11 research outputs found

    Testicularis adrenalis rest tumor a congenitalis adrenalis hyperplasia hátterében [Testicular adrenal rest tumor in the background of congenital adrenal hyperplasia]

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    A congenitalis adrenalis hyperplasia különféle megjelenési formáiban a testicularis adrenalis rest tumorok prevalenci- ája eltérő. A tapintható, általában kétoldali hereelváltozás az esetek 90–95%-ában a 21-hidroxiláz enzim hiánya okoz- ta mellékvesekéreg-hyperplasia következményeként jelenik meg. Az adrenalis rest tumorok, bár jól ismert elváltozások, diagnózisuk és kezelésük multidiszciplináris megközelítést igényel. Az endokrinológiai, urológiai, patológiai és radiológiai szakmák együttműködése kiemelkedően fontos. Amennyiben korai stádiumban felismerésre kerül, adekvát szteroidhormon-emelés segíthet a térfoglalás méretének csökkentésében. Késői felismerés esetén azonban irreve- zibilis károsodás jön létre, mely infertilitáshoz vezet. Mivel a kezelés az egyéb jó- és rosszindulatú hereelváltozások- hoz képest jelentősen különbözik, fontos a korai és pontos diagnózis felállítása. Esetismertetésünk kapcsán a testicularis adrenalis rest tumorok differenciáldiagnoszikai és kezelési nehézségeit multidiszciplináris szemszögből mutatjuk be

    Central sensitization-related changes of effective and functional connectivity in the rat inflammatory trigeminal pain model.

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    Central sensitization is a key mechanism in the pathology of several neuropathic pain disorders. We aimed to investigate the underlying brain connectivity changes in a rat model of chronic pain. Non-noxious whisker stimulation was used to evoke blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) responses in a block-design functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) experiment on 9.4T. Measurements were repeated two days and one week after injecting complete Freund's adjuvant into the rats' whisker pad. We found that acute pain reduced activation in the barrel cortex, most probably due to a plateau effect. After one week, increased activation of the anterior cingulate cortex was found. Analyses of effective connectivity driven by stimulus-related activation revealed that chronic pain-related central sensitization manifested as a widespread alteration in the activity of the somatosensory network. Changes were mainly mediated by the anterior cingulate cortex and the striatum and affected the somatosensory and motor cortices and the superior colliculus. Functional connectivity analysis of nested BOLD oscillations justified that the anterior cingular-somatosensory interplay is a key element of network changes. Additionally, a decreased cingulo-motor functional connectivity implies that alterations also involve the output tract of the network. Our results extend the knowledge about the role of the cingulate cortex in the chronification of pain and indicate that integration of multiple connectivity analysis could be fruitful in studying the central sensitization in the pain matrix

    The Effect of Halide Composition on the Luminescent Properties of Ternary Cesium–Copper Halide Pseudo-Perovskite Films

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    Ternary copper halide pseudo-perovskites are in the forefront of research as potential active materials in light emission applications. The optoelectronic properties of these compounds can be fine-tuned by the preparation of mixed-halide compositions. After irradiation, self-trapped excitonic states are formed in these materials. However, the emission from these self-trapped states is not yet fully understood. In this work, mixed-halide Cs3 Cu2 X5 films (where X: I and/or Br) are prepared by a simple spray-coating method. Using ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy, the changes in optoelectronic properties are linked to the electronic structure of these materials. It is revealed that the incorporation of bromide into the lattice makes the emission process of these materials more vulnerable to trap states. By combining the different spectroscopic characterization techniques, the exact band structure of these compounds is determined, and the different processes are translated to the absolute energy scale. As an alternative excitation mechanism of self-trapped states