10 research outputs found

    Re: Critical Analysis of Early Recurrence after Laparoscopic Radical Cystectomy in a Large Cohort by the ESUT

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    okThe authors critically analyze a large cohort by the European Association of Urology Section of Uro-Technology and assess early recurrences after laparoscopic radical cystectomy and evaluation of risk factors, including the impact of pneumoperitoneum. They focus their analysis on patients with favorable pathology (pT2 N0 R0 disease), \ufb01nding that 27 of 311 patients (8.7%) experienced recurrences during the following 24 months. Surgical negligence was observed in only 1 patient, which was associated with the endo bag rupturing during transvaginal extraction with subsequent vulvar and peritoneal tumor metastasis after 4 months. Among the 27 patients with recurrence a shorter recurrence-free survival was signi\ufb01cantly predictive of cancer speci\ufb01c death (HR 0.86, 95% CI 0.78e0.94, p \ubc 0.001) as well as carcinoma in situ on pathological examination (HR 3.68, 95% CI 1.07e12.7, p \ubc 0.039). While analyzing causes of early recurrence, the authors suggest that the continuous insuf\ufb02ation-desuf\ufb02ation and leakage of gas around the portsdwith consequent aspiration of tumor cells via a chimney effectdmay promote tumor seeding (TS)

    Bilateral spermatic cord en bloc ligation by laparoendoscopic single-site surgery: preliminary experience compared to conventional laparoscopy

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    BACKGROUND: Laparo Endoscopic Single-site Surgery (LESS) represents an evolution of minimally invasive surgery and aims to improve cosmetic outcome and reduce surgical trauma and complications associated with traditional laparoscopy. This study was performed to present our preliminary experience in bilateral spermatic cord ligation with the LESS technique and compare the results with the outcomes of conventional laparoscopic surgery. METHODS: Between June 2007 and May 2013, 24 patients were referred to our institute for bilateral varicocelectomy. The indications for this type of procedure were bilateral varicocele with impairment of semen parameters or chronic bilateral testicular pain. All procedures were performed via the same surgeon. The patients were divided into two groups according to the type of laparoscopic surgery. Group A included 10 patients underwent LESS technique while group B included the remaining 14 patients that underwent conventional laparoscopy. RESULTS: The comparison between the two techniques showed some important advantages for LESS: shorter operating time (45.4 min vs. 88.3 (P\u2009<\u2009.001), shorter hospital stay (16.6 hours vs. 51.4 hours) (P\u2009<\u2009.001), early return to the normal activity (2.3 days vs. 4.7 days) and better cosmetic outcomes. No conversions from LESS to conventional laparoscopy were necessary and blood loss was insignificant in all patients.All patients in the LESS group reported full satisfaction with the cosmetic outcome, whereas 85.7% of patients after conventional laparoscopy were fully satisfied with cosmesis. CONCLUSIONS: Bilateral spermatic cord ligation with LESS is an alternative to conventional laparoscopy. The procedure was successfully performed in all patients. The trans-umbilical approach offers the advantage of a better cosmetic result, shorter hospital stay and less postoperative pain

    Retroperitoneoscopic single site renal biopsy surgery: right indicatioBMC Urology ns for the right technique.

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    Bacground: Laparoendoscopic single-site surgery (LESS) has been developed in an attempt to further reduce the morbidity and scarring associated with laparoscopic surgery. In patients in whom there are indications to perform a laparoscopic renal biopsy, LESS surgery is a valid alternative to mini invasive surgery and is becoming more common. We report our experience on 14 renal biopsy procedures performed in a retroperitoneal LESS. Methods: LESS renal biopsy was performed in 14 patients 18 to 80 years old (mean age 58.3 years) during a 36 month period. All procedures were performed by a single operator. The patient was in a standard flank position. The procedure was performed using a 2.5 cm, single incision via a retroperitoneal access at the Petit ’ s triangle. A 5 mm biopsy forceps was used to collect the specimen under direct vision, and haemostasis was obtained with an Argon beam probe and the application of oxidized regenerated cellulose gauze. Results: Biopsy was performed successfully in all cases. Mean operative time was 52.64 min, blood loss was minimal, and the hospital stay ranged from 12 to 24 hours. None of the patients required narcotics or additional analgesia in the postoperative period. No postoperative complications occurred. Conclusions: The LESS technique is safe, reliable (100% success), easy to learn, and offers subjective cosmetic benefits to the patient. Minimal hospitalization requirement following retroperitoneal LESS biopsy is an additional timely advantage over laparoscopic renal biopsy. We think that with the right indications (marked obesity, failure of previous percutaneous biopsy attempts, a solitary kidney and coagulopathy) LESS renal biopsy is a good alternative to laparoscopy. Our next step will be a randomized prospective study of LESS compared with laparoscopy for renal biopsy to support our findings

    Regenerative potential of human dental pulp stem cells in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence: In vitro and in vivo study

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the regenerative potential of human dental pulp stem cells (hDPSCs) in an animal model of stress urinary incontinence (SUI). SUI, an involuntary leakage of urine, is due to physical stress involving an increase in bladder pressure and a damage of external urethral sphincter affecting muscles and nerves. Conventional therapies can only relieve the symptoms. Human DPSCs are characterized by peculiar stemness and immunomodulatory properties and might provide an alternative tool for SUI therapy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In vitro phase: hDPSCs were induced towards the myogenic commitment following a 24 hours pre-conditioning with 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine (5-Aza), then differentiation was evaluated. In vivo phase: pudendal nerve was transected in female rats to induce stress urinary incontinence; then, pre-differentiated hDPSCs were injected in the striated urethral sphincter. Four weeks later, urethral sphincter regeneration was assayed through histological, functional and immunohistochemical analyses. RESULTS: Human DPSCs were able to commit towards myogenic lineage in vitro and, four weeks after cell injection, hDPSCs engrafted in the external urethral sphincter whose thickness was almost recovered, committed towards myogenic lineage in vivo, promoted vascularization and an appreciable recovery of the continence. Moreover, hDPSCs were detected within the nerve, suggesting their participation in repair of transected nerve. CONCLUSIONS: These promising data and further investigations on immunomodulatory abilities of hDPSCs would allow to make them a potential tool for alternative therapies of SUI

    Urological emergency activities during COVID-19 pandemic: Our experience

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    Background: The Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) is causing a significant health emergency which is overturning dramatically routine activities in hospitals. The outbreak is generating the need to provide assistance to infected patients and in parallel to treat all nondeferrable oncological and urgent benign diseases. A panel of Italian urologists agreed on possible strategies for the reorganization of urological routine practices and on a set of recommendations that should facilitate a further planning of both inpatient visits and surgical activities during the COVID- 19 pandemic. According to this only urgent benign and nondeferrable oncological activities have been kept. Materials and methods: We have considered urgent outpatient visits requested by Emergency Department (ED) or by General Practitioner (GP) and emergency surgical procedures performed in our Urology Unit from March 9th to April 14th 2020, during COVID-19 pandemic. These figures have been compared to those observed last year from March 9th to April 14th 2019. Results: Our data show that urgent care visits decreased during COCID-19 pandemic (from 293 to 179). Urgent care visits of patients who accessed directly to the ED decreased (from 219 to 107) whereas the number of urgent care visits referred by GP remained unchanged (74 vs 72). Consequently, the rate of visits from ED decreased from 75% to 60% and the rate of visit requested by GP increased from 25% to 40% (p = 0.001). Particularly, the rate of visits for renal colic, LUTS and other not precisely defined disorders from ED decreased and the corresponding rates of visits of patients referred by GPs increased significantly (p = 0.0001, p = 0.0180 and p = 0.0185, respectively). The rate of visits for acute urinary retention, hematuria, sepsis, acute scrotum, cystitis, prostatitis and genito-urinary trauma from ED and GP remained unchanged. Finally, urgency endourology and surgical activities have been stable in relation to the same period last year. Conclusions: Urological emergency activities during COVID- 19 pandemic are more appropriate since urgent outpatients' visits required by ED are decreased and emergency surgical and endourological procedures are stable

    The Infertile Male-1: Clinical Features

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    Male infertility affects 10% of couples and is treatable in many cases. The evaluation of infertility is initiated typically after 1 year of failure to conceive. Clinical evaluation of the infertile man requires a complete medical history, physical examination, and laboratory studies in order to identify and treat correctable causes of subfertility and recognize those who are candidates for assisted reproductive technologies, those who are sterile and should consider adoption or artificial insemination using donor sperm, and those who should undergo genetic screening. Although pregnancies can be achieved without any evaluation other than a semen analysis, this test alone is insufficient to adequately evaluate the male patient. Treatment of correctable male-factor pathology is cost effective, does not increase the risk of multiple births, and can spare the woman invasive procedures and potential complications associated with assisted reproductive technologies

    Human dental pulp stem cells expressing STRO-1, c-kit and CD34 markers in peripheral nerve regeneration

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    Peripheral nerve injuries are a commonly encountered clinical problem and often result in long-term functional defects. The application of stem cells able to differentiate in Schwann cell-like cells in vitro and in vivo, could represent an attractive therapeutic approach for the treatment of nerve injuries. Further, stem cells sources sharing the same embryological origin as Schwann cells might be considered a suitable tool. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the ability of a neuroectodermal subpopulation of human STRO-1(+) /c-Kit(+) /CD34(+) DPSCs, expressing P75(NTR) , nestin and SOX-10, to differentiate into Schwann cell-like cells in vitro and to promote axonal regeneration in vivo, which led to functional recovery as measured by sustained gait improvement, in animal rat model of peripheral nerve injury. Transplanted human dental pulp stem cells (hDPSCs) engrafted into sciatic nerve defect, as revealed by the positive staining against human nuclei, showed the expression of typical Schwann cells markers, S100b and, noteworthy, a significant number of myelinated axons was detected. Moreover, hDPSCs promoted axonal regeneration from proximal to distal stumps 1&nbsp;month after transplantation. This study demonstrates that STRO-1(+) /c-Kit(+) /CD34(+) hDPSCs, associated with neural crest derivation, represent a promising source of stem cells for the treatment of demyelinating disorders and might provide a valid alternative tool for future clinical applications to achieve functional recovery after injury or peripheral neuropathies besides minimizing ethical issues. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley &amp; Sons, Ltd