200 research outputs found

    Синтез новых амфифильных блок-сополимеров методом ATRP.

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    By means of ATRP the amphiphilic block-copolymers of polyisobornylacrylate-polyacrilic acid were produced. Kinetics of polymerization was investigated. Synthesized samples of polymers were characterized with molecular weight and polydispersity.Методом квазиживой радикальной полимеризации с переносом атома (Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization, ATRP) получены амфифильные блок-сополимеры полиизоборнилакрилата–полиакриловой кислоты. Изучена кинетика полимеризации. Полученные образцы полимеров охарактеризованы по молекулярной массе и молекулярно-массовому распределению (ММР)

    Газопроницаемость амфифильных блок-сополимеров полиизоборнилакрилат-полиакриловая кислота.

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    Amphiphilic block-copolymers of polyisobornylacrylate-polyacrilic acid synthesized by means of ATRP were used for producing of membrane. Gas permeability measurements were carried out on individual gases: carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogenАмфифильные блок-сополимеры полиизоборнилакрилата–полиакриловой кислоты, синтезированные методом квазиживой радикальной полимеризации с переносом атома (Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization, ATRP) использовались для получения мембран. Измерение газопроницаемости проводили на индивидуальных газах: диоксиде углерода, кислороде, азоте

    Elastic Mid-Infrared Light Scattering: a Basis for Microscopy of Large-Scale Electrically Active Defects in Semiconducting Materials

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    A method of the mid-IR-laser microscopy has been proposed for the investigation of the large-scale electrically and recombination active defects in semiconductors and non-destructive inspection of semiconductor materials and structures in the industries of microelectronics and photovoltaics. The basis for this development was laid with a wide cycle of the investigations on the low-angle mid-IR-light scattering in semiconductors. The essence of the technical idea was to apply the dark-field method for spatial filtering of the scattered light in the scanning mid-IR-laser microscope. This approach enabled the visualization of large-scale electrically active defects which are the regions enriched with ionized electrically active centers. The photoexcitation of excess carriers within a small volume located in the probe mid-IR-laser beam enabled the visualization of the large-scale recombination-active defects like those revealed in the optical or electron beam induced current methods. Both these methods of the scanning mid-IR-laser microscopy are now introduced in detail in the present paper as well as a summary of techniques used in the standard method of the lowangle mid-IR-light scattering itself. Besides the techniques for direct observations, methods for analyses of the defect composition associated with the mid-IR-laser microscopy are also discussed in the paper.Comment: 44 pages, 13 figures. A good oldi

    Review on computational methods for Lyapunov functions

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    Lyapunov functions are an essential tool in the stability analysis of dynamical systems, both in theory and applications. They provide sufficient conditions for the stability of equilibria or more general invariant sets, as well as for their basin of attraction. The necessity, i.e. the existence of Lyapunov functions, has been studied in converse theorems, however, they do not provide a general method to compute them. Because of their importance in stability analysis, numerous computational construction methods have been developed within the Engineering, Informatics, and Mathematics community. They cover different types of systems such as ordinary differential equations, switched systems, non-smooth systems, discrete-time systems etc., and employ di_erent methods such as series expansion, linear programming, linear matrix inequalities, collocation methods, algebraic methods, set-theoretic methods, and many others. This review brings these different methods together. First, the different types of systems, where Lyapunov functions are used, are briefly discussed. In the main part, the computational methods are presented, ordered by the type of method used to construct a Lyapunov function

    Near field scanning optical microscopy for investigation of high power semiconductor lasers

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    В данной работе были исследованы карты распределения ближнего поля InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs полосковых инжекционных лазеров при различных токах накачки. Было показано, что в структурах, состоящих из двух резонансно связанных волноводов, наблюдается подавление мод высоких порядков.Near field intensity distributions of InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs lasers including broadened waveguides based on coupled large optical cavity (CLOC) structures were investigated. It was demonstrated that scanning near field optical microscopy gives direct proof of suppressing the transverse high-order mode lasing.Работа выполнена при поддержке РНФ (соглашение № 14-42-00006-П

    Uma revisão sobre polimerização de olefinas usando catalisadores Ziegler-Natta heterogêneos

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