256 research outputs found


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    This Article is presented in the form of an Indictment against judges brought by Bob Dylan, in the role of prosecutor. Indictment Part A contains a summary of Dylan\u27s allegations against judges. Part B is background information. Part C alleges Abuse of Power as indictment count one. Part D alleges Greed as indictment count two. Part E alleges Corruptible Seed as indictment count three. Part F contains the indictments conclusion. Finally, the article concludes with a Brady letter

    State Aid for Indigent Soldiers and Their Families in Florida, 1861-1865

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    Historians have long noted the economic weaknesses of the Confederate states as compared with those of the North. From the very beginning of the war the Southern economy seemed to become increasingly stagnant. In whole areas of the Confederacy there was actual privation and an economic decline which often bore no relationship whatsoever to the proximity of the Union army. These economic deficiencies unquestionably were one of the principal reasons for its collapse

    i Viewed Them Sick : Photography And Addiction Medicine As Activism During The speed Freak Crisis Of The Long 1960s

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    “Speed freak” was a pejorative term that emerged in the late 1960s to describe young people who binged on amphetamines, often by injection. The accessibility of amphetamines during the 1960s and early 1970s coupled with the emergence of a radical youth movement produced this distinctive subculture. This thesis will address responses to this drug crisis in two parts, from the perspective of two activists working in very different fields. In 1971, Larry Clark, a photographer, and David Smith, a physician, each published their seminal works on “speed freak” culture. Separated by half a country, they had enmeshed themselves in communities devastated by amphetamine abuse. Both used their work to enter the political sphere, drawing on the unique advantages of photography in Clark’s case and addiction medicine in Smith’s. And both were, in many ways, successful as advocates; they brought popular and legislative attention to the issue of amphetamine abuse. But the most salient connection between these two men is that, over time and as their political aspirations grew, both lost sight of nuanced human stories. They began to paint amphetamine users with broad strokes, and in doing so, reinforced negative stereotypes. Their response was understandable: speed users were a difficult group for which to advocate. Amphetamines are profoundly addictive, and, at high doses, they are associated with agitation, psychosis and violence. But amphetamine users were not faceless monsters – they had stories to tell. We continue to grapple with the challenges that drug users and other vulnerable, stigmatized populations necessarily present – today’s opioid crisis is most pressing. The dilemma inherent in Clark and Smith’s work is one of scale: how do you bring widespread attention to a cause and continue to make the human connections that are essential to preserve our patients’ dignity

    Kupierte Freihandelsabkommen: Verfassungsrechtliche Herausforderungen einer neuen Unionsstrategie

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    Bisher wurden die Mitgliedstaaten im Rahmen gemischter Abkommen bei allen Freihandelsverträgen der Union mit Drittstaaten eigenständige Vertragsparteien. Der Freihandel war damit keine ausschließliche Domäne der Union. Mit dieser Tradition wird die EU-Kommission unter ihrem Präsidenten Juncker nun brechen, wie sich aus unmissverständlichen Hinweisen in der Rede zur Lage der Union erkennen lässt. Was steht hinter diesem Paradigmenwechsel? Und ist er noch vereinbar mit dem Karlsruher Rechtsspruch, dass die mitgliedstaatliche Rechtssubjektivität nicht zu Gunsten einer staatsanalogen Union zurückweichen darf

    Using Book Clubs to Study the Difference in Student Discourse and Persona in Face-to-Face Versus Online Discussion of Literature

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    The goal of this study is to examine the differences in student discourse and persona in an online book club and a face-to-face book club. Data was collected in the form of questionnaires, field notes, and transcripts of both online and face-to-face literature discussions. The study reveals that there are various differences in student discourse when using an online discussion platform. When using a virtual book club, there are obstacles that impact student participation, students’ behavior and interaction changes and students utilize a form of netspeak to communicate in an online setting. The implications of this study can assist educators in implementing virtual book clubs in their own classrooms

    Globalisierung durch Marginalisierung mitgliedstaatlicher Entscheidungsstrukturen?: Das EuGH-Gutachten zum Freihandelsabkommen mit Singapur

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    Gemischte Abkommen verkomplizieren die zwischenstaatlichen Beziehungen, entspringen sie doch dem undurchdringlich anmutenden Kompetenzgeflecht der Unionsordnung. Der EuGH hat in seinem Gutachten zum Freihandelsabkommen mit Singapur nun zur Entwirrung angesetzt. Dort werden der EU Kompetenzlücken attestiert, die ihr den alleinigen Abschluss von Freihandelsabkommen „der neuen Generation“ nicht erlauben. Zur Überbrückung dieser Lücken müssen daher die Mitgliedstaaten als selbstständige Vertragsparteien beteiligt werden. Dem EuGH gelingt es also, die notwendige Kompetenzklarheit zu schaffen. Doch zu welchem Preis

    (Infra-)Strukturelle Differenzen und deren Ursachen in peripheren Räumen – Aktuelle Beitrage des Lehrstuhls für Regionale Geographie

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    In Anlehnung an den Forschungsschwerpunkt der Universität beschäftigt sich der Lehrstuhl für Regionale Geographie mit der Analyse von Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftsstrukturen vor dem Hintergrund der langfristigen Regionalentwicklung. Hierzu werden Strategien und Maßnahmen beleuchtet, welche der Infrastrukturentwicklung dienen und überdies zu einer Optimierung der Programmräume von Behörden sowie Unternehmen führen sollen. Der Untersuchungsgegenstand ist in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Nord- und Osteuropa sowie Russland zu verorten. Mit dem hier vorgelegten Band 49 der „Greifswalder Geographischen Arbeiten“ geben wir einen Einblick in unsere aktuellen Projekte am Lehrstuhl für Regionale Geographie. Mit der Auswahl an Themen ist gleichzeitig das Ziel verbunden, die inhaltliche Ausgestaltung des Lehrstuhls einem breiteren Publikum darzulegen und zusätzlich den wissenschaftlichen Diskurs zu bereichern. Dabei werden in den Beiträgen auch Sachverhalte und Kausalitäten gezeigt, die oftmals eine ungewohnte Sichtweise ermöglichen und somit eingeschliffene Denkweisen in Frage stellen.ISBN: 978-3-86006-414-6researc

    The role for osmotic agents in children with acute encephalopathies: a systematic review

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    Background: Raised intracranial pressure (ICP) is known to complicate both traumatic and non-traumatic encephalopathies. It impairs cerebral perfusion and may cause death due to global ischaemia and intracranial herniation. Osmotic agents are widely used to control ICP. In children, guidelines for their use are mainly guided by adult studies. We conducted this review to determine the current evidence of the effectiveness of osmotic agents and their effect on resolution of coma and outcome in children with acute encephalopathy.Methods: We searched several databases for published and unpublished studies in English and French languages, between January 1966 and March 2009. We considered studies on the use of osmotic agents in children aged between 0 and 16 years with acute encephalopathies. We examined reduction in intracranial pressure, time to resolution of coma, and occurrence of neurological sequelae and death.Results: We identified four randomized controlled trials, three prospective studies, two retrospective studies and one case report. Hypertonic saline (HS) achieved greater reduction in intracranial pressure (ICP) compared to mannitol and other fluids; normal saline or ringer's lactate. This effect was sustained for longer when it was given as continuous infusion. Boluses of glycerol and mannitol achieved transient reduction in ICP. Oral glycerol was associated with lower mortality and neurological sequelae when compared to placebo in children with acute bacterial meningitis. HS was associated with lower mortality when compared to mannitol in children with non-traumatic encephalopathies.Conclusion: HS appears to achieve a greater reduction in ICP than other osmotic agents. Oral glycerol seems to improve outcome among children with acute bacterial meningitis. A sustained reduction in ICP is desirable and could be achieved by modifying the modes and rates of administration of these osmotic agents, but these factors need further investigation
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