3 research outputs found

    Implementacija metoda ispitivanja papirne knjižnične građe

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    This article presents a number of conventional and modern techniques used for the examination of paper-based library materials, which were recently implemented in the Conservation and Restoration Laboratory at the National and University Library “St. Clement of Ohrid” - Skopje. The most important and widely used approaches for conducting the conservation research on many forms of works on paper with a historical value are outlined in terms of their applications and the kind of information on the constituent materials of paper artifacts that can be extracted. Special attention is paid to the conventional methods of micro-chemical analyses of paper artifacts. The sensitivity of the technique, various results obtained during the analysis with possible interferences, and the most compatible modern method are Summarised. A set of examples is provided for the demonstration of the capabilities of these methods for examination of paper and paper additives on manuscripts and old print books, some of which are part of the movable cultural heritage of the Republic of Macedonia.Članak predstavlja neke konvencionalne i suvremene tehnike koje se koriste u ispitivanju papirne knjižnične građe, a u novije ih vrijeme provodi Laboratorij za konzervaciju i restauraciju Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice “Sv. Kliment Ohridski” - Skopje. Prikazani su najvažniji i najšire primijenjeni pristupi vođenju konzervatorskih istraživanja na raznim oblicima radova na papiru s povijesnom vrijednošću, u smislu njihove primjene i vrste informacija na tvorbenim materijalima papirnih artefakata koji se mogu izdvojiti. U radu su sažeti osjetljivost tehnika, različiti rezultati dobiveni tijekom analize s mogućim interferencijama i najsukladnije suvremene metode. Za prikaz mogućnosti ovih metoda u ispitivanju papira i papirnih aditiva na rukopisima i starim knjigama, od kojih su neke dio pokretne kulturne baštine Republike Makedonije, navodi se niz primjera

    Implementacija metoda ispitivanja papirne knjižnične građe

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    This article presents a number of conventional and modern techniques used for the examination of paper-based library materials, which were recently implemented in the Conservation and Restoration Laboratory at the National and University Library “St. Clement of Ohrid” - Skopje. The most important and widely used approaches for conducting the conservation research on many forms of works on paper with a historical value are outlined in terms of their applications and the kind of information on the constituent materials of paper artifacts that can be extracted. Special attention is paid to the conventional methods of micro-chemical analyses of paper artifacts. The sensitivity of the technique, various results obtained during the analysis with possible interferences, and the most compatible modern method are Summarised. A set of examples is provided for the demonstration of the capabilities of these methods for examination of paper and paper additives on manuscripts and old print books, some of which are part of the movable cultural heritage of the Republic of Macedonia.Članak predstavlja neke konvencionalne i suvremene tehnike koje se koriste u ispitivanju papirne knjižnične građe, a u novije ih vrijeme provodi Laboratorij za konzervaciju i restauraciju Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice “Sv. Kliment Ohridski” - Skopje. Prikazani su najvažniji i najšire primijenjeni pristupi vođenju konzervatorskih istraživanja na raznim oblicima radova na papiru s povijesnom vrijednošću, u smislu njihove primjene i vrste informacija na tvorbenim materijalima papirnih artefakata koji se mogu izdvojiti. U radu su sažeti osjetljivost tehnika, različiti rezultati dobiveni tijekom analize s mogućim interferencijama i najsukladnije suvremene metode. Za prikaz mogućnosti ovih metoda u ispitivanju papira i papirnih aditiva na rukopisima i starim knjigama, od kojih su neke dio pokretne kulturne baštine Republike Makedonije, navodi se niz primjera

    Libraries and librarianship in the Republic of Macedonia

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    Libraries and librarianship in the Republic of Macedonia have a tradition spanning centuries, one that is linked to the work of Saint Clement of Ohrid and the first Slavic university in the monasteries on the banks of Lake Ohrid. Libraries and librarianship are the fountain springs of Macedonian culture but also the foundation of its ongoing mission. Libraries in Macedonia are following new trends and tendencies in their efforts to build a national library-information system, with shared cataloging as part of the regional library network (COBISS.net). Building on the continuous application of the traditional types of preservation of library materials along with contemporary methods and technologies, current practice has expanded to include digitalization. This has ensured easy online access to Macedonia’s rich library holdings, offered opportunities for its written cultural heritage to be presented in both digital and traditional formats, and opened up new paths for greater international cooperation.published or submitted for publicatio