132 research outputs found

    Eu3+ multicenter formation and luminescent properties of Ca3Sc2Si3O12:Eu and Ca2YScMgSiO12:Eu single crystalline films

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    The work is dedicated to the investigation of Eu3+ multicenter formation and luminescent properties of Ca3Sc2Si3O12:Eu (CSSG:Eu) and Ca2YScMgSiO12:Eu (CYMSSG:Eu) single crystalline film (SCF) phosphors, grown by liquid phase epitaxy method onto Gd3Ga2.5Al2.5O12 (GAGG) and Y3Al5O12 (YAG) substrates, respectively. We have found notable differences in the luminescent properties of CSSG:Eu and CYMSSG:Eu SCFs caused by the Eu3+ multicenter formation in both garnets due to the different local surrounding of Eu3+ ions in the dodecahedral positions by the non-isovalent Sc3+/Mg2+ and Si4+ cations in the octahedral and tetrahedral positions of garnet hosts, respectively. A feature of the Eu3+ center creation in CYMSSG:Eu garnet in comparison with CSSG:Eu counterpart is the possibility of localization of Eu3+ ions in dodecahedral sites of both Ca2+ and Y3+ cations. However, based on the obtained results, we have presupposed preferable localization of the Eu3+ ions mainly in the Y3+ positions of this garnet

    Luminescence of Ce3+ multicenters in Ca2+ -Mg2+ -Si4+ based garnet phosphors

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    Comparison of the luminescent properties of Ca3Sc2Si3O12: Ce and Ca2YMgScSi3O12: Ce single crystalline films (SCF) phosphors, grown by the liquid phase epitaxy method, was performed in this work. We have observed formation of the Ce3+ multicenters in Ca3Sc2Si3O12: Ce and Ca2YMgScSi3O12: Ce in the emission and excitation spectra as well as in the decay kinetics of the Ce3+ luminescence in SCFs of these garnets. Such Ce3+ multicenters possess different crystal field strength due to the inhomogeneous local surroundings of the dodecahedral positions of garnet host at the substitution of the octahedral positions by hetero-valence Mg2+ and Sc3+ ions and the tetrahedral positions by Si4+ ions. We confirm the presence of an effective energy transfer between different Ce3+ multicenters in Ce3+ doped Ca3Sc2Si3O12 and Ca2YMgScSi3O12 garnets. The positive trends in variations of the spectroscopic properties of the Ca2YMgScSi3O12: Ce garnet with respect to Ca3Sc2Si3O12: Ce garnet were observed also due to substitution of the dodecahedral sites of the garnet host by Y3+ ions and the octahedral sites by Mg2+ ions, which can be suitable for the development of new converters of white LEDs. Namely, due to the Y3+-Mg2+ doping, the luminescence spectrum of Ce3+ ions in Ca2YMgScSi3O12: Ce SCFs significantly extends in the red range in comparison with the Ca3Sc2Si3O12: Ce SCF counterpart

    Luminescent and scintillation properties of Ce3+ doped Ca2RMgScSi3O12 (R = Y, Lu) single crystalline films

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    The work is dedicated to the growth and investigation of the luminescent and scintillation properties of single crystalline films (SCFs) of Ca2-xR1+xMg1+xSc1-xSi3O12:Ce (R = Y, Lu) mixed garnets with x = 0-0.25, grown using the liquid phase epitaxy method onto Y3Al5O12 substrates from PbO-B2O3 based flux. The absorption, luminescent and scintillation properties of Ca2-xY1+xMg1+xSc1-xSi3O12:Ce and Ca2-xLu1+xMg1+xSc1-xSi3O12:Ce SCFs with x = 0 and 0.25 were investigated and compared with the reference YAG:Ce and LuAG:Ce SCFs. Using the Ca2+, Mg2+ and Si4+ alloying, the Ce3+ emission spectra in Ca2-xR1+xMg1+xSc1-xSi3O12:Ce (R = Y, Lu; x = 0-0.25) SCFs can be notably extended in the red range in comparison with YAG: Ce and LuAG: Ce SCFs due to the increase of crystal field strength and Ce3+ multicenter creation in the dodecahedral positions of the lattices of these mixed garnet compounds. Due to the formation of Ce4+ ions, the as-grown Ca2-xR1+xMg1+xSc1-xSi3O12:Ce (R = Y, Lu) SCFs at x = 0 and 0.25 show relatively low light yield. However, after annealing in reducing atmosphere (95% N-2 + 5% H-2) at T > 1000 degrees C, a recharging Ce4+ -> Ce3+ takes place. After that, these SCFs possess the light yield about of 30% and 31% in comparison with the reference YAG: Ce and LuAG: Ce SCFs, respectively, and a fast scintillation response with the decay times in the ns range under a-particles excitation by Pu-239 (5.15 MeV) source

    Аппаратные и программные средства изготовления электронных оригинал-макетов журнальной продукции

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    Розглянуто сучасний стан апаратних і програмних засобів (АПЗ) для виготовлення журнальної продукції. Досліджено макрокоманди (макроси), як засоби автоматизації процесу додрукарської підготовки видань та скрипти ПЗ. Розроблено рекомендації з вдосконалення технології верстання журнальної продукції, причинно-наслідкову діаграму та алгоритм макетування журналів.Modern condition of hardware and software for manufacturing of journal production is considered. Macros, as means of automation of prepress preparations of editions and scripts are investigated of software. Recommendations about perfection of technology of imposition of journal production are developed, the cause and effect diagramme and algorithm of prototyping of magazines.Рассмотрено современное состояние аппаратных и программных средств (АПС) для изготовления журнальной продукции. Исследованы макрокоманды (макросы), как средства автоматизации процесса допечатной подготовки изданий и скрипты ПО. Разработаны рекомендации по усовершенствованию технологии верстки журнальной продукции, причинно-следственную диаграмму и алгоритм макетирования журналов

    Проблемы обеспечения бумагой в среднесерийном книжном производстве

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    Увиразнено проблеми постачання і використання паперу книжкового виробництва. Порівняно чотири варіанти матеріально-технічного забезпечення середньосерійних книжкових друкарень.There are generalized problems of paper delivery and usage in books manufacture. There are compared four variants of material technical logistics for middling mass printing house.Обобщены проблемы поставки и использования бумаги книжного производства. Сравнены четыре варианта материально-технического обеспечения среднесерийных книжных фабрик

    Подготовка увлажняющего раствора и систем увлажнения в производственных условиях

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    Досліджено властивості використовуваного на підприємстві зволожувального розчину для вибору його оптимального складу, особливості підготовки до друку систем його подачі у друкарську машину.Properties of a damping liquid used at the enterprise for a choice of its optimum structure, feature of preparation for printing systems of its feed in the printing machine are investigated.Исследованы свойства используемого на предприятии увлажняющего раствора для выбора его оптимального состава, особенности подготовки к печати систем его подачи в печатную машину

    Систематизация отделочных технологий для производства рекламной продукции

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    Проаналізовано сучасний стан технологій скріплення рекламних брошур. Систематизовано види брошур та способів їх скріплення дротом. Розроблено алгоритм налаштування до роботи і виготовлення рекламної продукції на комплектувально-швейно-фальцювально-різальній машині.The modern condition of technologies of a binding of advertising brochures is analysed. Kinds of brochures and ways of their binding are systematised by a wire. Developed algorithm of adjustment to work and manufacturing of advertising production by the gathering-stitching-folding-cutting.Проанализировано современное состояние технологий скрепления рекламных брошюр. Систематизированы виды брошюр и способов их скрепления проволокой. Разработан алгоритм настройки к работе и изготовлению рекламной продукции на комплектовально-швейно-фальцевально-резальной машине

    Wound analgesia in a patient with hemophilia in a highly traumatic operation

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    Given a number of limitations on the use of perioperative analgesia in patients with hemophilia, wound analgesia may be one of the components of multimodal analgesia in this category of patients. The aim of the study was to describe the use of the wound analgesia method in a patient with hemophilia in the case of a clinical case. Materials and methods. A patient with severe hemophilia A underwent postoperative analgesia after total knee replacement (within the first 48 hours) with an extended infusion of local anesthetic (ropivacaine) into the wound. Results. During the first 8 hours, the patient received 20 mg of morphine (with the aid of a device for patient-controlled analgesia), the pain level ranged from 7 to 4 points. Further, there was a sufficient effect (NRS - 2 points), from anesthesia only with ropivacaine, using a system for anesthetizing surgical wounds. Complications and side effects were not noted. Conclusion. The clinical case demonstrates an effective and safe method of prolonged analgesia in patients with hemophilia. Considering encouraging data, further study of wound analgesia in this category of patients is necessary

    Современное состояние технологий печатания в Украине

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    Проаналізовано сучасний стан технологій друкування в Україні, визначено ступінь розподілу друкарень по регіонах України і способах друку, які в них використовуються. Систематизовано інсталяції друкарського устаткування.The contemporary state of printing technology in Ukraine was analyzed. The degree of distribution of printing companies in the regions of Ukraine and ways of printing, which they used were studied. Systematized installation of printing equipment.Проанализировано современное состояние технологий печатания в Украине, определена степень распределения типографий по регионам Украины и способам печати, которые в них используются. Систематизированы инсталляции печатного оборудования