President. Ideally the implementation of a multi-party system, in order to create stability in the Indonesian presidential system of government, then there are three (3) things that need to be addressed in our Presidential system, namely: First, the simplification of the political parties, the second, setting the coalition remains, and the third, the strengthening of institutional design presidency. The author suggests needed coalition of political parties that are permanently defined by the rules of Law clearer so that it will produce a strong and efficient government.Keywords: multi-party system, coalition, a Presidential system

    Pengembagan Lembar Kerja Siswa Berbasis Kontekstual untuk Membentuk Literasi Sains pada Pembelajaran Fisika Materi Listrik Dinamis Kelas IX SMP

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    The aim of this research is to produce student worksheet based on contextual to form science literacy that valid. Benefits of this research is the product can be used as teaching material teacher guide, increaseknowledge of science , guiding students in self-development as well as providing literacy skills of science and students\u27 critical thinking skills. The research method used is Research and Development (R & D). Method steps include potentials and problems, literature and information review, product design, validation, and proven design. The result of the research shows the validity of LKS stucture is 100% with High category. In the validity of the contents of the LKS done twice with the results of the first validation of 76, 83% with high category but not valid because there are still indicators Low category. After making the improvement, the second validation result is 80.08% with High category. The Student Worksheet is declared valid and suitable for use by the school as a teaching material and is recommended to continue the research in the form of application as a trial to the school with the manufacture of mass products
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