7 research outputs found

    LineCap: Line Charts for Data Visualization Captioning Models

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    Data visualization captions help readers understand the purpose of a visualization and are crucial for individuals with visual impairments. The prevalence of poor figure captions and the successful application of deep learning approaches to image captioning motivate the use of similar techniques for automated figure captioning. However, research in this field has been stunted by the lack of suitable datasets. We introduce LineCap, a novel figure captioning dataset of 3,528 figures, and we provide insights from curating this dataset and using end-to-end deep learning models for automated figure captioning

    Web-based laboratory for collaborative and concurrent CAD designing, assembling, and practical exercising on distance

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    Kolaborativno modeliranje dislociranih učesnika postaje neophodan segment pravovremenog CAD projektiranja. Kompleksni sustavi namijenjeni kolaborativnom projektiranju su velika investicija i iz tog razloga njihova uporaba nije česta. Iako većina CAD programa ima module za suradnju, takva rješenja mogu predstavljati veliki trošak, posebice obrazovnim institucijama koje obučavaju veliki broj studenata. Između ostalog, spomenuti moduli uglavnom rade u određenom CAD programu i pružaju podršku za uvoz i izvoz ograničenog broja CAD formata. U ovom je radu prikazano rješenje otvorenog koda koje nadilazi prethodno navedene probleme. Predloženo rješenje omogućava praktičan rad na daljinu, kombinirajući najčešće rabljene CAD alate u industrijskom dizajnu. U radu je opisana uporaba virtualnog laboratorija za brzo projektiranje izvođenjem praktičnih vježbi, arhitektura predloženog rješenja, modeliranje laboratorija i metode za kreiranje njegovih funkcija. Praktičan primjer prikazuje kolaborativno sklapanje zrakoplova između udaljenih sudionika, s dijelovima modeliranim u različitim CAD paketima. Upotrebljivost laboratorija prikazana je izradom prototipa sklopljenog modela na 3D tiskaču i njegovog završnog testa u zračnom tunelu. Dana je kvalitativna i kvantitativna evaluacija predloženog rješenja. U zaključnom dijelu, dana su predviđanja po pitanju uporabe tehnologija za izgradnju virtualnih laboratorija i virtualnih sklopova.Collaborative CAD of distant modelling is a today’s necessity for realization in a timely manner. This need arises even within educational institutions, where investments in the development of technologies to support collaborative distance learning are still trivial. Most CAD programs used in engineering have modules for collaboration. However, these solutions are expensive, especially for educational institutions that have a large number of students. The mentioned modules generally work within a specific CAD platform and support import and export of a limited number of CAD formats. In this paper, we present an open-source solution that overcomes these problems. It implements practical work at a distance by combining most commonly used CAD platforms in engineering. In this paper, we describe how to use virtual laboratory for rapid designing through execution of practical exercises. The architecture of the proposed solution, the modelling of the laboratory and methods for creating its functions are described. Also, given is a tangible example of collaborative aircraft assembly between distant students, with parts modelled in different CAD packages, and the usability of labs presented through prototype builds on 3D printer and the final test in the wind tunnel. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations were conducted. Conclusions set the direction of the future development using various technologies for building virtual assembly laboratory

    Exploring Mid-Air Hand Interaction in Data Visualization

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    Interacting with data visualizations without an instrument or touch surface is typically characterized by the use of mid-air hand gestures. While mid-air expressions can be quite intuitive for interacting with digital content at a distance, they frequently lack precision and necessitate a different way of expressing users' data-related intentions. In this work, we aim to identify new designs for mid-air hand gesture manipulations that can facilitate instrument-free, touch-free, and embedded interactions with visualizations, while utilizing the three-dimensional (3D) interaction space that mid-air gestures afford. We explore mid-air hand gestures for data visualization by searching for natural means to interact with content. We employ three studies - an Elicitation Study, a User Study, and an Expert Study, to provide insight into the users' mental models, explore the design space, and suggest considerations for future mid-air hand gesture design. In addition to forming strong associations with physical manipulations, we discovered that mid-air hand gestures can: promote space-multiplexed interaction, which allows for a greater degree of expression; play a functional role in visual cognition and comprehension; and enhance creativity and engagement. We further highlight the challenges that designers in this field may face to help set the stage for developing effective gestures for a wide range of touchless interactions with visualizations

    Information Visualisation, Gamification and Immersive Technologies in Participatory Planning

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    Public participation in the decision-making processes that shape the urban environments we inhabit is an imperative aspect of a democratic society. Recent developments in the fields of Information Visualization, Gamification and Immersive Technologies (AR/VR/MR) offer novel opportunities for civic engagement in the planning process that remain largely unexplored. This SIG aims to identify ways in which these technologies can be used to tackle the public participation challenges identified by the European Commission, the UN Habitat and the World Bank and experienced by citizens across the world. The overarching goal of this SIG is to define methods and processes where technology can facilitate public participation in the planning process for the inclusive and democratic development of our cities. The overarching goal of this SIG is to bring together an interdisciplinary group of practitioners, academics and policy makers from the CHI communities (Design, User Experience, HCI for Development (HCI4D), Sustainability and Games & Entertainment) and beyond, to discuss innovative ways to increase the transparency, accountability and democratic legitimacy of this innately political process

    Neurodegenerative diseases: model organisms, pathology and autophagy

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