66 research outputs found


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    Представлены методические основы и результаты освоения студентами-дизайнерами Уральского федерального университета задания по дисциплине «Специальный рисунок». Многоуровневые творческие задания по ней (например, стилизованный автопортрет) интегрируют несколько видов компетенций — от общекультурных до проектных. Включение в образовательный дискурс элементов саморефлексии студентов обеспечивает развитие представлений студентов о мировоззренческих основах дизайн-деятельности, интериоризацию нравственно-этических ценностей. Реализация задания происходит в соответствии с алгоритмами дизайн-мышления. Технические компоненты, получаемые в ходе освоения дисциплины «Специальный рисунок», входят в дальнейшем в творческую палитру будущих дизайнеров.The methodological foundations and results of mastering the task in the discipline «Special drawing» by design students of the Ural Federal University are presented. Multi-level creative tasks on it (for example, a stylized self-portrait) integrate several types of competencies, from general cultural to design ones. The inclusion of elements of students’ self-refl ection in the educational discourse ensures the development of students’ ideas about the worldview foundations of design activity, the internalization of moral and ethical values. The implementation of the task takes place in accordance with the algorithms of design thinking. The technical components obtained during the development of the discipline «Special drawing» are included in the future designers’ creative palette

    Морфологические признаки острого повреждения легких различной этиологии (экспериментальное исследование)

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    Objective: to reveal pulmonary morphological changes in acute lung injury (ALI) of varying etiology. Material and methods. An experiment was carried out on 4 groups of albino non-inbred male rats weighing 300—400 g. The following ALI models were 1) acidin-pepsin solution (PH-1.2) aspiration; 2) blood aspiration; 3) blood loss (50% circulating blood volume) concurrent with vascular thrombosis in the microcirculatory bed; 4) artificial ventilation-induced ALI. The duration of the study was 1 hour to 3 days. Histological lung slices were stained with hematoxylin and eosin; a Schiff reaction was conducted. Results. All the animals developed interstitial edema, exhibited desquamation of the bronchial epithelium; damage to the capillary endothelium and basement membranes; segmental leukocyte, macrophage, and lymphocyte infiltration of intraalveolar septa, atelectases, hemorrhages, and sludges. Conclusion. Morphological signs in ALI are nonspecific and they do not depend on an etiological factor. Morphological changes in ALI result in damage to the endothelium of lung capillaries and their basement membranes, higher capillary permeability, extravascular fluid accumulation, and protein exudation with the development of noncardiogenic pulmonary edema. Key words: acute lung injury, blood loss, artificial ventilation, aspiration.Цель исследования . Выявление морфологических изменений в легких при остром повреждении легких (ОПЛ) различной этиологии. Материал и методы. Эксперимент проведен в 4 группах белых беспородных крыс-самцов, массой 300—400 г. Модели ОПЛ: 1 — аспирация раствора ацидин-пепсина (РН-1,2); 2 — аспирация крови; 3 — кровопотеря (50% ОЦК) в сочетании с тромбозом сосудов микроциркуляторного русла легких; 4 — ИВЛ-индуцированное ОПЛ. Длительность исследования от 1 часа до 3-х суток. Гистологические срезы легких окрашивали гематоксилином и эозином, проводилась ШИК-реакция. Результаты. У всех животных развивался ин-терстициальный отек, отмечалось слущивание эпителия бронхов, повреждение эндотелия и базальных мембран капилляров, инфильтрация межальвеолярных перегородок сегментоядерными лейкоцитами, макрофагами, лимфоцитами, выявлялись ателектазы, кровоизлияния, сладжи. Заключение. Морфологические признаки острого повреждения легких носят неспецифический характер и не зависят от этиологического фактора. Морфологические изменения при остром повреждении легких приводят к повреждению эндотелия легочных капилляров, их базальных мембран, увеличению проницаемости капилляров, накоплению внесосудистой жидкости и экссудации белков с формированием некардиогенного отека легких. Ключевые слова: острое повреждение легких, кровопотеря, ИВЛ, аспирация

    Mitochondrial Localized STAT3 Is Involved in NGF Induced Neurite Outgrowth

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    Background: Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) plays critical roles in neural development and is increasingly recognized as a major mediator of injury response in the nervous system. Cytokines and growth factors are known to phosphorylate STAT3 at tyrosine 705 with or without the concomitant phosphorylation at serine 727, resulting in the nuclear localization of STAT3 and subsequent transcriptional activation of genes. Recent evidence suggests that STAT3 may control cell function via alternative mechanisms independent of its transcriptional activity. Currently, the involvement of STAT3 mono-phosphorylated at residue serine 727 (P-Ser-STAT3) in neurite outgrowth and the underlying mechanism is largely unknown. Principal Findings: In this study, we investigated the role of nerve growth factor (NGF) induced P-Ser-STAT3 in mediating neurite outgrowth. NGF induced the phosphorylation of residue serine 727 but not tyrosine 705 of STAT3 in PC12 and primary cortical neuronal cells. In PC12 cells, serine but not tyrosine dominant negative mutant of STAT3 was found to impair NGF induced neurite outgrowth. Unexpectedly, NGF induced P-Ser-STAT3 was localized to the mitochondria but not in the nucleus. Mitochondrial STAT3 was further found to be intimately involved in NGF induced neurite outgrowth and the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Conclusion: Taken together, the findings herein demonstrated a hitherto unrecognized novel transcription independen


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    Background. The modern stage of development of vascular surgery is characterized by extensive diagnostic capabilities, as well as the development of various types and methods of prosthetics and shunting for blood vessels. Interest in studying the variant anatomy of the blood vessels of upper limb is determined by the necessity to minimize the risk of intraoperative complications. The purpose of the study is to study the options of the axillary artery branching and to establish the general laws of their individual variability. Material and methods. The macro-preparation method was used to study the arteries of the upper extremities from 43 corpses of adults of both genders. Results. The variants of topography and the axillary artery branching were most often revealed in the upper limb in males, unilaterally, on the right side. Conclusion. Knowledge of the individual variability of the architectonics of the axillary artery is necessary for choosing the most optimal surgical technique

    The Use of Innovations and the Functioning of the System of Management of Foreign Trade Enterprises’ Activity

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    Transformation processes in the Ukrainian economy set new tasks for business entities. One of these is the introduction of innovative products and processes into the economic activity, which is declared in the Export Strategy as the main task for the coming years. According to the analyzed statistical data, the current status of innovation activity and its share in the export operations of Ukrainian enterprises is characterized by low indicators. The reasons of the low level of innovative activity of enterprises have been disclosed and a substantiation of necessity of their innovation development is presented. The relationship between the enterprise management system and the introduction of innovation activities has been defined. The article characterizes features of the implementation of each phase of innovation activity in the context of decision-making in the sphere of economic activities. This will contribute to meeting the needs of both external and internal groups of interested users in terms of formation of reliable information support in the enterprise management system, and will also provide the basis for forming new prospects in the sphere of strategic development of enterprise