55 research outputs found

    Automation of capacitance measurements for power semiconductor modules

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    This paper presents an overview of questions related to the increase in accuracy of measurements of capacitance parameters of power semiconductor modules when developing a device for automated measurements. The paper addresses the matters of circuit engineering of primary components, technical characteristics and software of a meter designed to automate the process of testing of capacitance parameters of power modules based on insulated gatebipolar transistors and fast recovery diodes. Unit testing results that prove the efficiency ofthe proposed method of the technical implementation are provided. Software implementation is described; ways to improve software-hardware solution are proposed. The paper is of value for developers and users of equipment for automated testing of electric parameters of semiconductor devices.Keywords: automated test equipment (ATE), capacitance parameters, IGBT, FRD, power semiconductor modules, MATLAB


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    Camera traps providing enormous number of images during a season help to observe remotely animals in the wild. However, analysis of such image collection manually is impossible. In this research, we develop a method for automatic animal detection based on background modeling of scene under complex shooting. First, we design a fast algorithm for image selection without motions. Second, the images are processed by modified Multi-Scale Retinex algorithm in order to align uneven illumination. Finally, background is subtracted from incoming image using adaptive threshold. A threshold value is adjusted by saliency map, which is calculated using pyramid consisting of the original image and images modified by MSR algorithm. Proposed method allows to achieve high estimators of animals detection

    Sports training, improving the process of training athletes of different qualification levels

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    В статье рассматриваются вопросы физической подготовки человека.The article deals with the issues of physical fitness of a person. The author considers the goals and objectives of proper training

    Range of influence of chess on thinking and the brain

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    This article investigates the effects of chess on the human brain and on his mental abilities. The possibilities of positive influence of chess on human intelligence in case of brain disorders by pathological diseases are considered.В данной статье исследованы влияния шахмат на мозг человека и на его умственные способности. Рассмотрены возможности позитивного влияния шахмат на интеллект человека при нарушении мозга патологическими болезнями

    Receptiоns оf mоtivatiоn оf students with the purpоse оf increasing interest tо exercises by physical culture

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    The article discusses the main methоds оf mоtivatiоn оf university students, which will increase the interest in spоrts. Оn the example оf a university, grоup оf students is оffered оptiоns fоr dоing spоrts, with the gоal оf identifying changes in general well-being, mооd and academic perfоrmance.В статье рассматриваются основные приемы мотивации студентов университета, которые позволят повысить интерес к занятиям спортом. На примере университета группе студентов предложены варианты занятий спортом, с целью выявления изменений в общем самочувствии,настроении и успеваемости

    Ntroduction of all-russian sports complex "Ready for labor and defense" at higher educational institution

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    Article is devoted to the introduction problem in the higher educational institution of The All-Russian sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (RLD). Relevance of the chosen subject of theresearch is caused by revival in the country of the national idea relating to the health-improvement of the nation, use of the opportunities of physical culture and mass sport. The RLD complex is considered as the instrument of increasing the level of physical activity of the studying youth and workers of the education system.Статья посвящена проблеме внедрения в высшем учебном заведении Всероссийского физкультурно-спортивного комплекса «Готов к труду и обороне» (ГТО) (далее - ВФСК ГТО). Актуальность выбранной темы исследования обусловлена возрождением в стране национальной идеи по оздоровлению нации, использованию возможностей физической культуры и массового спорта. Комплекс ГТО рассматривается как инструмент повышения уровня физической активности учащейся молодежи и работников системы образования

    The Role of Competence in the Preparation of Physical Culture Specialists for Professional Activities

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    Education in the 21st century is the main factor in the development of personality culture and the general level of cultural competence of a modern graduate. In the information society, despite the development of new technologies, there should not be a depreciation of culture, the unification of cultural values, which can lead to negative trends in the development of the cultural competence of students.Образование в XXI веке является основным фактором развития культуры личности и общего уровня культурной компетентности современного выпускника. В информационном обществе, несмотря на развитие новых технологий, не должно происходить обесценивание культуры, унификация культурных ценностей, что может вести негативным тенденциям в развитии культурной компетентности обучающихся

    Value of physical culture in activity of students of higher education institutions

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    In materials of article, on the basis of results of sociological research, the value of physical culture in life activity of students of high schools is revealed. 260 students of 1st course of the St.-Petersburg state university of economy and finance have been questioned, at the age of 18 years, young men and girls, engaged in sports perfection (n=30 people), at basic educational department (n=103 people), at preparatory (n=86 people) and at special medical department (n = 41 people).В материалах статьи на основе результатов социологического исследования раскрывается значение физической культуры в жизнедеятельности студентов вузов. Опрошено 260 студентов I курса Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета экономики и финансов (СПбГУЭФ) в возрасте 18 лет, юношей и девушек, занимающихся на отделении спортивного совершенствования (n=30 чел.), основном учебном отделении (n=103 чел.), подготовительном (n=86 чел.) и специальном медицинском отделении (n = 41 чел.)

    Formation of physical culture of the identity of students

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    The topical problem of student youth's education is considered in the article. A special emphasis is made on the development of students' personality's physical culture that is possible trough including innovation technologies in higher school extra-curriculum activity.В статье поднимается актуальный вопрос воспитания студенческой молодежи. Особый акцент делается на формировании физической культуры личности студентов, что возможно через включение во внеучебную деятельность ВУЗа инновационных технологий