14 research outputs found

    Heavy metals content in alfalfa cultivated on vertisols along the highway e75 from Belgrade to Leskovac (Serbia)

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    In order to assess the health and safety of animal feed, in ten samples of soil and plant material, collected along the E75 highway from Belgrade to Leskovac, it was examined the content of heavy metals: Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Co, As, and their accumulation in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) grown on vertisols. Samples of soil and aerial part of the plant material were collected from the both sides of lanes at locations where the studied plant species was cultivated, at 10, 30, 50 and 400 m perpendicular to the direction of the highway. Soil and plant analyses of the metals content were done according to ICP methodology. Analysis of the soil samples showed the following: the content of total forms of Cr and Ni was above the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) in 50% of samples tested; the content of Pb was above the MPC in 30% of samples tested; in the other soil samples the values of the examined parameters were within permissible limits. In five of the ten tested plant samples Cr content was above the toxic concentrations, and in one sample it was above the maximum tolerance levels for animal feed. In one sample of alfalfa it was determined the contents of As and Pb above the toxic levels. In addition, the concentrations of Co and Pb above the normal levels were registered in one sample of plant material, but they were below the maximum tolerance levels for animal feed. The obtained results suggest a caution in the use of alfalfa, grown near the highway route, for animal feed, because of the potential entry of heavy metals into the food chain. The study also revealed that increased concentrations of analyzed elements occurred at all distances from the route lanes

    Procena uticaja navodnjavanja viŔegodiŔnjih zasada na stabilnost strukturnih mikroagregata i rizik od stvaranja pokorice

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    The soil structure is very dynamic measure, especially in the topsoil horizon, given that changes can occur under the influence of climatic factors, cultivated plants, amelioration measures and tillage. In the area of the Danube region, in September 2015, it was conducted the study on the effect of the perennial plants irrigation on the structural microaggregates stability and the risk of the soil crusting on three selected locations in agricultural soil samples taken from the surface layer (0-30 cm). In the analysed soil samples in disturbed state it was determined the ratio between the total content of particles of less than 0.002 mm (clay) in soil samples prepared with sodium pyrophosphate and the content of such particles in soil suspension prepared with water. The degree of the stability of microaggregates was expressed according to Vageler, in relation to their estimated stability index. The risk of the soil crust formation was determined according to a Van der Watt & Claassen pattern. The obtained results showed that the soil samples have stable to very stable degree of the structural microaggregates stability and that an irrigation did not significantly affect the analysed parameter. In the analysed samples the risk of the soil crusting is high to borderline.Struktura zemljiÅ”ta je veoma dinamična veličina, naročito u orničnom horizontu, koji je i ispitivan, obzirom da do promena može doći pod uticajem klimatskih činilaca, gajenih biljaka, primenjenih meliorativnih mera i obrade. Na području Podunavske oblasti, tokom septembra 2015. godine, sprovedena su ispitivanja uticaja navodnjavanja viÅ”egodiÅ”njih zasada na stabilnost strukturnih mikroagregata i rizik od stvaranja pokorice na tri odabrane lokacije u uzorcima poljoprivrednog zemljiÅ”ta iz povrÅ”inskog sloja (0-30 cm). U ispitivanim uzorcima zemljiÅ”ta u poremećenom stanju, određen je stepen stabilnosti mikroagregata, izražen prema Vageler-u, na osnovu određenog odnosa između ukupnog sadržaja čestica manjih od 0,002 mm (gline) u uzorku zemljiÅ”ta pripremljenog sa natrijum pirofosfatom i sadržaja tih čestica u suspenziji zemljiÅ”ta pripremljenog sa vodom. Određen je i rizik od stvaranja pokorice, po obrascu Van der Watt & Claassena. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da ispitivani uzorci zemljiÅ”ta imaju stabilan do vrlo stabilan stepen stabilnosti strukturnih mikroagregata i da navodnjavanje nije u znatnoj meri uticalo na ispitivani parametar. U ispitivanim uzorcima rizik od stvaranja pokorice je visok do graničan


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    All of the negative social phenomena that are related to abuse of narcotic drugs by the drug addicts and drug mafia, and all the more the illegal producing and distribution toward school children and youth are becoming the constant follow of society and one of the factors of slowing down the social-economic development of countries (especially those in transitional period). In order to better oppose all shapes that are putting safety at risk, socio-medical illnesses and terrorism on drugs, our society needs to organize all of the subjects in order to implement measures for their timely and legally stopping. Thatā€™s why it is needed to explain this phenomena of abusing narcotic substances and psycho-active substances or PAS to young people in theory and in practice from a different aspects. Based on the received answers and their conclusions we can choose suitable measures, means and actions as an adequate social reaction on negative phenomenon related to drug abuse and psycho-active substance

    Case Study upon Foliar Application of Biofertilizers Affecting Microbial Biomass and Enzyme Activity in Soil and Yield Related Properties of Maize and Wheat Grains

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    This study evaluated the effects of the application of microbial inoculants (N-fixing Klebsiella planticola and Enterobacter spp.), two rates of composite mineral fertilizers, and their combination on microbial biomass carbon (MBC), dehydrogenase (DHA), and proteinase activity (PTA) in Lessivated Cambisol and yield-related properties of maize and wheat grains in a two-year trial. Unfertilized soil was used as a control variant. MBC was measured using the chloroform fumigation-extraction method, DHA was determined spectrophotometrically by measuring the intensity of the formed red-colored triphenyl formazan, while PTA was determined using a titration method by measuring the degree of gelatine decomposition. In grain samples, P was determined spectrophotometrically, K—by flame emission photometry, N—on an elemental carbon/nitrogen/sulfur (CNS) analyzer, and crude proteins—by calculation of N content. Measuring both crops’ yield was carried out at the end of the vegetation. The results indicated that mineral fertilizers are not, in general, negative for soil microbiota when used in the context of sustainable agriculture without monoculture. There is a significant increase in the values of soil MBC, DHA, and PTA in the variants with combined application of bacterial inoculants and lower rates of mineral fertilizers. The highest values of these parameters were determined in the period with a better distribution of precipitation during the vegetation period of the year. The mentioned combination also resulted in a higher grain yield of maize and wheat comparing to the application of lower rates of the NPK nutrients solely. The combined application of high rates of mineral fertilizers and bacterial inoculants resulted in significantly increased N, P, K, and protein content in the grains of crops, and the same applied to yield. Concluding, studied bacterial inoculants can be used to specify the replacement of nitrogen fertilizers, stimulating the microbial biomass and enzyme activity in the soil, helping to ensure that the supply of nutrients contributing to an optimized yield of crops is maintained

    Evaluation of platelet activation in leukocyte-depleted platelet concentrates during storage

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    Structural and functional changes in platelets during storage can lead to the loss of platelet reactivity and response. Our aim was to evaluate leukocyte-depleted platelet concentrates on storage days 0, 3 and 5, obtained by in-line filtration. In non-filtered platelet concentrates (NF-PC) group, 180 whole blood units were collected with quadruple blood bags and then compared to another group of 180 whole blood units (leukocyte-depleted platelet concentrates [LD-PC]), collected in Imuflex Whole Blood Filter Saving Platelets (WB-SP) bags with an integrated leukoreduction filter, with regard to the platelet quality and characteristics. The efficacy of the two techniques for platelet concentrate preparation was evaluated by white blood cell (WBC) and platelet count on day 0. The partial pressure of oxygen (pO2), pH, platelets positive for P-selectin (CD62P), CD63, cluster of differentiation 42b (CD42b), phosphatidylserine (PS), and mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) were analyzed during the storage in both groups. A significantly lower WBC count and higher platelet count was observed in LD-PC compared to NF-PC group, indicating the overall efficacy of the first technique. During the 5-day storage, pH and pO2 decreased in both groups. In LD-PC group, higher pH, increased pO2 and decreased platelet surface expression of CD62P, CD63 and PS were observed compared to NF-PC group. In both groups, the percentage of CD42b positive platelets and MMP did not change significantly during the 5-day period. The assessment of different markers of platelet activation may be an effective tool in evaluating the quality of platelets during storage. A better understanding of platelet activation may provide new insights for developing a novel therapeutic approach in the manipulation of platelet aggregation


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    The heparin therapy in acute myocardial infarct as well as in unstable anginapectoris is useful though risk-taking. New recommendations presented by competentassociations also included the results of the recent studies; thus, it is expected thatthey would improve the quality of daily work in the coronary unit. The cardiologistare obliged to get to know and to apply adequately the given exact advice as well asthe principles that the recommendations are based upon.Some possible shortcomings of these suggestions are also perceived; theiranalysis can help create an attitude implying that the advice is not to be taken as alaw. We consider it ethically proper to include, as an indispensable part, an explanationof one's own achievements and shortcomings in the recommendations. Thismeans that the doctors dealing with the respective urgent problems will have to takea critical view of the recommendations on the basis of their own knowledge,experience and logic

    Heavy Metals Content in Selected Medicinal Plants Commonly Used as Components for Herbal Formulations

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    For the majority of the world population medicinal plants represent the primary source of the health care. Therefore determining the content of heavy metals, accumulated in medicinal plants, is of high importance. Thus, the purpose of this research was to evaluate the content of heavy metals and two metalloids in selected medicinal plants (Matricaria chamomilla L., Melissa officinalis L., Mentha piperita L. and Foeniculum vulgare Mill.), that are traditionally used in alternative medicine. The plant materials were collected in a highly industrialized town (Pancevo). Plant analyses were done according to ICP methodology. The obtained results show that the contents of the potentially toxic elements in the investigated medicinal plant species were below the recommended limits and those medicinal plants from the studied growing site are suitable for preparation of teas and medicinal extracts

    Heavy Metals Content in Selected Medicinal Plants Commonly Used as Components for Herbal Formulations

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    For the majority of the world population medicinal plants represent the primary source of the health care. Therefore determining the content of heavy metals, accumulated in medicinal plants, is of high importance. Thus, the purpose of this research was to evaluate the content of heavy metals and two metalloids in selected medicinal plants (Matricaria chamomilla L., Melissa officinalis L., Mentha piperita L. and Foeniculum vulgare Mill.), that are traditionally used in alternative medicine. The plant materials were collected in a highly industrialized town (Pancevo). Plant analyses were done according to ICP methodology. The obtained results show that the contents of the potentially toxic elements in the investigated medicinal plant species were below the recommended limits and those medicinal plants from the studied growing site are suitable for preparation of teas and medicinal extracts

    Ekstrakti i sekundarni metaboliti biljaka: potencijalni ā€žalatā€œ u alternativnoj zaÅ”titi biljaka gajenih u zatvorenom prostoru

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    An excessive use of most of the synthetic pesticides has created different types of environmental and toxicological problems. Since the plants, as a way of self-protect, can produce the biologicaly active metabolites that prevent the reproduction of the pathogens, the possibilities of using plant extracts and phytopreparations in plant protection from pests in indoors production were observed in this paper. In order to realize the above mentioned, it is necessary, among all, to adjust the technology of obtaining the active plant preparations with the conditions of agricultural production and to develop an adequate advertising, so the produced biopesticides could find their application with consumers.Intenzivna primena većine sintetičkih pesticida može prozrokovati brojne probleme su ekoloÅ”ke i toksikoloÅ”ke prirode. Polazeći od činjenice da biljke, kao jedan vid sopstvene zaÅ”tite, mogu da sintetizuju biotički aktivne metabolite, koji sprečavaju razmnožavanje patogena, u radu su razmatrane mogućnosti primene ekstrakata i gotovih preparata na bazi bilja u zaÅ”titi biljaka od bolesti i Å”tetočina u zaÅ”tićenim prostorima. Da bi se to postiglo, potrebno je, između ostalog, prilagoditi tehnologiju dobijanja aktivnih biljnih preparata uslovima poljoprivredne proizvodnje i razviti adekvatan marketing kako bi proizvedeni biopesticidi naÅ”li svoju primenu kod potroÅ”ača

    Microelements and Heavy Metals Content in Frequently Utilized Medicinal Plants Collected from the Power Plant Area

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    The effectiveness of medicinal plants is mainly associated with their active constituents, but one of the major quality problems frequently encountered is their high trace metals content that can be associated to extensive pollution of the environment where medicinal plants grow. Therefore the aim of this research was to evaluate the content of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn and As in selected and frequently used medicinal plants, including chicory, broadleaf, common comfrey and dandelion. The plant material was collected from their wild habitats in the area of highly developed power plant activity during the summer of 2015. Plant analyses were done according to ICP methodology, using ICAP 6300 ICP optical emission spectrometer. The obtained results showed that the content of As, Cd, Co, Mn, Ni and Zn in the investigated medicinal plant species was below the maximum permissible concentration, while in all parts of all studied plants the concentration of Cr was toxic. The toxic concentrations of Cu were determined in root and aerial parts of chicory and common comfrey, and the toxic concentrations of Fe in root and aerial parts of dandelion and broadleaf plantain, and in aerial parts of common comfrey. However, high but not toxic content of Pb was found in aerial parts of chicory. It can be concluded that medicinal plants from the studied growing site are not appropriate for use in alternative medicine and that a determination of trace metals content in these plants must become a standard criterion for evaluation of their quality