5 research outputs found

    Effect of methanolic extract of Amaranthus viridis leaves on reproductive functions in wistar female rats

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    Objective : The aim of this study is to determine the pharmacological effects and the estrogenic properties of Amaranthus viridis leaves on the reproductive function of animal model (female rat). Methods : Vaginal smears performed 9 days before treatment allowed to select female rats having alternated on two cycles a regularity. Thereafter, the selected rats were administered by gavage daily for 28 days taking care of smear every morning at 7am from the first day of treatment follow the evolution of the cycle. For this study 20 nulliparous rats, 2 months old, weighing between 120-150 g. The first group (control) was administered with olive oil and the other three batches received respectively the doses 200, 400 and 600 mg/kg of the methanolic extract of Amaranthus viridis. At the end of the 28-day treatment, ovary and uterine horn were removed, histological and hormonal parameters were studied for determine pharmacological effects of methanolic extract of Amaranthus viridis. Results : The extract caused a disturbances of the cycle according to the doses administered. Disturbances at doses 200 and 400 mg/kg PC are significant. The calculation of the total duration of the different phases of the cycle revealed very significant increases in the estrous phase (P<0.01) by 22.79 % and 17.13 % at the respective doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg b.w compared to control. Non-significant difference was recorded on FSH, LH and estradiol level. On progesterone level, administration of the methanolic extract showed a significant difference at dose of 600 mg/kg b.w compared to control. On histological structure of the ovary, the presence of active and degenerate corpus luteum, secondary follicles depending on the dose administered were recored. Conclusion : The results showed that the methanolic extract of Amaranthus viridis contain estrogenic substances or estrogen-like substances according to a dose-dependent mechanism, with high estrogenic potential at doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg b.w . Keywords: vaginal smears, Amaranthus viridis, methanolic extract, histolog

    Evaluation des Effets Fertilisants et Embryo-Toxiques de L’extrait Aqueux des Feuilles de Cnestis ferruginea Chez le Rat

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    The objective of this work is to evaluate the fertilization and embryotoxic effects of aqueous extract of Cnestis ferruginea in rats. First, 3 batches of rats (control, treated AECF50 and AECF100) were mated with untreated males. Then, 3 batches of male rats (control, treated AECF50 and AECF100) were mated with untreated females. Finally, two groups of rats, I (males) and II (females) were subdivided into three batches each (control, treated AECF50 and AECF100) and were mated according to the dose. The resultsshowed 100% gestation in the treated females, but an increase in the post-implantation abortion rate with the AECF100. Regarding the test of treated males, the pregnancy, copulation and fertility rates were 75%, 83.33% and 100% for controls, AECF50 and AECF100, respectively. Pre- and post-implantation abortion rates decreased with both doses. The test of treated males mated with the treated females showed a pregnancy rate, a copulation index, and a 100% fertility index compared to controls (83.33%). For the uterine, fetal and placental weights, the extract induced a significant increase in the treated females. Histological studies of the ovary showed a significant increase in the diameter of the corpus luteum (35.14%) and the diameter of the uterine glands by 16.05% (AECF50) and 18.39% (AECF100). In conclusion, Cnestis ferruginea improves fertility in males and females. But, these positive effects can be hindered by high doses.L’objectif de ce travail est d’évaluer les effets fertilisants et embryotoxiques de l’extrait aqueux de Cnestis ferruginea chez le rat. D’abord, 3 lots de rattes (témoin, traitées EACF50 et EACF100) ont été accouplées avec les mâles non traités. Ensuite, 3 lots de rats mâles (témoin, traités EACF50 et EACF100) ont été accouplés avec les femelles non traitées. Enfin, deux groupes de rats, I (mâles) et II (femelles) ont été subdivisés en trois lots chacun (témoin, traités EACF50 et EACF100) et ont été accouplés en fonction de la dose. Les résultats ont montré 100% de gestation chez les femelles traitées, mais une augmentation du taux d’avortement post-implantation avec l’EACF100. Concernant le test de mâles traités, le taux de gestation, copulation et fertilité étaient de 75%, 83,33% et 100% respectivement pour les témoins, EACF50 et EACF100. Les taux d’avortement pré- et postimplantation ont baissés avec les deux doses. Le test de mâlestraités accouplés avec les femellestraitées a montré un taux de gestation, un index de copulation et un index de fertilité de 100% par rapport aux témoins (83,33%). Concernant les poids de l’utérus, du fœtus et du placenta, l’extrait a induit une augmentation significative chez les femelles traitées. Les études histologiques de l’ovaire ont montré une augmentation significative du diamètre des corps jaunes (35,14%) et du diamètre des glandes utérines de 16,05% (EACF50) et 18,39% (EACF100). En conclusion, Cnestis ferruginea améliore la fertilité chez les mâles et les femelles. Mais, ces effets positifs peuvent être entravés par les fortes doses

    Effets de L’extrait Aqueux des Racines d’Hymenocardia acida (Euphorbiaceae) sur la Qualité du Sperme de Rats

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    Les racines d’Hymenocardia acida sont utilisĂ©es dans la mĂ©decine traditionnelle africaine pour traiter principalement la dysfonction Ă©rectile. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude vise Ă  Ă©valuer les effets de l’extrait aqueux des racines d’ Hymencardia acida sur la qualitĂ© du sperme de rats. Les diffĂ©rents composĂ©s chimiques de l’extrait aqueux des racines d’Hymenocardia acida ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s par des rĂ©actions en tube dĂ©crites dans la pharmacopĂ©e africaine. Deux groupes de quinze rats traitĂ©s pendant 30 et 60 jours ont Ă©tĂ© repartis chacun en lot tĂ©moin, lot traitĂ© Ă  500 mg/kg et lot traitĂ© Ă  1000 mg/kg de poids corporel. La densitĂ©, la motilitĂ© et la morphologie des spermatozoĂŻdes ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©es selon des mĂ©thodes standards. Le taux de testostĂ©rone et le tissu testiculaire ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s. Le tri phytochimique a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© la prĂ©sence de polyphĂ©nols, de flavonoĂŻdes, de tanins catĂ©chiques, de saponosides, d’alcaloĂŻdes et de stĂ©rols et polyterpènes. L’extrait a favorisĂ© une augmentation significative (P < 0.05) du nombre de spermatozoĂŻdes, des taux de spermatozoĂŻdes mobiles et normaux dans l’épididyme caudal. Il a entrainĂ© Ă©galement une augmentation significative (P < 0.05) du taux de la testostĂ©rone sĂ©rique et a favorisĂ© l’accroissement des spermatozoĂŻdes dans les tubes sĂ©minifères. Les racines d’Hymenocardia acida amĂ©liorent la qualitĂ© du sperme des rats. Cela pourrait ĂŞtre dĂ» en grande partie Ă  l’augmentation du taux sĂ©rique de la testostĂ©rone.   Hymenocardia acida roots are used in traditional African medicine to treat mainly erectile dysfunction. The present study aims to evaluate the effects of aqueous extract of Hymencardia acida roots on the quality of rat sperm. The different chemical compounds of the aqueous extract of the roots of Hymenocardia acida were identified by tube reactions described in the African pharmacopoeia. Two groups of fifteen rats treated for 30 and 60 days were divided into control, 500 mg/kg and 1000 mg/kg body weight. Sperm density, motility and morphology were assessed by standard methods. Testosterone levels and testicular tissue were studied. Phytochemical sorting revealed the presence of polyphenols, flavonoids, catechic tannins, saponosides, alkaloids and sterols and polyterpenes. The extract promoted a significant (P < 0.05) increase in sperm count, motile and normal sperm rates in the caudal epididymis. It also caused a significant increase (P < 0.05) in serum testosterone levels and promoted the increase of spermatozoa in the seminiferous tubules. Hymenocardia acida roots improve sperm quality in rats. This could be due in large part to the increase in serum testosterone levels

    Effects of Diabetes Mellitus on the Reproductive System of Adult Male Mice After One Cycle of Spermatogenesis

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by chronic hyperglycemia. Poor management of hyperglycemia leads to complications that can reduce quality of life. Diabetes mellitus has been associated with damage to the reproductive system. The present study examines effects of diabetes mellitus on the reproductive system in alloxan-induced diabetic mice after one cycle of spermatogenesis. Materials and Methods: Twelve (12) mice divided into "control" and "diabetic" groups of six (6) animals each were used. Diabetes was induced in adult male mice by intraperitoneal injection with a single dose of 220 mg/kg body weight of alloxan. After 40 days, sperm density, morphology, and motility were assessed by standard methods. Serum levels of testosterone, FSH, and LH were measured. In addition, testes and epididymis were removed for histological study. Results: Highly significant (P < 0.001) reductions in serum testosterone, FSH, and LH levels, as well as normal and motile sperm counts of 21% and 34% respectively were observed in the diabetic group. The control group had three times more sperm than the diabetic group. The histological increased inter-tubular spaces, loss of interstitial tissue, degeneration of seminiferous tubules, and almost complete reduction of sperm count in the epididymal duct. Conclusion: Chronic hyperglycemia is therefore deleterious to the male reproductive system of mice. It leads to hypogonadism, which causes dysfunction of the male reproductive system, and can lead to infertility in men with diabetes mellitus

    Activité Anti-Inflammatoire Et Études Phytochimiques De L’extrait Aqueux Des Écorces Distemonanthus Benthamianus Baill. (Caesalpiniaceae : Leguminosae - Caesalpinioideae)

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    Distemonanthus benthamianus est une plante utilisĂ©e en mĂ©decine traditionnelle dans certains pays Africains tels que : la CĂ´te d’Ivoire, le Ghana, le Cameroun etc. Plusieurs Ă©tudes ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es relatives Ă  son effet sur les activitĂ©s antioxydante, antitumorale, antituberculeuse, bactĂ©ricide, antivirale. L’objectif de ce travail a Ă©tĂ© d’évaluer in vivo l’activitĂ© anti-inflammatoire de l’extrait total aqueux des Ă©corces de cette plante. Pour atteindre cet objectif, le screening phytochimique a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© afin de dĂ©terminer les mĂ©tabolites secondaires prĂ©sentent dans l’extrait de la plante. L’activitĂ© antiinflammatoire a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ© par l’ingestion de la carragĂ©nine 1% au niveau l’aponĂ©vrose plantaire des rats Wistars. Le screening phytochimique a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© la prĂ©sence de tanins, polyphĂ©nols, flavonoĂŻdes, saponosides, de triterpènes et d’alcaloĂŻdes Les rĂ©sultats de l’activitĂ© anti-inflammatoire ont montrĂ© que le diclofĂ©nac et l’extrait aqueux de la plante ont atteint leur activitĂ© maximale d’inhibition de l’œdème Ă  la 3ème heure avec une inhibition de 52.88 %, et 44.95%, 60.03% et 70.19 aux doses de 200, 400 et 800mg/kg/pc respectivement. Quant Ă  la prednisone, il a atteint son activitĂ© maximale de 26.66% Ă  la 4ème heure. L’inhibition de l’œdème des pattes des rats par l’extrait de la plante montre ainsi les propriĂ©tĂ©s anti-inflammatoires de cet extrait. L’utilisation de cette plante comme un anti-inflammatoire en milieu naturel serait donc justifiĂ©e.   Distemonanthus benthamianus is a plant used in traditional medicine in some African countries such as: Ivory Coast, Ghana, Cameroon etc. Several studies have been carried out relating to its effect on antioxidant, anti-tumor, anti-tuberculosis, bactericidal and antiviral activities. The objective of this work was to evaluate in vivo the anti-inflammatory activity of the total aqueous extract of the bark of this plant. To achieve this goal, phytochemical screening was carried out to determine the secondary metabolites present in the plant extract. Anti-inflammatory activity was assessed by ingestion of 1% carrageenan in the plantar fascia of Wistars rats. The phytochemical screening revealed the presence of tannins, polyphenols, flavonoids, saponosides, triterpenes and alkaloids The results of anti-inflammatory activity showed that diclofenac and the aqueous extract of the plant reached their maximum activity d inhibition of edema at the 3rd hour with an inhibition of 52.88%, and 44.95%, 60.03% and 70.19 at doses of 200, 400 and 800 mg / kg / bw respectively. As for prednisone, it reached its maximum activity of 26.66% at the 4th hour. The inhibition of rat paw edema by the plant extract thus demonstrates the anti-inflammatory properties of this extract. The use of this plant as an anti-inflammatory in a natural environment would therefore be justified