60 research outputs found

    Structural analysis of three-metal explosion joint: Zirconium-titanium-steel

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    The influence of applied explosion joining parameters on the structure and strength of three-metal joints: Zr-Ti-Steel is analyzed in this paper. Zirconium was explosively clad on steel over an inter-layer of titanium. Zirconium-titanium-steel joint is produced during simultaneous cladding operation using a single cladding shot and plan parallel joining scheme. The metallographic analysis of interfaces Zr/Ti and Ti/Steel structures and microhardness measuring are performed. Mechanical testing of bond strength is performed on both interfaces by shear strength examinations

    Influence of Argon and Helium Purging Flow Rates on the Fusion Zone in Autogenous Stationary TIG Arc Welding of 316L Stainless Steel

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    The impact of argon and helium purging flow rates of 4 l/min and 10 l/min on fusion zone dimensions and shape was investigated. Experiments were performed during an autogenous stationary TIG welding process for welding times of 7 s, 14 s, and 21 s. For a welding time of 7 s, the flow rate of the argon and helium purging gases almost did not affect the fusion zone. When the welding time was extended (14 s), the argon purging flow rate also had no significant effect on the fusion zone. However, increasing the helium purging flow rate resulted in a significant (approx. 20 %) increase in weld penetration. Arc time of 21 s and an argon flow rate of 10 l/min decreased the weld penetration by around 17 %. On the other hand, an increased helium flow rate had the opposite effect, leading to an increase of approx. 17 % in weld penetration

    Medoperativne aktivnosti zdravstvene nege pri ginekološki operaciji po nanda taksonomiji

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    Pojava hladnih pukotina pri zavarivanju visokočvrstog čelika S960 QL

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    The paper presents the study of weldability of micro-alloyed high-strength S960 QL steel with the application of experimental methods and mathematical models from the aspect of cold cracks occurrence. In the experimental part of the research RD (Research Department) test was applied to estimate the steels susceptibility to the occurrence of cold cracks. For the analysis of the impact of heat input on the mechanical properties of the welded joint the test steels were welded with one, two or more runs, out of which samples were made for the production of specimens in order to measure the hardness and impact strength in HAZ (heat affected zone). Based on the obtained results an estimate was provided regarding the weldability of S 960 QL steel as well as the proposal for further research.U ovom radu provedeno je istraživanje zavarljivosti mikrolegiranog čelika visoke čvrstoće S960 QL uz primjenu eksperimentalnih metoda i matematičkih modela s aspekta pojave hladnih pukotina. U eksperimentalnom dijelu istraživanja primjenjen je RD test za procjenu sklonosti čelika na pojavu hladnih pukotina. Za analizu utjecaja unosa topline na mehanička svojstva zavarenog spoja, zavarene su ispitne ploča s jednim, dva i više prolaza od kojih su načinjeni uzorci za izradu epruveta za mjerenje tvrdoća i udarne radnje loma u ZUT- u. Na osnovi rezultata dana je ocjena zavarljivosti čelika S 960 QL

    Sensors and their classification in the fusion weldingtechnology

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    U radu su navedeni i opisani najčešće korišteni senzorski sustavi u suvremenoj zavarivačkoj industriji koja u današnje vrijeme podrazumijeva robotizirane sustave. Predstavljene su podjele senzora u ovisnosti o mehanizmima djelovanja te mjerenim parametrima, a prvenstveno se pozornost posvetila robotiziranim postupcima zavarivanja (MIG/MAG, elektrootporno i lasersko zavarivanje). Ukratko su objašnjeni mehanizmi djelovanja pojedinih senzorskih sustava skupa s njihovim mogućim ograničenjima, prednostima ili specifičnostima.In this paper the most commonly used sensing systems in modern welding industry, which nowadays includes robotic systems, are listed and analysed. According to mechanisms of action and measured parameters, several classifications of sensor systems are presented. MIG/MAG, resistance and laser beam welding processes are the most commonly robotized ones in the industry and therefore special attention is given to them. Several characteristics, limitations and advantages of sensor systems are presented and mechanisms of action are briefly described

    Sensors and their classification in the fusion weldingtechnology

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    U radu su navedeni i opisani najčešće korišteni senzorski sustavi u suvremenoj zavarivačkoj industriji koja u današnje vrijeme podrazumijeva robotizirane sustave. Predstavljene su podjele senzora u ovisnosti o mehanizmima djelovanja te mjerenim parametrima, a prvenstveno se pozornost posvetila robotiziranim postupcima zavarivanja (MIG/MAG, elektrootporno i lasersko zavarivanje). Ukratko su objašnjeni mehanizmi djelovanja pojedinih senzorskih sustava skupa s njihovim mogućim ograničenjima, prednostima ili specifičnostima.In this paper the most commonly used sensing systems in modern welding industry, which nowadays includes robotic systems, are listed and analysed. According to mechanisms of action and measured parameters, several classifications of sensor systems are presented. MIG/MAG, resistance and laser beam welding processes are the most commonly robotized ones in the industry and therefore special attention is given to them. Several characteristics, limitations and advantages of sensor systems are presented and mechanisms of action are briefly described