67 research outputs found

    Kontrola uzgoja u srodstvu u populaciji banijske Å”are svinja pomoću optimizacijskih metoda

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    The aim of the study was to estimate genetic diversity parameters for Banija spotted pig population and to apply optimisation methods to control the inbreeding in the population in three different scenarios. The first scenario consisted of minimizing inbreeding by minimizing the average kinship without considering breeding values. The second scenario was to minimize inbreeding by minimizing the average kinship accounting for breeding values. The third scenario was to apply traditional optimal contribution selection by maximizing the breeding value of the offspring. A total of 5 boars and 49 sows were selected to create mating plan minimise inbreeding in the next generation. The average inbreeding coefficient in the population was 6.97, while effective population size was 8.47. In the first scenario, different kinship constrains between candidates resulted in a change in the number of selected animals and a change in the average breeding values, such that the number of selected candidates increased when the constraint on kinship was stronger, with a simultaneous decrease in breeding values. The second scenario resulted in increased inbreeding when additional weight was placed on genetic gain. The Maximisation of breeding values resulted with drastically increased average inbreeding coefficient in the next generation. Due the small total and effective population size, the application of optimisation methods demonstrated that genetic improvement is possible at a high cost of loss of the genetic variability and preservation of diversity remains the first objective in the breeding programme for Banija spotted pig.Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti parametre genetske raznolikosti za populaciju banijske Å”are svinje i primijeniti metode optimizacije s ciljem kontrole uzgoja u srodstvu u populaciji u tri različita scenarija. Prvi scenarij bio je minimizirati uzgoj u srodstvu minimiziranjem prosječnog srodstva u populaciji bez uključivanja uzgojnih vrijednosti. Drugi scenarij bio je minimiziranje uzgoja u srodstvu minimiziranjem prosječnog srodstva uzimajući u obzir uzgojne vrijednosti. Treći scenarij bio je primijeniti tradicionalni pristup selekciji s optimiziranim doprinosima doprinosa maksimiziranjem uzgojne vrijednosti u potomstvu. Ukupno je odabrano 5 nerastova i 49 krmača za izradu plana sparivanja koji će omogućiti minimiziranje inbreedinga u sljedećoj generaciji. Prosječni F u populaciji bio je 6,97, a Ne 8,47. U prvom scenariju različita ograničenja srodstva između kandidata rezultirala su promjenom broja odabranih životinja i mijenjanjem prosječnih uzgojnih vrijednosti tako da se broj odabranih kandidata povećavao kada je ograničenje srodstva bilo jače, uz istodobno smanjenje uzgojnih vrijednosti. Drugi scenarij rezultirao je povećanim uzgojem u srodstvu kada je dodana dodatna težina na genetski napredak. Maksimiziranje uzgojnih vrijednosti rezultiralo je dramatičnim povećanjem koeficijenta uzgoja u srodstvu u sljedećoj generaciji. Zbog male ukupne i efektivne veličine populacije, primjena metoda optimizacije pokazala je da je genetski napredak moguć uz veći gubitak genetske varijabilnosti, a očuvanje raznolikosti ostaje prvi cilj u uzgojnom programu analizirane pasmine

    The Influence of Genotype and Production Conditions on the Fertility of Sows in Outdoor System

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    The aim of investigation was detected effect of genotype and climate conditions on fertility of sows kept in the outdoor system. The fertility of Black Slavonian breed, F1-Black Slavonian x Duroc and F1 Swedish Landrace x Large White were proveded in conditions of continental climate and German Landrace in conditions of Mediterran climate. The number of live born piglets per litter was: 7.42, 8.54, 9.80 and 10.35 (P<0.01) and reared piglets per litter was: 6.62, 7.66, 8.03 and 9.45 (P<0.01). Higher death rates of piglets of F1- Swedish Landrace x Large White by 7.28% in relation to the Black Slavonian and by 7.70% in relation to F1 Black Slavonian x Duroc results from higher death rates of this combinations (23.67%) during a colde part of the year. The research shows that resistant genotypes: Black Slavonian breed and F1 Black Slavonian x Duroc are suitable for keeping in outdoor in conditions of the conetinetal climate. German Landrace breed provided to be suitable for keeping in the outdoor system of production in conditions of Mediterran climate. That confirm low mortality of piglets of 8,7%

    Partition of genetic trend for daily gain by sex in Landrace, Large White, Pietrain, and Duroc pigs

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    The objective of this study was to analyse the efficienncy of genetic improvement of pigs for average daily gain (ADG) in a conventional pig breeding programme in Croatia for Landrace (L), Large White (LW), Pietrain (P), and Duroc (D) breeds. Phenotype data was available for 30 210 L pigs, 11 657 LW pigs, 3653 P pigs, and 549 D pigs born between 1998 and 2017. Pedigree information contained information about sex of each animal. This information was used to partition genetic trends by sex. Breeding values were estimated using animal model. The estimated genetic trends in L and P breeds were favourable and different from zero at the end of the analysed period. The genetic trend did not show remarkable improvement in analysed period in LW and D breeds. The relative contribution of male animals was 57% in L, 51% in LW, 70% in P, and 50% in D breed. The analyses suggest that breeding activities and selection decisions involving the choice of the animals should be re-evaluated in LW and D breed

    The Influence of Genotype and Production Conditions on the Fertility of Sows in Outdoor System

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    The aim of investigation was detected effect of genotype and climate conditions on fertility of sows kept in the outdoor system. The fertility of Black Slavonian breed, F1-Black Slavonian x Duroc and F1 Swedish Landrace x Large White were proveded in conditions of continental climate and German Landrace in conditions of Mediterran climate. The number of live born piglets per litter was: 7.42, 8.54, 9.80 and 10.35 (P<0.01) and reared piglets per litter was: 6.62, 7.66, 8.03 and 9.45 (P<0.01). Higher death rates of piglets of F1- Swedish Landrace x Large White by 7.28% in relation to the Black Slavonian and by 7.70% in relation to F1 Black Slavonian x Duroc results from higher death rates of this combinations (23.67%) during a colde part of the year. The research shows that resistant genotypes: Black Slavonian breed and F1 Black Slavonian x Duroc are suitable for keeping in outdoor in conditions of the conetinetal climate. German Landrace breed provided to be suitable for keeping in the outdoor system of production in conditions of Mediterran climate. That confirm low mortality of piglets of 8,7%

    Three-Axisā€™ Heat Loss Anemometer Comprising Thick-Film Segmented Thermistors

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    NTC thick-film segmented thermistors were used as anemometer sensing devices. They were screen printed of thick-film thermistor paste based on modified NiMn2O4 fine powder, organic vehicle, and glass frit. Their electrical properties, such as resistance vs. temperature R(T) and thermistor exponential factor B were obtained using measurements in the climatic test chamber. A uniaxial anemometer was formed using a thick-film segmented thermistor, which was placed in the hole drilled in rectangular piece of thermally insulating material. The uniaxial anemometer was used for the optimization of operating point of segmented thermistors as self-heating/wind sensing devices. The dc supply voltage was correlated with the air temperature sub-ranges (RCV). The power save mode such as 30s self-heating/5 min pause was used to measure the thermistor response on stable wind blow. The three-axis' anemometer was formed using five sensor devices placed in five holes drilled in the cubical piece of thermally insulating material: three thermistor sensors measure wind speed on the x, y, z - axes, the fourth sensor Pt 1000 measures the air temperature T, while the fifth sensor (capacitive type) measures humidity H. The obtained sensitivity and inaccuracy were compared with respective ones of other anemometers

    Teaching of programming in the cloud: A paradigm for the new era

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    Istraživanja prezentovana u ovom radu su delimično finansirana sredstvima Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnoloÅ”kog razvoja RS, ugovor br. 451-03-68/2022-14/200132 čiji je realizator Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Čačku ā€“ Univerziteta u Kragujevcu.The paper presents web-based services and tools that are used in programming practice and can be used by teachers and students when mastering material related to programming. This material is provided in programs for teaching and learning for the subject of Informatics and Computing in the eighth grade of elementary school, i.e. Computing and informatics in the second year of high school. The paper aims to guide teachers to the existence of these tools and popularize their use and transition to a new teaching concept when it comes to programming, according to the advantages that these tools have in comparison to their desktop versions, which teachers are familiar with through the textbooks of all publishing houses available on the domestic market.Publishe

    Genetic Parameters for Number of Piglets Born Alive Using a Random Regression Model

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    A random regression model (RRM) was applied to estimate dispersion parameters for number of piglets born alive (NBA) from first to tenth parity. Random regressions on Legendre polynomials of standardized parity were included for common litter environmental, permanent environmental and additive genetic effects. Estimated phenotypic variance and variance components (ratios) for NBA changed over parities and differed between farms. Eigenvalues for additive genetic effect were calculated in order to detect the proportion of additive genetic variability explained with individual production curves of animals. Existence of the 10-20 % genetic variability in the shape of the curves confirms a possibility for selection on persistency in litter size

    Black slavonian pig

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    Crna slavonska svinja je autohtona hrvatska pasmina čiji nastanak datira iz druge polovine 19 stoljeća. Stvorio ju je grof Pfeier križanjima krmača Crne Mangalice s BerkÅ”ir nerastima, a križanci su povremeno popravljani križanjem s Poland China nerastima. Do 1950-tih Crna slavonska svinja bila je najraÅ”irenija pasmina u Slavoniji i uvelike se koristila za proizvodnju masti i tradicionalnih mesnih proizvoda. Uvođenjem modernih pasmina i križanaca, broj Crnih slavonskih svinja drastično se smanjio te je tijekom 1990-tih opstanak pasmine postao ugrožen. Kao rezultat poduzetih mjera zaÅ”tite i državnih poticaja efektivna populacija dosta se povećala posljednjih godina te je u 2008. godini brojala 78 nerasta i 669 krmača. Pasmina je dobro prilagođena za držanje na otvorenom i tra- dicionalni sustav uzgoja koji uključuje iskoriÅ”tavanje paÅ”njaka i Å”umskih ispaÅ”a uz prihranu malim količinama žitarica. Veličina legala je mala, u prosjeku 7 do 8 prasadi. Tovne sposobnosti također su skromne uz niske dnevne priraste i visok udio masti u trupu. Među- tim, pasmina se odlikuje dobrom kakvoćom mesa uz posebice visok udio intramuskularne masnoće (6-7%) i visoku vrijednost mesnih prerađevina. Povećanje proizvodnje i razvoj tržiÅ”ta tradicionalnih mesnih proizvoda, kao Å”to je Slavonski kulen, može u budućnosti predstavljati najbolji put za dugoročno očuvanje Crne slavonske pasmine kao sastavnog dijela bioloÅ”ke raznolikosti.Black Slavonian pig is an autochthonous Croatian breed created in the second half of the 19th century. Until the 1950s it was the most widespread breed in the Slavonia, mainly used for the production of fat and meat products. Recently, the population was drastically reduced and in 1990s the survival of the breed was endangered. Due to current protection measures the eective population rather increased; in 2006 there were 46 boars and 604 sows. The breed is well adopted for outdoor keeping. Traditional production includes the utilization of pasture and woodland with supplement of a small amount of grains. Litter size of the breed is low, on average 7-8 piglets. The fattening abilities are also modest, with low daily gains and high share of fat in the carcass. However, the meat quality is good, with high content of intramuscular fat (6-7%) and high appreciation of its meat products, like Slavonian kulen sausage. As a part of current trends of support of sustainable and traditional food production systems, it becomes important to preserve the pro- duction systems of local breeds and their products. Increase in production of traditional meat products, like Slavonian kulen, could be the best way for long-term preservation of Black Slavonian breed as an integral part of future biological diversity


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    The European Union is developing as a community of uneven economic development of its members. On the one hand the economy of Western Europe and the Baltic Sea is classified into the leading world economies; on the other side, Central and Eastern Europe are now the economies in transition. This non uniformity of the European Union causes the various forms of intervention, financial and guiding, as for example: strategic documents. Their purpose is to raise the level of development and to narrow the gap between the economies in transition and the developed European economies. One intention of important strategic documents is to focus on the concept of regional development, strengthening of the local government and formation of the European model of development, which is based on affirmation of regional competitive advantages. The question is if it is possible and how to develop a model of regional development in the political, social and economic conditions which prevail in the transition economies. Taking into account the above, the purpose of this study is to analyse basic components of the factors, which affect the operating system of development and to valorise the basic factors of the model of regional development, which should be the cornerstone of the national economic development of all the member states. The research hypothesis posed is that strategic documents of the European Union constitute the key factor in the concept of regional economic development of the national economies of Europe. The research question which needs an answer is how the whole system of economic development, on the macro level works, and what prerequisites are necessary to ensure its functioning. Some economies in transition, such as the Croatian economy are trying to base their development on the legal framework, which should also work in the operating sphere of the economy. The question is whether it is possible. This study looks into this issue
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