30 research outputs found

    Mit ér egy régió csatlakozás nélkül, avagy a hidak valós értéke

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    Bridges have always played an important role in the history of mankind. The ancient wonders of engineering are mostly destroyed, but some bridges are still available. The role of bridges has been increasing. The present infrastructure of our age is unthinkable without bridges. Domestic implementation of the PONTIS Bridge Maintenance method has allowed us to have a up to date information about our bridges. In the study we examined the most critical 60 of 5720 bridges in Hungary. We analyzed the potential development of bridges and selected the optimal solutions. The research analyzed the complete Hungarian road bridges network system, but at the end we concentrated on this 60. We set up differently hypothesis based on current deteriorations. Differently deterioration, depend on the superstructure was modelled using the additional cost of road users to detect the current virtual value of the 60 bridges

    A téli útüzem fejlesztési lehetőségei, különös tekintettel a régiók téli közlekedési viszonyaira = The development opportunities of winter road maintenance focusing on the driving conditions in winter

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    Winter road maintenance is an essential element of traffic safety. The primary winter maintenance objective is to provide snow and ice free conditions on the highway network. The safety of road users can be improved by different methods at temperature below 0°C. One of the solutions is the de-icing with salt. The aim of the research work was to improve the efficiency of salt storage system in Hungary. The Hungarian Road Agency has three main categories of roads in according to the winter maintenance of roads. The best solution was the silo storage network system with decentralized locations, because nowadays there are storage facilities used only in plant. The mathematical methods used namely CARP – Capacitated Arc Routing Problem – give opportunity to the road maintenance agency to make their winter maintenance works faster and safely. The faster salt dispersing method enables to the car drivers to reach their targets as planned safely

    Mit ér egy régió csatlakozás nélkül, avagy a hidak valós értéke

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    Bridges have always played an important role in the history of mankind. The ancient wonders of engineering are mostly destroyed, but some bridges are still available. The role of bridges has been increasing. The present infrastructure of our age is unthinkable without bridges. Domestic implementation of the PONTIS Bridge Maintenance method has allowed us to have a up to date information about our bridges. In the study we examined the most critical 60 of 5720 bridges in Hungary. We analyzed the potential development of bridges and selected the optimal solutions. The research analyzed the complete Hungarian road bridges network system, but at the end we concentrated on this 60. We set up differently hypothesis based on current deteriorations. Differently deterioration, depend on the superstructure was modelled using the additional cost of road users to detect the current virtual value of the 60 bridges

    Increasing life expectancy of road pavements

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    Cilj je ovog rada predstaviti najvažnije faktore koji pridonose povećanju kvalitete i produljenju uporabljivosti kolnika. U radu je dan pregled američkih i europskih istraživanja koja se bave problemima kolnika iz aspekta održavanja, a vezano uz projektiranje, tehnologiju građenja, odabira građevnih materijala te poboljšanje svojstava kolnika. Predstavljeni su i neki budući trendovi vezani za tematiku produljenja uporabljivosti kolnika.The objective of this paper is to present the most important factors that contribute to the quality and good life expectancy of road pavements. An overview of American and European research dealing with pavement maintenance issues, as related to the design, construction technology, material selection, and improvement of pavement properties, is provided in the paper. Some future trends relating to the extension of life-expectancy of pavements are also presented

    Theory and practice of cement concrete pavements in Hungary

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    U Mađarskoj kasnih 90-ih godina prošlog stoljeća različite varijante asfaltnih kolničkih konstrukcija nisu imale dovoljnu otpornost na deformacije koja bi spriječila ranu pojavu kolotraga na iznimno prometnim autocestama. To je uzrokovalo ponovno vraćanje betonskih kolnika kao tehnološkog izbora. U ovom radu prikazana je povijest mađarskih betonskih kolnika, postupci u njihovu "oživljavanju", tehnološki izazovi kod izrade pokusnih dionica te tijek istraživanja betonskih kolnika s ciljem dugoročnog zadržavanja povoljnih površinskih svojstava.In the late 1990’s, various asphalt pavement alternatives did not present the level of deformation resistance that would be sufficient to prevent early rutting on the extremely heavily trafficked motorways in Hungary. This resulted in the reinstatement of concrete pavements, which became once again a technological choice in motorway construction. This paper presents the history of Hungarian concrete pavements, steps for their "revival", technological challenges in the preparation of test sections, and an ongoing research aimed at ensuring long-term preservation of favourable surface properties

    The evaluation and development of the quality of justice in Hungary

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    The empirical study focuses on the quality-assurance system of administration of justice. The key findings are as follow: The governance of the Hungarian judiciary is highly centralized. The advantage of this situation is that the central administration has been able and has done very effective steps to improve the timeliness of the adjudication, to reduce backlogs and to balance the disproportionate workload between courts and between judges of a court These steps rather quantity-orientated but there are signs of monitoring the quality of judicial work (by publishing appeal and quash rates by courts and putting emphasis on soft judicial skills in the process of selection and evaluation of judges) The disadvantage of this governance model is that judges feel pressure to please their immediate superiors who evaluate them and decide on their career within the judiciary (that can be a threat to autonomous decision-making). Bottom-up initiatives are relatively rare in the hierarchical system (though some of them are quite successful such as the complex motivational system elaborated and introduced at District Court of Debrecen) and hard to upscale them to national level The external perspective and demands of court users and other stakeholders are hardly channeled into the selection, evaluation and training processes of judges On the contrary, there are some remarkable efforts to make judgements understandable for the parties and to communicate them in a proper way to the wider public. The aim of these efforts is to strengthen the legitimacy of courts

    The quality of justice in Hungary: Executive summary

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    This book chapter is a summary of a longer chapter on the quality-assurance system of courts and judiciary in Hungary in the volume titled 'Handle with Care: Assessing and designing methods for evaluation and development of the quality of justice