Art. 19 dello Statuto dei lavoratori, democrazia sindacale e realismo della Consulta nella sentenza n. 231/2013 = Art. 19 of the Workers' Statute, trade union democracy and the realism of the Consultation in judgment 231/2013. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 201/2014


After the ruling of the Constitutional Court no. 231 of 2013, the author believes that, according to Article 19 of Workers' Statute, the "significantly-representative" trade union has, first, the right to participate in the negotiations for the conclusion of collective agreements and, secondly and consequently, the right to have the peculiar prerogatives provided for in Title III of the Statute. The author comes to this conclusion by focusing on the reasoning in the judgment, which is inevitably considered crucial to make sense of this new intervention on the Statute provision. In particular, the "changed scenario of trade union relations", which represents the starting point of the Constitutional Court, in the author's opinion, fully explains the reasoning in the judgment and the above-mentioned conclusion. Such conclusion is very innovative on the systematic plan, but respectful of the vital circuits of dialectics and of trade union democracy first of all in a historical-sociological perspective. Finally, the author points out that the right of the significantly-representative trade union to participate in the negotiation of the collective agreements eloquently intersects the latest trends of the collective autonomy: this right finds in the latest trends, on the one hand, useful indications to acquire a more precise normative content and, on the other hand, receives confirmation of the ne for its placing in a regulatory intervention, which has to be far-reaching, but - this is a fundamental aspect - necessarily of a legislative character

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