132 research outputs found


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    The article carries out social survey analysis in the social environment of non-linguistic students of higher institution on the problems that arise when using blended and e-learning formats for foreign language acquisition. The paper lists the most popular online resources for extracurricular foreign language acquisition. Based on the results of the survey, the author concludes that the blended format of foreign language acquisition for non-linguistic students should be firmly integrated into the higher education system along with the classroom format. The study has confirmed the need to use the blended format for foreign language acquisition as the mostoptimal format of training in non-linguistic universities for both students and teachers. The research materials will be interesting to manufacturers of applications for foreign languages learning, websites that promote electronic learning of foreign languages, employees of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, and other researchers and teachers

    Test-system for estimation of activity of GSK-3 inhibitors as antihypoxants and differentiation of endothelial progenitors in vitro

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    A model test-system was developed for validation in vitro of antihypoxic and endothelio-differentiating activity of newly created glycogen synthase kinase-3 inhibitors in comparison with the reference drug β4-thymosi

    Influence of recombinant erythropoietin on mesenchymal stem cells proliferation and differentiation during cultivation on allogenic bone matrix

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    Effectiveness of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) proliferation and differentiation was studied after addition of medicinal product containing human recombinant erythropoietin (rhEPO) into enriched culture medium with components for osteo- and angiogenesis. Cultivation of mesenchymal stem cells under static conditions using “cocktail” of growth factors and rhEPO allowed to populate allogenic discs-scaffolds with connective tissue formations with the participation of osteoblasts and elongated multicellular structures, which formed after endothelium-like cells fusio

    Pleiotropic effects of erythropoietin. Influence of erythropoietin on processes of mesenchymal stem cells differentiation

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    The article notes that рuman recombinant erythropoietin is characterised as a factor which stimulates differentiation and proliferation of erythroid precursor cells, and as a tissue protective factor. Erythropoietin is one of the most perspective humoral agents which are involved in the preconditioning phenomeno

    Project work in a foreign language at the university: Challenges and benefits. Students’ opinion

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    The authors of the article present and analyze surveys of first, second and third year students of the State University of Management in Moscow on issues and problems related to project activities in a foreign language within the framework of curricula in the disciplines “Foreign Language” and “Foreign language of professional business communication”. As a result of the study, the authors conclude that students mostly come to the university with project work skills and improve them over several semesters at the university. The study revealed the most popular programs and platforms that students use to complete project tasks, and also the examples of managerial capacity and volitional powers that, in the opinion of students, a student should acquire in the process of project implementation. The article describes the main factors that can encourage them to do project work, and some problems associated with the implementation of project activities at the State University of Management. The results obtained reflect the university realities of students’ project work in a foreign language and can be useful to methodologists and developers of university curricula

    Comparison of prepandemic and postpandemic students’ attitude to the electronic learning at universities with foreign language acquisition in mind

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    The article is devoted to the issues and problems connected with e-teaching of foreign languages for students in higher school. The results of pre- and post-pandemic surveys after two lockdowns which universities of the Russian Federation suffered from during 2019/2020 and 2020/2021academic years have been compared. The comparative analysis of pre- and post-pandemic students’ attitude to e-learning at the university on the whole and to foreign languages e-learning in particular has been weighed. The authors assessed students’ reaction to possible transition to e-learning, following gradual adaptation to new conditions during lockdown and the role of information technologies in e-learning. Aiming at fundamental analysis of distant learning the authors conducted students’ opinion surveys of the State University of Management on the issues of risks, disadvantages, convenience and advantages of the electronic and blended learning generally and on the issues of foreign language acquisition particularly. Besides, the attainments and skills that the students acquired during the periods of e-learning and which are, in students’ opinion, an essential part of their professional acquirements, have been studied.The article presents the results of postpandemic opinion survey, shows the main problems and advantages of electronic learning, reveals the types of foreign language activities, most recommendable for e-learning, makes conclusions about the advantages of the electronic and blended learning for foreign language acquisition in modern conditions. The conclusions about the necessity of the individual approach to each student even during e-learning have been made

    Influence of implants surface properties on bone tissue formation in the ectopic osteogenesis test

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    We studied the influence of the characteristics of oxide porous coatings on osteogenesis and integration of new bone tissue and titanium implant surface in the ectopic osteogenesis test. Implants with coating with pore size 2-20 μ exhibit better osteogenic and osteoconductive characteristics than implants with homogenous surface and smooth relief (pore size 0.5- 5.0 μ). Physical characteristics of the surface of the material along with chemical composition of the coating are essential for the formation of bone tissue and its integration with the implan

    Application of technologies of atomic force microscope investigation for evaluation of structure and properties of blood cells’ surfaces

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    With application of techniques of atomic force microscope investigation, we studied properties and topography of blood cells’ surfaces in patients with acute lymphoblastic and myeloblastic leucosis. It was stated that development of acute forms of lymphoblastic and myeloblastic types of proliferation is accompanied with reduction of stiffness of cell surface and increase of surface potentia

    Cardiac fibroblasts mitochondrial activity in the presence of medicinal preparations with various pharmacological effects

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    The studies of cardiac fibroblasts mitochondria activity using fluorescence probe MitoTracker Red CMXRos (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA) and proliferation capacity with MTT assay (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA) were carried out under the influence of antihypoxant (trimetazidine) and anticancer (doxorubicin, cytosar) medicinal preparations. It was revealed that medicinal preparations from the antitumor antibiotics group decreased mitochondria activity regardless of the cell state unlike antitumor metabolites. Medicinal preparation trimetazidine increases cardiac fibroblasts mitochondrial activit

    Psychological and professional readiness for applying e-portfolio in the digital educational environment of universities

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    The aim of the article is to look at the concept of e-portfolio for language learners, discuss the perspectives of its application in higher educational institutions of Russia and analyse the degree of readiness for introducing it in the system of education on a wide scale. Using the observations described by different researchers, training experience in teaching foreign languages and the results of interviewing students and University professors and tutors the authors arrive at a conclusion that the educational community is generally prepared for e-portfolio application. Most difficulties are related to the absence of administrative regulation, insufficient digital competency and other reasons of psychological origin which make the university staff and the students prejudiced against this highly efficient digital tool. The authors formulate a number of didactic recommendations to facilitate the introduction and effective application of e-portfolio for language learners