196 research outputs found

    La collaborazione eterorganizzata: fattispecie e disciplina = Heterorganized collaboration: case and discipline. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 296/2016

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    The author, resuming a previous brief reflection, investigates the "eterorganizzate" collaborations, introduced by Article 2 of Legislative Decree n. 81/2015 in the context of a broader redefinition made by the so-called Jobs Act of the contents and protections of the work performed to others. By deepening the dialogue with the wide doctrinal debate already developed, at first he argues that the provision inevitably takes as reference some employment relationships, whose nature was autonomous before the recent reform. Secondly, the author believes that Article 2, par. 1, by reflecting ongoing changes, considers such relationships as part of the discipline of the subordination, although the discipline is applied in a modular and selective way, because of some system constraints that hinder its thorough extension. Beyond the immediate practical impact on litigation about qualification, from that provision it derives a new unprecedented legal situation that has a social character, but is a hybrid one, and it cannot be considered as a new access channel to the "subordination". Taking into account the derogative power attributed by law to collective bargaining one can already understand the delicacy and importance of this new perspective

    Legittimità costituzionale del contratto di lavoro a tutele crescenti, tutela reale per il licenziamento ingiustificato, tecnica del bilanciamento = Constitutional legitimacy of the employment contract with increasing protections, real protection for unjustified dismissal, balancing technique. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 260/2015

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    This paper underlines essentially how in Italian constitutional jurisprudence, the true protection against unjustified dismissals, although neither national nor supranational legislation imposes this, constitutes a remedy that corresponds to the full implementation of the Founding Fathers’ original aim, accomplishing the protection gradually, while taking into account the general state of the economy. What follows from this is, first of all, that it is part of the legislator’s discretion to suppress or exclude it, but only temporarily and in accordance with the technique of the balancing of principles; secondly, that the drastic reduction in said protection, as in the case

    Art. 19 dello Statuto dei lavoratori, democrazia sindacale e realismo della Consulta nella sentenza n. 231/2013 = Art. 19 of the Workers' Statute, trade union democracy and the realism of the Consultation in judgment 231/2013. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 201/2014

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    After the ruling of the Constitutional Court no. 231 of 2013, the author believes that, according to Article 19 of Workers' Statute, the "significantly-representative" trade union has, first, the right to participate in the negotiations for the conclusion of collective agreements and, secondly and consequently, the right to have the peculiar prerogatives provided for in Title III of the Statute. The author comes to this conclusion by focusing on the reasoning in the judgment, which is inevitably considered crucial to make sense of this new intervention on the Statute provision. In particular, the "changed scenario of trade union relations", which represents the starting point of the Constitutional Court, in the author's opinion, fully explains the reasoning in the judgment and the above-mentioned conclusion. Such conclusion is very innovative on the systematic plan, but respectful of the vital circuits of dialectics and of trade union democracy first of all in a historical-sociological perspective. Finally, the author points out that the right of the significantly-representative trade union to participate in the negotiation of the collective agreements eloquently intersects the latest trends of the collective autonomy: this right finds in the latest trends, on the one hand, useful indications to acquire a more precise normative content and, on the other hand, receives confirmation of the ne for its placing in a regulatory intervention, which has to be far-reaching, but - this is a fundamental aspect - necessarily of a legislative character

    Costituzione, cittadinanza, organizzazione sindacale = Constitution, citizenship, trade union organization. WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" .IT - 131/2011

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    Within the Constitutions of 20th century, social rights qualify "work" as an expression of the person and a functioning cornerstone of the society. In particular, the right to organise in order to carry out union activities - functionally projected toward the collective dimension - is an essential tool to guarantee the integrity of the individual/employee and thence a crucial element of his/her "citizenship". In front of the deep transformations occurring, labour law cannot put aside anymore an adequate settlement of the relationship between the individual and collective dimension, in perspective of strengthening the dialogue among the numerous implied values

    L’Assicurazione della Qualità nell’Ateneo Federiciano. Dopo la visita Anvur per l’accreditamento periodico

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    L’attenzione si è concentrata sui rilevanti progressi compiuti dall’Ateneo nella organizzazione complessiva della didattica in questi ultimi anni e nelle ulteriori potenzialità racchiuse nel sistema della qualit

    Crisi dell'impresa e diritto sindacale

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    La relazione si occupa delle ripercussioni delle difficoltĂ  dell'impresa e del contesto economico generale sul sistema sindacale, in particolare nella sua dimensione effettiva

    La collaborazione eterorganizzata: fattispecie e disciplina

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    L'autore, riprendendo una sua precedente breve riflessione, indaga le “collaborazioni eterorganizzate”, introdotte dall'art. 2 del d. lgs. n. 81/2015 nell’ambito di una più generale ridefinizione di contenuti e confini delle tutele per il lavoro prestato a favore di altri operata dal cd. Jobs Act. Approfondendo anzitutto il dialogo con l'ampio dibattito già sviluppatosi, egli sostiene che la norma, in primo luogo, inevitabilmente assuma a riferimento rapporti, sino a ieri, di natura autonoma; in secondo luogo, riflettendo mutamenti in atto da tempo, riconduca sì, tali rapporti, nell'ambito della disciplina della subordinazione, ma con un'applicazione della stessa probabilmente solo tendenziale, modulabile in ragione anzitutto dei vincoli di sistema che ne impediscono l'integrale estensione. Al di là dell’immediato concreto impatto sul contenzioso qualificatorio, ne deriva, più che un nuovo canale di accesso alla fattispecie "subordinazione", un'inedita fattispecie, sempre a carattere sociale ma ibrida, di non facile configurazione. La delicatezza e la rilevanza di questa nuova prospettiva si apprezzano già nell'importante ruolo "derogatorio" attribuito alla contrattazione collettiva
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