299 research outputs found

    Risk and Nitrogen Application Decisions in Florida Potato Production

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    This study focuses on development of agricultural best management practices (BMPs) for potato production areas in Northeast Florida, and presents the results of the initial situation assessment. BMP implementation is the primary strategy used by agencies and farmers to improve the efficiency and to ensure environmental sustainability of agricultural production. Although BMPs are defined as “economically feasible” and “cost-effective”, economic analysis conducted as a part of BMP development has been limited, leaving the room for disagreement about economic impacts of specific BMPs. As a part of the situation assessment, we used interviews, group discussions, a survey, and a field trip to collect information about farmers’ production practices and to examine farmers’ opinions about BMP development process. Then, partial budget analysis was used determine the relative impacts of various factors (including the implementation of nitrogen fertilization management BMP) on production returns. Finally, an economic model is proposed to incorporate production risk analysis in BMP evaluation process.Florida potato production, partial budget analysis, risk analysis, best management practice, nitrogen fertilization, Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy, Farm Management, Production Economics, Risk and Uncertainty,

    The role of leucine in the activation of cellular metabolism: a large integrative review

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    This review addressed the signaling of cellular activation by leucine, discussed the risks of excessive signaling by proteins in the Western diet, and explored the potential of leucine stimulation in tissue regeneration. As result, amino acids are, in addition to building blocks of macromolecules, cellular activation signals. Essential amino acids are not produced by animals and leucine appears to be the main signaling amino acid. Mammals adjusted the cell activation and growth rate of their young by the leucine concentration of the milk produced. Several studies demonstrate the benefits of leucine supplementation in preventing sarcopenia, improving muscle and liver performance, as well as a possible neuroprotective role in head trauma and dementia. However, its excess, so common in the Western diet, is related to obesity, type II diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, and cancer. The mTORC1 kinase integrates cellular activation stimuli from macro protein synthesis to epigenetic regulation. Controlling mTORC1 activity by consuming leucine can prevent, treat, or cause disease. A greater understanding of the regulatory effects of leucine and mTOR in unstable tissues such as tumors or fragile tissues such as the CNS are areas of great relevance and with extensive fields still to be explored

    Produção e caracterização de manga desidratada em pó por diferentes processos de secagem

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Alimentos, Florianópolis, 2014.O refractance window (RW) ou janela de refractância é um processo de secagem desenvolvido com objetivo de produzir frutas e hortaliças em pó com qualidade superior e competir com as tecnologias atualmente dominantes, ou seja, a liofilização, a secagem por atomização (spray drying ? SD) e a secagem em tambor (drum drying - DD). No processo de secagem por RW, o suco ou polpa é espalhado na face superior de um filme de poliéster, que tem sua face inferior em contato com água quente. O filme de poliéster utilizado é parcialmente transparente à radiação infravermelha (IV) emitida pela água quente. Assim, os três modos transferência de calor, condução, convecção e radiação, estão presentes nesse sistema de secagem. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é o estudo comparativo de diferentes processos de secagem e a obtenção de manga desidratada em pó com qualidade superior utilizando refractance window, liofilização e spray-drying como métodos de secagem. Este estudo será dividido em três partes. A primeira parte consiste na avaliação da transparência do filme de mylar à radiação IV e das cinéticas de secagem da polpa utilizando diferentes temperaturas da água de aquecimento (75, 85 e 95 oC) e diferentes espessuras da camada de purê de manga (2, 3 e 5 mm). Para avaliar a importância relativa da transferência de calor por radiação da água quente para a polpa de manga, o processo também foi realizado com o filme pintado de preto, bloqueando a passagem da radiação IV originária da água. Os resultados demonstraram que o filme mylar utilizado neste estudo foi transparente em algumas bandas de comprimento de onda do espectro, dentro da banda que caracteriza a radiação IV e o filme pintado foi opaco à radiação. A polpa de manga seca por RW (filme de mylar não pintado) apresentou taxas de secagem superiores em relação à secagem efetuada com o filme de mylar pintado de preto, para as espessuras de camada de 2 e 3 mm. Para as polpas espalhadas com 5 mm de espessura não houve diferença no tempo de secagem entre os dois processos. Na segunda parte deste estudo foram caracterizados os pós de manga obtidos por RW, SD e liofilização, por determinações das massas específicas (aparente e absoluta), da microestrutura utilizando a microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), cor, isotermas de sorção de umidade e diagramas de estado. Por fim, a última parte desse trabalho está relacionada com a reidratação dos pós, e foram analisados o tempo de dispersão, o ângulo de contato dos pós e a solubilidade, e complementando esse estudo foi determinado o comportamento reológico das polpas reconstituídas.Abstract : The refractance window (RW) is drying processes developed with the aim of producing fruit and vegetable powder with superior quality and to compete with the currently dominant technologies, such as freeze drying, spray drying and drum drying. In RW drying process, the juice or fruit pulp is spread on the upper surface of a polyester film, which has its lower surface in contact with hot water. The polyester film used is partially transparent to infrared radiation emitted by hot water. Therefore, the three modes of heat transfer, conduction, convection and radiation, are present in this drying system. Thus, there is a lack of publications about the mechanisms of heat transfer and mass involved in RW drying. In this context, the aim of this work is to study the drying of mango pulp by RW, spray drying and freeze drying and to characterize the mango powder obtained by both processes. This study was divided into three parts. The first part consists in evaluating the transparency of mylar film to infrared radiation and the drying kinetics of the pulp using different heating temperatures of the water (75, 85 and 95 oC) and different thicknesses of mango pulp (2, 3 and 5 mm) layer. In order to evaluate the relative importance of heat transfer by radiation from the hot water to the mango pulp, the process was also carried out with the film painted with black ink, blocking the passage of infrared radiation from the hot water. The results showed that the mylar film used in this study was transparent in some wavelength bands of the spectrum within the band that characterizes the infrared radiation. The mango pulp dried by RW (not painted mylar film) showed higher drying rates compared to drying with the black mylar painted, for the layer thicknesses of 2 to 3 mm. For the pulps spread with 5 mm of thickness no difference in drying time between the two processes was observed. In the second part of this study, the mango powders obtained by RW, spray drying and freeze drying were characterized by analysis of density (apparent and absolute), the microstructure using scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), color, moisture sorption isotherms and state diagrams. Finally, the last part of this work is related with the rehydration of the powders, for this purpose the wetting time, the contact angle and solubility were analyzed, and the rheological behavior of reconstituted pulps was determined, for complementing the study

    Dental Care for Children with Leukemia: Major Updates

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    Leukemia is a haematological neoplasm that among 300 children and adolescents in Brazil. Its standard treatment consists of the use of antineoplastic based on chemotherapy or radiotherapy, these recommended therapies can provoke several side effects among them buccal alterations mainly due to the immunosupression picture. In view of the exposed this study has the objective to describe the main updates of the dental care to the child carrier of leukemia by reviewing the literature. Immunosuppression and the very fragility and stage of development of children with leukemia lead to greater vulnerability to all types of opportunistic infections and pathologies resulting from antineoplastic therapy. Currently, modern oncology requires the presence of the dentist in all phases of treatment and even before diagnosis in a sine qua non condition for management, maintenance of oral health and quality of life of the leukemic patient. The dentist besides being part of the cancer team is required both in the in-hospital environment and in daily clinical practice. Currently there is a wide range of resources and medicines to promote a satisfactory handling and quality of life for these patients

    Desenvolvimento de processo combinado de desidratação e modificação da textura de manga por secagem convectiva e pulsos de vácuo

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Alimentos, Florianópolis, 2010Realizou-se um estudo de diferentes tecnologias de desidratação e o desenvolvimento de um método alternativo de secagem por ciclos de aquecimento-pulso de vácuo (CAPV) para a obtenção de manga desidratada com qualidade superior. Para isso, investigou-se a desidratação osmótica (DO) como pré-tratamento à secagem. As condições de processo usadas durante a DO foram solução osmótica a 65oBrix, a 30oC, e razão mássica de fruta:solução de 1:30. A transferência de massa durante a DO foi caracterizada pela determinação dos parâmetros relativos à perda de massa (PM), perda de água (PA) e ganho de sólidos (GS). A partir dos resultados obtidos, o tempo de processo selecionado foi de 5 horas, onde o valor de PA foi de 58%, o GS foi de 10,16% e a PM foi de 45%. Para o mesmo tempo, o valores da atividade de água (aw) e da umidade (Ubs) foram, respectivamente, de 0,916 e 1,27g de água/g de sólidos secos. A partir disto, confirmou-se a necessidade de um processo de secagem complementar para a preservação do produto final. Assim, estudou-se a secagem convectiva (SC) e a secagem por CAPV das amostras pré-tratadas por DO e das amostras sem pré-tratamento. Durante a SC, em estufa com circulação forçada de ar a 60oC, observou-se que em 16 horas de processo a Ubs das amostras pré-tratadas foi de 0,22g de água/g de sólidos secos e a aw foi de 0,462, enquanto que as amostras sem pré-tratamento apresentaram valores de Ubs 0,02 g de água/g de sólidos secos e de aw de 0,358. Além disso, as amostras ao final da SC apresentaram estrutura colapsada, verificada tanto na microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), quanto pelo comportamento da curva de força-deformação nos ensaios mecânicos de perfuração. A secagem por CAPV consistiu no acondicionamento das amostras em uma grade e na alocação desta dentro de uma câmara encamisada. As amostras foram aquecidas até 60oC e a câmara foi fechada e pressurizada. Após 5 minutos de vácuo, a pressão do sistema foi restabelecida e as amostras foram aquecidas novamente, para aplicação de um novo ciclo de secagem. O cálculo do número de pulsos de vácuo aplicados na fruta foi determinado através da massa de água evaporada em cada ciclo, conforme a equação: mevap=(mamostraCp×T)/Hvaporização. Amostras secas a partir de frutas in natura apresentaram, após 12 ciclos, Ubs =0,09 g de água/g sólidos secos, e aw = 0,359, enquanto para as amostras pré-tratadas que sofreram 10 ciclos, estes valores foram: Ubs =0,14g de água/g de sólidos secos e aw=0,375. Amostras de manga comerciais liofilizadas foram também avaliadas e apresentaram valores de Ubs =0,08g de água/g de sólidos secos e aw =0,325, valores próximos dos valores observados para amostras secas por CAPV. Além de possibilitar a obtenção de produtos com baixos teores de umidade e atividade de água ao final da secagem, as frutas secas por CAPV apresentaram textura crocante, evidenciada pelas curvas irregulares obtidas nos ensaios mecânicos. Através das análises de MEVs foram verificadas a formação da matriz porosa e a semelhança da estrutura das amostras secas por CAPV com as amostras comerciais liofilizadas. Deste modo, este trabalho apresenta resultados que podem ser de grande utilidade para o aproveitamento industrial e agregação de valor às mangas.Different technologies of dehydration were compared to an alternative dry method, which consisted in the application of successive cycles of heating-and-puffing (multi-puff-drying, MPD) to obtain high quality dried mangoes. Osmotic dehydration (OD) was investigated as a pre-treatment to drying. The OD process conditions used were sucrose at a concentration of 65oBrix under 30oC with a solution:sample mass relation of 30:1. The mass transport was characterized by the determination of sample mass loss (ML) water loss (WL) and sugar gain (SG). At 5 h after the beginning of the processing, it was observed 58% of WL, 45% of ML and 10% of SG of the sample. At same evaluation time, the values of water activity (aw) and moisture content (Wdb) was 0.916 and 1.27 g water/g dry solids, respectively. The results from the OD pre-treaments confirmed the need of a complementary drying process to preserve mangoes. Therefore, it was carried out a study comparing convective drying (CD) and MPD processes of pretreated and non-pretreated mango samples. The CD treatment consisted in to dry the sample at 60oC in a forced air drier for 16 h. The Wdb of mango sample was 0.22 g water/g dry solids for pretreated and 0.02 g water/g dry solids non-pretreated, respectively. The aw were 0.462 and 0.358 for pretreatment and non-treatment samples, respectively. Moreover, samples at the end of CD have showed a compact structure, which was verified by the analysis of sample images with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and by the behavior of Strain-force curves from mechanical measurements of puncturing tests. The MPD drying consisted of storing the samples in a grid and then allocated it inside a jacketed container. The samples were heated up to 60oC, then samples were maintained under vacuum during 5 min, which consisted in a cycle. The number of cycles were estimated by considering that the flash evaporation was a isenthalpic process, i.e., mevap= (msampleCp×T)/Hvaporization. Dried samples from fresh mango showed, after 12 cycles Wdb = 0.09 g water/g dry solids, and aw = 0.359, while pre-treated samples after 10 cycles of MPD showed of 0.14 g water/g dry solids and aw of 0.375. Commercial dried mangoes by freeze-drying process Wdb of 0.08g water/g dry solids and aw values of 0.325, which were similar to the observed values of dried samples under MPD. In addition, MPD resulted in a final product with low moisture content and water activity in the end of drying process with crispy texture confirmed by strain-force curves. The analysis of images with SEM, it was verified the similar formation of a porous matrix on the sample surface between MPD samples and commercial freeze-dried samples. Thus, the presented results showed that MPD has potential industrial use and may add value to dry mango products

    Virtual Surgery in Implantology: A Systematic Review and State of the Art

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    Introduction: Dental implant procedures have increased worldwide, reaching approximately one million dental implants per year. The optimization of faster and more accurate techniques by dentists and postoperative surgeons with better results and quality of life stimulated the development of numerous software and hardware for performing computer-guided surgeries, so-called virtual surgeries (VS). Objective: to present, through a systematic review, the main considerations of virtual surgery in dentistry and their respective advantages, disadvantages, and limitations. Methods: The model used for the review was PRISMA. We used databases such as Scielo, Lilacs, Google Scholar, PubMed. Major findings: In the scenario of VS in dentistry, advances in technology have contributed to the improvement of the models, since there was only the direct molding technique to obtain patient models, with the positioning of implants not very favorable in terms aesthetics. The information that is acquired in the 3D reconstructions allows us to determine the quantity and quality of the available bone and also allows the simulation of the installation of the implants in a virtual environment. This provides predictability of techniques and difficulties that can be encountered during surgical intervention, reducing the time and the possibility of errors, allowing the overall reduction of oral rehabilitation costs. Conclusion: Preoperative virtual planning and reconstruction of the mandible guided by dental implants through preoperative designs provide high success rates for the implant and dental rehabilitation, benefiting also prosthetic restorations supported by fixed implants. Still, the concept of using personalized implants with the help of 3D virtual treatment planning, stereolithographic models, and computer-assisted design greatly improves the mandibular restoration and helps to obtain a good facial profile, aesthetic and dental rehabilitation, avoiding complications with the grafts autologous

    Myo-inositol in polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and positioning of its use

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    Introduction: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disease among women of reproductive age 6 to 15% its presentation is complex and heterogeneous and is characterized by clinical and laboratory findings of hyperandrogenism, oligo-anovulation, metabolic abnormalities such as insulin resistance (IR), overweight, obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia and increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Objective: To evaluate the effects of myo-inositol in pregnant and non-pregnant women with polycystic ovary syndrome in relation to fertility improvement, gestational outcomes, and metabolic and hormonal parameters. Methods: Data from randomized clinical trials on the efficacy of myo-inositol in women with PCOS were used in this review. The PubMed database was used for literature search. Results: Insulin resistance is one of the mechanisms that explain the emergence of metabolic and reproductive changes in women with PCOS. When compared to placebo, myo-inositol was effective in improving fertility, increasing ovulation and fertilization rates, in addition to improving metabolic parameters as indicators of insulin resistance (HOMA index). Even when compared to more traditional insulin sensitizers like metformin, myoinositol showed similar efficacy in restoring fertility. Myo-inositol was also effective when associated with clomiphene acetate and in women undergoing in vitro fertilization processes. There was also an improvement in pregnancy outcomes and a reduction in the risk of developing gestational diabetes with the use of myo-inositol. Conclusions: Myo-inositol improves clinical and laboratory parameters in both pregnant and non-pregnant PCOS patients, increasing the fertility rate and improving pregnancy outcomes

    Major metabolic and metabolomic approaches of dietary therapy in the control of inflammatory obesity processes in COVID-19: a concise systematic review

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    Introduction: Obesity stands out as a multifactorial disease that can cause several public health problems. Currently, more than 30% of the world's population is overweight or obese. By 2020, it is estimated that over 60% of the world population will be overweight or obese. It has been postulated that a healthy nutritional status promotes immune function and can prevent the onset of a severe inflammatory process and severe infections, especially in times of pandemics such as COVID-19. The optimal immune response depends on proper diet and nutrition to keep the infection under control. Objective: This study analyzed the main interactions of dietary therapy in the control of obesity and its comorbidities, especially meta-inflammation. Methods: This study followed a systematic review model. The search strategy was performed in the PubMed, Cochrane Library, Web of Science and Scopus, and Google Scholar databases, using scientific articles from 2009 to 2021. The low quality of evidence was attributed to case reports, editorials, and brief communications, according to the GRADE instrument. The risk of bias was analyzed according to the Cochrane instrument. Results and Conclusion: 105 studies were analyzed and submitted to eligibility analysis, and then 42 high to medium quality studies were selected. Biases did not compromise the scientific basis of the studies. Research has shown that unbalanced dietary patterns, such as the Western diet, rich in simple sugars, refined carbohydrates, saturated and trans-fatty acids, lead to chronic inflammatory responses, increased fat deposition, and future comorbidities associated with overweight and obesity. In addition, some nutrients have important effects in decreasing the inflammatory response and in metabolic restoration, reducing oxidative stress. Therefore, adequate dietary interventions for the management of overweight and obesity are needed, especially starting early in children and adolescents for healthy growth, preventing comorbidities in adulthood

    Major Meta-Analysis, Randomized Clinical Studies, and International Consensus on Serum Levels and Importance of Supplementing Vitamin D: State of the art

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    Introduction: Hypovitaminosis D is highly prevalent and constitutes a public health problem worldwide. It can affect more than 90% of individuals, depending on the population studied. Objective: To make a broad analysis of the world literature to compose the State of the Art on serum vitamin D levels and its adequate supplementation, to prevent and mitigate various diseases, based on randomized clinical studies, analysis, and latest international conferences and consensus. Methods: The present study followed a literary review of randomized clinical studies, meta-analysis, and the latest international consensus. Cochrane instrument was adopted to assess the quality of the included studies between 2015 and 2020. Major considerations and conclusion: Laboratory evaluation should be performed by measuring 25(OH)D, and the main groups of individuals at risk for vitamin D deficiency are the elderly, patients with osteoporosis, history of falls and fractures, obese, pregnant women, and infants. For patients with osteoporosis and increased risk of fractures, recommended that concentrations of 25(OH)D remain above 30 ng/mL for full benefits on the prevention of secondary hyperparathyroidism, decreased risk of falls. Special considerations must have taken to pregnant women and infants, in patients with chronic renal failure, obese patients, and those undergoing bariatric surgery. Several clinical studies and current meta-analysis have shown significant results with vitamin D supplementation in cardiovascular complications, diabetes, cancer, autoimmune diseases, cognitive function, among others, with doses above 30 ng/mL, reaching up to 70 ng/mL, and maintaining serum dosage at 50 ng/mL

    Injury profile of a soccer player training center: An epidemiological study

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    oai:ojs2.mednext.zotarellifilhoscientificworks.com:article/1Objective: To carry out an epidemiological analysis characterizing the type and location of the injury, severity based on recovery time, game position, and injury for hours of exposure. Methods: Data collection was carried out in the sub 15, sub 17, and sub 20 categories and verified records made by the medical team of the club, which was trained to use the F-MARC form (a form of the medical research center of the International Football Federation - FIFA) at the beginning of the season. To perform the data analysis, the GraphPad Prism software was used. All variables were analyzed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Results: In relation to the 129 athletes monitored during the season, 62 athletes presented some injury during the season, presenting 42.2 injuries for every 1000 hours of play, the Sub 15 category was the one with the highest incidence of injury, followed by the Sub17 and U20. The average time of leave after injury was 3.65 ± 4.2 weeks, the Defenders were the ones with the highest injury rate. There were 27 articular injuries (43.54%), 25 muscle injuries (40.32%), 9 bone injuries (15.41%), and one pathological injury (1.61%), and the most affected regions were ankle and knee. Conclusion: It is concluded that the moment of the game is the moment when the greatest number of injuries occurs, having a greater incidence in the athletes of the category Sub 15, the Defenders suffered more injuries and the Lower Limbs were more affected, mainly by articular traumas