12 research outputs found

    Energy Efficiency and Arhitectural Heritage: The Reconstruction of the French Pavilion in Zagreb

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    The exhibition pavilion of the Republic of France was built for the Zagreb Fair during the years 1936 and 1937 at 25 Savska Street 25 in Zagreb according to the design of the French architect Robert Camelot and the civil engineer Bernard Lafaille. The French Pavilion represents a unique engineering innovation, since a thin steel shell was applied for the first time as a load-bearing structure in high-rise building. Therefore, it is a building of exceptional cultural and historical, as well as technical and technological value. The reconstruction design envisaged that the Pavilion would keep its original use as an exhibition space with the possibility of holding some other public events such as lectures, promotions, round-table discussions and smaller performances. In order to enable the use of the Pavilion all year round, it was necessary to adapt the Pavilion appropriately to contemporary standards. In this process, special attention was given to energy efficiency with a contemporary treatment of the perimeter elements of the Pavilion structural system (non- and load bearing structures), which did not damage the authenticity of its idea and design in any segment

    Energy analysis and refurbishment strategy for Zagreb University buildings: former Faculty of Technology in Zagreb by Alfred Abini

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    In the year 2012 the University of Zagreb started the process of energy audits and energy certification of all university buildings with the intent to improve their energy performance. As a property owner, the University of Zagreb encompasses approximately 130 buildings (465,000 m2). The first phase of this research project involves the audit of 23 faculty buildings, which make up 30% of all faculty buildings area belonging to the University. One of the largest buildings audited in the first phase is the building of the former Faculty of Technology in Zagreb built from 1958 to 1964 and designed by the esteemed 20th century Croatian architect Alfred Albini. This classic work is the last of Albiniā€™s accomplishments and is a protected cultural heritage monument. Today the building belongs to the Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology and the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering. The paper presents results of the energy audit and energy certification of Albiniā€™s modern architecture building and determines the energy balance in contemporary usage. The paper also suggests possible energy efficient improvement measures and profitability calculations

    Transformation Models Based on Energy Efficiency Requirements for the Primary School Building Saburina in Sarajevo

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    Rad prikazuje cjelokupan proces analiziranja postojećeg stanja zgrade Osnovne Å”kole Saburina u Sarajevu, dobivene rezultate stvarnih energetskih potreba zgrade i emisije CO2, modele transformacije postojeće zgrade u energetski učinkovite i različitosti modaliteta energetske sanacije. Zgrada na kojoj se provodilo istraživanje građena je u razdoblju između dva svjetska rata.This article presents the entire analysis of the Primary School building Saburina in Sarajevo, the obtained results regarding the actual energy needs of the building and CO2 emission, models of transforming the existing building into an energy-Ā­efficient one and diverse energy rehabilitation models. The building selected for the analysis was built between the two World Wars

    Buildings 2020+; Energy Efficiency and Sustainability of Buildings after 2020; Conference, 21 Feb 2019-05-27

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    The Faculty of Architecture hosted a conference entitled Buildings 2020+ / Energy Efficiency and Sustainability of Buildings after 2020 as part of its professional development program. The conference brought together 300 participants on 21st February 2019. The conference presented the Cluster for energy efficiency and sustainability in building construction, one of the conference organizers. The Cluster is a non-profit association founded in 2018 at the Faculty of Architecture whose mission is to establish a link between science and research, innovation, and economy, i.e. all participants in the construction and renovation of buildings based on the criteria of low energy consumption, almost zero energy buildings and buildings built according to green and sustainable principles. The conference brought together twenty lecturers from the Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Ministry of Construction and spatial planning as well as the companies sponsoring the conference. The conference greatly contributed to the promotion of energy efficiency and sustainability principles in building construction

    Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings in Croatia: Comparison of Thermal Performance in Different Climatic Regions

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    In recent years energy efficiency has become one of the most challenging themes for architects around the world. Energy problems and climate changes are more and more in charge of the future development of architecture. Energy-efficient approaches are incorporated into architecture as technical innovations, a particular use of materials based on the location or as utilisation of climatic conditions. Consequently, it is interesting to see what is actually built and how architects approach architectural themes in relation to climate and energy in Croatia. The paper presents a national approach to Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (nZEB) and way in which to meet the EU 2020 energy and climate policy targets. This research focuses on the evaluation of energy-efficient design strategies of residential buildings in different climatic regions of Croatia

    Automated Determination of the Average Air Temperature by Means of Sound Speed and Cross-Correlation Function at Precise Distance Measurement

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    U radu je izloženo automatizirano određivanje prosječne temperature zraka približno duž putanje svjetlosti pri preciznom mjerenju duljina elektrooptičkim daljinomjerima. Ta automatizacija određivanja prosječne temperature zasniva se na temelju fizikalnih saznanja da brzina zvuka u zraku ovisi o temperaturi zraka. Zato je trebalo izraditi instrumentarij koji će automatski izmjeriti vrijeme prolaza zvuka od prizme do elektroničkog daljinomjera. Iz izmjerenog vremena Å”irenja zvuka i izmjerene duljine između prizme i elektrooptičkog daljinomjera (nekorigirane za utjecaj temperature) može se izračunati prosječna brzina zvuka, a zatim i prosječna temperatura zraka. U tu je svrhu prema originalnoj ideji razvijen i izrađen jednostavan i lagani instrumentarij, koji određuje vrijeme Å”irenja zvuka pomoću kroskorelacijske funkcije. Tim instrumentarijem može se odrediti prosječna temperatura zraka približno duž putanje svjetlosti do 2 odnosno 3 km.The paper presents the automated determination of the average air temperature approximately along the light path in precise distance measurement with the electrooptical distance meters. This automation in determining the average temperature is based on the physical fact that the speed of the sound travelling in the air depends on the air temperature. It was therefore necessary to make the instruments that will measure the time of sound spreading from the prism to the electronic distance meter. From the measured time of the sound spreading and the measured distance between the prism and the electrooptical distance meter (not corrected for the temperature influence), the average speed of sound spreading can be calculated and then the average air temperature as well. For that purpose, a simple and light instrument has been made that determines the time of sound spreading by means of cross-correlation function. This instrument can determine an average air temperature approximately along the light path up to about 2 or 3 km

    A Model of Attached Apartment Building in Zagrebā€™s Lower Town Blocks; Analysis Aimed at Energy Efficiency Improvement

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    Rad se bavi određivanjem modela referentne ugrađene najamne zgrade zagrebačkoga donjogradskog bloka građene u razdoblju između 1850. i 1927. godine te analizom njegovih energetskih svojstava, proračunom toplinskih karakteristika osnovnih građevnih dijelova ovojnice zgrada i istraživanjem potencijala obnove s aspekta energetske učinkovitosti.This paper is aimed at defining a referential model of an attached apartment building built between 1850 and 1927 in Zagrebā€™s Lower Town blocks. The analysis focuses on its energy performance and thermal properties of the fundamental parts of its envelope. The paper also explores its potential in renovation projects regarding energy efficiency

    Transnasal intracranial injury caused by the penetration of a vegetative foreign body through the nose: diagnosis and treatment Marijan Kovačić1

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    Nenamjerne prodorne intrakranijske transnazalne ozljede prava su rijetkost. U ovom je prikazu slučaja opisana jedna takva ozljeda nastala pri slučajnom padu odraslog muÅ”karca na stabljiku trske tijekom Å”etnje. Osim njezina bizarnog nastanka, ova povreda je dodatno zanimljiva zbog odsutnosti otvorene rane mekih česti lica i skrivenoga intranazalnog stranog tijela, Å”to predstavlja jedinstven slučaj. Intrakranijska ozljeda je dijagnosticirana CT snimanjem glave, a strano tijelo identificirano je endoskopskim pregledom nosne Å”upljine. KirurÅ”ki zahvat uklanjanja stranog tijela izvrÅ”en je kombiniranim vanjskim ā€“ transetmoidalnim i endoskopsko-transnazalnim pristupom. Defekt koÅ”tane strukture, desne kribriformne ploče i moždane ovojnice rekonstruiran je pedikularnim nazoseptalnim režnjem. Oporavak unesrećenika nakon operacijskog zahvata bio je potpun i nije bilo intrakranijskih niti ekstrakranijskih komplikacij.Unintentional penetrating intracranial transnasal injuries are a real rarity. This case report describes one such injury that occurred when an adult male accidentally fell on a reed stalk during a walk. In addition to its bizarre occurrence, this injury is further interesting due to the absence of an open facial wound and a hidden intranasal foreign body which is a unique case. Intracranial injury was diagnosed by CT imaging of the head, and a foreign body identified by endoscopic examination of the nasal cavity. Foreign body removal surgery was performed with combined external transethmoid and endoscopic transnasal approach. Defect of bone structure, right cribriform plate and meninges was reconstructed with pedicular nasoseptal flap. The recovery of the casualty after surgery was complete and there were neither intracranial nor extracranial complications