41 research outputs found

    Analysis of groundwater-level response to rainfall and estimation of annual recharge in fractured hard rock aquifers, NW Ireland

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    Despite fractured hard rock aquifers underlying over 65% of Ireland, knowledge of key processes controlling groundwater recharge in these bedrock systems is inadequately constrained. In this study, we examined 19 groundwater-level hydrographs from two Irish hillslope sites underlain by hard rock aquifers.Water-level time-series in clustered monitoring wells completed at the subsoil, soil/bedrock interface, shallow and deep bedrocks were continuously monitored hourly over two hydrological years. Correlation methods were applied to investigate groundwater-level response to rainfall, as well as its seasonal variations. The results reveal that the direct groundwater recharge to the shallow and deep bedrocks on hillslope is very limited. Water-level variations within these geological units are likely dominated by slow flow rock matrix storage. The rapid responses to rainfall (62 h) with little seasonalvariations were observed to the monitoring wells installed at the subsoil and soil/bedrock interface, as well as those in the shallow or deep bedrocks at the base of the hillslope. This suggests that the direct recharge takes place within these units. An automated time-series procedure using the water-table fluctuation method was developed to estimate groundwater recharge from the water-level and rainfall data. Results show the annual recharge rates of 42–197 mm/yr in the subsoil and soil/bedrock interface, whichrepresent 4–19% of the annual rainfall. Statistical analysis of the relationship between the rainfall intensity and water-table rise reveal that the low rainfall intensity group (61 mm/h) has greater impact on the groundwater recharge rate than other groups (>1 mm/h). This study shows that the combination of the time-series analysis and the water-table fluctuation method could be an useful approach to investigate groundwater recharge in fractured hard rock aquifers in Ireland

    The application of the yield approach to study slurry migration in drill cuttings waste underground disposal

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    The underground disposal of drill cuttings waste is a common practice for the gas/oil industry to achieve zero-discharge sustainable development. In this study, a numerical modeling approach was developed to simulate the slurry flow for underground disposal of drill cuttings waste. The modeling approach was coupled with and implemented in the well-known general purpose subsurface multiphase flow simulator, TOUGH2. The new modeling approach treats the slurry flow behavior in subsurface systems as Bingham plastic liquid, with a linear relationship representing the yield stress and the concentration of the gelatinizer in the slurry. In addition, the precipitation-dissolution process was taken into account for solid-aqueous phase changes of the water-slurry mixture under and over the threshold pressure. The model has been verified by the analytical solution of a transient flow of single-phase Bingham fluid, and has further been tested by modeling field-scale injection of drill cutting wastes into a multi-layered geological formation in Texas. A hypothetical model has also been used to conduct sensitivity analysis of the impact of slurry density, injection depth and injection pattern on the storage formation performance. The results revealed that the effect of injection volume is greater than the mass on pressure buildup. In addition, a short period of intermittent reinjection can lead to an earlier formation breakdown due to particle sedimentation and reduce the storage capacity. The developed model can be used to evaluate the prediction of slurry transport, storage capacity, pressure distribution, and the formation breakdown time in a drill cuttings waste disposal project

    Novel machine learning approach for solar photovoltaic energy output forecast using extra-terrestrial solar irradiance

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    • Extra-terrestrial Solar Irradiance has been validated for PV output forecasting. • The machine learning approach successfully captures huge intra-daily PV output variations. • Study paves the way to develop a simple and effective PV output forecasting approach. A B S T R A C T The inherently intermittent nature of solar irradiance and other meteorological variables means that accurate forecasting of the photovoltaic power output is essential for planning and balancing photovoltaic power systems. This study proposes a novel approach to predicting one-week-ahead half-hourly photovoltaic power output in the United Kingdom using sloped extra-terrestrial irradiance and weather data (e.g., cloud-cover and temperature) as input parameters. A Non-linear Autoregressive Exogenous Neural Network is trained on a three-year historical dataset from two photovoltaic plants in the United Kingdom with capacities of 53 and 103 MWp. The forecasting model captures huge intra-daily variations of photovoltaic output, which is particularly useful to balance the supply and demand of the electricity system. The result of the study validates the concept of using sloped extra-terrestrial irradiance as an input parameter and suggests that meteorological conditions will dictate the accuracy of predictions. Findings also indicate that the use of sloped extra-terrestrial irradiance in conjunction with cloud-cover presented the optimal combination of input parameters as these provided the simplest and most cost-effective model without reducing accuracy. The approach can have universal value as it only requires coordinates and weather data. There is now a strong imperative to use the model in other locations where the weather is more stable

    Numerical investigation of cycle performance in compressed air energy storage in aquifers

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    Compressed air energy storage (CAES) is one of the promising technologies to store the renewable energies such as surplus solar and wind energy in a grid scale. Due to the widespread of aquifers in the world, the compressed air energy storage in aquifers (CAESA) has advantages compared with the compressed air energy storage in caverns and air tanks. The feasibility of aquifers as storage media in CAES system has been demonstrated by numerical models and field tests. This study proposes a numerical model by Transport of Unsaturated Groundwater and Heat Version 3.0/Equation-of-State 3 (TOUGH3/EOS3) to simulate a field-scale study of a novel CAES by storing the compressed air in aquifers. The feasibility of the model has been demonstrated by comparison of simulation results and monitoring data. After that, three types of cycles, which are daily cycle, weekly cycle and monthly cycle, are designed to study their performance within a month working cycle. Their gas saturation show small differences after one month cycle. When the air with temperature of 50 °C injected into aquifers with temperature of 20 °C, after the cycle finished, the air temperature in aquifer of daily cycle are 5.4 °C higher than that of weekly cycle and 10.8 °C higher than that of monthly cycle. It is indicated that during the same cycle periods, the more cycle times, the higher air temperature in aquifers after the cycle. The energy recovery efficiencies for daily cycle, weekly cycle and monthly cycle are 96.96%, 96.27% and 93.15%, respectively. The slight increase of energy recovery efficiencies from daily cycle to monthly cycle indicate that with the same energy storage scales, the energy produced by daily cycle has slight competitiveness. The simulation results can provide references for engineering application in future

    Numerical investigation of a joint approach to thermal energy storage and compressed air energy storage in aquifers

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    Different from conventional compressed air energy storage (CAES) systems, the advanced adiabatic compressed air energy storage (AA-CAES) system can store the compression heat which can be used to reheat air during the electricity generation stage. Thus, AA-CAES system can achieve a higher energy storage efficiency. Similar to the AA-CAES system, a compressed air energy storage in aquifers (CAESA) system, which is integrated with an aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) could possibly achieve the same objective. In order to investigate the impact of ATES on the performance of CAESA, different injection air temperature schemes are designed and analyzed by using numerical simulations. Key parameters relative to energy recovery efficiencies of the different injection schemes, such as pressure distribution and temperature variation within the aquifers as well as energy flow rate in the injection well, are also investigated in this study. The simulations show that, although different injection schemes have a similar overall energy recovery efficiency (~97%) as well as a thermal energy recovery efficiency (~ 79.2%), the higher injection air temperature has a higher energy storage capability. Our results show the total energy storage for the injection air temperature at 80 ̊C is about 10% greater than the base model scheme at 40 °C. Sensitivity analysis reveal that permeability of the reservoir boundary could have significant impact on the system performance. However, other hydrodynamic and thermodynamic properties, such as the storage reservoir permeability, thermal conductivity, rock grain specific heat and rock grain density, have little impact on storage capability and the energy flow rate. Overall, our study suggests that the combination of ATES and CAESA can help keep the high efficiency of energy storage so as to make CAESA system more efficiency

    The Influence of ENSO on the Long‐Term Water Storage Anomalies in the Middle‐Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River Basin: Evaluation and Analysis

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    Recent extreme events in the Middle‐Lower reaches of the Yangtze River basin (MLYRB) are proven to be possibly linked to the El Niño‐Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events as indicated by terrestrial water storage anomaly (TWSA). But the relatively short observation time of Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment series missions (2002–2017; 2018–present) affects the robustness of the evaluation of TWSA. Here, the applicability of four long‐term TWSA data sets (since 1979) in the MLYRB is evaluated first using an evaluation framework including two completely independent tests. After selecting the optimal one, we investigate the effects of ENSO on TWSA in the MLYRB at the basin, subbasin, and grid cell scales, respectively. Results show that ENSO, especially the Eastern Pacific type ENSO has had a significant impact on TWSA variations in the MLYRB and its two subbasins (the Dongting Lake basin and the Poyang Lake basin) since 1979 with correlation coefficients at 0.56–0.65 and time lags at 5–6 months. However, TWSAs in the other two subbasins (the Hanjiang River basin and the Mainstream River basin) have almost no correlation with ENSO. Further analysis reveals that compared with human activity that has a limited impact on TWSA, precipitation is one of the key inducements for regional water storage changes in these two subbasins, and the no correlation between ENSO and TWSA is mainly caused by the weak link between ENSO and precipitation

    Utility-scale Subsurface Hydrogen Storage: UK Perspectives and Technology

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    To reduce effects from anthropogenically induced climate change renewable energy systems are being implemented at an accelerated rate, the UKs wind capacity alone is set to more than double by 2030. However, the intermittency associated with these systems presents a challenge to their effective implementation. This is estimated to lead to the curtailment of up to 7.72TWh by 2030. Through electrolysis, this surplus can be stored chemically in the form of hydrogen to contribute to the 15TWh required by 2050. The low density of hydrogen constrains above ground utility-scale storage systems and thus leads to exploration of the subsurface. This literature review describes the challenges and barriers, geological criteria and geographical availability of all utility-scale hydrogen storage technologies with a unique UK perspective. This is furthered by discussion of current research (primarily numerical models), with particular attention to porous storage as geographical constraints will necessitate its deployment within the UK. Finally, avenues of research which could further current understanding are discussed

    Assessing the capacity of biochar to stabilize copper and lead in contaminated sediments using chemical and extraction methods

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    Because of its high adsorption capacity, biochar has been used to stabilize heavy metals when remediating contaminated soils; to date, however, it has seldom been used to remediate contaminated sediment. In this study, a biochar was used as a stabilization agent to remediate Cu-and Pb-contaminated sediments, collected from three locations in or close to Beijing. The sediments were mixed with a palm sawdust gasified biochar at a range of weight ratios (2.5%, 5%, and 10%) and incubated for 10, 30, or 60 days. The performance of the different treatments and the heavy metal fractions in the sediments were assessed using four extraction methods, including diffusive gradients in thin films, the porewater concentration, a sequential extraction, and the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure. The results showed that biochar could enhance the stability of heavy metals in contaminated sediments. The degree of stability increased as both the dose of biochar and the incubation time increased. The sediment pH and the morphology of the metal crystals adsorbed onto the biochar changed as the contact time increased. Our results showed that adsorption, metal crystallization, and the pH were the main controls on the stabilization of metals in contaminated sediment by biochar

    An innovative approach for the passive cooling of batteries: An empirical investigation of copper deposition on polyurethane foam for the enhancement of phase change material

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    A proof-of-concept utilising Copper-Plated Polyurethane Foam (CPPF) and Phase Change Material (PCM) for passive thermal management of lithium-ion batteries is demonstrated in this study. The aim of this research is to assess the effectiveness of CPPF when utilised as a constituent substance in PCM/Foam composites. Six distinct configurations of PCM/Foam composites are presented in this work using 10-pore-per-inch foam. A total of four deposition foam samples were produced. Of these, three were created by gradually increasing the immersion time in an electroless copper plating solution. For the fourth sample, an electroless plating technique was utilised for 80 min, followed by an electroplating procedure to deposit an additional layer of copper. The evaluation entails examining each plated sample in comparison to a copper foam that is commercially available with a purity level of 99.99 %. The findings reveal that the electroless-plated specimens exhibit improved effectiveness after being subjected to a prolonged plating period of 80 min. The electroplated sample exhibited the greatest degree of effectiveness, as evidenced by a 64.4 % reduction in battery cell surface temperature(10.98 °C), which is almost identical to the 64.5 % decrease in temperature (11.03 °C) observed with commercial foam but coupled with 88.1 % decrease in mass. The results suggest that the CPPF-PCM composites offer effective passive cooling properties for batteries

    Estimation of component contributions to total terrestrial water storage change in the Yangtze River basin

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    Terrestrial water storage (TWS) is a key variable in global and regional hydrological cycles. In this study, the TWS changes in the Yangtze River Basin (YRB) were derived using the Lagrange multiplier method (LMM) from Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) data. To assess TWS changes from LMM, different GRACE solutions, different hydrological models, and in situ data were used for validation. Results show that TWS changes from LMM in YRB has the best performance with the correlation coefficients of 0.80 and root mean square error of 1.48 cm in comparison with in situ data. The trend of TWS changes over the YRB increased by 10.39 ± 1.27 Gt yr-1 during the 2003−2015 period. Moreover, TWS change is disintegrated into the individual contributions of hydrological components (i.e., glaciers, surface water, soil moisture, and groundwater) from satellite data, hydrologic models, and in situ data. The estimated changes in individual TWS components in the YRB show that (1) the contribution of glaciers, surface water, soil moisture, and groundwater to total TWS changes is 15%, 12%, 25% and 48%, respectively; (2) Geladandong glacier melt from CryoSat-2/ICESat data has a critical effect on TWS changes with a correlation coefficients of −0.51; (3) the Three Gorges Reservoir Impoundment has a minimal effect on surface water changes (mainly lake water storage), but it has a substantial effect on groundwater storage (GWS), (4) the Poyang and Doting Lake water storage changes are mainly caused by climate change, (5) soil moisture storage change is mainly influenced by surface water, (6) human-induced GWS changes accounted for approximately half of the total GWS. The results of this study can provide valuable information for decision-making in water resources management