13 research outputs found

    Circadian blood pressure rhythm in normotensive offspring of hypertensive parents

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    Background: The aim of this study was to explore the circadian blood pressure (BP) rhythm using ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM) in normotensive children with a family history of essential hypertension. Methods: Group 1 consisted of children with hypertensive mothers and/or fathers (n = 20), Group 2 consisted of children with hypertensive grandparents (n = 20), and Group 3 consisted of children with normotensive parents (n = 20). All participating children underwent a 24-h ABPM and echocardiography. Results: Significantly higher systolic burden was found in children with hypertensive parents (p < 0.05) and grandparents (p < 0.05) compared to controls. Ambulatory BP measurements had a higher daytime systolic BP in Group 1 compared to controls (p < 0.05). While left ven­tricular (LV) posterior wall thickness was similar in Group 1 and Group 2, it was significantly higher in both of these groups compared to the controls. The LV mass index (LVMI) was signifi­cantly higher in Group 1 than in controls (p < 0.05). However, diastolic BP was significantly higher in dippers compared to non-dippers (p < 0.05). LV posterior wall thickness, interven­tricular septum thickness and LVMI were significantly higher among non-dippers compared to dippers (p < 0.05). In children with a family history of hypertension, a positive correlation between nocturnal systolic BP and LVMI was found, and increasing nocturnal BP values were associated with increasing LVMI (p < 0.01). Conclusions: In children with a family history of hypertension, target-organ damage may precede the clinical detection of hypertension, and in those with a nocturnal non-dipper status, a more marked effect on LVMI may occur

    Heart Rate Variability in Children with Tricyclic Antidepressant Intoxication

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate HRV in children requiring intensive care unit stays due to TCA poisoning between March 2009 and July 2010. In the time-domain nonspectral evaluation, the SDNN (P<0.001), SDNNi (P<0.05), RMSDD (P<0.01), and pNN50 (P<0.01) were found to be significantly lower in the TCA intoxication group. The spectral analysis of the data recorded during the first 5 minutes after intensive care unit admission showed that the values of the nLF (P<0.05) and the LF/HF ratio (P=0.001) were significantly higher in the TCA intoxication group, while the nHF (P=0.001) values were significantly lower. The frequency-domain spectral analysis of the data recorded during the last 5 minutes showed a lower nHF (P=0.001) in the TCA intoxication group than in the controls, and the LF/HF ratio was significantly higher (P<0.05) in the intoxication group. The LF/HF ratio was higher in the seven children with seizures (P<0.001). These findings provided us with a starting point for the value of HRV analysis in determining the risk of arrhythmia and convulsion in TCA poisoning patients. HRV can be used as a noninvasive testing method in determining the treatment and prognosis of TCA poisoning patients

    Comparison of ASDAS and BASDAI as a measure of disease activity in axial psoriatic arthritis

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    The aim of this study was to compare the discriminative ability of Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score (ASDAS) with Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Activity Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) and other clinical disease activity parameters in patients with axial psoriatic arthritis (axPsA). Patients with axPsA were recruited from Erciyes Spondyloarthritis Cohort (ESPAC) and Anatolian Group for the Assessment in Rheumatic Disease (ANGARD) cohort and were assessed for BASDAI, ASDAS, BASFI (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index), Ankylosing Spondylitis Quality of Life (ASQoL), and visual analog scale (VAS) pain. The discriminant ability of ASDAS-C-reactive protein (-CRP) and ASDAS-erythrocyte sedimentation rate (-ESR) was assessed using standardized mean differences between patients with high and low disease activity. Fifty-four patients with axPsA were included in the study. Both ASDAS scores showed good discriminative ability between high and low disease activity states. Both ASDAS versions and BASDAI had relatively high area under the curve (AUC) according to ASAS partial remission, patient and physician global assessments in receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis. There was no significant difference between AUC scores for the models that compared ASDAS-CRP and ASDAS-ESR with BASDAI for each individual definition of disease activity states. ASDAS versions and BASDAI showed good similar discriminative ability between high and low disease activity as reflected by the AUC analysis in axPsA. The cutoff values for inactive disease and high disease activity were relatively similar to predefined cutoff values for AS. Further, prospective validation is now required to identify the appropriate assessment tools and cutoff values in axPsA

    Circulating matrix metalloproteinases and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases levels in pediatric patients with congenital heart disease: Relationship to cardiac functions

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    Objective: The pathological effects of matrix metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors in cardiovascular diseases are of considerable interest. In our study, we aimed to determine and evaluate the potential significance of circulating matrix metalloproteinases-2 and 9, tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases-1 and 2 levels in four patient subgroup of pediatric cardiology field and expose pathophysiologic differences between these groups

    Uric Acid Levels in Normotensive Children of Hypertensive Parents

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    This study evaluated uric acid concentrations in normotensive children of parents with hypertension. Eighty normotensive children from families with and without a history of essential hypertension were included. Concentrations of lipid parameters and uric acid were compared. Demographic and anthropometric characteristics were similar in the groups. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure were higher in the normotensive children of parents with hypertension without statistically significant difference (P>0.05). Uric acid concentrations were higher in the normotensive children of parents with hypertension (4.61 versus 3.57 mg/dL, P<0.01). Total cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations were similar in the two groups. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure were significantly higher in control children aged >10 years (P<0.01). Uric acid levels were significantly higher in all children with more pronounced difference after age 10 of years (P<0.001). Positive correlations were found between the level of serum uric acid and age, body weight, body mass index, and systolic and diastolic blood pressure in the normotensive children of parents. The higher uric acid levels in the normotensive children of hypertensive parents suggest that uric acid may be a predeterminant of hypertension. Monitoring of uric acid levels in these children may allow for prevention or earlier treatment of future hypertension

    Gender specific differences in patients with psoriatic arthritis

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    Objectives: To assess gender related differences in a cohort of patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA).Methods: Consecutively recruited patients were included and underwent clinical, radiological and laboratory evaluation by using standardized protocol and case report forms.Results: Women (n=115) with PsA had higher symptom duration and body mass index (BMI), tender and swollen joint counts, disease activity score-28 joints (DAS28), Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and poorer physical activity and fatigue than men (n=72) with PsA. Psoriasis area and severity index (PASI) were higher in male patients. However quality of life (SF36 physical and mental component scores), articular pattern, extra-articular features (including uveitis, iritis) and family history for psoriasis, spondyloarthritis (SpA) (PsA and ankylosing spondylitis [AS]) were quite similar between men and women.Conclusions: Some of the clinical and laboratory variables tend to be different between men and women with PsA. The extent of quality of life and articular pattern seem to be similar in both genders. Men with PsA are more likely to have higher PASI scores and longer duration to develop arthritis after the onset of psoriasis, while women are more likely to have higher disease activity and report more fatigue and physical activity limitations

    Circulating matrix metalloproteinases and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases levels in pediatric patients with congenital heart disease: Relationship to cardiac functions

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    Objective: The pathological effects of matrix metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors in cardiovascular diseases are of considerable interest. In our study, we aimed to determine and evaluate the potential significance of circulating matrix metalloproteinases-2 and 9, tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases-1 and 2 levels in four patient subgroup of pediatric cardiology field and expose pathophysiologic differences between these groups

    Clinical Study Heart Rate Variability in Children with Tricyclic Antidepressant Intoxication

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate HRV in children requiring intensive care unit stays due to TCA poisoning between March 2009 and July 2010. In the time-domain nonspectral evaluation, the SDNN ( &lt; 0.001), SDNNi ( &lt; 0.05), RMSDD ( &lt; 0.01), and pNN50 ( &lt; 0.01) were found to be significantly lower in the TCA intoxication group. The spectral analysis of the data recorded during the first 5 minutes after intensive care unit admission showed that the values of the nLF ( &lt; 0.05) and the LF/HF ratio ( = 0.001) were significantly higher in the TCA intoxication group, while the nHF ( = 0.001) values were significantly lower. The frequency-domain spectral analysis of the data recorded during the last 5 minutes showed a lower nHF ( = 0.001) in the TCA intoxication group than in the controls, and the LF/HF ratio was significantly higher ( &lt; 0.05) in the intoxication group. The LF/HF ratio was higher in the seven children with seizures ( &lt; 0.001). These findings provided us with a starting point for the value of HRV analysis in determining the risk of arrhythmia and convulsion in TCA poisoning patients. HRV can be used as a noninvasive testing method in determining the treatment and prognosis of TCA poisoning patients