23 research outputs found


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    The authors are analysing the connection between the deformation and martensitic trans- formation. The essence and character of this connection is, that the mechanism of the plastic deformation agrees with that of the martensitic transformation, as both are going on with twinning and slipping. This fact gives the opportunity to connect plastic defor- mation and martensitic transformation in such a way, wmch makes the alloy forced to transformation having a shape memory

    Demenciák megelőzésének gyógyszeres és egyéb lehetőségei: irodalmi összefoglaló

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    BACKGROUND: At present 34 million people live with Alzheimer's disease around the world. This figure is expected to triple in the next 40 years. The major cause of this increase is the well-known aging of the society in Europe and in the US as well. AIMS AND METHODS: In this paper we review the results of the last 10 years, and discuss those pharmaceutical and other methods, which can be effective in the prevention of dementias. RESULTS: The most important pharmaceutical agents are beta secretase inhibitors, and active and passive immunizations. Several drugs in these groups are in phase III at the moment. The results from studies with intranasal insulin are also encouraging. As a non-drug option Mediterranean diet can be effective. However at present cognitive trainings seem to be the most effective in the prevention of dementias. These remediation therapies are based on the lifelong plasticity of the human brain. CONCLUSIONS: In summary we can conclude that there are promising drug developments in progess for the prevention of dementias, but the breakthrough has not been achieved yet. At present the best option is decreasing risk factors, that is treatment of hypertension, prevention of obesity and diabetes, and cognitive trainings are recommended for prevention

    Újabb diagnosztikus és terápiás lehetőségek a refraktív sebészetben = New diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities in refractive surgery

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    A munkacsoport tisztázta a PRK, LASIK, LASEK módszerek hatékonyságát és indikációs területeit. Megállapításra került, hogy a TOSCA, WASCA eljárás bármelyik refraktív sebészeti műtét típussal kombinálható, azonban legjobb eredményeket a myopiás szemek esetében lehet elérni. Az ultrahangos pachymetria segítségével megállapításra került, hogy LASIK műtétek után a cornea edema kb. 5 napig tart. A cornealis autofluoreszcencia segítségével megállapították a PRK műtétek után jelentkező átmeneti autofloreszcencia emelkedés tendenciáját. A fyling spot technika biztonságos és hatékony eljárás, feltétele a TOSCA és WASCA módszerek alkalmazásának. Perforáló keratoplastica utáni reziduális fénytörési hibák kezelésében jól alkalmazható a LASIK eljárás, különösen a postoperatív irregularis asztigmiák kezelésében. A nagyfokban myopiás szemek (-14,0 D felett) esetében a phacoemulsificatióval kombinált lencse műtétekkel jobb eredményeket lehet elérni, mint bármelyik refraktív sebészeti műtét típussal. A 4 éves kutatási program alapján megteremtődött a modern, refraktív sebészeti oktatási anyag. A LASIK műtétek után alkalmazott UV-B besugárzás megállapította, hogy a mélyebben lévő keratocytákban is bekövetkezik a metabolikus aktiváció, azonban ennek mértéke kisebb, mint PRK műtéteket követően. A PRK műtéteket követő apoptosis leírásra került. A kutatás eredményeképpen széles, nemzetközi kooperációt sikerült kialakítani külföldi társintézményekkel. | The refractive surgical team has studied the indication and the effectivity of different surgical methods, such as PRK, LASIK and LASEK. The TOSCA and WASCA methods can be applied with any of the refractive surgical methods, best results can be expected in the treatment of myopic eyes. With the aid of ultrasound pachymetry it has been established, that corenal edema lasts approximately for 5 days following LASIK procedure. The tendency of post-PRK increase in corneal autofluorescence has also been studied. Flying spot beam delivery has been proved to be a safe and efficient technique and it is a precondition for using either TOSCA or WASCA methods. LASIK can be effectively applied in the treatment of residual ametropia in post-penetrating keratoplasty eyes and especially good for decreasing postoperative irregular astigmatism. In the treatment of high myopic eyes (above -14,0 D), phacoemulsification combined with posterior chamber lens implantation, provides better refractive results, than any of the applicable refractive surgical methods. Uv-B exposure following LASIK, causes metabolic activation in deep keratocytes, although this metabolic activation is much milder than following PRK procedures. The keratocyte apoptosis following PRK has been described during the study

    Monitoring the early signs of cognitive decline in elderly by computer games: an MRI study

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    BACKGROUND: It is anticipated that current and future preventive therapies will likely be more effective in the early stages of dementia, when everyday functioning is not affected. Accordingly the early identification of people at risk is particularly important. In most cases, when subjects visit an expert and are examined using neuropsychological tests, the disease has already been developed. Contrary to this cognitive games are played by healthy, well functioning elderly people, subjects who should be monitored for early signs. Further advantages of cognitive games are their accessibility and their cost-effectiveness. PURPOSE: The aim of the investigation was to show that computer games can help to identify those who are at risk. In order to validate games analysis was completed which measured the correlations between results of the 'Find the Pairs' memory game and the volumes of the temporal brain regions previously found to be good predictors of later cognitive decline. PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: 34 healthy elderly subjects were enrolled in the study. The volume of the cerebral structures was measured by MRI. Cortical reconstruction and volumetric segmentation were performed by Freesurfer. RESULTS: There was a correlation between the number of attempts and the time required to complete the memory game and the volume of the entorhinal cortex, the temporal pole, and the hippocampus. There was also a correlation between the results of the Paired Associates Learning (PAL) test and the memory game. CONCLUSIONS: The results gathered support the initial hypothesis that healthy elderly subjects achieving lower scores in the memory game have increased level of atrophy in the temporal brain structures and showed a decreased performance in the PAL test. Based on these results it can be concluded that memory games may be useful in early screening for cognitive decline

    Romlik-e a memória az életkorral?

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