64 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Matematika melalui Metode Diskusi Kelompok Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 3 Pemangkat

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    S : The method used is the method of action research . Based on the research that has been conducted concluded that learning through group discussion method on flat material up in class VII SMP Negeri 3 Pemangkat , can improve students' learning activities . Keaktivan percentage of students in cycle 1 increased by 61.15 % to 72.65 % in cycle 2 . There is a higher percentage of 11.5 % keaktivan . And learning through group discussion method on flat material up in class VII SMP Negeri 3 Pemangkat , can improve student learning outcomes . At the end of the test cycle 1 contained 71 % of students achieving grades completed with an average value of 60 classes . At the end of the test cycle 2 contained 82 % of students achieving grades completed with an average value of 64 classes . This means that learning with group discussions methods can increase the activity of learning and learning outcomes of students of class VII SMP Negeri 3 Pemangkat Sambas district

    Higher Order Thingking Skills Siswa pada Materi Statistika Kelas XI IPA Man 2 Pontianak

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    The purpose of this research is to describe student's higher order thingking skill to solve the problem about statistic with analysis step, evaluate step, and create step. The method that used is qualitative descriptive method. The subjects in this research are eight students in grade XI IPA 3 MAN 2 Pontianak. The result of this research show that, two students categoried in high category, two student in medium category, two students in low category, and two students in very low category. Based on this research, can be concluded that the students are in high category can solve the statistic problem with analysis step, avaluate step, and create step. Students are in medium category can't do the synthesis step. While for students are in low and very low category only can solve the problem with analysis step

    Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) Berbasis Pendekatan Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) untuk Memfasilitasi Kemampuan Representasi Matematis Siswa SMP

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    This research aimed at developing, producing a valid and practical students\u27 workbook Realistic Mathematic Education Approach Based and facilitating student mathematic representing ability on Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables material.The method of this research was a Research and Development (R&D) through the development of 4-D (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate) Model.This research was administered at State Junior High School 2 Pasir Penyu.The subjects of this research were 29 students of class VIII 1, and the object was student mathematic workbook Realistic Mathematic Education Approach Based.The questionnaire tests of validity, practicality, and mathematic representing test. were the instruments of collecting data.It could be concluded that validity test result on student workbook Realistic Mathematic Education Approach Based on Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables material at State Junior High School 2 Pasir Penyu was on valid category (78.21%).It proved that the developed student workbook was avowed by validators because it accomplished all components, and it was a revised product.Practicality test result by students was avowed very practical (94.16%).Student mathematic workbook Realistic Mathematic Education Approach Based successfully facilitated student mathematic representing ability with the percentage of mastery level 82.5%.The result showed that Student mathematic workbook Realistic Mathematic Education Approach Based was valid, practical, and student mathematic representing ability

    Antioxidant Activity Against Methanol Extraction of Eucheuma cotonii and E. spinosum Collected From North Sulawesi Waters, Indonesia

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    Eucheuma cotonii and E. spinosum cultivated in Arakan waters, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, were tested the antioxidant activity of fresh and dry samples through maceration in 60%, 70%, and 80% methanol solvent.  The tested antioxidants were total phenol, DPPH, FRAP, and total carotene, respectively. Fresh E. spinosum dissolved in 60% methanol had the highest total phenol, 5.87±0.15 mg GAE/g, the highest DPPH, 75.27 ± 0.29 %, the highest FRAP, 44.52 ± 1.27 mg/l, respectively. The highest total carotene, 9.40±0.35 µg/g, was recorded in fresh E. cotonii, followed by fresh E. spinosum, 8.73±0.23 µg/g, which were also dissolved in 60% methanol. Therefore, the best antioxidant activity was found in fresh E. spinosum macerated in 60% methanol. Keywords: Alga, antioxidant activity, phenol, DPPH, FRAP, caroten

    Effect of the Cross Linkers’ Concentration on the Immobilization of Recombinant Escherichia Coli Cells on Hollow Fiber Membrane for Excretion of Cyclodextrin Glucanotransferase (CGTase)

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    The excretion of recombinant proteins into the culture medium is a preferred approach over cytoplasmic expression because of the high specific activity and ease of purification. However, cell lysis is one of a major problem during the excretion of recombinant protein due to the pressure build up in the periplasmic space through overproduction of the expressed recombinant protein. Cell immobilization is a promising solution for the improvement of protein excretion with reduction in cell lysis. In this study, the effect of cross linkers concentrations on the process of cell immobilization for the cyclodextringlucanotransferase (CGTase) excretion and cell viability were investigated. The hollow fiber membrane was treated using different concentrations (0.3, 0.67 and 1%) of cross linkers namely glutaraldehyde (GA), poly-L-lysine (PLL) and polyethylenimine (PEI). The optimum concentration of cross linkers was found to be 0.3% with the high excretion of CGTase. Interestingly, the immobilized cell on the non-treated hollow fiber membrane showed up to 15% increment of CGTase excretion with 55% reduction of cell lysis, as compared to the immobilized cells on the treated hollow fiber membrane. It could be concluded that, the low concentration of cross linkers exhibited the highest CGTase excretion. Moreover, the non-treated hollow fiber membrane is a promising approach for attachment of cells to the membrane without requiring treatment with any chemicals for the production of recombinant enzyme

    Preliminary study on food-based dust explosion: Effect of physicochemical properties & thermal behaviour

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    Severe dust explosions occur frequently in the food processing industry, and explosion damage increases with the rate of flame propagation in pipes or plants. It is important for the food industry to recognize the potential hazards associated with food-based dust explosions. Appropriate investments are required to achieve sustainable industrial development and operational safety. In this study, the effect of the physicochemical properties of brown rice and tea powder on the severity of dust explosions was investigated over a size range of 1–138 µm. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was applied to determine the physicochemical properties of the samples. Results showed that volatility, moisture content, and fixed carbon had a significant effect on the combustion. Brown rice, with a lower moisture content (6.52 wt%) and higher volatile matter (71.7 wt%) compared to tea powder, exhibited a higher explosion pressure (16.50 bar) and rate of pressure rise (95.0 bar/s). The lower moisture and fixed carbon content, combined with a higher volatile matter content, make it highly reactive in combustion. Its dryness also meant less agglomeration which contributed to its higher explosion pressure. It was observed that the physicochemical properties of the dust had a significant effect on the severity of the ensuing dust explosions. While there is a general understanding of the factors that contribute to dust explosions, there may be specific types of dust or mixtures of dust that require further study. Understanding the specific characteristics and behavior of these types of dust can inform safety guidelines and best practices for handling and processing them

    Growth Inhibition of Human Gynecologic and Colon Cancer Cells by Phyllanthus watsonii through Apoptosis Induction

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    Phyllanthus watsonii Airy Shaw is an endemic plant found in Peninsular Malaysia. Although there are numerous reports on the anti cancer properties of other Phyllanthus species, published information on the cytotoxicity of P. watsonii are very limited. The present study was carried out with bioassay-guided fractionation approach to evaluate the cytotoxicity and apoptosis induction capability of the P. watsonii extracts and fractions on human gynecologic (SKOV-3 and Ca Ski) and colon (HT-29) cancer cells. P. watsonii extracts exhibited strong cytotoxicity on all the cancer cells studied with IC50 values of ≤ 20.0 µg/mL. Hexane extract of P. watsonii was further subjected to bioassay-guided fractionation and yielded 10 fractions (PW-1→PW-10). PW-4→PW-8 portrayed stronger cytotoxic activity and was further subjected to bioassay-guided fractionation and resulted with 8 sub-fractions (PPWH-1→PPWH-8). PPWH-7 possessed greatest cytotoxicity (IC50 values ranged from 0.66 – 0.83 µg/mL) and was selective on the cancer cells studied. LC-MS/MS analysis of PPWH-7 revealed the presence of ellagic acid, geranic acid, glochidone, betulin, phyllanthin and sterol glucoside. Marked morphological changes, ladder-like appearance of DNA and increment in caspase-3 activity indicating apoptosis were clearly observed in both human gynecologic and colon cancer cells treated with P. watsonii especially with PPWH-7. The study also indicated that P. watsonii extracts arrested cell cycle at different growth phases in SKOV-3, Ca Ski and HT-29 cells. Cytotoxic and apoptotic potential of the endemic P. watsonii was investigated for the first time by bioassay-guided approach. These results demonstrated that P. watsonii selectively inhibits the growth of SKOV-3, Ca Ski and HT-29 cells through apoptosis induction and cell cycle modulation. Hence, P. watsonii has the potential to be further exploited for the discovery and development of new anti cancer drugs