15 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurial intention modeling using hierarchical multiple regression

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    The goal of this study is to identify the contribution of effectuation dimensions to the predictive power of the entrepreneurial intention model over and above that which can be accounted for by other predictors selected and confirmed in previous studies. As is often the case in social and behavioral studies, some variables are likely to be highly correlated with each other. Therefore, the relative amount of variance in the criterion variable explained by each of the predictors depends on several factors such as the order of variable entry and sample specifics. The results show the modest predictive power of two dimensions of effectuation prior to the introduction of the theory of planned behavior elements. The article highlights the main advantages of applying hierarchical regression in social sciences as well as in the specific context of entrepreneurial intention formation, and addresses some of the potential pitfalls that this type of analysis entails

    Verifying the model of predicting entrepreneurial intention among students of business and non-business orientation

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    This study aims to verify whether certain entrepreneurial characteristics, like entrepreneurial potential and entrepreneurial propensity, affect the level of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and desirability of entrepreneurship, and further have direct and indirect effect on entrepreneurial intentions. Furthermore, this study seeks to compare the strength of the relationship between these variables among groups of students who receive some entrepreneurship education and students outside the business sphere. Data was collected from a sample of undergraduate students of business and non-business orientation and analyzed with multi-group analysis within SEM. Results of the multi-group analysis indicate that indeed, the strength of the relationship among tested variables is more pronounced when it comes to business students. That is, mediating effect of perceived entrepreneurial self-efficacy and desirability of entrepreneurship in the relationship between entrepreneurial characteristics and intent, is significantly stronger for the business-oriented groups, in comparison to non-business orientation group. The amount of explained variance of all constructs (except entrepreneurial propensity) is also larger in business students in comparison to non-business students. Educational implications of obtained results are discussed

    Učinci (ne)usklađenosti pravednosti rukovoditelja i organizacijske pravednosti

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    This study aimed to verify the interactive effects of supervisory and organizational justice on supervisory (satisfaction with supervisor and trust in leadership) and organization-oriented outcomes (perceived psychological contract fulfillment and organizational citizenship behavior). The results of combined polynomial regression with response surface methodology confirmed that the positive interaction effects of justice sources on all measured outcomes are the most pronounced in situations when employees perceive treatment from both sources as fair. However, the effects of the degree and direction of misalignment between sources of justice reflect variously, given the observed outcomes and justice types. Interestingly, if one source is seen as fair and the other as unfair, most often it results in a more negative outcome than in a situation when both sources are perceived as unfair, regardless of target similarity. The obtained results highlight the need for increasing the congruence between organizational systems and supervisors\u27 activities in human resource management processes.Ovim su radom provjereni interakcijski učinci pravednosti rukovoditelja i organizacijske pravednosti na ishode usmjerene na rukovoditelja (zadovoljstvo rukovodstvom i povjerenje u rukovodstvo) i organizaciju (percipirano ispunjenje psihološkog ugovora i odgovorna organizacijska ponašanja). Rezultati polinomne regresije i metode odzivne površine potvrđuju da su pozitivni interakcijski učinci izvora pravednosti na sve mjerene ishode najizraženiji u situaciji kada zaposlenici percipiraju tretman od obaju izvora pravednim. Ipak, učinci stupnja i smjera neusklađenosti variraju, ovisno o mjerenom ishodu i vrsti pravednosti. Ako se jedan izvor percipira pravednim, a drugi nepravednim, to najčešće rezultira negativnijim ishodima u odnosu na situaciju kada su oba izvora percipirana nepravednim, neovisno o sličnosti izvora i mete. Dobiveni rezultati naglašavaju potrebu za povećanjem usklađenosti organizacijskih sustava i aktivnosti rukovoditelja u procesima upravljanja ljudskim potencijalima

    Fairness Perceptions and Job Satisfaction as Mediators of the Relationship between Leadership Style and Organizational Commitment

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    This study was conducted to explore the relationship between different leadership styles and organizational commitment. Furthermore, it attempts to clarify the role of justice perceptions and job satisfaction as mediators of the relationship between (active and passive/avoiding) leadership styles and organizational commitment. The structural equations modeling was used to analyze data collected from a sample of participants recruited from different organizations. The results have indicated that perceived supervisors active leadership styles are positively linked, and have both, direct and indirect effects on employees\u27 organizational commitment. Perceived passive/avoiding leadership styles do not have any effect on organizational justice, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Employees\u27 job satisfaction depends directly on the level of organizational justice being perceived by the employees. Job satisfaction also significantly contributes to organizational commitment. Implications of the results concerning job and organizational attitudes are discussed, and suggestions for managing human resources are given

    Provjera dimenzionalnosti konstrukta pravednosti u organizacijskom kontekstu

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    U dosadašnjim je istraživanjima organizacijska pravednost konceptualizirana i operacionalizirana na različite načine, a korištene mjere često ne uzimaju u obzir različite izvore doživljene pravednosti. Svrha je ovoga rada provjeriti dimenzionalnost konstrukta pravednosti u organizacijskom kontekstu. Konstruiran je novi upitnik za mjerenje pravednosti na hrvatskom jeziku namijenjen mjerenju triju njezinih dimenzija (distributivne, proceduralne i interakcijske) uzimajući u obzir i izvor percipirane pravednosti (neposredni rukovoditelj i organizacija u cjelini). Rezultati pružaju potvrdu visoke pouzdanosti te sadržajne i konstruktne valjanosti upitnika pravednosti rukovoditelja i pravednosti organizacije. Pokazatelji su konvergentne valjanosti bolji u odnosu na pokazatelje diskriminativne valjanosti upitnika, što ponovno nameće pitanje opravdanosti konceptualnog razlikovanja proceduralne i interakcijske pravednosti

    The role of leadership style and organizational justice in employee\u27s organizational identification

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    Cilj je ovog rada ispitati odnos procjene stila rukovođenja, organizacijske pravednosti i identifikacije s organizacijom. Posebno se u navedenom odnosu provjerava medijacijska uloga organizacijske pravednosti. Strukturalno modeliranje korišteno je u svrhu analize podataka prikupljenih na većem prigodnom uzorku zaposlenika organizacija različitih djelatnosti. Rezultati potvrđuju medijacijski efekt organizacijske pravednosti: aktivni stilovi rukovođenja (i transakcijsko i transformacijsko) pozitivno doprinose doživljaju organizacijske pravednosti, što za posljedicu ima jače izraženu identifikaciju s organizacijom. Pritom transformacijski stil rukovođenja ima pozitivne, direktne i indirektne efekte na organizacijsku identifikaciju, dok transakcijski stil samo indirektno, putem percepcije organizacijske pravednosti, pozitivno doprinosi identifikaciji zaposlenika s organizacijom. Aktivni stilovi rukovođenja i percepcija organizacijske pravednosti ukupno objašnjavaju približno četvrtinu varijance identifikacije s organizacijom. Raspravlja se o značenju rezultata za upravljanje ljudskim resursima, odnosno o važnosti aktivne uloge rukovoditelja u procesima i sustavima namijenjenima zadržavanju i motiviranju zaposlenika u organizaciji.The aim of this study is to verify the relationship between leadership style, organizational justice and organizational identification. Particularly, the mediating role of perceived organizational justice is explored. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze data collected on a large sample of employees from different rganizations. The results confirm the mediation effect of organizational justice: active leadership styles (both transactional and transformational) positively contribute to organizational justice perceptions, which results in stronger organizational identification. The transformational leadership style has a positive, direct and indirect effect on organizational identification while the transactional leadership style works indirectly, through the perceptions of organizational justice, positively contributing to organizational identification. Active leadership styles and organizational justice perceptions explain nearly a quarter of the total variance of organizational identification. The significance of the results for human resource management and the importance of the active role of managers in the processes and systems intended for retaining and motivating employees in an organization are discussed


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    U nastojanjima poticanja gospodarskog razvoja te smanjenja nezaposlenosti i suzbijanja siromaštva sve se više prepoznaje uloga poduzetništva. Ističu se njegove brojne prednosti te se sve češće raspravlja o potrebnim poduzetničkim kompetencijama i njihovom razvoju. Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati efekte edukacije o poduzetništvu na poželjnost poduzetništva, poduzetničku samoefikasnost i poduzetničke namjere studenata. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 48 ispitanika (eksperimentalna i kontrolna skupina), a mjerenje je provedeno prije i nakon edukacije o poduzetništvu. Rezultati pokazuju da polaznici nakon edukacije značajno bolje procjenjuju svoje poduzetničke vještine i sposobnosti, međutim, na skali poželjnosti poduzetništva ostvaruju niže rezultate u odnosu na prvo mjerenje. U istraživanju su ispitivane razlike s obzirom na spol te je utvrđeno da u oba mjerenja studenti u odnosu na studentice ostvaruju statistički značajno više rezultate na svim korištenim skalama. Uspoređujući studente/ice ekonomskih i neekonomskih usmjerenja utvrđeno je kako studenti/ice ekonomskih usmjerenja ostvaruju više rezultate na jednom aspektu poduzetničkog potencijala (poduzetnička svjesnost) te skali poželjnosti poduzetništva, skali poduzetničkih namjera i skali stupnja razvijenosti poduzetničkih znanja, vještina i sposobnosti.In the efforts to stimulate economic development, reduce unemployment and tackle poverty, the role of entrepreneurship is increasingly recognized. Its numerous benefits are emphasized and it is increasingly discussed about the necessary entrepreneurial competencies and their development. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of education program on entrepreneurship desirability, entrepreneurial self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intentions of students. In total 48 students participated in the study (experimental and control group). All measurements were carried out before and after the entrepreneurship education program. The results indicate that attendees significantly improve their entrepreneurial skills and abilities after their education. However, on the scale of entrepreneurial desirability they achieve lower results after the program. The gender differences were investigated and the results indicated that male students achieved statistically significant higher results on all scales used, at both measurements. By comparing students of economic and non-economic orientation, it was established that the students of economic orientation achieve higher results in one aspect of entrepreneurial potential (entrepreneurial awareness) as well as at the desirability of entrepreneurship scale, entrepreneurial intentions scale and at the development of entrepreneurial skills and abilities scale

    Konstruktywne i kontrproduktywne oblicza przywiązania do organizacji

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    Artykuł prezentuje wyniki dwu badań empirycznych dokumentujących złożone zależności pomiędzy zmiennymi ważnymi dla określenia stopnia dobroci dopasowania pomiędzy człowiekiem i organizacją, dla której pracuje. Pierwsze badanie ma na celu odnalezienie zmiennych pośredniczących pomiędzy preferowanym w organizacji stylem kierowania a siłą przywiązania do organizacji pracodawcy. Omówiono tu, jak istotną rolę w budowaniu przywiązania organizacyjnego pełni sprawiedliwość organizacyjna i zadowolenie z pracy. Drugie badanie koncentruje się na negatywnych zjawiskach wyjaśniających brak zaangażowania pracowników i ma na celu odnalezienie typowego wzoru przywiązania u pracowników cynicznych. Takich, którzy nie są zadowoleni z pracy i których cechuje poczucie niesprawiedliwości. Wspólnie, wyniki pokazują, jak korzystnie przyjęcie przez przełożonych aktywnego stylu kierowania zwiększa siłę przywiązania pracowników, lecz przede wszystkim, jak istotny udział w postrzeganiu zjawisk zachodzących w organizacji ma poczucie uczestniczenia w sprawiedliwym środowisku pracy. Analiza wyników badań, poza wartościami poznawczymi, może pomóc w tworzeniu strategii personalnych służących rozwijaniu kompetencji menedżerskich i budowaniu konstruktywnego zaangażowania w pracę

    Personality Traits and Job and Organizational Attitudes as Predictors of Physical Symptoms

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    Cilj je ovog rada ispitati odnos dimenzija ličnosti petofaktorskog modela (ekstraverzije, ugodnosti, savjesnosti, neuroticizma i otvorenosti) i nekih stavova prema radu i organizaciji (zadovoljstva poslom, organizacijske odanosti i zaokupljenosti poslom) s ukupnim tjelesnim simptomima, te pojedinim skupinama tjelesnih simptoma (muskuloskeletalnim, pseudoneurološkim, gastrointestinalnim, simptomima alergije i simptomima gripe). Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 214 bolničkih medicinskih sestara u Rijeci. Hijerarhijske regresijske analize u kojima su kao prediktori ukupnih i pojedinih skupina tjelesnih simptoma u prvom koraku korištene crte ličnosti, a u drugom organizacijski stavovi pokazale su da crte ličnosti kao skup varijabli možemo smatrati prediktorima svih mjera tjelesnih simptoma osim simptoma alergije i gripe, te da organizacijski stavovi dodatno, nakon kontrole efekata crta ličnosti značajno povećavaju koeficijent multiple korelacije pri predikciji muskuloskeletalnih i pseudoneuroloških simptoma, simptoma gripe i ukupnih tjelesnih simptoma, povećavajući količinu objašnjene varijance za dodatnih 5 do 9%. Iako crte ličnosti značajno prediciraju većinu mjera tjelesnih simptoma, dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da je značajan pozitivan prediktor jedino neuroticizam. Od stavova prema radu i organizaciji najvažniji je prediktor zadovoljstvo poslom, koje značajno negativno predicira muskuloskeletalne i pseudoneurološke simptome, simptome gripe i ukupne tjelesne simptome, a pored njega, značajnim pozitivnim prediktorom pokazala se i instrumentalna odanost koja značajno pozitivno predicira pseudoneurološke simptome te simptome alergije.The aim of this article was to examine relationships of Five-factor personality traits (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness) and some job and organizational attitudes (job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and job involvement) with various groups (musculoskeletal, pseudo neurological, gastrointestinal, allergies and flu health complaints) and with overall physical symptoms. Research was conducted on the sample of 214 hospital nurses in Rijeka. The results of hierarchical regression analyses in which personality traits were included as predictor variables in the first and job and organizational attitudes in the second step show that personality traits significantly predicted all measures of physical symptoms except symptoms of allergies and flu health complaints, and that after controlling for personality traits job and organizational attitudes significantly increase the coefficient of multiple correlation in prediction of musculoskeletal, pseudo neurological, flu health complaints and overall physical symptoms, increasing accounted variance for additional 5 to 9 %. Although personality traits significantly predicted various groups of physical symptoms, the results obtained show that only neuroticism is significant positive predictor. Considering job and organizational attitudes, job satisfaction is significant negative predictor of musculoskeletal, pseudo neurological, flu health complaints and overall physical symptoms, while instrumental commitment is significant positive predictor of pseudo neurological symptoms and symptoms of allergies