17 research outputs found


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    Nakon kratkog pregleda razvoja zaštitne uloge radnog zakonodavstva (i potrebe zaštite sadržaja radnog odnosa umjesto formalne kategorije radnika), autori analiziraju pravno uređenje obrtničke djelatnosti i mogućnosti plaćanja poreza na dohodak u paušalni iznos. Nadalje, u radu se ispituje pozitivna zakonska regulativa utvrđivanja prikrivenog rada (zavisnog rada) kod obrtničke djelatnosti koja podliježe paušalnom oporezivanju te, posljedično, naplate poreza na dohodak i pripadajućih doprinosa za obvezna osiguranja od (prikrivenog) rada. Naposljetku, ističe se potreba za zakonskim izmjenama, komplementarnim pristupom (sa stajališta financijskog i radnog prava), kako bi se zaštitili kako fiskalni interesi države tako i prava prikrivenog radnika.After a brief overview of development of the protective role of labour legislation (and the need to protect the content of the work relationship instead of formal category of workers), the authors analyse legal regulation of craft activities and the possibility of paying income tax in a lump-sum. Furthermore, the paper examines positive legal regulation of determining the disguised employment (dependent work) with craft activities subject to lump-sum taxation and, consequently, the collection of income tax and related contributions for compulsory insurance based on (disguised) employment. Finally, the need for legal changes is emphasized, implementing a complementary approach (from the standpoint of financial and labour law), to protect both the fiscal interests of the state and the rights of the disguised worker

    Magnetic resonance and computed tomography imaging of cystic pancreatic lesions

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    Cistične lezije gušterače su raznovrsna grupa lezija s vrlo širokom histološkom diferencijacijom, od benignih tvorevina do invazivnih malignih tumora. Predstavljaju klinički problem budući da je etiologija tih promjena vrlo raznolika, tijek bolesti često asimptomatski, a potencijalno su malignog karaktera. Tijekom godina broj pacijenata s dijagnosticiranim cističnim lezijama gušterače je značajno porastao prvenstveno zbog napretka radioloških tehnika i starenja populacije. Kompjutorizirana tomografija i magnetska rezonancija predstavljaju izvrsne slojevne slikovne metode za otkrivanje i karakterizaciju cističnih lezija te su predvodnice u dijagnostici i temelj odluke o terapijskom pristupu. U radu ćemo ukratko prikazati spektar najčešćih cističnih lezija gušterače i njihovu radiološku prezentaciju.Cystic lesions of the pancreas are histologically diverse group of lesions, from benign to the invasive malignant lesions. Due to diverse etiology, sometimes asymptomatic course of the disease and potentially malignant character they represent significant clinical problem. With the development of radiological techniques and aging of population the number of diagnosed cystic lesion increases. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are excellent modalities for both initial detection and later characterization of cystic pancreatic lesions and they have leading role both in diagnostic and therapy planning. In this article we will present the spectre of most common cystics lesion of the pancreas and their radiologic presentation

    The Frequency and Causes of Physical Complications/ Adverse Events During the Hospitalization of Patients with Dementia

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    Uvod: Osobe s demencijom osjetljivije su na razvoj različitih komplikacija/neželjenih događaja u odnosu na osobe iste dobne skupine bez demencije. Češće se zaprimaju u bolnicu, gdje imaju veću prevalenciju komplikacija i povećanu smrtnost. Cilj: ispitati učestalost hitnih premještaja bolesnika s demencijom zbog tjelesnih komplikacija iz Klinike za psihijatriju Vrapče na somatske odjele drugih bolnica. Metode: U ovom retrospektivnom istraživanju analizirali smo podatke bolesnika s demencijom koji su liječeni od 1. siječnja do 31. kolovoza 2019. godine na Odjelu psihogerijatrije u Klinici za psihijatriju Vrapče s naglaskom na vrijeme trajanja hospitalizacije i razloge otpusta koji su doveli do premještaja s Odjela. Rezultati: Od siječnja do kraja kolovoza 2019. godine na Odjel psihogerijatrije u Klinici zaprimljeno je ukupno 256 bolesnika (67,97 % žena i 32,03 % muškaraca). Prosječna dob žena bila je 80,5, a muškaraca 76,4 godina. Premješteno na somatski odjel (bolnicu) bilo je 28 % bolesnika (40,24 % muškaraca, 23 % žena), a od toga 39 % u prvih sedam dana od dolaska u bolnicu. Pneumonija je bila vodeća somatska dijagnoza kod 19 % premještenih. Prosječno trajanje hospitalizacije među svim ispitanicima bilo je kod muškaraca 33,08 dana, a kod žena 36,47 dana. U istom je razdoblju na Odjelu preminulo 10,93 % bolesnika (12,2 % muškaraca i 10,34 % žena), od toga 25 % unutar pet dana od dolaska u bolnicu. Zbog neujednačenosti pisanja redoslijeda otpusnih dijagnoza, za detaljniju analizu razloga premještaja, bit će potrebno podrobnije ispitivanje. Zaključak: Najteža tjelesna pogoršanja i smrtni ishodi javljali su se u prvih tjedan dana od dolaska u bolnicu. Rezultati ukazuju na nužnost somatske obrade i liječenja bolesnika s demencijom prije nego budu hospitalizirani na psihijatrijskom odjelu.Introduction: Patients with dementia are more susceptible to the development of various complications/adverse events than people of the same age group without dementia. They are more often admitted to hospitals, where they have a higher prevalence of complications and higher mortality. Aim: To examine the frequency of physical complications that require emergency transfers of patients with dementia from the psychogeriatric ward of the University Psychiatric Hospital Vrapče (UPHV) to somatic wards of other hospitals. Patients and methods: In this retrospective study we analysed the data of patients with dementia who received medical treatment at the psychogeriatric ward of the University Psychiatric Hospital Vrapče between 1 January and 31 August 2019, with special emphasis on the treatment length and reasons for discharge due to compromised medical condition. Results: 256 patients (67.97% female, 32.03% male) were admitted to the psychogeriatric ward of the UPHV. The average age was 80.5 years for female and 76.4 years for male patients. 28% of patients (23% of all female and 40.24% of all male patients) were transferred to somatic wards of other hospitals. 39% of all transferred patients were transferred within the first seven days after the admission to the UPHV. Pneumonia was the main somatic diagnosis among 19% of all transferred patients. The mean duration of hospitalization was 36.47 days for female patients and 33.08 days for male patients. 10.93% of all admitted patients (10.34% of all female and 12.2% of all male patients) died at the psychogeriatric ward, 25% of whom died within the first five days after the admission to the UPHV. Due to a lack of uniform order of registering diagnoses, a more detailed examination of reasons for transfers will be required. Conclusion: The most severe deteriorations in the physical condition and fatal outcomes occurred within the first week after the admission to the UPHV. The results indicate the necessity of somatic treatment of dementia patients before admission to a psychiatric ward

    Laparoskopska apendektomija ne povećava stopu negativne apendektomije uz nižu stopu perforiranog apendicitisa - rezultati na 1899 bolesnika u KBC Zagreb

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    Laparoscopic appendectomy is the method of choice of many professional societies owing to its many advantages. The question arises whether surgeons urge more easily to laparoscopic exploration due to its less invasiveness, faster recovery and adequate exploration of the entire abdominal cavity than to observation in unequivocal cases. This retrospective analysis (2009-2016) included 1899 patients undergoing laparoscopic (lap) or gridiron intra-abdominal approach treated at Zagreb University Hospital Centre. The analysis included total negative appendectomy, negative-negative appendectomy (normal appendix and no other pathology found), and negative-positive appendectomy (normal appendix but another pathology found) in children (≤16 years) and adults. There was no statistically significant difference in the rates of negative appendectomy (children) – lap vs. open (p=0.24); negative appendectomy (adults) – lap vs. open (p=0.15); negative-negative appendectomy (children) – lap vs. open (p=0.36); negative-negative appendectomy (adults) – lap vs. open (p=0.21); negative-positive appendectomy (children) – lap vs. open (p=0.53); negative-positive appendectomy (adults) – lap vs. open (p=0.56); and laparoscopy group negative appendectomy in children vs. adults (p=0.56). There was a statistically significantly higher perforation rate with the open approach in total (p<0.0001), in children (p<0.0001) and in adults (p=0.02). There was no statistically significant difference between adults and children in the perforation rate with laparoscopic approach (p=0.24) and perforation rate with open approach (p=0.29). Results confirmed that there was no statistically significant difference in the rate of negative appendectomy in all subgroups. It is concluded that laparoscopic appendectomy should be offered as the method of choice in any patient population with suspicion of acute appendicitis.Laparoskopska apendektomija metoda je izbora većine stručnih društava zbog dokazanih mnogobrojnih prednosti. Pitanje je da li se u slučajevima nejasne dijagnoze kirurzi ranije odlučuju na laparoskopsku eksploraciju u odnosu na opservaciju zbog manje invazivnosti i bržeg oporavka i eksploracije cijelog abdomena. Na KBC Zagreb retrospektivno je analizirano 1899 bolesnika u razdoblju od 2009. do 2016. godine kod kojih su operacije započete izmjeničnim rezom ili laparoskopskim pristupom (lap) kod sumnje na akutni appendicitis kod djece i odraslih (stariji od 16 godina). Analizirane su: 1) ukupno negativne apendektomije, 2) negativno-negativne apendektomije (uredan apendiks i nije nađena druga patologija) i 3) negativno-pozitivne apendektomije (uredan apendiks, ali je nađena druga patologija). Nije bilo statistički značajne razlike u stopama negativne apendektomije (djeca) – lap prema izmjeničnom rezu (p=0,24); negativne apendektomije (odrasli) – lap prema izmjeničnom rezu (p=0,15); negativno-negativne apendektomije (djeca) – lap prema izmjeničnom rezu (p=0,36); negativno-negativne apendektomije (odrasli) – lap prema izmjeničnom rezu (p=0,21); negativno-pozitivne apendektomije (djeca) – lap prema izmjeničnom rezu (p=0,53); negativno-pozitivne apendektomije (odrasli) – lap prema izmjeničnom rezu (p=0,56); negativne laparoskopske apendektomije – djeca prema odraslima (p=0,56). Utvrđena je statistički značajno viša stopa perforacija izmjeničnim rezom ukupno (p<0,0001), kod djece do 16 godina (p<0,0001) i kod odraslih (p=0,02). Nije bilo statistički značajne razlike u stopi perforacije kod laparoskopskog pristupa između odrasle i dječje populacije (p=0,24) te stopi perforacije kod pristupa izmjeničnim rezom između odraslih i djece (p=0,29). Rezultati upućuju na zaključak da niti u jednoj podskupini laparoskopska apendektomija ne rezultira višom stopom negativne apendektomije, no uz niže stope perforiranog apendicitisa pa se laparoskopska apendektomija preporuča kao metoda izbora kod sumnje na akutni apendicitis kod djece i odraslih


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    Vodeći čimbenici rizika za agresivno ponašanje bolesnika sa shizofrenijom su antisocijalne osobine ličnosti, pozitivni simptomi u kliničkoj slici te ovisnost ili zlouporaba psihoaktivnih tvari. S ciljem analiziranja utjecaja i povezanosti kliničke slike i pojedinih simptoma shizofrenije na agresivno ponašanje uspoređivali smo skupinu agresivnih (N=60) i neagresivnih (N=60) muškaraca sa shizofrenijom. S obzirom da se u literaturi raspravlja o mogućoj zajedničkoj osnovi hetero- i autoagresivnosti, agresivni su ispitanici razdvojeni na heteroagresivnu (N=32) i suicidalnu skupinu (N=28). Prisutnost i intenzitet pojedinih simptoma shizofrenije ocijenili smo PANSS-om, stupanj heteroagresivnosti OAS (Overt Aggression Scale), a suicidalnosti C-SSRS (Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale) i InterSePT (International Suicide Prevention Trial) ljestvicama. U heteroagresivnoj skupini značajno je viši ukupni PANSS te njegova pozitivna i opća podljestvica. Stupanj heteroagresivnosti u pozitivnoj je korelaciji s ukupnim PANSS-om i impulzivnošću, a u negativnoj korelaciji s depresivnošću i imperativnim halucinacijama. Stupanj suicidalnosti u pozitivnoj je korelaciji s depresivnošću i imperativnim halucinacijama, a u negativnoj s ukupnim PANSS-om, stupnjem heteroagresivnosti i impulzivnošću. Jedini je značajni prediktor izrazitog agresivnog ponašanja viši rezultat pozitivne podljestvice PANSS-a. Ovi rezultati upućuju na nužnost prepoznavanja pozitivnih simptoma shizofrenije kao značajnog čimbenika za pojavu agresivnosti s ciljem što ranijeg terapijskog djelovanja i sprečavanja agresivnih incidenata


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    It is a well known fact that mentally ill patients, especially those with schizophrenia, have a higher incidence of somatic diseases than the general population and finally a significantly shorter life expectancy. In this paper a comparison is made between schizophrenia and somatic comorbidity before the era of antipsychotics and after, with consideration to the prevalent morbidity during each of these periods. In the period before antipsychotics acute infectious diseases and TBC were the prevalent comorbid diseases. High comorbidity rates were due not only to epidemics but also poor treatment success, deficient health habits and poor personal hygiene. In the period after the discovery of antipsychotics significant changes in morbidity occurred with the prevalence of chronic degenerative diseases, primarily diabetes, hypertension and dyslipidemia. Studies show that new generation antipsychotics partly generate the occurrence of metabolic disorders, which makes it necessary to consider the choice of antipsychotic depending on the assessed risk in every individual case

    Selection of optimal technical solution for flue gas desulphurisation plant on TPP 'Kostolac B'

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    U skladu sa svojim opredeljenjem da rad svojih termoenergetskih objekata uskladi sa zahtevima regulative Evropske Unije koja se odnosi na zaštitu životne sredine, Elektroprivreda Srbije je započela proces projektovanja postrojenja za smanjenje emisija sumpornih oksida. Prema zaključcima Studije 'Pravci optimalnog smanjenja emisije sumpornih oksida iz termoelektrana Elektroprivrede Srbije', TE 'Kostolac B' je izabrana kao prva termoelektrana na kojoj je planirana izgradnja ovakvog postrojenja. U toku je izrada projektne dokumentacije za dobijanje dozvole za gradnju postrojenja za odsumporavanje dimnog gasa (ODG) i izradu tenderske dokumentacije za izbor konsultanta za realizaciju projekta do puštanja postrojenja u pogon. Na osnovu prethodno prihvaćenih analiza kao referentni postupak odsumporavanja definisan je vlažni krečnjak/gips postupak. Imajući u vidu da predviđeno postrojenje za odsumporavanje s jedne strane predstavlja poseban sistem u okviru TE, a s druge i deo elektrane kao celine, projektovanje ovog postrojenja mora uzeti u obzir sve zahteve koji se odnose na uklapanje ovog postrojenja u postojeće procese TE, kako bi se obezbedio njen nesmetani pogon u narednom periodu. U ovom radu prikazani su: (1) osnovni zahtevi koji predstavljaju ulazne parametre za projektovanje postrojenja za odsumporavanje, koji se odnose na zahtevani kvalitet sorbenta i vode, karakteristike dimnih gasova i zahtevani nivo odsumporavanja dimnih gasova; (2) osnovne karakteristike glavnih sistema postrojenja za ODG; (3) moguće opcije tehničkih rešenja postrojenja sa aspekta uklapanja u raspoloživi prostor i postojeće sisteme TE i (4) predlog optimalnog rešenja postrojenja za ODG sa aspekta funkcionalnosti i pouzdanosti rada postrojenja, investicionih ulaganja i pogonskih troškova. .According to own orientation for domestic power plants to fulfill requirements of the EU Directives for environmental protection, the Electric Power Industry of Serbia was started process of designing flue gas desulphurization (FGD) facilities for reduction emissions of sulphur oxides. Toward conclusions of Study: 'Optimal Direction for Reduction of Sulphur Oxides Emissions from Thermal Power Plants of the Electric Power Industry of Serbia' TPP Kostolac B was chosen as the first power plant for construction of this type of facility. Development of technical documentation is in progress for obtaining construction permit for FGD plant as well as preparation of tender documentation for selection of project consultant for system startup. Due to previously accepted analysis, wet limestone/gypsum process is defined as referential process of desulphurisation. As required FGD plant is introduced as separate system in TPP, and on the other hand as part of the TPP as a whole, design must consider all demands related to coupling the FGD plant with existing processes of TPP, to provide continuous operation for the following period. In this paper are presented: (1) main requirements which introduce initial parameters for FGD plant design, related to demanded quality of sorbent and water, flue gas composition and demanded flue gas desulphurisation efficiency; (2) fundamental characteristics of main systems of FGD plant; (3) possible options for technical solutions of FGD from the point of fitting into available space and coupling with existing systems of TPP, and (4) suggestion for optimal solution of FGD from the aspect of functionality and reliability, investment, and operative costs.

    Traian and the Danubian Provinces. The political, economic and religious life in the Danubian Provinces: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on the Roman Danubian Provinces, Zagreb, 15th - 17th November 2017.

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    The “Department of Archaeology“ of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb gladly hosted the 4th International Conference on the Roman Danubian Provinces in 2017. The Conference was organized with the support of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb, the Croatian Archaeological Society, and the Croatian Science Foundation through the project 6505 Between the Danube and the Mediterranean. Exploring the role of Roman military in the mobility of people and goods in Croatia during the Roman Era. Since it was organized in Zagreb, the Conference remained in Pannonia, not far from Siscia, the capital of Pannonia Savia, and in the territory of the Res publica Andautoniensium. The main topic of the Conference was Traian and the Roman Danubian Provinces or, more specifically, the political, economic and religious life in the Danubian Provinces.(from the Foreword)The “Department of Archaeology“ of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb gladly hosted the 4th International Conference on the Roman Danubian Provinces in 2017. The Conference was organized with the support of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb, the Croatian Archaeological Society, and the Croatian Science Foundation through the project 6505 Between the Danube and the Mediterranean. Exploring the role of Roman military in the mobility of people and goods in Croatia during the Roman Era. Since it was organized in Zagreb, the Conference remained in Pannonia, not far from Siscia, the capital of Pannonia Savia, and in the territory of the Res publica Andautoniensium. The main topic of the Conference was Traian and the Roman Danubian Provinces or, more specifically, the political, economic and religious life in the Danubian Provinces.(from the Foreword

    Traian and the Danubian Provinces. The political, economic and religious life in the Danubian Provinces: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on the Roman Danubian Provinces, Zagreb, 15th - 17th November 2017.

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    The “Department of Archaeology“ of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb gladly hosted the 4th International Conference on the Roman Danubian Provinces in 2017. The Conference was organized with the support of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb, the Croatian Archaeological Society, and the Croatian Science Foundation through the project 6505 Between the Danube and the Mediterranean. Exploring the role of Roman military in the mobility of people and goods in Croatia during the Roman Era. Since it was organized in Zagreb, the Conference remained in Pannonia, not far from Siscia, the capital of Pannonia Savia, and in the territory of the Res publica Andautoniensium. The main topic of the Conference was Traian and the Roman Danubian Provinces or, more specifically, the political, economic and religious life in the Danubian Provinces.(from the Foreword)The “Department of Archaeology“ of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb gladly hosted the 4th International Conference on the Roman Danubian Provinces in 2017. The Conference was organized with the support of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb, the Croatian Archaeological Society, and the Croatian Science Foundation through the project 6505 Between the Danube and the Mediterranean. Exploring the role of Roman military in the mobility of people and goods in Croatia during the Roman Era. Since it was organized in Zagreb, the Conference remained in Pannonia, not far from Siscia, the capital of Pannonia Savia, and in the territory of the Res publica Andautoniensium. The main topic of the Conference was Traian and the Roman Danubian Provinces or, more specifically, the political, economic and religious life in the Danubian Provinces.(from the Foreword