25 research outputs found

    Experimental Results on the Interactions Between Hydrogen and Zirconium Claddings KFKI-2001-02/G (2001)

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    Experiments were performed with Zr1%Nb and Zircaloy-4 alloys to study the interaction between hydrogen and Zr containing cladding materials. Four main activities are summarised in the report: · equilibrium solubility of hydrogen in cladding with oxygen content, · escape of hydrogen during steam oxidation, · escape of hydrogen during steam oxidation of cladding alloys with H-content, · delaying effect of surface oxide layer on the hydrogen absorption from gas phase by the Zr alloys

    CODEX-3/1 and CODEX-3/2 Experiments: Quenching of High Temperature VVER Bundles KFKI-2000-03/G (2000)

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    A CODEX berendezésen magas hőmérsékletű VVER típusú fűtőelem kötegnek a hűtővízzel való kölcsönhatását vizsgáltuk súlyos baleseti körülmények között. A kísérleti berendezés legfontosabb része az elektromosan fűtött hét rúdból álló köteg. A mérések során a köteget felfűtöttük, majd hideg vízzel elárasztottuk. A két kísérletet ugyanazzal a köteggel, de eltérő körülmények között hajtottuk végre: először a köteg előoxidációját 1150 o C-on követte az elárasztás (CODEX-3/1), majd a már előoxidált köteget 1500 o C- on árasztottuk el (CODEX-3/2). A kísérletek egyik váratlan eredménye a nagyon alacsony hőmérséklet-növekedés és hidrogénképződés volt

    Ruthenium Oxidation in High Temperature Air and Release of Gaseous Ruthenium KFKI-3/2008

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    The RUSET experimental programme was launched in order to study Ru oxidation and release from fuel in high temperature air. More than forty small scale tests have been performed with mixed powder components of inactive materials and with short fuel rods. The influence of temperature, air flow rate and the presence of other fission products on the gaseous Ru release and the retention role of fuel pellets and cladding have been investigated. The test series indicated that if an air ingress type severe accident occurs most of the initial Ru mass can be released from the reactor core to the containment or environment. Some part of the released gaseous Ru undergoes precipitation and deposits on the cold surfaces, another part is released in gaseous form. The deposited Ru oxides can serve as a secondary source for further gaseous Ru releas