31 research outputs found

    Despite its sequence identity with canonical H4, Drosophila H4r product is enriched at specific chromatin regions

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    Histone variants are different from their canonical counterparts in structure and are encoded by solitary genes with unique regulation to fulfill tissue or differentiation specific functions. A single H4 variant gene (His4r or H4r) that is located outside of the histone cluster and gives rise to a polyA tailed messenger RNA via replication-independent expression is preserved in Drosophila strains despite that its protein product is identical with canonical H4. In order to reveal information on the possible role of this alternative H4 we epitope tagged endogenous H4r and studied its spatial and temporal expression, and revealed its genome-wide localization to chromatin at the nucleosomal level. RNA and immunohistochemistry analysis of H4r expressed under its cognate regulation indicate expression of the gene throughout zygotic and larval development and presence of the protein product is evident already in the pronuclei of fertilized eggs. In the developing nervous system a slight disequibrium in H4r distribution is observable, cholinergic neurons are the most abundant among H4r-expressing cells. ChIP-seq experiments revealed H4r association with regulatory regions of genes involved in cellular stress response. The data presented here indicate that H4r has a variant histone function

    Phase separated ribosome-nascent chain complexes in genotoxic stress response

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    Assemblysomes are EDTA- and RNase-resistant ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes of paused ribosomes with protruding nascent polypeptide chains. They have been described in yeast and human cells for the proteasome subunit Rpt1, and the disordered N-terminal part of the nascent chain was found to be indispensable for the accumulation of the Rpt1-RNP into assemblysomes. Motivated by this, to find other assemblysome-associated RNPs we used bioinformatics to rank subunits of Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein complexes according to their N-terminal disorder propensity. The results revealed that gene products involved in DNA repair are enriched among the top candidates. The Sgs1 DNA helicase was chosen for experimental validation. We found that indeed nascent chains of Sgs1 form EDTA-resistant RNP condensates, assemblysomes by definition. Moreover, upon exposure to UV, SGS1 mRNA shifted from assemblysomes to polysomes, suggesting that external stimuli are regulators of assemblysome dynamics. We extended our studies to human cell lines. The BLM helicase, ortholog of yeast Sgs1, was identified upon sequencing assemblysome-associated RNAs from the MCF7 human breast cancer cell line, and mRNAs encoding DNA repair proteins were overall enriched. Using the radiation-resistant A549 cell line, we observed by transmission electron microscopy that 1,6-hexanediol, an agent known to disrupt phase-separated condensates, depletes ring ribosome structures compatible with assemblysomes from the cytoplasm of cells and makes the cells more sensitive to X-ray treatment. Taken together these findings suggest that assemblysomes may be a component of the DNA damage response from yeast to human

    Predictive Potential of RNA Polymerase B (II) Subunit 1 (RPB1) Cytoplasmic Aggregation for Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Failure

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    We aimed to investigate the contribution of co-translational protein aggregation to the chemotherapy resistance of tumor cells. Increased co-translational protein aggregation reflects altered translation regulation that may have the potential to buffer transcription under genotoxic stress. As an indicator for such an event, we followed the cytoplasmic aggregation of RPB1, the aggregation-prone largest subunit of RNA polymerase II, in biopsy samples taken from patients with invasive carcinoma of no special type. RPB1 frequently aggregates co-translationally in the absence of proper HSP90 chaperone function or in ribosome mutant cells as revealed formerly in yeast. We found that cytoplasmic foci of RPB1 occur in larger sizes in tumors that showed no regression after therapy. Based on these results, we propose that monitoring the cytoplasmic aggregation of RPB1 may be suitable for determining—from biopsy samples taken before treatment—the effectiveness of neoadjuvant chemotherapy

    1,6-Hexanediol Is Inducing Homologous Recombination by Releasing BLM from Assemblysomes in Drosophila melanogaster

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    We recently demonstrated that 1,6-hexanediol inhibits the formation of assemblysomes. These membraneless cell organelles have important roles in co-translational protein complex assembly and also store halfway translated DNA damage response proteins for a timely stress response. Recognizing the therapeutic potential of 1,6-hexanediol in dismantling assemblysomes likely to be involved in chemo- or radiotherapy resistance of tumor cells, we initiated an investigation into the properties of 1,6-hexanediol. Our particular interest was to determine if this compound induces DNA double-strand breaks by releasing the BLM helicase. Its yeast ortholog Sgs1 was confirmed to be a component of assemblysomes. The BLM helicase induces DNA damage when overexpressed due to the DNA double-strand breaks it generates during its normal function to repair DNA damage sites. It is evident that storing Sgs1 helicase in assemblysomes is crucial to express the full-length functional protein only in the event of DNA damage. Alternatively, if we dissolve assemblysomes using 1,6-hexanediol, ribosome-nascent chain complexes might become targets of ribosome quality control. We explored these possibilities and found, through the Drosophila wing-spot test assay, that 1,6-hexanediol induces DNA double-strand breaks. Lethality connected to recombination events following 1,6-hexanediol treatment can be mitigated by inducing DNA double-strand breaks with X-ray. Additionally, we confirmed that SMC5 recruits DmBLM to DNA damage sites, as knocking it down abolishes the rescue effect of DNA double-strand breaks on 1,6-hexanediol-induced lethality in Drosophila melanogaster

    Ccr4-Not is at the core of the eukaryotic gene expression circuitry

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    In this mini-review, we summarize our current knowledge about the cross-talk between the different levels of gene expression. We introduce the Ccr4 (carbon catabolite repressed 4)-Not (negative on TATA-less) complex as a candidate to be a master regulator that orchestrates between the different levels of gene expression. An integrated view of the findings about the Ccr4-Not complex suggests that it is involved in gene expression co-ordination. Since the discovery of the Not proteins in a selection for transcription regulators in yeast [Collart and Struhl (1994) Genes Dev. 8: , 525-537], the Ccr4-Not complex has been connected to every step of the mRNA lifecycle. Moreover, it has been found to be relevant for appropriate protein folding and quaternary protein structure by being involved in co-translational protein complex assembly

    Building on the Ccr4-Not architecture

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    In a recent issue of Nature Communications Ukleja and co-workers reported a cryo-EM 3D reconstruction of the Ccr4-Not complex from Schizosaccharomyces pombe with an immunolocalization of the different subunits. The newly gained architectural knowledge provides cues to apprehend the functional diversity of this major eukaryotic regulator. Indeed, in the cytoplasm alone, Ccr4-Not regulates translational repression, decapping and deadenylation, and the Not module additionally plays a positive role in translation. The spatial distribution of the subunits within the structure is compatible with a model proposing that the Ccr4-Not complex interacts with the 5' and 3' ends of target mRNAs, allowing different functional modules of the complex to act at different stages of the translation process, possibly within a circular constellation of the mRNA. This work opens new avenues, and reveals important gaps in our understanding regarding structure and mode of function of the Ccr4-Not complex that need to be addressed in the future

    1,6-Hexanediol Is Inducing Homologous Recombination by Releasing BLM from Assemblysomes in Drosophila melanogaster

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    We recently demonstrated that 1,6-hexanediol inhibits the formation of assemblysomes. These membraneless cell organelles have important roles in co-translational protein complex assembly and also store halfway translated DNA damage response proteins for a timely stress response. Recognizing the therapeutic potential of 1,6-hexanediol in dismantling assemblysomes likely to be involved in chemo- or radiotherapy resistance of tumor cells, we initiated an investigation into the properties of 1,6-hexanediol. Our particular interest was to determine if this compound induces DNA double-strand breaks by releasing the BLM helicase. Its yeast ortholog Sgs1 was confirmed to be a component of assemblysomes. The BLM helicase induces DNA damage when overexpressed due to the DNA double-strand breaks it generates during its normal function to repair DNA damage sites. It is evident that storing Sgs1 helicase in assemblysomes is crucial to express the full-length functional protein only in the event of DNA damage. Alternatively, if we dissolve assemblysomes using 1,6-hexanediol, ribosome-nascent chain complexes might become targets of ribosome quality control. We explored these possibilities and found, through the Drosophila wing-spot test assay, that 1,6-hexanediol induces DNA double-strand breaks. Lethality connected to recombination events following 1,6-hexanediol treatment can be mitigated by inducing DNA double-strand breaks with X-ray. Additionally, we confirmed that SMC5 recruits DmBLM to DNA damage sites, as knocking it down abolishes the rescue effect of DNA double-strand breaks on 1,6-hexanediol-induced lethality in Drosophila melanogaster

    Not5-dependent co-translational assembly of Ada2 and Spt20 is essential for functional integrity of SAGA.

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    Acetylation of histones regulates gene expression in eukaryotes. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae it depends mainly upon the ADA and SAGA histone acetyltransferase complexes for which Gcn5 is the catalytic subunit. Previous screens have determined that global acetylation is reduced in cells lacking subunits of the Ccr4–Not complex, a global regulator of eukaryotic gene expression. In this study we have characterized the functional connection between the Ccr4–Not complex and SAGA. We show that SAGA mRNAs encoding a core set of SAGA subunits are tethered together for co-translational assembly of the encoded proteins. Ccr4–Not subunits bind SAGA mRNAs and promote the co-translational assembly of these subunits. This is needed for integrity of SAGA. In addition, we determine that a glycolytic enzyme, the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase Tdh3, a prototypical moonlighting protein, is tethered at this site of Ccr4–Not-dependent co-translational SAGA assembly and functions as a chaperone