71 research outputs found

    A háziállatok energia-metabolizmusát szabályzó fontosabb tényezők molekuláris szintű vizsgálata = Molecular aspects of hormonal factors influencing the energy metabolism in domestic animals

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    Kutatásainkban két anyagcserehormon a leptin és a pajzsmirigyhormon háztartását elemeztük molekuláris biológiai eszközökkel. A leptin vizsgálataink során in situ hibridizációs technikát dolgoztunk ki a leptin és receptorai mRNS-ének kimutatására. Az mRNS mennyiséget kompetitív PCR, később valós idejű PCR segítségével mértük. Szarvasmarha tejmirigyben azt találtuk, hogy a lokálisan termelt leptin parakrin módon befolyásolja a tőgy működését. Negatív energia egyensúlyban a helyileg termelt leptin ellensúlyozza a vér csökkenő leptin tartalmát. Kimutattunk a leptin lokális szabályozó szerepét járulékos nemi mirigyekben. Bizonyítottuk, hogy baromfiban a csökkenő energiaszintű takarmányozás hatására kialakuló alacsony T3 szint nemcsak a megnövekedett májbeli hormon inaktiválás következménye (dejodáz-3, D3 csökkenés), hanem a hormon aktiválás csökkenésének (D2) következménye is. Korábbi irodalmi eredmények csak a D1 enzimet vizsgálták, amiben nem volt eltérés. Átfogó kísérleteket végeztünk a csökkent energia-felvétel hatásainak kimutatására. Kimutattuk, hogy a megváltozott dejodáz aktivitás biológiai hatással rendelkezik, eredményeképpen az oxigénfogyasztás megváltozik. Negatív energia-egyensúlyban lévő szarvasmarhákban szénhidrátok hatására nő a T3 szint, ami növeli a helyi leptin termelést. Ez végülis csökkenti a máj elzsírosodását. Szövettenyésztési módszert dolgoztunk ki neuronok szaporítására. Ebben lehetőség nyílik a hypothalamicus hormon-interakciók vizsgálatára. | Two important metabolic hormones the leptin and the thyroid hormone were examined using molecular biology tools. In situ hybridization technique was used to show the tissue distribution of leptin and its receptors. The amount of mRNA was measured by competitive PCR later on by real time PCR. We found that in the udder of the cow the locally produced leptin affects milk production in with paracrine effect. In negative energy balance the locally produced leptin contributes to the limited plasma leptin available. We also demonstrated the local regulatory effects of leptin in the male accessory glands. In chicken we proved that the restricted feed intake lowers circulation T3 level not only by increasing hormone inactivation (deiodinase 3, D3), but also by decreasing D2 activity. Former literature data show that there is no change in D1 enzyme activity. Complex experiments were designed to show the effects of restricted food intake. Deiodinase activity was proved to have biological effect: the oxygen consumption finally changes consequently. Carbohydrates increase local leptin production in cows with negative energy balance. Elevated T3 increases local leptin production witch finally decreases the chance to develop fatty liver syndrome. Cell culturing method was established to grow neuron cells. This gives us the possibility to examine hormone interactions in the hypothalamus

    Comparative analysis of Pasteurella multocida strains isolated from bovine respiratory infections

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    Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) is the leading cause of significant economic losses in the intensive beef industry worldwide. Beside numerous risk factors Pasteurella multocida, which is regarded as a secondary pathogen, may play a role in the development of the disease. Previous studies of strainsfrom swine pneumonia revealed that there are a few clones associated with clinical disease, suggesting that some strains may be more virulent than others. This linkage may be true in the BRD, however composition of P. multocida populations in the herds are slightly characterized. Thus, we decided to perform phenotypic and genotypic characterisation of strains isolated from calves with respiratory infection at 31 different herds in Hungary. The results demonstrated the presence of two dominant strain types. At the identical taxonomic background (P. multocida subsp. multocida) with slight phenotypic variability they could be separated by trehalose fermentation capacity, α-glucosidase activity and molecular fingerprint patterns of ERIC- and M13-PCR. Independent prevalence and geographical origin of the strain types may refer to their significance in the illness, but their comparison with strains isolated from healthy individuals is taken into consideration

    Istraživanje infekcije vrstom Mycobacterium caprae u populaciji divljih svinja (Sus scrofa) u jugozapadnoj Mađarskoj.

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    Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is a re-emerging infectious disease in Europe, which causes a classical One Health problem in certain regions of the Continent. European experiences related to the wild boar’s role in the epidemiology of bTB suggest that this species can be a maintenance host of the disease. In south-western Hungary, Mycobacterium caprae infection is known to be endemic in connection with south European bTB infected wild boar populations. Our goal was to carry out surveillance among wild boars inside this region to determine the prevalence and possible risk of the disease. In the study area (9600 ha) three large-scale cattle farms existed and over the previous 10 years bTB outbreaks were confirmed on each. Between 2008 and 2013 we sectioned 791 hunter-harvested wild boars on a hunting ground during evisceration. Of the 267 bacteriologically examined specimens, 36 (13.5%) proved to be infected by M. caprae. In the field we found 233 carcasses with suspect tuberculosis lesions (TBL). TBLs were generally found in the submandibular lymph nodes; while only two carcasses (n = 2; 0.25%) were found with TBL exclusively outside that region. These lesions could not be inspected without incision; on the other hand, generalization appeared to be very rare (n = 2; 0.25%) in the study area. These findings suggest that visual-only game meat inspection is insufficient to find the primary complex of bTB infection in wild boars. Although these localized small lesions are most unlikely to create any notable hazard for game meat consumers, nevertheless this lack in game meat inspection makes the surveillance system incomplete. Our study confirmed that wild boars play a maintenance role as a bTB host in this part of Hungary. However, development of an effective management strategy against bTB needs further investigations by a multidisciplinary research group.Goveđa tuberkuloza je re-emergentna zarazna bolest u Europi koja dovodi do klasičnih poteškoća u pristupu „jedno zdravlje“ na određenim područjima. Europska iskustva o ulozi divlje svinje u epidemiologiji goveđe tuberkuloze govore da ta vrsta može biti rezervoar uzročnika. Poznato je da je zaraza vrstom Mycobacterium caprae endemska u jugozapadnoj Mađarskoj i da je povezana s populacijom divljih svinja južne Europe zaraženih uzročnikom goveđe tuberkuloze. Cilj je ovoga rada bio istražiti prevalenciju i moguće rizike od infekcije divljih svinja na tom području. Na istraživanom području (9600 ha) postoje tri velike goveđe farme na kojima je u prethodnih 10 godina potvrđena pojava tuberkuloze. Između 2008. i 2013. bila je eviscerirana 791 divlja svinja ustrijeljena u lovištima toga područja. Od 267 bakteriološki pretraženih, M. caprae dokazan je u 36 (13,5%) uzoraka. Na terenu su pronađene 233 lešine sa sumnjom na tuberkulozne promjene. One su općenito primijećene na submandibularnim limfnim čvorovima dok su izvan njih dokazane promjene samo u dvije lešine (n=2; 0,25%). Te lezije ne bi se mogle uočiti samo inspekcijom bez zarezivanja. Generalizacija je utrđena vrlo rijetko (n=2; 0,25%). Ti nalazi upućuju na zaključak da je samo inspekcija mesa divljači nedovoljna da bi se ustanovio primarni tuberkulozni kompleks u divljih svinja. Iako te lokalizirane male promjene vjerojatno ne mogu značajno naškoditi konzumentima mesa divljači, ipak ovaj nalaz govori da je samo inspekcija divljeg mesa nedostatna. Ovo istraživanje potvrđuje da divlje svinje imaju glavnu ulogu u održavanju goveđe tuberkuloze na istraživanom području Mađarske. Usprkos razvitku učinkovite strategije za kontrolu goveđe tuberkuloze potrebna su daljnja multidisciplinarna istraživanja

    Komplex jellegek genetikai hátterének elemzése

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    Abstract: Although the Human Genome Project discovered the sequence of the human genetic information 15 years ago, genetic background of the diseases ? primarily that of complex disorders ? is still not known. The sum of the not yet discovered inherited risk factors is termed the missing heritability; the identification of these genetic components is, however, essential, as it is the base of the understanding of the molecular pathomechanism of diseases. It is not only of theoretical importance: this knowledge can be used in the clinical practice, as it offers the possibility of improvement of diagnostics, prevention as well as targeted and individualized therapy. Application of novel and more efficient molecular biological tools contribute to the discovery of unknown genetic factors, the complete goal can only be achieved, however, by re-conceptualization of several clinical and genetic points. Our knowledge was established by genome-wide studies, however, further knowledge must be acquired according to the following points: (1) genotype and association analysis of repeat variations (VNTRs and CNVs) besides SNPs, (2) investigation of gene?gene and gene?environment interactions, (3) epigenetic studies, (4) assessing the biological function of polymorphisms, (5) application of biologically relevant diagnostic categories and endophenotypes. Although it is only 1.2% of the whole genome that codes for proteins, however, as much as 90% is transcribed to RNA, consequently it can be hypothesized that gene expression analyses might offer promising starting points for further studies, as they can shed light on the molecular processes that contribute to the development of diseases. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(31): 1254?1261

    Antimicrobial susceptibility of Bacillus anthracis strains from Hungary

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    The susceptibility of 29 Bacillus anthracis strains, collected in Hungary between 1933 and 2014, was tested to 10 antibiotics with commercially available minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) test strips. All strains were susceptible to amoxicillin, ciprofloxacin, clindamycin, doxycycline, gentamicin, penicillin, rifampicin, and vancomycin. Intermediate susceptibility to erythromycin and cefotaxime was detected in 17.2% (5/29) and 58.6% (17/29) of the strains, respectively. Correlations were not observed between the isolation date, location, host species, genotype, and antibiotic susceptibility profile of strains

    Polymorphism in the serotonin receptor 2a (HTR2A) gene as possible predisposal factor for aggressive traits

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    Aggressive manifestations and their consequences are a major issue of mankind, highlighting the need for understanding the contributory factors. Still, aggression-related genetic analyses have so far mainly been conducted on small population subsets such as individuals suffering from a certain psychiatric disorder or a narrow-range age cohort, but no data on the general population is yet available. In the present study, our aim was to identify polymorphisms in genes affecting neurobiological processes that might explain some of the inter-individual variation between aggression levels in the non-clinical Caucasian adult population. 55 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) were simultaneously determined in 887 subjects who also filled out the self-report Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire (BPAQ). Single marker association analyses between genotypes and aggression scores indicated a significant role of rs7322347 located in the HTR2A gene encoding serotonin receptor 2a following Bonferroni correction for multiple testing (p = 0.0007) both for males and females. Taking the four BPAQ subscales individually, scores for Hostility, Anger and Physical Aggression showed significant association with rs7322347 T allele in themselves, while no association was found with Verbal Aggression. Of the subscales, relationship with rs7322347 was strongest in the case of Hostility, where statistical significance virtually equaled that observed with the whole BPAQ. In conclusion, this is the first study to our knowledge analyzing SNPs in a wide variety of genes in terms of aggression in a large sample-size non-clinical adult population, also describing a novel candidate polymorphism as predisposal to aggressive traits

    Cryopreservation of three Saprolegnia species (Oomycota): Preliminary evidence for the long-term archiving of water mould species

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    Saprolegnia spp. water moulds are opportunistic pathogens that can cause economic losses to aquaculture. The diseases caused by them are difficult to control since use of the effective drug, malachite greenoxalate, is no longer permitted in several regions (including the European Union and USA). To develop an effective control strategy, Saprolegnia isolates must be maintained in the laboratory. Cryopreservation is a useful solution for long-term maintenance; however, at present, there is no developed protocol for the cryopreservation of Saprolegniaspp. Here, we isolated and identified three Saprolegniaspecies, S. parasitica, S. australis and S. ferax, and developed a deep-freezing protocol that enables the long-term archiving of these species. The survival and growth rates of isolates kept at -80°C for 3, 6, 9 and 12 months, were tested and compared among the species examined. Although the growth rates of frozen isolates were significantly lower than those of the control (i.e. non-frozen) isolates, the overall survival rate (>90%) indicated the effectiveness of the technique developed. Thus, the protocol developed appears to be a promising method for the long-term preservation of Saprolegnia isolates and may facilitate the creation of stock collections