5,509 research outputs found

    Is There Only One Solution of the Dyson-Schwinger Equation for Quark Propagator in the Case of Non-zero Current Quark Mass

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    In this letter it is shown on general ground that there exist two qualitatively distinct solutions of the Dyson-Schwinger equation for the quark propagator in the case of non-zero current quark mass. One solution corresponds to the ``Nambu-Goldstone'' phase and the other one corresponds to the ``Wigner'' phase in the chiral limit.Comment: 7 page

    On the thermalization of a Luttinger liquid after a sequence of sudden interaction quenches

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    We present a comprehensive analysis of the relaxation dynamics of a Luttinger liquid subject to a sequence of sudden interaction quenches. We express the critical exponent β\beta governing the decay of the steady-state propagator as an explicit functional of the switching protocol. At long distances β\beta depends only on the initial state while at short distances it is also history dependent. Continuous protocols of arbitrary complexity can be realized with infinitely long sequences. For quenches of finite duration we prove that there exist no protocol to bring the initial non-interacting system in the ground state of the Luttinger liquid. Nevertheless memory effects are washed out at short-distances. The adiabatic theorem is then investigated with ramp-switchings of increasing duration, and several analytic results for both the propagator and the excitation energy are derived.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Protein Structure Prediction: The Next Generation

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    Over the last 10-15 years a general understanding of the chemical reaction of protein folding has emerged from statistical mechanics. The lessons learned from protein folding kinetics based on energy landscape ideas have benefited protein structure prediction, in particular the development of coarse grained models. We survey results from blind structure prediction. We explore how second generation prediction energy functions can be developed by introducing information from an ensemble of previously simulated structures. This procedure relies on the assumption of a funnelled energy landscape keeping with the principle of minimal frustration. First generation simulated structures provide an improved input for associative memory energy functions in comparison to the experimental protein structures chosen on the basis of sequence alignment

    Dynamics of Magnetic Defects in Heavy Fermion LiV2O4 from Stretched Exponential 7Li NMR Relaxation

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    7Li NMR measurements on LiV2O4 from 0.5 to 4.2 K are reported. A small concentration of magnetic defects within the structure drastically changes the 7Li nuclear magnetization relaxation versus time from a pure exponential as in pure LiV2O4 to a stretched exponential, indicating glassy behavior of the magnetic defects. The stretched exponential function is described as arising from a distribution of 7Li nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rates and we present a model for the distribution in terms of the dynamics of the magnetic defects. Our results explain the origin of recent puzzling 7Li NMR literature data on LiV2O4 and our model is likely applicable to other glassy systems.Comment: Four typeset pages including four figure

    Compact Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna Using a Composite Right/Left-Handed Transmission Line Unit-Cell

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    A compact circularly polarized (CP) patch antenna using a composite right/left-handed (CRLH) transmission line (TL) unit-cell is proposed. The CRLH TL unit-cell includes a complementary split ring resonator (CSRR) for shunt inductance and a gap loaded with a circular-shaped slot for series capacitance. The CSRR can decrease the TM10 mode resonance frequency, thus reducing the electrical size of the proposed antenna. In addition, the asymmetry of the CSRR brings about the TM01 mode, which can be combined with the TM10 mode by changing the slot radius. The combination of these two orthogonal modes with 90° phase shift makes the proposed antenna provide a CP property. The experimental results show that the proposed antenna has a wider axial ratio bandwidth and a smaller electrical size than the reported CP antennas. Moreover, the proposed antenna is designed without impedance transformer, 90° phase shift, dual feed and ground via

    Flavour symmetry breaking in the kaon parton distribution amplitude

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    We compute the kaon's valence-quark (twist-two parton) distribution amplitude (PDA) by projecting its Poincare'-covariant Bethe-Salpeter wave-function onto the light-front. At a scale \zeta=2GeV, the PDA is a broad, concave and asymmetric function, whose peak is shifted 12-16% away from its position in QCD's conformal limit. These features are a clear expression of SU(3)-flavour-symmetry breaking. They show that the heavier quark in the kaon carries more of the bound-state's momentum than the lighter quark and also that emergent phenomena in QCD modulate the magnitude of flavour-symmetry breaking: it is markedly smaller than one might expect based on the difference between light-quark current masses. Our results add to a body of evidence which indicates that at any energy scale accessible with existing or foreseeable facilities, a reliable guide to the interpretation of experiment requires the use of such nonperturbatively broadened PDAs in leading-order, leading-twist formulae for hard exclusive processes instead of the asymptotic PDA associated with QCD's conformal limit. We illustrate this via the ratio of kaon and pion electromagnetic form factors: using our nonperturbative PDAs in the appropriate formulae, FK/Fπ=1.23F_K/F_\pi=1.23 at spacelike-Q2=17GeV2Q^2=17\,{\rm GeV}^2, which compares satisfactorily with the value of 0.92(5)0.92(5) inferred in e+ee^+ e^- annihilation at s=17GeV2s=17\,{\rm GeV}^2.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, 3 table