147 research outputs found

    Flora da Bahia: Asteraceae – Piptocarpha (Vernonieae: Pitpotcarphinae)

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    A floristic survey of the Piptocarpha (Asteraceae) from Bahia State, Brazil, is presented. Twelve species were recognized, two of which are trees and ten are scandent shrubs. Piptocarpha notata represents a new record for the state, and P. gustavo-valerioana and P. riedelii are endemic. An identification key, morphological descriptions, taxonomic notes, geographic distribution maps and illustrations of the species are given.É apresentado o levantamento florístico de Piptocarpha (Asteraceae) no estado da Bahia, Brasil. Foram reconhecidas doze espécies: duas apresentam hábito arbóreo e dez são arbustos escandentes. Piptocarpha notata representa um novo registro para o estado, e P. gustavo-valerioana e P. riedelii são endêmicas. É apresentada uma chave de identificação, descrições morfológicas, comentários taxonômicos, mapas de distribuição geográfica e ilustrações das espécies

    Selective fetoscopic laser photocoagulation of superficial placental anastomoses for the treatment of severe twin-twin transfusion syndrome

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    OBJECTIVE: To report our initial institutional experience with fetoscopic laser photocoagulation of placental anastomoses in severe twin-twin transfusion syndrome using a 1.0 mm endoscope. METHODS: Between July 2006 and June 2008, 19 monochorionic diamniotic twin pregnancies complicated by severe TTTS (Quintero stages III and IV) underwent fetoscopic laser therapy. Perinatal data were prospectively collected and compared according to the Quintero stages. RESULTS: Nine patients were classified as stage III and ten as stage IV. The Mean gestational ages at diagnosis and procedure were 20 (range: 17-25) and 22.0 (range: 19.0-26.0) weeks, respectively, with no statistical difference between the two groups. Preterm premature rupture of the membranes occurred in two cases (10.5%), and spontaneous preterm delivery in eight (42.1%). Overall mean gestational age at delivery was 32.1 (range: 26.0-38.0) weeks. Prematurity was more severe in stage IV patients (p<0.01). Among all cases, the overall survival rate was 52.6%, and the percentages of pregnancies with survival of both babies and at least one twin were 26.3% and 78.9%, respectively. In the case of stage III patients, the overall survival rate was 61.1%. Of the stage III pregnancies, 33.3% resulted in both babies surviving, and 88.9% of these pregnancies resulted in at least one surviving twin. For stage IV, as the corresponding statistics were 45.0%, 20.0% and 70.0% respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Our initial institutional experience with 1.0 mm fetoscopic laser therapy for severe TTTS showed results similar to those reported in the literature for larger endoscopes

    Sepsis and septic shock during pregnancy: clinical management

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    A sepse é uma das principais causas de morte materna, estando relacionada a infecções de origem obstétrica (aborto infectado, corioamnionite, infecção puerperal) ou não-obstétricas (resultando de infecções que acometem outros sítios). Esta revisão tem por objetivo descrever os mecanismos envolvidos na fisiopatologia desta entidade e atualização da abordagem clínica da sepse recomendada em diretrizes internacionais ("early goal-directed therapy" - ressuscitação precoce, ou tratamento precoce guiado por metas), bem como chamar a atenção para a influência do estado gravídico tanto no quadro clínico, quanto no manejo terapêutico dos quadros sépticos.Sepsis is one of the main causes of maternal death, being related to infections from obstetric origin (infected abortion, chorioamnionitis, puerperal infection) or non-obstetric (resulting from infections which occur in other areas). This review aims at describing the mechanisms involved in the physiopathology of this entity and at updating the clinical approach to sepsis, recommended in international guidelines (early goal-directed therapy - precocious resuscitation, or precocious treatment guided by goals), as well as at calling attention to the influence of pregnancy both in the clinical manifestation and in the therapeutic management of septic conditions

    Longitudinal reference ranges for fetal ultrasound biometry in twin pregnancies

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    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to establish longitudinal reference ranges for fetal ultrasound biometry measurements and growth parameters in twin pregnancies. METHOD: A total of 200 uncomplicated twin pregnancies before 21 weeks of gestation were recruited for this prospective, longitudinal study. Women who abandoned follow-up, pregnancies with unknown outcomes or pregnancies with complications were excluded. Ultrasound scans were performed every three weeks, and biparietal and occipitofrontal diameters, head and abdominal circumferences, and femur diaphysis length measurements were obtained for each fetus at each visit. Estimated fetal weight, biparietal/occipitofrontal diameter, head circumference/abdominal circumference, and femur diaphysis length/abdominal circumference ratios were also calculated. Multilevel regression analysis was performed on normalized data. RESULTS: A total of 807 ultrasound examinations were performed in 125 twin pregnancies between 14 and 38 weeks of gestation (6.5±1.4 scans/pregnancy). Regression analysis demonstrated significant correlations for all variables with gestational age, namely log of the biparietal diameter (r = 0.98), log of the occipitofrontal diameter (r = 0.98), log of the head circumference (r = 0.99), log of the abdominal circumference (r = 0.98), square root of the femur length (r = 0.99), log of the estimated fetal weight (r = 0.99), biparietal/occipitofrontal ratio (r = -0.11), head/abdomen circumference ratio (r = -0.56), and log of the femur length/abdominal circumference ratio (r = 0.61). Values corresponding to the 10th, 50th, and 90th percentiles for estimated fetal weight at 28, 32, and 36 weeks, respectively, were as follows: 937, 1,096, 1,284 g; 1,462, 1,720, 2,025 g; and 2,020, 2,399, 2,849 g. CONCLUSION: In twin pregnancies, fetal ultrasound biometry measurements and growth parameters show a significant correlation with gestational age

    Detecção de parvovírus humano B19 em casos de hydropsia fetal em São Paulo, Brasil

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    Human parvovirus B19 infection is known to be one of the causes of hydrops fetalis. The maternal infection caused by the virus may be symptomatic or asymptomatic. In this study, 40 pregnant women with gestational age of approximately 25 weeks, prenatal diagnosis of non immune hydrops fetalis and suspected of human parvovirus B19 infection were studied between January 1999 and December 2005. Serology results and detection of DNA in the maternal serum, foetal serum and amniotic fluid confirmed that 20 pregnant women had been infected by human parvovirus B19. The ultrasound examination demonstrated foetal hydrops, anaemia, hepatosplenomegaly, ascites, cardiopathy and amniotic fluid disorders. Among the positive cases, there were three fatal losses, one by miscarriage and two by intrauterine foetal death.A infecção por parvovírus humano B19 é um dos responsáveis pela hidropsia fetal. A infecção materna causada pelo vírus pode ser sintomática ou assintomática. Neste estudo 40 mulheres com idade gestacional de aproximadamente 25 semanas, diagnóstico pré-natal de hidropsia fetal e suspeita de infecção por parvovírus humano B19 foram avaliadas durante o período de janeiro de 1999 a dezembro de 2005. Os resultados de sorologia e detecção de DNA no soro materno, fetal e fluido amniótico confirmaram 20 mulheres grávidas com infecção por parvovírus humano B19. A análise de ultra-som demonstrou hidropsia fetal, anemia, hepatosplenomegalia, ascite, cardiopatia e desordens amnióticas. Entre os casos positivos, ocorreram três perdas fetais: uma por aborto e duas por morte fetal intra-uterina

    Conjoined twins and legal authorization for abortion

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    OBJETIVO: Descrever casos de gravidez de gêmeos unidos de acordo com a solicitação de autorização judicial para interrupção gravidez. MÉTODOS: Análise retrospectiva das gestações de gêmeos unidos, sem possibilidade de sobrevida extrauterina ou de separação cirúrgica pós-natal, atendidos em um hospital terciário, entre 1998 e 2010. RESULTADOS: Entre 30 casos observados durante o período do estudo, seis (20,0%) casais decidiram continuar com a gravidez, e, em cinco (16,7%) casos, a autorização para interrupção da gestação não foi solicitada devido à idade gestacional avançada (&gt; 25 semanas). A autorização para interromper a gravidez foi solicitada em 19 (63,3%) casos: a permissão foi concedida em 12 (63,2%), indeferida em cinco (26,3%), e não se teve a informação do resultado em dois (10,5%) casos. Nos casos submetidos à interrupção legal da gestação, o parto vaginal foi realizado em 83,3%, e no grupo em que a autorização não foi concedida, a cesárea foi realizada em todos os casos (p < 0,01). CONCLUSÃO: A solicitação da autorização judicial para o aborto é uma alternativa na gravidez de gêmeos unidos sem prognóstico de sobrevida pós-natal. Além disso, o sucesso de um parto vaginal pode ser obtido na maioria dos casos antes do terceiro trimestre, reduzindo os riscos à saúde da mulher e o sofrimento do casal.OBJECTIVE: To describe pregnancies with conjoined twins according to the request for legal termination of pregnancy. METHODS: Retrospective review of pregnancies with conjoined twins, with no possibility of extrauterine survival or postnatal surgical separation, observed at a tertiary teaching hospital, between 1998 and 2010. RESULTS: Amongst 30 cases seen during the study period, six (20.0%) couples decided to continue with the pregnancy, termination of pregnancy was not requested due to advanced gestational age (&gt; 25weeks) in 5 cases (16.7%). Legal authorization to terminate the pregnancy was requested in 19 (63.3%) cases: permission was granted in 12 (63.2%), denied in five (26.3%) and information was missing in two (10.5%) cases. A successful vaginal delivery was performed in 83.3% of the cases undergoing termination of pregnancy and a cesarean section was performed in all the remaining cases (p < 0.01). CONCLUSION: In pregnancies with conjoined twins and without fetal prognosis, legal termination of the pregnancy is an alternative. Moreover, a successful vaginal delivery can be performed in most cases before the third trimester, further reducing maternal risks and parental suffering

    Maternal postpartum complications according to delivery mode in twin pregnancies

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    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to examine maternal postpartum complications of twin deliveries according to mode of delivery and investigate the associated risk factors. METHODS: This was a retrospective cohort review of twin pregnancies with delivery after 26 weeks at a tertiary teaching hospital (1993-2008). The rates of maternal postpartum complications were compared among vaginal, elective cesarean and emergency cesarean deliveries. Significant predictors of complications were investigated with stepwise regression analysis and relative risks were calculated. RESULTS: A total of 90 complications were observed in 56/817 (6.9%) deliveries: 7/131 (5.3%) vaginal, 10/251 (4.0%) elective cesarean and 39/435 (9.0%) emergency cesarean deliveries. Significant predictors included high-risk pregnancy, gestational age at birth and delivery mode. The occurrence of complications was significantly increased in emergency compared to elective cesarean deliveries (RR = 2.34). CONCLUSIONS: Maternal postpartum complications in twin pregnancies are higher in emergency compared to elective cesarean deliveries and are also related to preexisting complications and earlier gestational age at delivery