8 research outputs found

    Policijski aspekti forenzičkih metoda studije procenta sadržaja vode kod određivanja starosti fresaka

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    The novels of the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) Republic of Serbia have introduced the concept of prosecutorial investigation in relation to that of evidence, special evidentiary actions and other software for the operation of the criminal prosecution. The meaning of novels is to conduct harmonization of standards with solutions of modern criminal law practice, particularly with regard to EU standards Serbia applying for membership in the Union. Preventing the most serious forms of crime is the focus of authorized bodies Serbia and in this context combating and preventing all forms of forgery, as is the case with forgeries frescoes and selling them on the world market. In exposed paper the method determining age of the frescoes is proposed. It is based on the use of closed Markov's graphs with three cells. The measurements of contents of water molecules in surrounding area can be done only for the space in which the frescoes is located. This means that followed exposed method is non destructive.Novele o krivičnom postupku (ZKP) Republike Srbije imaju uvodni koncept tužilačke istrage u vezi sa ovim dokazima, posebne dokazne radnje i drugi softver za funkcionisanje krivičnog gonjenja. Značenje novela je da sprovede usklađivanje standarda sa rešenjima savremenog krivičnog zakona u praksi, posebno u vezi sa standardima EU Srbije, koja se prijavljuje za članstvo u Uniji. Sprečavanje najozbiljnijih oblika kriminala je fokus nadležnih organa Srbije i u tom kontekstu je sprečavanje i borba protiv svih oblika falsifikata, kao što je slučaj sa falsifikatima fresaka i umetničkih slika i njihova prodaja na svetskom tržištu. U izloženom radu je predložen metod određivanja starosti fresaka. On se zasniva na korišćenju zatvorenih Markovljevih grafova sa tri ćelije. Merenja sadržaja molekula vode u okolini može se uraditi samo za prostor u kome se nalaze freske. To znači da je sledeći izloženi metod koji se koristi - nedestruktivan

    Utvrđivanje starosti umetničkih boja merenjem sadržaja H2O

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    The method determining age of artistic paints is proposed. It is based on the use of closed Markov's graphs with three cells. The measurements of contents of water molecules in surrounding area can be done only for the space in which artistic paint is located. This means that method is nondestructive.Predložena je metoda određivanja starosti umetničkih boja. Ona se zasniva na upotrebi zatvorenih Markovljevih grafova sa tri ćelije. Merenja sadržaja molekula vode u okolini može da se urade samo za prostor u kojem se nalazi umetničko platno. To znači da je metoda nedestruktivna

    Fononska toplotna provodnost tankih kristalnih filmova

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    In this paper we have analyzed phonon thermal conductivity of thin crystalline films, i.e. of low-dimensional structures with dimensional parameters significantly decreased in only one direction. Finding of coefficient of thermal conductivity is achieved by deriving phonon coefficient of diffusion, phonon specific heat and specific density for explored structure. Coefficient of diffusion is derived by applying method of Green functions, using Kubo formula. Then reduced thermal conductivities for film and bulk structures were compared for wider temperature interval. In the last section an influence of changes of heat conductivity on the boundaries is analyzed.U radu je analizirana fononska toplotna provodnost u kristalnim filmovima, tj. niskodimenzionim strukturama kod kojih su dimenzioni parametri značajno smanjeni samo u jednom pravcu. Određivanje koeficijenta toplotne provodnosti je vršeno određivanjem koeficijenta difuzije fonona, fononske specifične toplote i masene gustine za datu strukturu. Koeficijent difuzije je naen metodom Grinovih funkcija, korišćenjem Kubo formule. Izvršena su poređenja redukovanih toplotnih provodnosti filma i neprekidnih (balk) struktura za širi temperaturski interval. U poslednjem delu je analiziran uticaj promena na granicama na toplotnu provodnost

    Fononska toplotna provodnost tankih kristalnih filmova

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    In this paper we have analyzed phonon thermal conductivity of thin crystalline films, i.e. of low-dimensional structures with dimensional parameters significantly decreased in only one direction. Finding of coefficient of thermal conductivity is achieved by deriving phonon coefficient of diffusion, phonon specific heat and specific density for explored structure. Coefficient of diffusion is derived by applying method of Green functions, using Kubo formula. Then reduced thermal conductivities for film and bulk structures were compared for wider temperature interval. In the last section an influence of changes of heat conductivity on the boundaries is analyzed.U radu je analizirana fononska toplotna provodnost u kristalnim filmovima, tj. niskodimenzionim strukturama kod kojih su dimenzioni parametri značajno smanjeni samo u jednom pravcu. Određivanje koeficijenta toplotne provodnosti je vršeno određivanjem koeficijenta difuzije fonona, fononske specifične toplote i masene gustine za datu strukturu. Koeficijent difuzije je naen metodom Grinovih funkcija, korišćenjem Kubo formule. Izvršena su poređenja redukovanih toplotnih provodnosti filma i neprekidnih (balk) struktura za širi temperaturski interval. U poslednjem delu je analiziran uticaj promena na granicama na toplotnu provodnost

    Phonon Contribution in Thermodynamics of Nano-Crystalline Films and Wires

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    Spectra of possible phonon states, as well as thermodynamic characteristics of nanocrystals (ultrathin film and quantum wire) of simple cubic crystalline structure are analyzed in this paper, using the method of two-time dependent Green functions. From energy spectra and internal energy of the system the thermal capacitance of these structures in low temperature region is found. The temperature behavior of specific heat is compared to that of corresponding bulk structure. It is shown that at extremely low temperatures thermal capacitance of quantum wire is considerably lower than the thermal capacitance 4 film as well as the bulk sample. Consequences of this fact are discussed in detail and its influence to thermodynamic properties of materials is estimated

    Police aspects of the forensic methods of the study of percentage of water content of the determine the age of the frescoes

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    The novels of the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) Republic of Serbia have introduced the concept of prosecutorial investigation in relation to that of evidence, special evidentiary actions and other software for the operation of the criminal prosecution. The meaning of novels is to conduct harmonization of standards with solutions of modern criminal law practice, particularly with regard to EU standards Serbia applying for membership in the Union. Preventing the most serious forms of crime is the focus of authorized bodies Serbia and in this context combating and preventing all forms of forgery, as is the case with forgeries frescoes and selling them on the world market. In exposed paper the method determining age of the frescoes is proposed. It is based on the use of closed Markov’s graphs with three cells. The measurements of contents of water molecules in surrounding area can be done only for the space in which the frescoes is located. This means that followed exposed method is non destructive.[Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR34019

    Utvrđivanje starosti umetničkih boja merenjem sadržaja H2O

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    The method determining age of artistic paints is proposed. It is based on the use of closed Markov's graphs with three cells. The measurements of contents of water molecules in surrounding area can be done only for the space in which artistic paint is located. This means that method is nondestructive.Predložena je metoda određivanja starosti umetničkih boja. Ona se zasniva na upotrebi zatvorenih Markovljevih grafova sa tri ćelije. Merenja sadržaja molekula vode u okolini može da se urade samo za prostor u kojem se nalazi umetničko platno. To znači da je metoda nedestruktivna