107 research outputs found

    Kárpátalja víznevei: Nagy-ág

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    Szláv helynévképzők kárpátaljai helységnevekben

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    Magyar helynévkutatás Kárpátalján

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    Research on the Hungarian place names of the Sub-Carpathian region, Ukraine This paper describes the results of research into the Hungarian place names of the Sub-Carpathian region, Ukraine. The achievements of local linguists were not well known in Hungary up to the time of the change of regime (1989/1990) for political reasons. After some earlier attempts, toponymic research started to develop in the Sub-Carpathian region at the beginning of the 1990s: representatives of the new generation of Sub-Carpathian linguists educated in recent years have been working in the last two decades to make other scholars acquainted with local place names by way of providing data as well as analyses of general Hungarian toponymic interest in their books, studies and theses. Achievements attained so far are presented in this paper in the form of a complete bibliography of relevant works

    Kárpátaljai helységnév-magyarázatok a Volóci járásból

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    Explaining the settlement names of the Sub-Carpathian Volóc district, Ukraine This paper presents etymologies of Sub-Carpathian settlement names. The Volóc district is an administrative unit formed in the northern part of the former Bereg county, which today comprises 24 settlements. This region had played an important role for centuries in everyday life in historical Hungary because of the trade route and military road that ran through its territory. In spite of this, it was settled relatively late, in the 16th–17th centuries, because of its geographical conditions. Settlements were organised by experts called kenézs, who populated the villages with Ruthenian and Romanian settlers. Most of the settlement names in the region are of Slavic origin, and because of the fact that villages could only be established in river valleys, many settlements received hydronym-related names. Significant Hungarian populations could not be observed in the region either in the Middle Ages or later, so local name-giving practices, apart from some rare exceptions, were not influenced by the Hungarians

    Beregvidéki helységnevek

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    Többnevűség és névosztódás Ung vármegye korai helységneveiben

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    Multiplicity and division of names identifying early settlements in historical Ung County, in the north-eastern part of the former Kingdom of Hungary     Multiplicity and division of names are two interesting, but little researched phenomena of place naming practices. The authors in their research into the settlement names of Ung County have identified several names in the western part of the county, whose historical data display both phenomena. The explanation for this lies in the possession and settlement history of the county. The Nagymihályi family, widespread in Ung County, possessed extensive land holdings (Tiba, Ricse, Jeszenő), the division and population of which led to the establishment of settlements, which, at least for a while, bore the original names of the lands as well as their newly acquired names. Multiplicity of names originating in land division, however, soon disappeared. In other parts of Ung County, multiplicity and division of names occurred sporadically. These instances were occasioned by different factors than the ones discussed above