11 research outputs found

    Environmental attitudes of Hungarian students and the prospects for environmental education

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    The efficiency of primary education is of fundamental importance in environmental education. The aim of this survey was to evaluate the environmental attitudes of young teenagers in Hungary, learning their preferences regarding plants and animals, their reasoning, and opinions about conservation. Therefore, a complex questionnaire containing 11 open questions and 5 closed questions were completed in 2016 for students between the age of 13 and 14 years. This age group was selected based on the curriculum suited the best to this type of investigation and the already advanced level of knowledge for the student. Printed questionnaires were provided to the student attending to primary schools personally, and they were asked to fill them in their class supervised by their teachers to minimalize external influences. There were 744 students living in 92 settlements of different sizes who have filled the questionnaires in 2017. These questionnaires were grouped according to the student’ gender, settlement sizes (six categories), and type of home (detached house, apartment building, or prefabricated panel building). Here we report the first results after assessing the questionnaires. According to their preferences toward plants or animals, the great majority of the responders (91.3%) favored animals, and there was no difference between boys and girls in this respect. The size of the settlements and the type of the students’ home did not influence animal preference. These results suggest that teachers should particularly focus on plants in their biology and environmental education programs. When students were asked about their favorite plants, almost 80 percent of them gave priority to local plant species, especially flowers (73.1%). More than three-quarters (77%) of the families of the students asked have at least one pet or domestic animal, and almost two-thirds (64.4%) of them wish to have even more - although 71.1% of them live in apartment buildings or prefabricated panel buildings. Students meet animals most often (52.8%) locally, and domestic mammals are those animals that the highest proportion (41.8%) of them encounter. More than half (54%) of the children go outdoors/make an excursion at least once in a month, but 11 percent of them have no such experiences. When asked about conservation, 77.7% of the children stated that they would save all of the living creatures, and 12.1% chose to save only the useful ones. This information may help in focusing on special areas for environmental education or developing new strategies and tools for it

    A Solanum stoloniferum eredetű burgonya Y vírus immunitás gén (Rysto) finomtérképezése és lokalizálása a tetraploid burgonya genomban = Fine mapping and localisation of potato virus Y immunity gene of Solanum stoloniferum (Rysto) in tetraploid potato genome

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    Jelen kutatás célja a Solanum stoloniferum vad burgonya fajból származó burgonya Y vírus extrém rezisztencia gén (Rysto) finomtérképezése és lokalizálása volt a tetraploid burgonya genomban. Munkánk során előállítottunk egy 1100 F1 egyedet tartalmazó térképező populációt, amely hasad az Rysto génre nézve. Minden egyes genotípust hagyományos rezisztencia tesztekkel fenotipizáltunk, majd két - az Rysto génhez kapcsolt - markerrel elvégeztük genotipizálásukat is. A populáció 1:1 hasadási arányt mutatott, tehát a gén szimplex állapotban van jelen a rezisztens szülő genomjában. A populációból 88 genotípust véletlenszerűen kiválasztva négy különböző technikával megkíséreltünk a génnel szorosan kapcsolt további markereket azonosítani. Kutatásaink során Intron- targeting technikával azonosítottunk egy új markert a burgonya kataláz génjében, amely kapcsolt a Rysto génnel. Mivel a kataláz gén helyzete ismert, így a marker lehetővé tette a Rysto gén helyzetének egyértelmű meghatározását is a burgonya XII. kromoszómájára. További újabb, a génnel szorosan kapcsolt markert nem tudtunk azonosítani, azonban a detektált polimorf szekvenciákból részleges kapcsoltsági térképet szerkesztettünk a térképező populáció két szülőpartnerében. A térkép a későbbiekben alkalmas lehet egyéb, a nemesítés szempontjából jelentős gének/tulajdonságok térképezésére is. | The aims of present research project were fine mapping and localisation of extreme resistance gene Rysto originating from Solanum stoloniferum in the tetraploid potato genome. In the research project a mapping population segregating for Rysto gene with 1100 F1 individuals was developed. The phenotype of each individual was determined with conventional serological methods, while their genotype was determined also based on the use of two markers linked to the Rysto gene. The results revealed 1:1 segregation ratio and indicates the presence of a single dominant resistance gene in simplex state in the genome of resistant parent. As a subset population 88 F1 individuals was randomly chosen from the mapping population and four different molecular techniques were applied to identify further markers linked to Rysto gene. During the project one new marker linked to the Rysto gene was identified in the catalase gene of potato by Intron targeting method. Because the chromosomal position of catalase gene is known, it allowed the exact localisation of Rysto gene on chromosome XII of potato. We could not detect additional new markers closely linked to the gene, however by the use of polymorphic sequences were constructed a partial linkage map in both parents of mapping population. In the future these maps could be used for the mapping of other genes/characters being important for breeding purposes

    A GHRH szerepe az alvásszabályozásban = The role of GHRH in sleep regulation

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    Kísérleteink célja a szomatotrop rendszer alvásszabályozásban betöltött szerepének vizsgálata volt. A spontán törpe patkányokra növekedési hormon (GH)-hiány és fokozott GHRH-hatás jellemző, melynek oka a GH-gén mutációja. Alvásvizsgálataink megerősítik azt az elképzelést, hogy a NREM-alvás szabályozásában a GHRH-nak, míg a REM-alvás, és a NREM-alvás alatti EEG lassú hullámú aktivitás mediálásában a GH-nak van szerepe. A ghrelin a szomatotrop rendszer új tagja. Kísérleteink szerint a ghrelin gátolja mind a NREM-, mind a REM-alvást, ami azt mutatja, hogy a ghrelinnek szerepe lehet az alvás szabályozásában. Meghatároztuk a plazma és a hypothalamus ghrelintartalmának, valamint a plazma leptinszintjének napszaki ritmusát és ezt összevetettük az alvás-ébrenlét és a táplálékfelvétel ritmusával. Kimutattuk, hogy míg szoros összefüggés van ezen hormonok és a táplálékfelvétel között, addig nincs közvetlen kapcsolat a ghrelin, valamint a leptin napszaki változása és az alvás-ébrenlét ritmusa között. Ugyanakkor alvásmegvonás hatására a ghrelinszintben bekövetkező változások a hypothalamikus ghrelin alvásszabályozásban betöltött szerepére utalhatnak. Tanulmányoztuk a mediobazális hypothalamus (MBH) és a preoptikus régió kapcsolatainak az alvásszabályozásban betöltött szerepét. Az MBH elülső és oldalsó kapcsolatainak elválasztásához Halász-késes technikát alkalmaztunk. Az eredmények arra utalnak, hogy ezeknek a projekcióknak fontos szerep jut az alvásszabályozásban. | The aim of this grant was to ivestigate the role of the somatotropic axis in sleep regulation. Spontaneous dwarf rats display growth hormone (GH)-deficiency associated with increased GH-releasing hormone (GHRH)-ergic activity due to a mutation in the GH gene. The results of the sleep-studies with this strain of rats support the ideas that GHRH is involved in NREM sleep regulation and that GH is involved in the regulation of REM sleep and in EEG slow wave activity regulation during NREMS. Ghrelin is a new member of the somatotropic system. Our data show that ghrelin suppress NREM sleep and REM sleep supporting the notion that ghrelin has a role in sleep regulation. We determined the relationships among plasma ghrelin and leptin concentrations and hypothalamic ghrelin contents, and sleep, and feeding in rats. While a strong relationship may exist between these hormones and feeding, the ghrelin and leptin rhythms failed to exhibit obvious direct connections to the diurnal sleep-wake rhythm. However, the variations in hypothalamic ghrelin concentrations might be associated with sleep-wake activity. We investigated the physiological connections of the medial basal hypothalamus (MBH) and the anterior hypothalamus/preoptic area in sleep regulation. We have utilized Halasz knife technique to isolate anterior and lateral connections of the MBH. The results indicate that these projections are important in the regulation of NREM sleep and the circadian rhythm of the REM sleep

    Solanum stoloniferum alapú burgonya Y vírus immunitás gén (RYsto) molekuláris genetikai vizsgálata = Molecular genetic investigation of Solanum stoloniferum

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    A burgonya Y vírus (PVY) világviszonylatban az egyik legveszélyesebb kórokozója a burgonyának. A termést erős fertőzés, és fogékony fajta esetén akár 100 %-kal is csökkentheti. Az ellene való legcélravezetőbb védekezési lehetőség a rezisztens fajták termesztése. Ennek megfelelően kutatási projektünk célja a keszthelyi fajtákra jellemző S. stoloniferum vad burgonyafaj eredetű Rysto Y vírus extrém rezisztencia gén molekuláris genetikai vizsgálata, ezen belül a génnel szorosan kapcsolt DNS markerek azonosítása, valamint az Rysto expressziójával kapcsolatba hozható cDNS-ek izolálása volt. A munka során a White Lady fajtán dolgozva, AFLP és RAPD technikákat alkalmazva, a vizsgált génhez négy szorosan kapcsolt, a szakirodalomban publikált egyéb Rysto markerektől különböző markert azonosítottunk. A markerek megbízhatóságát 3 populáción is leellenőriztük. Meghatároztuk a markerek szekvencia sorrendjét, melynek alapján egy marker a paradicsom 12-es, 3 marker pedig a burgonya 5-ös kromoszómáján lévő szekvenciákkal mutatott magas homológiát. A White Lady fajtából mesterséges PVY fertőzés után különböző időpontokban RNS-t izoláltunk, s elkezdtük first strand szintézist követően olyan cDNS klóntárak készítését, melyek a génizolálás későbbi kiindulási alapját jelenthetik. | The potato virus Y (PVY) is one of the most important potato pathogen worldwide. In case of severe infection and susceptible variety the yield reduction can reach 100 %. The most effective way of protection against PVY is the cultivation of resistant varieties. Accordingly the goal of our research project was the molecular study of Rysto extreme resistance gene originating from the wild potato species S. stoloniferum and being common in Keszthely?s bred potato varieties. Among this we focused on the identification of DNA markers tightly linked to the resistance gene as well as on the identification of cDNAs expressed as the effect of the expression of Rysto gene. During the study working on variety White Lady for markers tightly linked to the resistance gene was identified by the help of AFLP and RAPD techniques. These markers were proved to be different from all previously published Rysto markers. The reliability of the markers were proved on three different populations. Based on their sequencing data one of them showed high homology to a region of chromosome XII of tomato, while the other three to a region of chromosome V of potato. RNAs were isolated at different timing after artificial infection of White Lady with PVY. Later creation of cDNA libraries being useful as a starting point for a later gene isolation study was started after first strand synthesis

    A burgonya Y vírus gumó nekrotikus gyűrűsfoltosság törzsével szemben extrém rezisztenciát (immunitást) biztosító gének vizsgálata vad Solanum fajokban hagyományos és molekuláris módszerekkel = Study of extreme resistance genes in wild Solanum species to the tuber necrotic ringspot strain of potato virus Y by traditional and molecular methods

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    A kutatások munkák során vad Solanum fajok (S. acroscopicum, S. albornosii, S. arnesii, S. ambosinum, S. tarnii) genotípusainak PVYNTN fertőzéssel szemben mutatott reakcióinak virológiai és molekuláris jellemzését végeztük el a Pannon Egyetem Georgikon Karán. Célunk az eredmények felhasználása burgonyanemesítési programokban. DAS-ELISA vírusfertőzési vizsgálatokkal elkülönítettük a vad fajok fogékony és rezisztens klónjait (S. arnesii, S. acroscopicum; illetve S. tarnii esetében). A térképezési populáció előállítása céljából végzett keresztezéseink azonban minden alkalommal és kombinációban sikertelenek voltak. Ezért vizsgáltuk szomatikus Solanum hibridek (Solanum tarnii + Delikat fajta protoplasztfúziójával) és visszakeresztezett nemzedékük tulajdonságait is, de fogékony egyedet nem sikerült azonosítanunk. Ismert (5 db) és saját fejlesztésű (4 db) Ry marker jelenlétét nem sikerült kimutatnunk a vizsgált vad fajokban. A Solanum ambosinum (PI 568916) faj fogékony és rezisztens klónjait használtuk fel a génkifejeződés vizsgálata során, cDNS szubtrakciós kísérletekben. Sikerült stressz-indukált géneket kimutatnunk a mintákból, amelyek PVY rezisztenciával való esetleges kapcsoltságának kimutatására további vizsgálatokat folytatunk. | Conventional and molecular methods of investigations were employed in this research program at the University of Pannonia, Georgikon Faculty, Keszthely, to determine the reactions of different genotypes of wild Solanum species (S. acroscopicum, S. albornosii, S. arnesii, S. ambosinum, S. tarnii) to PVY infection. The aim of the research was to obtain useful information which could be employed in potato breeding programs. Susceptible (S. arnesii, S. acroscopicum) and resistant (S. tarnii) clones were determined by using DAS-ELISA method for showing virus infection. Intra and interspecific crosses for creating mapping populations were unsuccessful in every occasion and combination. Somatic hybrids of Solanum tarnii + Delikat obtained by protoplast fusions and their backcross generations were also investigated, but PVY susceptible plants were not identified. The presence of known and self-developed Ry markers in the Solanum species investigated were not showed. The PVY susceptible and resistant clones of the species of Solanum ambosinum (PI 568916) were used to study gene expression by employing the method of cDNA hybridization. Stress-induced genes were determined, but to verify their possible linkeages to PVY resistance requires further research to be done

    ‘Garlic-lipo’4Plants: Liposome-Encapsulated Garlic Extract Stimulates ABA Pathway and PR Genes in Wheat (<i>Triticum aestivum</i>)

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    Recently, environmentally friendly crop improvements using next-generation plant biostimulants (PBs) come to the forefront in agriculture, regardless of whether they are used by scientists, farmers, or industries. Various organic and inorganic solutions have been investigated by researchers and producers, focusing on tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses, crop quality, or nutritional deficiency. Garlic has been considered a universal remedy ever since antiquity. A supercritical carbon dioxide garlic extract encapsulated in nanoscale liposomes composed of plant-derived lipids was examined as a possible PB agent. The present study focused on the characterization of the genes associated with the pathways involved in defense response triggered by the liposome nanoparticles that were loaded with supercritical garlic extracts. This material was applied to Triticum aestivum in greenhouse experiments using foliar spraying. The effects were examined in a large-scale genome-wide transcriptional profiling experiment by collecting the samples four times (0 min, used as a control, and 15 min, 24 h, and 48 h after spraying). Based on a time-course expression analysis, the dynamics of the cellular response were determined by examining differentially expressed genes and applying a cluster analysis. The results suggested an enhanced expression of abscisic acid (ABA) pathway and pathogenesis-related (PR) genes, of which positive regulation was found for the AP2-, C2H2-, HD-ZIP-, and MYB-related transcription factor families

    &lsquo;Garlic-lipo&rsquo;4Plants: Liposome-Encapsulated Garlic Extract Stimulates ABA Pathway and PR Genes in Wheat (Triticum&nbsp;aestivum)

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    Recently, environmentally friendly crop improvements using next-generation plant biostimulants (PBs) come to the forefront in agriculture, regardless of whether they are used by scientists, farmers, or industries. Various organic and inorganic solutions have been investigated by researchers and producers, focusing on tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses, crop quality, or nutritional deficiency. Garlic has been considered a universal remedy ever since antiquity. A supercritical carbon dioxide garlic extract encapsulated in nanoscale liposomes composed of plant-derived lipids was examined as a possible PB agent. The present study focused on the characterization of the genes associated with the pathways involved in defense response triggered by the liposome nanoparticles that were loaded with supercritical garlic extracts. This material was applied to Triticum aestivum in greenhouse experiments using foliar spraying. The effects were examined in a large-scale genome-wide transcriptional profiling experiment by collecting the samples four times (0 min, used as a control, and 15 min, 24 h, and 48 h after spraying). Based on a time-course expression analysis, the dynamics of the cellular response were determined by examining differentially expressed genes and applying a cluster analysis. The results suggested an enhanced expression of abscisic acid (ABA) pathway and pathogenesis-related (PR) genes, of which positive regulation was found for the AP2-, C2H2-, HD-ZIP-, and MYB-related transcription factor families

    Natural immunity stimulation using ELICE16INDURES® plant conditioner in field culture of soybean

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    Recently, climate change has had an increasing impact on the world. Innate defense mechanisms operating in plants - such as PAMP-triggered Immunity (PTI) - help to reduce the adverse effects caused by various abiotic and biotic stressors. In this study, the effects of ELICE16INDURES® plant conditioner for organic farming, developed by the Research Institute for Medicinal Plants and Herbs Ltd. Budakalász Hungary, were studied in a soybean population in Northern Hungary. The active compounds and ingredients of this product were selected in such a way as to facilitate the triggering of general plant immunity without the presence and harmful effects of pathogens, thereby strengthening the healthy plant population and preparing it for possible stress effects. In practice, treatments of this agent were applied at two different time points and two concentrations. The conditioning effect was well demonstrated by using agro-drone and ENDVI determination in the soybean field. The genetic background of healthier plants was investigated by NGS sequencing, and by the expression levels of genes encoding enzymes involved in the catalysis of metabolic pathways regulating PTI. The genome-wide transcriptional profiling resulted in 13 contigs related to PAMP-triggered immunity and activated as a result of the treatments. Further analyses showed 16 additional PTI-related contigs whose gene expression changed positively as a result of the treatments. The gene expression values of genes encoded in these contigs were determined by in silico mRNA quantification and validated by RT-qPCR. Both - relatively low and high treatments - showed an increase in gene expression of key genes involving AOC, IFS, MAPK4, MEKK, and GST. Transcriptomic results indicated that the biosyntheses of jasmonic acid (JA), salicylic acid (SA), phenylpropanoid, flavonoid, phytoalexin, and cellular detoxification processes were triggered in the appropriate molecular steps and suggested that plant immune reactions may be activated also artificially, and innate immunity can be enhanced with proper plant biostimulants