33 research outputs found

    Az Aranybulla megújítása 1231-ben

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    This study examines the history of the creation of the 1231 renewed version of the Golden Bull originally created by King Andrew II of Hungary (1205-1235) in 1222, as well as the contents of the decree. First, the political conflicts that eventually forced the renewal are discussed briefly. These included the annulment of the marriage between the heir to the throne, Prince Béla and Maria Laskarida; the 1225 expulsion of the Teutonic Order, who settled in the Kingdom of Hungary in 1211; the debates regarding the status of the muslims and jews living in the country; and the revision of the earlier royal land grants between 1228 and 1231. The author believes that the renewed Golden Bull was most likely published at a nationwide legislative assembly close to the 20th of August, the day of St. Stephen, probably at Fehérvár. The primary considerations in the reworking of the Golden Bull are easily identifiable. One of these was the willingness to conform to the interests and viewpoints of the Church. However, another clear goal of some of the changes in the text was expanding the options of Andrew II. The whole decree bears the unmistakable mark of royal power, just like the 1222 original. Therefore, the renewed Golden Bull is also not a collection of the demands of those opposed to the king, instead it contains what the king was willing to concede to quell the political turmoil surrounding him

    Magyarország világi archontológiája I. (1000-1301) és III. (1458-1526) kötet = Archontology of Medieval Hungary vol. I. (1000-1301) and vol. III. (1458-1526)

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    A két részből álló kutatás eredményeként egyrészt nyomtatásban megjelent a ""Magyarország világi archontológiája 1000–1301"" c. kötet, mely a teljesség igényével összegzi az Árpád-kor világi méltóság- és tisztségviselőiről fennmaradt adatokat, minden korábbi kísérletnél szélesebb forrásbázis felhasználásával. A kötet választ ad arra a kérdésre, hogy kik voltak egy-egy méltóság vagy tisztség betöltői a vizsgált időszakban és követhetővé teszi a méltóságviselő személyek karrierjének alakulását, egyúttal további intézmény-, politika- és társadalomtörténeti vizsgálatokhoz is nélkülözhetetlen adatokat nyújtva. Másrészt a kutatás késő középkori (1458–1526) részében kéziratban rendelkezésére áll egy 250 oldalt meghaladó terjedelmű archontológia és vár-adattár, amely jelentős, érdemi előrehaladást jelent, s megalapozza a további kutatások munkáját, melyek eredményeként majd elkészülhet a magyar késő középkor archontológiájának modern és a mai elvárásoknak is megfelelő kézikönyve. | The research that has been conducted can be split into two parts. The first part resulted in the publication of the handbook The archontology of Hungary between 1000-1301. The book serves as a complete summary of the dignitaries and officials of the period based on the hitherto largest collection of sources. Furthermore, the work lists all the positions held by one person, therefore it makes it possible to follow an individual’s career as it had progressed over time. Thus, the book will be essential for future institutional, political and social studies of the era. The second part of the research resulted in a 250-page database of archontology and a complete list of castles and their owners concerning the period of Hungarian history between 1458-1526. Consequently, this should be regarded as a significant breakthrough and it will serve as a foundation for future research

    Apáti Andornok

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    Üres honor

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    Az Árpádok követei

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    Az ártatlan oligarcha = The Innocent Oligarch

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    In the spring of 1294, Roland, son of Tamás, of the Borsa kindred, then voevode of Transylvania, lay siege to the bishop of Várad’s castle at Fenes. The event has hitherto been interpreted as an act of violence committed with the aim of obtaining the castle by Roland Borsa, who was otherwise deeply engaged in the process of building up his own oligarchical power in the county of Bihar. Yet a new analysis of the sources from a different perspective has clearly excluded such an interpretation. The study argues instead that the aim if Roland Borsa was to take revenge for the death of his brother, István, who had been killed by one of the defenders of the castle under obscure circumstances. By attacking Fenes, Roland broke the King’s peace, which led to the armed intervention of King Andrew III (1290–1301), who eventually took Roland’s castle of Adorján by siege. Yet, after his submission, Roland was not punished severely, because the King did not regard the events as a rebellion against royal authority

    Hungary in the era of St. Ladislas

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    Studija prikazuje stanje u Kraljevini Ugarskoj u razdoblju kralja Ladislava I. (1077. 1095.), ali počinjući od 1063. kada se on pojavljuje na političkoj sceni. Prvi dio rada razmatra općenite karakteristike u zemlji. Drugi dio rada bavi se ustanovom dukata, čijom se uspostavom odražava karakterističan oblik razdiobe moći unutar vladajuće obitelji u drugoj polovini 11. stoljeća. Utvrđuje se da je dukat izvorno zauzimao područje jugoistoka i Transdanubije – i njima priključenih područja preko Drave – kao i područje preko Tise oko Bihara. Sedamdesetih godina 11. stoljeća područje Njitre zamijenilo je ono oko Pečuha, a središte dukata seli se onda u područje Bihara.The study outlines the picture of the Kingdom of Hungary in the time of King Ladislas I (1077–1095), but starting back to the beginning of his advent on the political scene (1063), which is justified by the fact that he already at that time played a significant role in shaping the fate of Hungary. The first half of the study looks at the general characteristics of the country. In addition to the issues of the king and his court, secular and ecclesiastical administration, issues of legislation, and the transformation of the ethnic relations of the country, the review covers new phenomena in the society of the age. The latter include the emergence of nobility as well as that of conditional freedom connected to it. The second half of the study deals with the institution of the ducatus, establishment of which reflects a characteristic form of the division of power within the ruling family in the second half of the 11th century. According to previous ideas, the area of the ducatus in the earlier period spread in the vicinities of Bihor and Nitra. The study argues that the ducatus originally covered area from Southeast to Transdanubia – and to it associated areas on the other side of the Drava river – as well as Bihar and its environs in the areas on the other side of the Tisza river. In the 1070s, the Nitra region replaced Pécs and its surroundings, and the centre of the ducatus may have moved to the Bihar area at that time. This change might be initiated by King Solomon (1063–1074). The original territory of the ducatus would have therefore made it possible for Prince Géza and his brothers to receive help not only from Poland, easily accessible from Bihar, but also, through the Croatian marriage of their sister, from the south. However, on the perils of such arrangement for the king, the campaign in Croatia, which they and the king led jointly 1066-1067, may have brought the attention of the king and his advisers and cause further tensions